require 5; package Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch; use strict; use vars qw( $VERSION $HTML_RENDER_CLASS $HTML_EXTENSION $CSS $JAVASCRIPT $SLEEPY $SEARCH_CLASS @ISA ); $VERSION = '3.02'; @ISA = (); # Yup, we're NOT a subclass of Pod::Simple::HTML! # TODO: nocontents stylesheets. Strike some of the color variations? use Pod::Simple::HTML (); BEGIN {*esc = \&Pod::Simple::HTML::esc } use File::Spec (); use UNIVERSAL (); # "Isn't the Universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else!" use Pod::Simple::Search; $SEARCH_CLASS ||= 'Pod::Simple::Search'; BEGIN { if(defined &DEBUG) { } # no-op elsif( defined &Pod::Simple::DEBUG ) { *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG } else { *DEBUG = sub () {0}; } } $SLEEPY = 1 if !defined $SLEEPY and $^O =~ /mswin|mac/i; # flag to occasionally sleep for $SLEEPY - 1 seconds. $HTML_RENDER_CLASS ||= "Pod::Simple::HTML"; # # Methods beginning with "_" are particularly internal and possibly ugly. # Pod::Simple::_accessorize( __PACKAGE__, 'verbose', # how verbose to be during batch conversion 'html_render_class', # what class to use to render 'contents_file', # If set, should be the name of a file (in current directory) # to write the list of all modules to 'index', # will set $htmlpage->index(...) to this (true or false) 'progress', # progress object 'contents_page_start', 'contents_page_end', 'css_flurry', '_css_wad', 'javascript_flurry', '_javascript_wad', 'no_contents_links', # set to true to suppress automatic adding of << links. '_contents', ); # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Just so we can run from the command line more easily sub go { @ARGV == 2 or die sprintf( "Usage: perl -M%s -e %s:go indirs outdir\n (or use \"\@INC\" for indirs)\n", __PACKAGE__, __PACKAGE__, ); if(defined($ARGV[1]) and length($ARGV[1])) { my $d = $ARGV[1]; -e $d or die "I see no output directory named \"$d\"\nAborting"; -d $d or die "But \"$d\" isn't a directory!\nAborting"; -w $d or die "Directory \"$d\" isn't writeable!\nAborting"; } __PACKAGE__->batch_convert(@ARGV); } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub new { my $new = bless {}, ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; $new->html_render_class($HTML_RENDER_CLASS); $new->verbose(1 + DEBUG); $new->_contents([]); $new->index(1); $new-> _css_wad([]); $new->css_flurry(1); $new->_javascript_wad([]); $new->javascript_flurry(1); $new->contents_file( 'index' . ($HTML_EXTENSION || $Pod::Simple::HTML::HTML_EXTENSION) ); $new->contents_page_start( join "\n", grep $_, $Pod::Simple::HTML::Doctype_decl, "", "Perl Documentation", $Pod::Simple::HTML::Content_decl, "", "\n\n

Perl Documentation

\n" ); # override if you need a different title $new->contents_page_end( sprintf( "\n\n

Generated by %s v%s under Perl v%s\n
At %s GMT, which is %s local time.

\n\n\n", esc( ref($new), eval {$new->VERSION} || $VERSION, $], scalar(gmtime), scalar(localtime), ))); return $new; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub muse { my $self = shift; if($self->verbose) { print 'T+', int(time() - $self->{'_batch_start_time'}), "s: ", @_, "\n"; } return 1; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub batch_convert { my($self, $dirs, $outdir) = @_; $self ||= __PACKAGE__; # tolerate being called as an optionless function $self = $self->new unless ref $self; # tolerate being used as a class method if(!defined($dirs) or $dirs eq '' or $dirs eq '@INC' ) { $dirs = ''; } elsif(ref $dirs) { # OK, it's an explicit set of dirs to scan, specified as an arrayref. } else { # OK, it's an explicit set of dirs to scan, specified as a # string like "/thing:/also:/whatever/perl" (":"-delim, as usual) # or, under MSWin, like "c:/thing;d:/also;c:/whatever/perl" (";"-delim!) require Config; my $ps = quotemeta( $Config::Config{'path_sep'} || ":" ); $dirs = [ grep length($_), split qr/$ps/, $dirs ]; } $outdir = $self->filespecsys->curdir unless defined $outdir and length $outdir; $self->_batch_convert_main($dirs, $outdir); } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub _batch_convert_main { my($self, $dirs, $outdir) = @_; # $dirs is either false, or an arrayref. # $outdir is a pathspec. $self->{'_batch_start_time'} ||= time(); $self->muse( "= ", scalar(localtime) ); $self->muse( "Starting batch conversion to \"$outdir\"" ); my $progress = $self->progress; if(!$progress and $self->verbose > 0 and $self->verbose() <= 5) { require Pod::Simple::Progress; $progress = Pod::Simple::Progress->new( ($self->verbose < 2) ? () # Default omission-delay : ($self->verbose == 2) ? 1 # Reduce the omission-delay : 0 # Eliminate the omission-delay ); $self->progress($progress); } if($dirs) { $self->muse(scalar(@$dirs), " dirs to scan: @$dirs"); } else { $self->muse("Scanning \@INC. This could take a minute or two."); } my $mod2path = $self->find_all_pods($dirs ? $dirs : ()); $self->muse("Done scanning."); my $total = keys %$mod2path; unless($total) { $self->muse("No pod found. Aborting batch conversion.\n"); return $self; } $progress and $progress->goal($total); $self->muse("Now converting pod files to HTML.", ($total > 25) ? " This will take a while more." : () ); $self->_spray_css( $outdir ); $self->_spray_javascript( $outdir ); $self->_do_all_batch_conversions($mod2path, $outdir); $progress and $progress->done(sprintf ( "Done converting %d files.", $self->{"__batch_conv_page_count"} )); return $self->_batch_convert_finish($outdir); return $self; } sub _do_all_batch_conversions { my($self, $mod2path, $outdir) = @_; $self->{"__batch_conv_page_count"} = 0; foreach my $module (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %$mod2path) { $self->_do_one_batch_conversion($module, $mod2path, $outdir); sleep($SLEEPY - 1) if $SLEEPY; } return; } sub _batch_convert_finish { my($self, $outdir) = @_; $self->write_contents_file($outdir); $self->muse("Done with batch conversion. $$self{'__batch_conv_page_count'} files done."); $self->muse( "= ", scalar(localtime) ); $self->progress and $self->progress->done("All done!"); return; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub _do_one_batch_conversion { my($self, $module, $mod2path, $outdir, $outfile) = @_; my $retval; my $total = scalar keys %$mod2path; my $infile = $mod2path->{$module}; my @namelets = grep m/\S/, split "::", $module; # this can stick around in the contents LoL my $depth = scalar @namelets; die "Contentless thingie?! $module $infile" unless @namelets; #sanity $outfile ||= do { my @n = @namelets; $n[-1] .= $HTML_EXTENSION || $Pod::Simple::HTML::HTML_EXTENSION; $self->filespecsys->catfile( $outdir, @n ); }; my $progress = $self->progress; my $page = $self->html_render_class->new; if(DEBUG > 5) { $self->muse($self->{"__batch_conv_page_count"} + 1, "/$total: ", ref($page), " render ($depth) $module => $outfile"); } elsif(DEBUG > 2) { $self->muse($self->{"__batch_conv_page_count"} + 1, "/$total: $module => $outfile") } # Give each class a chance to init the converter: $page->batch_mode_page_object_init($self, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth) if $page->can('batch_mode_page_object_init'); $self->batch_mode_page_object_init($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth) if $self->can('batch_mode_page_object_init'); # Now get busy... $self->makepath($outdir => \@namelets); $progress and $progress->reach($self->{"__batch_conv_page_count"}, "Rendering $module"); if( $retval = $page->parse_from_file($infile, $outfile) ) { ++ $self->{"__batch_conv_page_count"} ; $self->note_for_contents_file( \@namelets, $infile, $outfile ); } else { $self->muse("Odd, parse_from_file(\"$infile\", \"$outfile\") returned false."); } $page->batch_mode_page_object_kill($self, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth) if $page->can('batch_mode_page_object_kill'); # The following isn't a typo. Note that it switches $self and $page. $self->batch_mode_page_object_kill($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth) if $self->can('batch_mode_page_object_kill'); DEBUG > 4 and printf "%s %sb < $infile %s %sb\n", $outfile, -s $outfile, $infile, -s $infile ; undef($page); return $retval; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub filespecsys { $_[0]{'_filespecsys'} || 'File::Spec' } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub note_for_contents_file { my($self, $namelets, $infile, $outfile) = @_; # I think the infile and outfile parts are never used. -- SMB # But it's handy to have them around for debugging. if( $self->contents_file ) { my $c = $self->_contents(); push @$c, [ join("::", @$namelets), $infile, $outfile, $namelets ] # 0 1 2 3 ; DEBUG > 3 and print "Noting @$c[-1]\n"; } return; } #_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- sub write_contents_file { my($self, $outdir) = @_; my $outfile = $self->_contents_filespec($outdir) || return; $self->muse("Preparing list of modules for ToC"); my($toplevel, # maps toplevelbit => [all submodules] $toplevel_form_freq, # ends up being 'foo' => 'Foo' ) = $self->_prep_contents_breakdown; my $Contents = eval { $self->_wopen($outfile) }; if( $Contents ) { $self->muse( "Writing contents file $outfile" ); } else { warn "Couldn't write-open contents file $outfile: $!\nAbort writing to $outfile at all"; return; } $self->_write_contents_start( $Contents, $outfile, ); $self->_write_contents_middle( $Contents, $outfile, $toplevel, $toplevel_form_freq ); $self->_write_contents_end( $Contents, $outfile, ); return $outfile; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub _write_contents_start { my($self, $Contents, $outfile) = @_; my $starter = $self->contents_page_start || ''; { my $css_wad = $self->_css_wad_to_markup(1); if( $css_wad ) { $starter =~ s{()}{\n$css_wad\n$1}i; # otherwise nevermind } my $javascript_wad = $self->_javascript_wad_to_markup(1); if( $javascript_wad ) { $starter =~ s{()}{\n$javascript_wad\n$1}i; # otherwise nevermind } } unless(print $Contents $starter, "
\n" ) { warn "Couldn't print to $outfile: $!\nAbort writing to $outfile at all"; close($Contents); return 0; } return 1; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub _write_contents_middle { my($self, $Contents, $outfile, $toplevel2submodules, $toplevel_form_freq) = @_; foreach my $t (sort keys %$toplevel2submodules) { my @downlines = sort {$a->[-1] cmp $b->[-1]} @{ $toplevel2submodules->{$t} }; printf $Contents qq[
\n], esc( $t, $toplevel_form_freq->{$t} ) ; my($path, $name); foreach my $e (@downlines) { $name = $e->[0]; $path = join( "/", '.', esc( @{$e->[3]} ) ) . ($HTML_EXTENSION || $Pod::Simple::HTML::HTML_EXTENSION); print $Contents qq{ }, esc($name), "  \n"; } print $Contents "
\n\n"; } return 1; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub _write_contents_end { my($self, $Contents, $outfile) = @_; unless( print $Contents "
\n", $self->contents_page_end || '', ) { warn "Couldn't write to $outfile: $!"; } close($Contents) or warn "Couldn't close $outfile: $!"; return 1; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub _prep_contents_breakdown { my($self) = @_; my $contents = $self->_contents; my %toplevel; # maps lctoplevelbit => [all submodules] my %toplevel_form_freq; # ends up being 'foo' => 'Foo' # (mapping anycase forms to most freq form) foreach my $entry (@$contents) { my $toplevel = $entry->[0] =~ m/^perl\w*$/ ? 'perl_core_docs' # group all the perlwhatever docs together : $entry->[3][0] # normal case ; ++$toplevel_form_freq{ lc $toplevel }{ $toplevel }; push @{ $toplevel{ lc $toplevel } }, $entry; push @$entry, lc($entry->[0]); # add a sort-order key to the end } foreach my $toplevel (sort keys %toplevel) { my $fgroup = $toplevel_form_freq{$toplevel}; $toplevel_form_freq{$toplevel} = ( sort { $fgroup->{$b} <=> $fgroup->{$a} or $a cmp $b } keys %$fgroup # This hash is extremely unlikely to have more than 4 members, so this # sort isn't so very wasteful )[0]; } return(\%toplevel, \%toplevel_form_freq) if wantarray; return \%toplevel; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub _contents_filespec { my($self, $outdir) = @_; my $outfile = $self->contents_file; return unless $outfile; return $self->filespecsys->catfile( $outdir, $outfile ); } #_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- sub makepath { my($self, $outdir, $namelets) = @_; return unless @$namelets > 1; for my $i (0 .. ($#$namelets - 1)) { my $dir = $self->filespecsys->catdir( $outdir, @$namelets[0 .. $i] ); if(-e $dir) { die "$dir exists but not as a directory!?" unless -d $dir; next; } DEBUG > 3 and print " Making $dir\n"; mkdir $dir, 0777 or die "Can't mkdir $dir: $!\nAborting" ; } return; } #_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- sub batch_mode_page_object_init { my $self = shift; my($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth) = @_; # TODO: any further options to percolate onto this new object here? $page->default_title($module); $page->index( $self->index ); $page->html_css( $self-> _css_wad_to_markup($depth) ); $page->html_javascript( $self->_javascript_wad_to_markup($depth) ); $self->add_header_backlink($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth); $self->add_footer_backlink($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth); return $self; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub add_header_backlink { my $self = shift; return if $self->no_contents_links; my($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth) = @_; $page->html_header_after_title( join '', $page->html_header_after_title || '', qq[


\n], ) if $self->contents_file ; return; } sub add_footer_backlink { my $self = shift; return if $self->no_contents_links; my($page, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth) = @_; $page->html_footer( join '', qq[


\n], $page->html_footer || '', ) if $self->contents_file ; return; } sub url_up_to_contents { my($self, $depth) = @_; --$depth; return join '/', ('..') x $depth, esc($self->contents_file); } #_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- sub find_all_pods { my($self, $dirs) = @_; # You can override find_all_pods in a subclass if you want to # do extra filtering or whatnot. But for the moment, we just # pass to modnames2paths: return $self->modnames2paths($dirs); } #_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- sub modnames2paths { # return a hashref mapping modulenames => paths my($self, $dirs) = @_; my $m2p; { my $search = $SEARCH_CLASS->new; DEBUG and print "Searching via $search\n"; $search->verbose(1) if DEBUG > 10; $search->progress( $self->progress->copy->goal(0) ) if $self->progress; $search->shadows(0); # don't bother noting shadowed files $search->inc( $dirs ? 0 : 1 ); $search->survey( $dirs ? @$dirs : () ); $m2p = $search->name2path; die "What, no name2path?!" unless $m2p; } $self->muse("That's odd... no modules found!") unless keys %$m2p; if( DEBUG > 4 ) { print "Modules found (name => path):\n"; foreach my $m (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %$m2p) { print " $m $$m2p{$m}\n"; } print "(total ", scalar(keys %$m2p), ")\n\n"; } elsif( DEBUG ) { print "Found ", scalar(keys %$m2p), " modules.\n"; } $self->muse( "Found ", scalar(keys %$m2p), " modules." ); # return the Foo::Bar => /whatever/Foo/Bar.pod|pm hashref return $m2p; } #=========================================================================== sub _wopen { # this is abstracted out so that the daemon class can override it my($self, $outpath) = @_; require Symbol; my $out_fh = Symbol::gensym(); DEBUG > 5 and print "Write-opening to $outpath\n"; return $out_fh if open($out_fh, "> $outpath"); require Carp; Carp::croak("Can't write-open $outpath: $!"); } #========================================================================== sub add_css { my($self, $url, $is_default, $name, $content_type, $media, $_code) = @_; return unless $url; unless($name) { # cook up a reasonable name based on the URL $name = $url; if( $name !~ m/\?/ and $name =~ m{([^/]+)$}s ) { $name = $1; $name =~ s/\.css//i; } } $media ||= 'all'; $content_type ||= 'text/css'; my $bunch = [$url, $name, $content_type, $media, $_code]; if($is_default) { unshift @{ $self->_css_wad }, $bunch } else { push @{ $self->_css_wad }, $bunch } return; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub _spray_css { my($self, $outdir) = @_; return unless $self->css_flurry(); $self->_gen_css_wad(); my $lol = $self->_css_wad; foreach my $chunk (@$lol) { my $url = $chunk->[0]; my $outfile; if( ref($chunk->[-1]) and $url =~ m{^(_[-a-z0-9_]+\.css$)} ) { $outfile = $self->filespecsys->catfile( $outdir, "$1" ); DEBUG > 5 and print "Noting $$chunk[0] as a file I'll create.\n"; } else { DEBUG > 5 and print "OK, noting $$chunk[0] as an external CSS.\n"; # Requires no further attention. next; } #$self->muse( "Writing autogenerated CSS file $outfile" ); my $Cssout = $self->_wopen($outfile); print $Cssout ${$chunk->[-1]} or warn "Couldn't print to $outfile: $!\nAbort writing to $outfile at all"; close($Cssout); DEBUG > 5 and print "Wrote $outfile\n"; } return; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub _css_wad_to_markup { my($self, $depth) = @_; my @css = @{ $self->_css_wad || return '' }; return '' unless @css; my $rel = 'stylesheet'; my $out = ''; --$depth; my $uplink = $depth ? ('../' x $depth) : ''; foreach my $chunk (@css) { next unless $chunk and @$chunk; my( $url1, $url2, $title, $type, $media) = ( $self->_maybe_uplink( $chunk->[0], $uplink ), esc(grep !ref($_), @$chunk) ); $out .= qq{\n}; $rel = 'alternate stylesheet'; # alternates = all non-first iterations } return $out; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub _maybe_uplink { # if the given URL looks relative, return the given uplink string -- # otherwise return emptystring my($self, $url, $uplink) = @_; ($url =~ m{^\./} or $url !~ m{[/\:]} ) ? $uplink : '' # qualify it, if/as needed } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub _gen_css_wad { my $self = $_[0]; my $css_template = $self->_css_template; foreach my $variation ( # Commented out for sake of concision: # # 011n=black_with_red_on_white # 001n=black_with_yellow_on_white # 101n=black_with_green_on_white # 110=white_with_yellow_on_black # 010=white_with_green_on_black # 011=white_with_blue_on_black # 100=white_with_red_on_black qw[ 110n=black_with_blue_on_white 010n=black_with_magenta_on_white 100n=black_with_cyan_on_white 101=white_with_purple_on_black 001=white_with_navy_blue_on_black 010a=grey_with_green_on_black 010b=white_with_green_on_grey 101an=black_with_green_on_grey 101bn=grey_with_green_on_white ]) { my $outname = $variation; my($flipmode, @swap) = ( ($4 || ''), $1,$2,$3) if $outname =~ s/^([012])([012])([[012])([a-z]*)=?//s; @swap = () if '010' eq join '', @swap; # 010 is a swop-no-op! my $this_css = "/* This file is autogenerated. Do not edit. $variation */\n\n" . $css_template; # Only look at three-digitty colors, for now at least. if( $flipmode =~ m/n/ ) { $this_css =~ s/(#[0-9a-fA-F]{3})\b/_color_negate($1)/eg; $this_css =~ s/\bthin\b/medium/g; } $this_css =~ s<#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])\b> < join '', '#', ($1,$2,$3)[@swap] >eg if @swap; if( $flipmode =~ m/a/) { $this_css =~ s/#fff\b/#999/gi } # black -> dark grey elsif($flipmode =~ m/b/) { $this_css =~ s/#000\b/#666/gi } # white -> light grey my $name = $outname; $name =~ tr/-_/ /; $self->add_css( "_$outname.css", 0, $name, 0, 0, \$this_css); } # Now a few indexless variations: foreach my $variation (qw[ black_with_blue_on_white white_with_purple_on_black white_with_green_on_grey grey_with_green_on_white ]) { my $outname = "indexless_$variation"; my $this_css = join "\n", "/* This file is autogenerated. Do not edit. $outname */\n", "\@import url(\"./_$variation.css\");", ".indexgroup { display: none; }", "\n", ; my $name = $outname; $name =~ tr/-_/ /; $self->add_css( "_$outname.css", 0, $name, 0, 0, \$this_css); } return; } sub _color_negate { my $x = lc $_[0]; $x =~ tr[0123456789abcdef] [fedcba9876543210]; return $x; } #=========================================================================== sub add_javascript { my($self, $url, $content_type, $_code) = @_; return unless $url; push @{ $self->_javascript_wad }, [ $url, $content_type || 'text/javascript', $_code ]; return; } sub _spray_javascript { my($self, $outdir) = @_; return unless $self->javascript_flurry(); $self->_gen_javascript_wad(); my $lol = $self->_javascript_wad; foreach my $script (@$lol) { my $url = $script->[0]; my $outfile; if( ref($script->[-1]) and $url =~ m{^(_[-a-z0-9_]+\.js$)} ) { $outfile = $self->filespecsys->catfile( $outdir, "$1" ); DEBUG > 5 and print "Noting $$script[0] as a file I'll create.\n"; } else { DEBUG > 5 and print "OK, noting $$script[0] as an external JavaScript.\n"; next; } #$self->muse( "Writing JavaScript file $outfile" ); my $Jsout = $self->_wopen($outfile); print $Jsout ${$script->[-1]} or warn "Couldn't print to $outfile: $!\nAbort writing to $outfile at all"; close($Jsout); DEBUG > 5 and print "Wrote $outfile\n"; } return; } sub _gen_javascript_wad { my $self = $_[0]; my $js_code = $self->_javascript || return; $self->add_javascript( "_podly.js", 0, \$js_code); return; } sub _javascript_wad_to_markup { my($self, $depth) = @_; my @scripts = @{ $self->_javascript_wad || return '' }; return '' unless @scripts; my $out = ''; --$depth; my $uplink = $depth ? ('../' x $depth) : ''; foreach my $s (@scripts) { next unless $s and @$s; my( $url1, $url2, $type, $media) = ( $self->_maybe_uplink( $s->[0], $uplink ), esc(grep !ref($_), @$s) ); $out .= qq{\n}; } return $out; } #=========================================================================== sub _css_template { return $CSS } sub _javascript { return $JAVASCRIPT } $CSS = <<'EOCSS'; /* For accessibility reasons, never specify text sizes in px/pt/pc/in/cm/mm */ @media all { .hide { display: none; } } @media print { .noprint, div.indexgroup, .backlinktop, .backlinkbottom { display: none } * { border-color: black !important; color: black !important; background-color: transparent !important; background-image: none !important; } dl.superindex > dd { word-spacing: .6em; } } @media aural, braille, embossed { div.indexgroup { display: none; } /* Too noisy, don't you think? */ dl.superindex > dt:before { content: "Group "; } dl.superindex > dt:after { content: " contains:"; } .backlinktop a:before { content: "Back to contents"; } .backlinkbottom a:before { content: "Back to contents"; } } @media aural { dl.superindex > dt { pause-before: 600ms; } } @media screen, tty, tv, projection { .noscreen { display: none; } a:link { color: #7070ff; text-decoration: underline; } a:visited { color: #e030ff; text-decoration: underline; } a:active { color: #800000; text-decoration: underline; } body.contentspage a { text-decoration: none; } a.u { color: #fff !important; text-decoration: none; } body.pod { margin: 0 5px; color: #fff; background-color: #000; } body.pod h1, body.pod h2, body.pod h3, body.pod h4 { font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; margin-top: 1.2em; margin-bottom: .1em; border-top: thin solid transparent; /* margin-left: -5px; border-left: 2px #7070ff solid; padding-left: 3px; */ } body.pod h1 { border-top-color: #0a0; } body.pod h2 { border-top-color: #080; } body.pod h3 { border-top-color: #040; } body.pod h4 { border-top-color: #010; } p.backlinktop + h1 { border-top: none; margin-top: 0em; } p.backlinktop + h2 { border-top: none; margin-top: 0em; } p.backlinktop + h3 { border-top: none; margin-top: 0em; } p.backlinktop + h4 { border-top: none; margin-top: 0em; } body.pod dt { font-size: 105%; /* just a wee bit more than normal */ } .indexgroup { font-size: 80%; } .backlinktop, .backlinkbottom { margin-left: -5px; margin-right: -5px; background-color: #040; border-top: thin solid #050; border-bottom: thin solid #050; } .backlinktop a, .backlinkbottom a { text-decoration: none; color: #080; background-color: #000; border: thin solid #0d0; } .backlinkbottom { margin-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } .backlinktop { margin-top: 0; padding-top: 0; } body.contentspage { color: #fff; background-color: #000; } body.contentspage h1 { color: #0d0; margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em; text-indent: -.9em; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; border-top: thin solid #fff; border-bottom: thin solid #fff; text-align: center; } dl.superindex > dt { font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-size: 90%; margin-top: .45em; /* margin-bottom: -.15em; */ } dl.superindex > dd { word-spacing: .6em; /* most important rule here! */ } dl.superindex > a:link { text-decoration: none; color: #fff; } .contentsfooty { border-top: thin solid #999; font-size: 90%; } } /* The End */ EOCSS #========================================================================== $JAVASCRIPT = <<'EOJAVASCRIPT'; // From function setActiveStyleSheet(title) { var i, a, main; for(i=0 ; (a = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]) ; i++) { if(a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1 && a.getAttribute("title")) { a.disabled = true; if(a.getAttribute("title") == title) a.disabled = false; } } } function getActiveStyleSheet() { var i, a; for(i=0 ; (a = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]) ; i++) { if( a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1 && a.getAttribute("title") && !a.disabled ) return a.getAttribute("title"); } return null; } function getPreferredStyleSheet() { var i, a; for(i=0 ; (a = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]) ; i++) { if( a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1 && a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("alt") == -1 && a.getAttribute("title") ) return a.getAttribute("title"); } return null; } function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0 ; i < ca.length ; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } window.onload = function(e) { var cookie = readCookie("style"); var title = cookie ? cookie : getPreferredStyleSheet(); setActiveStyleSheet(title); } window.onunload = function(e) { var title = getActiveStyleSheet(); createCookie("style", title, 365); } var cookie = readCookie("style"); var title = cookie ? cookie : getPreferredStyleSheet(); setActiveStyleSheet(title); // The End EOJAVASCRIPT # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch - convert several Pod files to several HTML files =head1 SYNOPSIS perl -MPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -e 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go' in out =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is used for running batch-conversions of a lot of HTML documents This class is NOT a subclass of Pod::Simple::HTML (nor of bad old Pod::Html) -- although it uses Pod::Simple::HTML for doing the conversion of each document. The normal use of this class is like so: use Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch; my $batchconv = Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->new; $batchconv->some_option( some_value ); $batchconv->some_other_option( some_other_value ); $batchconv->batch_convert( \@search_dirs, $output_dir ); =head2 FROM THE COMMAND LINE Note that this class also provides (but does not export) the function Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go. This is basically just a shortcut for C<< Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->batch_convert(@ARGV) >>. It's meant to be handy for calling from the command line. However, the shortcut requires that you specify exactly two command-line arguments, C and C. Example: % mkdir out_html % perl -MPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -e Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go @INC out_html (to convert the pod from Perl's @INC files under the directory ../htmlversion) (Note that the command line there contains a literal atsign-I-N-C. This is handled as a special case by batch_convert, in order to save you having to enter the odd-looking "" as the first command-line parameter when you mean "just use whatever's in @INC".) Example: % mkdir ../seekrut % chmod og-rx ../seekrut % perl -MPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -e Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go . ../htmlversion (to convert the pod under the current dir into HTML files under the directory ../htmlversion) Example: % perl -MPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -e Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go happydocs . (to convert all pod from happydocs into the current directory) =head1 MAIN METHODS =over =item $batchconv = Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->new; This TODO =item $batchconv->batch_convert( I, I ); this TODO =item $batchconv->batch_convert( undef , ...); =item $batchconv->batch_convert( q{@INC}, ...); These two values for I specify that the normal Perl @INC =item $batchconv->batch_convert( \@dirs , ...); This specifies that the input directories are the items in the arrayref C<\@dirs>. =item $batchconv->batch_convert( "somedir" , ...); This specifies that the director "somedir" is the input. (This can be an absolute or relative path, it doesn't matter.) A common value you might want would be just "." for the current directory: $batchconv->batch_convert( "." , ...); =item $batchconv->batch_convert( 'somedir:someother:also' , ...); This specifies that you want the dirs "somedir", "somother", and "also" scanned, just as if you'd passed the arrayref C<[qw( somedir someother also)]>. Note that a ":"-separator is normal under Unix, but Under MSWin, you'll need C<'somedir;someother;also'> instead, since the pathsep on MSWin is ";" instead of ":". (And I is because ":" often comes up in paths, like C<"c:/perl/lib">.) (Exactly what separator character should be used, is gotten from C<$Config::Config{'path_sep'}>, via the L module.) =item $batchconv->batch_convert( ... , undef ); This specifies that you want the HTML output to go into the current directory. (Note that a missing or undefined value means a different thing in the first slot than in the second. That's so that C with no arguments (or undef arguments) means "go from @INC, into the current directory.) =item $batchconv->batch_convert( ... , 'somedir' ); This specifies that you want the HTML output to go into the directory 'somedir'. (This can be an absolute or relative path, it doesn't matter.) =back Note that you can also call C as a class method, like so: Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->batch_convert( ... ); That is just short for this: Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch-> new-> batch_convert(...); That is, it runs a conversion with default options, for whatever inputdirs and output dir you specify. =head2 ACCESSOR METHODS The following are all accessor methods -- that is, they don't do anything on their own, but just alter the contents of the conversion object, which comprises the options for this particular batch conversion. We show the "put" form of the accessors below (i.e., the syntax you use for setting the accessor to a specific value). But you can also call each method with no parameters to get its current value. For example, C<< $self->contents_file() >> returns the current value of the contents_file attribute. =over =item $batchconv->verbose( I ); This controls how verbose to be during batch conversion, as far as notes to STDOUT (or whatever is C