package Module::CoreList; use strict; use vars qw/$VERSION %released %version %families %upstream %bug_tracker %deprecated/; $VERSION = '2.49'; =head1 NAME Module::CoreList - what modules shipped with versions of perl =head1 SYNOPSIS use Module::CoreList; print $Module::CoreList::version{5.00503}{CPAN}; # prints 1.48 print Module::CoreList->first_release('File::Spec'); # prints 5.00405 print Module::CoreList->first_release_by_date('File::Spec'); # prints 5.005 print Module::CoreList->first_release('File::Spec', 0.82); # prints 5.006001 print join ', ', Module::CoreList->find_modules(qr/Data/); # prints 'Data::Dumper' print join ', ', Module::CoreList->find_modules(qr/test::h.*::.*s/i, 5.008008); # prints 'Test::Harness::Assert, Test::Harness::Straps' print join ", ", @{ $Module::CoreList::families{5.005} }; # prints "5.005, 5.00503, 5.00504" =head1 DESCRIPTION Module::CoreList provides information on which core and dual-life modules shipped with each version of L. It provides a number of mechanisms for querying this information. There is a utility called L provided with this module which is a convenient way of querying from the command-line. There is a functional programming API available for programmers to query information. Programmers may also query the contained hash structures to find relevant information. =head1 FUNCTIONS API These are the functions that are available, they may either be called as functions or class methods: Module::CoreList::first_release('File::Spec'); # as a function Module::CoreList->first_release('File::Spec'); # class method =over =item C Behaviour since version 2.11 Requires a MODULE name as an argument, returns the perl version when that module first appeared in core as ordered by perl version number or undef ( in scalar context ) or an empty list ( in list context ) if that module is not in core. =item C Requires a MODULE name as an argument, returns the perl version when that module first appeared in core as ordered by release date or undef ( in scalar context ) or an empty list ( in list context ) if that module is not in core. =item C Takes a regex as an argument, returns a list of modules that match the regex given. If only a regex is provided applies to all modules in all perl versions. Optionally you may provide a list of perl versions to limit the regex search. =item C Takes a perl version as an argument. Returns that perl version if it exists or C otherwise. =item C Available in version 2.22 and above. Returns true if MODULE is marked as deprecated in PERL_VERSION. If PERL_VERSION is omitted, it defaults to the current version of Perl. =item C Available in version 2.32 and above Takes a module name as an argument, returns the first perl version where that module was removed from core. Returns undef if the given module was never in core or remains in core. =item C Available in version 2.32 and above Takes a module name as an argument, returns the first perl version by release date where that module was removed from core. Returns undef if the given module was never in core or remains in core. =back =head1 DATA STRUCTURES These are the hash data structures that are available: =over =item C<%Module::CoreList::version> A hash of hashes that is keyed on perl version as indicated in $]. The second level hash is module => version pairs. Note, it is possible for the version of a module to be unspecified, whereby the value is C, so use C if that's what you're testing for. Starting with 2.10, the special module name C refers to the version of the Unicode Character Database bundled with Perl. =item C<%Module::CoreList::released> Keyed on perl version this contains ISO formatted versions of the release dates, as gleaned from L. =item C<%Module::CoreList::families> New, in 1.96, a hash that clusters known perl releases by their major versions. =item C<%Module::CoreList::deprecated> A hash of hashes keyed on perl version and on module name. If a module is defined it indicates that that module is deprecated in that perl version and is scheduled for removal from core at some future point. =item C<%Module::CoreList::upstream> A hash that contains information on where patches should be directed for each core module. UPSTREAM indicates where patches should go. C implies that this hasn't been discussed for the module at hand. C indicates that the copy of the module in the blead sources is to be considered canonical, C means that the module on CPAN is to be patched first. C means that blead can be patched freely if it is in sync with the latest release on CPAN. =item C<%Module::CoreList::bug_tracker> A hash that contains information on the appropriate bug tracker for each core module. BUGS is an email or url to post bug reports. For modules with UPSTREAM => 'blead', use appears to automatically provide a URL for CPAN modules; any value given here overrides the default:$ModuleName =back =head1 CAVEATS Module::CoreList currently covers the 5.000, 5.001, 5.002, 5.003_07, 5.004, 5.004_05, 5.005, 5.005_03, 5.005_04, 5.6.0, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.7.3, 5.8.0, 5.8.1, 5.8.2, 5.8.3, 5.8.4, 5.8.5, 5.8.6, 5.8.7, 5.8.8, 5.8.9, 5.9.0, 5.9.1, 5.9.2, 5.9.3, 5.9.4, 5.9.5, 5.10.0, 5.10.1, 5.11.0, 5.11.1, 5.11.2, 5.11.3, 5.11.4, 5.11.5, 5.12.0, 5.12.1, 5.12.2, 5.12.3, 5.13.0, 5.13.1, 5.13.2, 5.13.3, 5.13.4, 5.13.5, 5.13.6, 5.13.7, 5.13.8, 5.13.9, 5.13.10, 5.13.11 and 5.14.0 releases of perl. =head1 HISTORY Moved to Changes file. =head1 AUTHOR Richard Clamp Erichardc@unixbeard.netE Currently maintained by the perl 5 porters Eperl5-porters@perl.orgE. =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Richard Clamp. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =cut my $dumpinc = 0; sub import { my $self = shift; my $what = shift || ''; if ($what eq 'dumpinc') { $dumpinc = 1; } } END { print "---INC---\n", join "\n" => keys %INC if $dumpinc; } sub first_release_raw { my $module = shift; $module = shift if eval { $module->isa(__PACKAGE__) } and scalar @_ and $_[0] =~ m#\A[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*(?:(::|')[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*\z#; my $version = shift; my @perls = $version ? grep { exists $version{$_}{ $module } && $version{$_}{ $module } ge $version } keys %version : grep { exists $version{$_}{ $module } } keys %version; return @perls; } sub first_release_by_date { my @perls = &first_release_raw; return unless @perls; return (sort { $released{$a} cmp $released{$b} } @perls)[0]; } sub first_release { my @perls = &first_release_raw; return unless @perls; return (sort { $a cmp $b } @perls)[0]; } sub find_modules { my $regex = shift; $regex = shift if eval { $regex->isa(__PACKAGE__) }; my @perls = @_; @perls = keys %version unless @perls; my %mods; foreach (@perls) { while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$version{$_}}) { $mods{$k}++ if $k =~ $regex; } } return sort keys %mods } sub find_version { my $v = shift; $v = shift if eval { $v->isa(__PACKAGE__) }; return $version{$v} if defined $version{$v}; return undef; } sub is_deprecated { my $module = shift; $module = shift if eval { $module->isa(__PACKAGE__) } and scalar @_ and $_[0] =~ m#\A[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*(?:(::|')[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*\z#; my $perl_version = shift; $perl_version ||= $]; return unless $module && exists $deprecated{$perl_version}{$module}; return $deprecated{$perl_version}{$module}; } sub removed_from { my @perls = &removed_raw; return shift @perls; } sub removed_from_by_date { my @perls = sort { $released{$a} cmp $released{$b} } &removed_raw; return shift @perls; } sub removed_raw { my $mod = shift; $mod = shift if eval { $mod->isa(__PACKAGE__) } and scalar @_ and $_[0] =~ m#\A[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*(?:(::|')[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*\z#; return unless my @perls = sort { $a cmp $b } first_release_raw($mod); my $last = pop @perls; my @removed = grep { $_ > $last } sort { $a cmp $b } keys %version; return @removed; } # When things escaped. # NB. If you put version numbers with trailing zeroes here, you # should also add an alias for the numerical ($]) version; see # just before the __END__ of this module. %released = ( 5.000 => '1994-10-17', 5.001 => '1995-03-14', 5.002 => '1996-02-29', 5.00307 => '1996-10-10', 5.004 => '1997-05-15', 5.005 => '1998-07-22', 5.00503 => '1999-03-28', 5.00405 => '1999-04-29', 5.006 => '2000-03-22', 5.006001 => '2001-04-08', 5.007003 => '2002-03-05', 5.008 => '2002-07-19', 5.008001 => '2003-09-25', 5.009 => '2003-10-27', 5.008002 => '2003-11-05', 5.006002 => '2003-11-15', 5.008003 => '2004-01-14', 5.00504 => '2004-02-23', 5.009001 => '2004-03-16', 5.008004 => '2004-04-21', 5.008005 => '2004-07-19', 5.008006 => '2004-11-27', 5.009002 => '2005-04-01', 5.008007 => '2005-05-30', 5.009003 => '2006-01-28', 5.008008 => '2006-01-31', 5.009004 => '2006-08-15', 5.009005 => '2007-07-07', 5.010000 => '2007-12-18', 5.008009 => '2008-12-14', 5.010001 => '2009-08-22', 5.011000 => '2009-10-02', 5.011001 => '2009-10-20', 5.011002 => '2009-11-20', 5.011003 => '2009-12-20', 5.011004 => '2010-01-20', 5.011005 => '2010-02-20', 5.012000 => '2010-04-12', 5.013000 => '2010-04-20', 5.012001 => '2010-05-16', 5.013001 => '2010-05-20', 5.013002 => '2010-06-22', 5.013003 => '2010-07-20', 5.013004 => '2010-08-20', 5.012002 => '2010-09-06', 5.013005 => '2010-09-19', 5.013006 => '2010-10-20', 5.013007 => '2010-11-20', 5.013008 => '2010-12-20', 5.012003 => '2011-01-21', 5.013009 => '2011-01-20', 5.013010 => '2011-02-20', 5.013011 => '2011-03-20', 5.014000 => '2011-05-14', ); for my $version ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %released ) { my $family = int ($version * 1000) / 1000; push @{ $families{ $family }} , $version; } %version = ( 5.000 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => undef, # lib/ 'AutoLoader' => undef, # lib/ 'AutoSplit' => undef, # lib/ 'Benchmark' => undef, # lib/ 'Carp' => undef, # lib/ 'Cwd' => undef, # lib/ 'DB_File' => undef, # ext/DB_File/ 'DynaLoader' => undef, # ext/DynaLoader/ 'English' => undef, # lib/ 'Env' => undef, # lib/ 'Exporter' => undef, # lib/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => undef, # lib/ExtUtils/ 'Fcntl' => undef, # ext/Fcntl/ 'File::Basename' => undef, # lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => undef, # lib/File/ 'File::Find' => undef, # lib/File/ 'FileHandle' => undef, # lib/ 'GDBM_File' => undef, # ext/GDBM_File/ 'Getopt::Long' => undef, # lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => undef, # lib/Getopt/ 'I18N::Collate' => undef, # lib/I18N/ 'IPC::Open2' => undef, # lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => undef, # lib/IPC/ 'Math::BigFloat' => undef, # lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt' => undef, # lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => undef, # lib/Math/ 'NDBM_File' => undef, # ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::Ping' => undef, # lib/Net/ 'ODBM_File' => undef, # ext/ODBM_File/ 'POSIX' => undef, # ext/POSIX/ 'SDBM_File' => undef, # ext/SDBM_File/ 'Search::Dict' => undef, # lib/Search/ 'Shell' => undef, # lib/ 'Socket' => undef, # ext/Socket/ 'Sys::Hostname' => undef, # lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => undef, # lib/Sys/ 'Term::Cap' => undef, # lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => undef, # lib/Term/ 'Test::Harness' => undef, # lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'TieHash' => undef, # lib/ 'Time::Local' => undef, # lib/Time/ 'integer' => undef, # lib/ 'less' => undef, # lib/ 'sigtrap' => undef, # lib/ 'strict' => undef, # lib/ 'subs' => undef, # lib/ }, 5.001 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => undef, # lib/ 'AutoLoader' => undef, # lib/ 'AutoSplit' => undef, # lib/ 'Benchmark' => undef, # lib/ 'Carp' => undef, # lib/ 'Cwd' => undef, # lib/ 'DB_File' => undef, # ext/DB_File/ 'DynaLoader' => undef, # ext/DynaLoader/ 'English' => undef, # lib/ 'Env' => undef, # lib/ 'Exporter' => undef, # lib/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => undef, # lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => undef, # lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => undef, # lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => undef, # lib/ExtUtils/ 'Fcntl' => undef, # ext/Fcntl/ 'File::Basename' => undef, # lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => undef, # lib/File/ 'File::Find' => undef, # lib/File/ 'File::Path' => undef, # lib/File/ 'FileHandle' => undef, # lib/ 'GDBM_File' => undef, # ext/GDBM_File/ 'Getopt::Long' => undef, # lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => undef, # lib/Getopt/ 'I18N::Collate' => undef, # lib/I18N/ 'IPC::Open2' => undef, # lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => undef, # lib/IPC/ 'Math::BigFloat' => undef, # lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt' => undef, # lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => undef, # lib/Math/ 'NDBM_File' => undef, # ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::Ping' => undef, # lib/Net/ 'ODBM_File' => undef, # ext/ODBM_File/ 'POSIX' => undef, # ext/POSIX/ 'SDBM_File' => undef, # ext/SDBM_File/ 'Search::Dict' => undef, # lib/Search/ 'Shell' => undef, # lib/ 'Socket' => undef, # ext/Socket/ 'SubstrHash' => undef, # lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => undef, # lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => undef, # lib/Sys/ 'Term::Cap' => undef, # lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => undef, # lib/Term/ 'Test::Harness' => undef, # lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'TieHash' => undef, # lib/ 'Time::Local' => undef, # lib/Time/ 'integer' => undef, # lib/ 'less' => undef, # lib/ 'lib' => undef, # lib/ 'sigtrap' => undef, # lib/ 'strict' => undef, # lib/ 'subs' => undef, # lib/ }, 5.002 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => undef, # lib/ 'AutoLoader' => undef, # lib/ 'AutoSplit' => undef, # lib/ 'Benchmark' => undef, # lib/ 'Carp' => undef, # lib/ 'Cwd' => undef, # lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.01', # ext/DB_File/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.01', # lib/Devel/ 'DirHandle' => undef, # lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.00', # ext/DynaLoader/ 'English' => undef, # lib/ 'Env' => undef, # lib/ 'Exporter' => undef, # lib/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => undef, # lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => undef, # lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => undef, # lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => undef, # lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => undef, # lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '5.21', # lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.22', # lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => undef, # lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.00', # lib/ExtUtils/ 'Fcntl' => '1.00', # ext/Fcntl/ 'File::Basename' => undef, # lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => undef, # lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '1.5', # lib/File/ 'File::Find' => undef, # lib/File/ 'File::Path' => '1.01', # lib/File/ 'FileCache' => undef, # lib/ 'FileHandle' => '1.00', # ext/FileHandle/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.00', # ext/GDBM_File/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.01', # lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => undef, # lib/Getopt/ 'I18N::Collate' => undef, # lib/I18N/ 'IPC::Open2' => undef, # lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => undef, # lib/IPC/ 'Math::BigFloat' => undef, # lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt' => undef, # lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => undef, # lib/Math/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.00', # ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::Ping' => '1', # lib/Net/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.00', # ext/ODBM_File/ 'POSIX' => '1.00', # ext/POSIX/ 'Pod::Functions' => undef, # lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => undef, # lib/Pod/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.00', # ext/SDBM_File/ 'Safe' => '1.00', # ext/Safe/ 'Search::Dict' => undef, # lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => undef, # lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.06', # lib/ 'Shell' => undef, # lib/ 'Socket' => '1.5', # ext/Socket/ 'Symbol' => undef, # lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => undef, # lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => undef, # lib/Sys/ 'Term::Cap' => undef, # lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => undef, # lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => undef, # lib/Term/ 'Test::Harness' => '1.07', # lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => undef, # lib/Text/ 'Tie::Hash' => undef, # lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => undef, # lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => undef, # lib/Tie/ 'Time::Local' => undef, # lib/Time/ 'diagnostics' => undef, # lib/ 'integer' => undef, # lib/ 'less' => undef, # lib/ 'lib' => undef, # lib/ 'overload' => undef, # lib/ 'sigtrap' => undef, # lib/ 'strict' => undef, # lib/ 'subs' => undef, # lib/ 'vars' => undef, # lib/ }, 5.00307 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => undef, #./lib/ 'AutoLoader' => undef, #./lib/ 'AutoSplit' => undef, #./lib/ 'Benchmark' => undef, #./lib/ 'Carp' => undef, #./lib/ 'Config' => undef, 'Cwd' => undef, #./lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.03', #./lib/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.01', #./lib/Devel/ 'diagnostics' => undef, #./lib/ 'DirHandle' => undef, #./lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.00', #./ext/DynaLoader/ 'English' => undef, #./lib/ 'Env' => undef, #./lib/ 'Exporter' => undef, #./lib/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.18', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.15 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.20 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '5.38', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.27', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.13 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.12 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.107 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.11 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'Fatal' => undef, #./lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.00', #./ext/Fcntl/ 'File::Basename' => '2.4', #./lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '1.5', #./lib/File/ 'File::Find' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Path' => '1.01', #./lib/File/ 'FileCache' => undef, #./lib/ 'FileHandle' => '1.00', #./ext/FileHandle/ 'FindBin' => '1.04', #./lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/GDBM_File/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.04', #./lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => undef, #./lib/Getopt/ 'I18N::Collate' => undef, #./lib/I18N/ 'integer' => undef, #./lib/ 'IO' => undef, #./ext/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.05', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.12', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.07', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.05', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.09', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.13', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IPC::Open2' => undef, #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => undef, #./lib/IPC/ 'less' => undef, #./lib/ 'lib' => undef, #./lib/ 'Math::BigFloat' => undef, #./lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt' => undef, #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => undef, #./lib/Math/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::Ping' => '1.01', #./lib/Net/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/ODBM_File/ 'Opcode' => '1.01', #./ext/Opcode/ 'ops' => undef, #./ext/Opcode/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.01', #./os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.02', #./os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => undef, #./os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => undef, #./os2/OS2/REXX/ 'overload' => undef, #./lib/ 'Pod::Functions' => undef, #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => undef, #./lib/Pod/ 'POSIX' => '1.00', #./ext/POSIX/ 'Safe' => '2.06', #./ext/Opcode/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/SDBM_File/ 'Search::Dict' => undef, #./lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => undef, #./lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.06', #./lib/ 'Shell' => undef, #./lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'Socket' => '1.5', #./ext/Socket/ 'strict' => undef, #./lib/ 'subs' => undef, #./lib/ 'Symbol' => undef, #./lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => undef, #./lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => undef, #./lib/Sys/ 'Term::Cap' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Test::Harness' => '1.13', #./lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => undef, #./lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => undef, #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => undef, #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '96.051501', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '96.041801', #./lib/Text/ 'Tie::Hash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Time::Local' => undef, #./lib/Time/ 'UNIVERSAL' => undef, #./lib/ 'vars' => undef, #./lib/ 'VMS::Filespec' => undef, #./vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.0', #./vms/ext/Stdio/ }, 5.004 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => undef, #./lib/ 'AutoLoader' => undef, #./lib/ 'AutoSplit' => undef, #./lib/ 'autouse' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'Benchmark' => undef, #./lib/ 'blib' => undef, #./lib/ 'Bundle::CPAN' => '0.02', #./lib/Bundle/ 'Carp' => undef, #./lib/ 'CGI' => '2.36', #./lib/ 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.06', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.00a', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.00', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => '0.05', #./lib/CGI/ 'Class::Struct' => undef, #./lib/Class/ 'Config' => undef, 'constant' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'CPAN' => '1.2401', #./lib/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.18 ', #./lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => undef, #./lib/CPAN/ 'Cwd' => '2.00', #./lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.14', #./ext/DB_File/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.01', #./lib/Devel/ 'diagnostics' => undef, #./lib/ 'DirHandle' => undef, #./lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.02', #./ext/DynaLoader/ 'English' => undef, #./lib/ 'Env' => undef, #./lib/ 'Exporter' => undef, #./lib/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.00', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.2501', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.16 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.2201 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '5.4002', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.33 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.13 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.13 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.114 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.11 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #./vms/ext/ 'Fcntl' => '1.03', #./ext/Fcntl/ 'File::Basename' => '2.5', #./lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1001', #./lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.02', #./lib/File/ 'File::Find' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Path' => '1.04', #./lib/File/ 'File::stat' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'FileCache' => undef, #./lib/ 'FileHandle' => '2.00', #./lib/ 'FindBin' => '1.04', #./lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/GDBM_File/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.10', #./lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => undef, #./lib/Getopt/ 'I18N::Collate' => undef, #./lib/I18N/ 'integer' => undef, #./lib/ 'IO' => undef, #./ext/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.0602', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.1504', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.0901', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.06', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.10', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.1602', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0101', #./lib/IPC/ 'less' => undef, #./lib/ 'lib' => undef, #./lib/ 'locale' => undef, #./lib/ 'Math::BigFloat' => undef, #./lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt' => undef, #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.01', #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1', #./lib/Math/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::hostent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.02', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/ODBM_File/ 'Opcode' => '1.04', #./ext/Opcode/ 'ops' => undef, #./ext/Opcode/ 'Safe' => '2.06', #./ext/Opcode/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.01', #./os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.02', #./os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => undef, #./os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => undef, #./os2/OS2/REXX/ 'overload' => undef, #./lib/ 'Pod::Functions' => undef, #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => undef, #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '1.0203', #./lib/Pod/ 'POSIX' => '1.02', #./ext/POSIX/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/SDBM_File/ 'Search::Dict' => undef, #./lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => undef, #./lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.07', #./lib/ 'Shell' => undef, #./lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Socket' => '1.6', #./ext/Socket/ 'strict' => undef, #./lib/ 'subs' => undef, #./lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => undef, #./lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => undef, #./lib/Sys/ 'Term::Cap' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Test::Harness' => '1.1502', #./lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => undef, #./lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => undef, #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => undef, #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '96.121201', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '97.011701', #./lib/Text/ 'Tie::Hash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.01', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::Local' => undef, #./lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.01', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => undef, #./lib/Time/ 'UNIVERSAL' => undef, #./lib/ 'User::grent' => undef, #./lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => undef, #./lib/User/ 'vars' => undef, #./lib/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.01', #./vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => undef, #./vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.02', #./vms/ext/Stdio/ 'vmsish' => undef, #./vms/ext/ }, 5.005 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => undef, #./lib/ 'attrs' => '1.0', #./ext/attrs/ 'AutoLoader' => undef, #./lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.0302', #./lib/ 'autouse' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'B' => undef, #./ext/B/ 'B::Asmdata' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Assembler' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Bblock' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Bytecode' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::C' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::CC' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Debug' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Deparse' => '0.56', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Disassembler' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Lint' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Showlex' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Stackobj' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Terse' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Xref' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'base' => undef, #./lib/ 'Benchmark' => undef, #./lib/ 'blib' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Carp' => undef, #./lib/ 'CGI' => '2.42', #./lib/ 'CGI::Apache' => '1.1', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.101', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.06', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.00a', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.01', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => '0.06', #./lib/CGI/ 'Class::Struct' => undef, #./lib/Class/ 'Config' => undef, 'constant' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'CPAN' => '1.3901', #./lib/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.29 ', #./lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => undef, #./lib/CPAN/ 'Cwd' => '2.01', #./lib/ 'Data::Dumper' => '2.09', #./ext/Data/Dumper/ 'DB_File' => '1.60', #./ext/DB_File/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.01', #./lib/Devel/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.03', 'diagnostics' => undef, #./lib/ 'DirHandle' => undef, #./lib/ 'English' => undef, #./lib/ 'Env' => undef, #./lib/ 'Exporter' => undef, #./lib/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.01', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.2505', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.28 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.02', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.25 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '5.4301', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.33 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.13 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.17 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.12601 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.03', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.11 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #./vms/ext/ 'Fatal' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.03', #./ext/Fcntl/ 'fields' => '0.02', #./lib/ 'File::Basename' => '2.6', #./lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1001', #./lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.02', #./lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Find' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Path' => '1.0401', #./lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '0.6', #./lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.0', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::stat' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'FileCache' => undef, #./lib/ 'FileHandle' => '2.00', #./lib/ 'FindBin' => '1.41', #./lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/GDBM_File/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.17', #./lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => undef, #./lib/Getopt/ 'I18N::Collate' => undef, #./lib/I18N/ 'integer' => undef, #./lib/ 'IO' => undef, #./ext/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.06021', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.1505', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.0901', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.06', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.10', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.1603', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0102', #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Msg' => '1.00', #./ext/IPC/SysV/ 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.00', #./ext/IPC/SysV/ 'IPC::SysV' => '1.03', #./ext/IPC/SysV/ 'less' => undef, #./lib/ 'lib' => undef, #./lib/ 'locale' => undef, #./lib/ 'Math::BigFloat' => undef, #./lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt' => undef, #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.25', #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1', #./lib/Math/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.01', #./ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::hostent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.02', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'O' => undef, #./ext/B/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/ODBM_File/ 'Opcode' => '1.04', #./ext/Opcode/ 'ops' => undef, #./ext/Opcode/ 'Safe' => '2.06', #./ext/Opcode/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.01', #./os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.02', #./os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => '0.2', #./os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => undef, #./os2/OS2/REXX/ 'overload' => undef, #./lib/ 'Pod::Functions' => undef, #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.01', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '1.0203', #./lib/Pod/ 'POSIX' => '1.02', #./ext/POSIX/ 're' => '0.02', #./ext/re/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/SDBM_File/ 'Search::Dict' => undef, #./lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => undef, #./lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.08', #./lib/ 'Shell' => undef, #./lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Socket' => '1.7', #./ext/Socket/ 'strict' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'subs' => undef, #./lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => undef, #./lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => undef, #./lib/Sys/ 'Term::Cap' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Test' => '1.04', #./lib/ 'Test::Harness' => '1.1602', #./lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => undef, #./lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.1', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => undef, #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '96.121201', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '97.02', #./lib/Text/ 'Thread' => '1.0', #./ext/Thread/ 'Thread::Queue' => undef, #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Semaphore' => undef, #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Signal' => undef, #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Specific' => undef, #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Tie::Array' => '1.00', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Handle' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.01', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::Local' => undef, #./lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.01', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => undef, #./lib/Time/ 'UNIVERSAL' => undef, #./lib/ 'User::grent' => undef, #./lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => undef, #./lib/User/ 'vars' => undef, #./lib/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.01', #./vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => undef, #./vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.1', #./vms/ext/Stdio/ 'vmsish' => undef, #./vms/ext/ }, 5.00503 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => undef, 'attrs' => '1.0', 'AutoLoader' => undef, 'AutoSplit' => 1.0303, 'autouse' => 1.01, 'B::Asmdata' => undef, 'B::Assembler' => undef, 'B::Bblock' => undef, 'B::Bytecode' => undef, 'B::C' => undef, 'B::CC' => undef, 'B::Debug' => undef, 'B::Deparse' => 0.56, 'B::Disassembler' => undef, 'B::Lint' => undef, 'B' => undef, 'B::Showlex' => undef, 'B::Stackobj' => undef, 'B::Terse' => undef, 'B::Xref' => undef, 'base' => undef, 'Benchmark' => undef, 'blib' => '1.00', 'Carp' => undef, 'CGI' => 2.46, 'CGI::Apache' => 1.1, 'CGI::Carp' => 1.13, 'CGI::Cookie' => 1.06, 'CGI::Fast' => 1.01, 'CGI::Push' => 1.01, 'CGI::Switch' => 0.06, 'Class::Struct' => undef, 'Config' => undef, 'constant' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => 1.36 , 'CPAN' => 1.48, 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.00', 'Cwd' => 2.01, 'Data::Dumper' => 2.101, 'DB_File' => 1.65, 'Devel::SelfStubber' => 1.01, 'diagnostics' => undef, 'DirHandle' => undef, 'Dumpvalue' => undef, 'DynaLoader' => 1.03, 'English' => undef, 'Env' => undef, 'Exporter' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Command' => 1.01, 'ExtUtils::Embed' => 1.2505, 'ExtUtils::Install' => 1.28 , 'ExtUtils::Installed' => 0.02, 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => 1.25 , 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 5.4302, 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => 1.33 , 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => 1.14 , 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => 1.17 , 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => undef, 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => 1.12602 , 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => undef, 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => 0.03, 'ExtUtils::testlib' => 1.11 , 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', 'Fatal' => 1.02, 'Fcntl' => 1.03, 'fields' => 0.02, 'File::Basename' => 2.6, 'File::CheckTree' => undef, 'File::Compare' => 1.1001, 'File::Copy' => 2.02, 'File::DosGlob' => undef, 'File::Find' => undef, 'File::Path' => 1.0401, 'File::Spec' => 0.6, 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.0', 'File::Spec::OS2' => undef, 'File::Spec::Unix' => undef, 'File::Spec::VMS' => undef, 'File::Spec::Win32' => undef, 'File::stat' => undef, 'FileCache' => undef, 'FileHandle' => '2.00', 'FindBin' => 1.42, 'GDBM_File' => '1.00', 'Getopt::Long' => 2.19, 'Getopt::Std' => 1.01, 'I18N::Collate' => undef, 'integer' => undef, 'IO' => undef, 'IO::File' => 1.06021, 'IO::Handle' => 1.1505, 'IO::Pipe' => 1.0902, 'IO::Seekable' => 1.06, 'IO::Select' => '1.10', 'IO::Socket' => 1.1603, 'IPC::Msg' => '1.00', 'IPC::Open2' => 1.01, 'IPC::Open3' => 1.0103, 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.00', 'IPC::SysV' => 1.03, 'less' => undef, 'lib' => undef, 'locale' => undef, 'Math::BigFloat' => undef, 'Math::BigInt' => undef, 'Math::Complex' => 1.26, 'Math::Trig' => 1, 'NDBM_File' => 1.01, 'Net::hostent' => undef, 'Net::netent' => undef, 'Net::Ping' => 2.02, 'Net::protoent' => undef, 'Net::servent' => undef, 'O' => undef, 'ODBM_File' => '1.00', 'Opcode' => 1.04, 'ops' => undef, 'OS2::ExtAttr' => 0.01, 'OS2::PrfDB' => 0.02, 'OS2::Process' => 0.2, 'OS2::REXX' => undef, 'overload' => undef, 'Pod::Functions' => undef, 'Pod::Html' => 1.01, 'Pod::Text' => 1.0203, 'POSIX' => 1.02, 're' => 0.02, 'Safe' => 2.06, 'SDBM_File' => '1.00', 'Search::Dict' => undef, 'SelectSaver' => undef, 'SelfLoader' => 1.08, 'Shell' => undef, 'sigtrap' => 1.02, 'Socket' => 1.7, 'strict' => 1.01, 'subs' => undef, 'Symbol' => 1.02, 'Sys::Hostname' => undef, 'Sys::Syslog' => undef, 'Term::Cap' => undef, 'Term::Complete' => undef, 'Term::ReadLine' => undef, 'Test' => 1.122, 'Test::Harness' => 1.1602, 'Text::Abbrev' => undef, 'Text::ParseWords' => 3.1, 'Text::Soundex' => undef, 'Text::Tabs' => 96.121201, 'Text::Wrap' => 98.112902, 'Thread' => '1.0', 'Thread::Queue' => undef, 'Thread::Semaphore' => undef, 'Thread::Specific' => undef, 'Thread::Signal' => undef, 'Tie::Array' => '1.00', 'Tie::Handle' => undef, 'Tie::Hash' => undef, 'Tie::RefHash' => undef, 'Tie::Scalar' => undef, 'Tie::SubstrHash' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => 1.01, 'Time::Local' => undef, 'Time::localtime' => 1.01, 'Time::tm' => undef, 'UNIVERSAL' => undef, 'User::grent' => undef, 'User::pwent' => undef, 'vars' => undef, 'VMS::DCLsym' => 1.01, 'VMS::Filespec' => undef, 'VMS::Stdio' => 2.1, 'vmsish' => undef, }, 5.00405 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => undef, #./lib/ 'attrs' => '0.1', #./lib/ 'AutoLoader' => '5.56', #./lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.0303', #./lib/ 'autouse' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'base' => undef, #./lib/ 'Benchmark' => undef, #./lib/ 'blib' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Bundle::CPAN' => '0.03', #./lib/Bundle/ 'Carp' => undef, #./lib/ 'CGI' => '2.42', #./lib/ 'CGI::Apache' => '1.1', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.10', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.06', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.00a', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.01', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => '0.06', #./lib/CGI/ 'Class::Struct' => undef, #./lib/Class/ 'Config' => undef, 'constant' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'CPAN' => '1.40', #./lib/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.30 ', #./lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => undef, #./lib/CPAN/ 'Cwd' => '2.01', #./lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.15', #./ext/DB_File/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.01', #./lib/Devel/ 'diagnostics' => undef, #./lib/ 'DirHandle' => undef, #./lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.03', 'English' => undef, #./lib/ 'Env' => undef, #./lib/ 'Exporter' => undef, #./lib/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.01', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.2505', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.28 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.25 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '5.42', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.33 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.14 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.16 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.118 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.11 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #./vms/ext/ 'Fcntl' => '1.03', #./ext/Fcntl/ 'File::Basename' => '2.6', #./lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1001', #./lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.02', #./lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Find' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Path' => '1.0402', #./lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '0.6', #./lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.0', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::stat' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'FileCache' => undef, #./lib/ 'FileHandle' => '2.00', #./lib/ 'FindBin' => '1.41', #./lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/GDBM_File/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.19', #./lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => undef, #./lib/Getopt/ 'I18N::Collate' => undef, #./lib/I18N/ 'integer' => undef, #./lib/ 'IO' => undef, #./ext/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.06021', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.1504', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.0901', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.06', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.10', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.1603', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0103', #./lib/IPC/ 'less' => undef, #./lib/ 'lib' => undef, #./lib/ 'locale' => undef, #./lib/ 'Math::BigFloat' => undef, #./lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt' => undef, #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.25', #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1', #./lib/Math/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.01', #./ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::hostent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.02', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/ODBM_File/ 'Opcode' => '1.04', #./ext/Opcode/ 'ops' => undef, #./ext/Opcode/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.01', #./os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.02', #./os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => undef, #./os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => undef, #./os2/OS2/REXX/ 'overload' => undef, #./lib/ 'Pod::Functions' => undef, #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.0101', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '1.0204', #./lib/Pod/ 'POSIX' => '1.02', #./ext/POSIX/ 're' => undef, #./lib/ 'Safe' => '2.06', #./ext/Opcode/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.00', #./ext/SDBM_File/ 'Search::Dict' => undef, #./lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => undef, #./lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.08', #./lib/ 'Shell' => undef, #./lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Socket' => '1.7', #./ext/Socket/ 'strict' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'subs' => undef, #./lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => undef, #./lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => undef, #./lib/Sys/ 'Term::Cap' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Test' => '1.04', #./lib/ 'Test::Harness' => '1.1602', #./lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => undef, #./lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.1001', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => undef, #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '96.121201', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '98.112902', #./lib/Text/ 'Tie::Handle' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.01', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::Local' => undef, #./lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.01', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => undef, #./lib/Time/ 'UNIVERSAL' => undef, #./lib/ 'User::grent' => undef, #./lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => undef, #./lib/User/ 'vars' => undef, #./lib/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.01', #./vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => undef, #./vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.02', #./vms/ext/Stdio/ 'vmsish' => undef, #./vms/ext/ }, 5.00504 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => undef, #lib/ 'attrs' => '1.0', #lib/ 'AutoLoader' => undef, #lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.0303', #lib/ 'autouse' => '1.01', #lib/ 'base' => undef, #lib/ 'B::Asmdata' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Assembler' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Bblock' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Bytecode' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::CC' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::C' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Debug' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Deparse' => '0.56', #lib/B/ 'B::Disassembler' => undef, #lib/B/ 'Benchmark' => undef, #lib/ 'blib' => '1.00', #lib/ 'B::Lint' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Showlex' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Stackobj' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Terse' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B' => undef, #lib/ 'B::Xref' => undef, #lib/B/ 'Carp' => undef, #lib/ 'CGI' => '2.46', #lib/ 'CGI::Apache' => '1.1', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.13', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.06', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.01', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.01', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => '0.06', #lib/CGI/ 'Class::Struct' => undef, #lib/Class/ 'Config' => undef, #lib/ 'constant' => '1.00', #lib/ 'CPAN' => '1.48', #lib/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.36 ', #lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.00', #lib/CPAN/ 'Cwd' => '2.01', #lib/ 'Data::Dumper' => '2.101', #lib/Data/ 'DB_File' => '1.807', #lib/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.01', #lib/Devel/ 'diagnostics' => undef, #lib/ 'DirHandle' => undef, #lib/ 'Dumpvalue' => undef, #lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.03', #lib/ 'English' => undef, #lib/ 'Env' => undef, #lib/ 'Errno' => '1.111', #lib/ 'Exporter' => undef, #lib/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.2505', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.28 ', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.25 ', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '5.4302', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.33 ', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.14 ', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.17 ', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => undef, #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.12602 ', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => undef, #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => undef, #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.03', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.11 ', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #vms/ext/ 'Fatal' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.03', #lib/ 'fields' => '0.02', #lib/ 'File::Basename' => '2.6', #lib/File/ 'FileCache' => undef, #lib/ 'File::CheckTree' => undef, #lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1002', #lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.02', #lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => undef, #lib/File/ 'File::Find' => undef, #lib/File/ 'FileHandle' => '2.00', #lib/ 'File::Path' => '1.0401', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '0.8', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Functions' => undef, #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => undef, #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => undef, #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => undef, #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => undef, #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => undef, #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::stat' => undef, #lib/File/ 'FindBin' => '1.42', #lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.20', #lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => '1.01', #lib/Getopt/ 'I18N::Collate' => undef, #lib/I18N/ 'integer' => undef, #lib/ 'IO::File' => '1.06021', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.1505', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.0902', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.06', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.10', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.1603', #lib/IO/ 'IO' => undef, #lib/ 'IPC::Msg' => '1.00', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0103', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.00', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::SysV' => '1.03', #lib/IPC/ 'less' => undef, #lib/ 'lib' => undef, #lib/ 'locale' => undef, #lib/ 'Math::BigFloat' => undef, #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt' => undef, #lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.26', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1', #lib/Math/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.01', #ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::hostent' => undef, #lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => undef, #lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.02', #lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => undef, #lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => undef, #lib/Net/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.00', #ext/ODBM_File/ 'Opcode' => '1.04', #lib/ 'ops' => undef, #lib/ 'O' => undef, #lib/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.01', #os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.02', #os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => '0.2', #os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => undef, #os2/OS2/REXX/ 'overload' => undef, #lib/ 'Pod::Functions' => undef, #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.02', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '1.0203', #lib/Pod/ 'POSIX' => '1.02', #lib/ 're' => '0.02', #lib/ 'Safe' => '2.06', #lib/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Search::Dict' => undef, #lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => undef, #lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.08', #lib/ 'Shell' => undef, #lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Socket' => '1.7', #lib/ 'strict' => '1.01', #lib/ 'subs' => undef, #lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => undef, #lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => undef, #lib/Sys/ 'Term::Cap' => undef, #lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => undef, #lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => undef, #lib/Term/ 'Test' => '1.122', #lib/ 'Test::Harness' => '1.1602', #lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => undef, #lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.1', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => undef, #lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '96.121201', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '98.112902', #lib/Text/ 'Thread' => '1.0', #ext/Thread/ 'Thread::Queue' => undef, #ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Semaphore' => undef, #ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Signal' => undef, #ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Specific' => undef, #ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Tie::Array' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Handle' => undef, #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => undef, #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => undef, #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => undef, #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => undef, #lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.01', #lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.01', #lib/Time/ 'Time::Local' => undef, #lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => undef, #lib/Time/ 'UNIVERSAL' => undef, #lib/ 'User::grent' => undef, #lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => undef, #lib/User/ 'vars' => undef, #lib/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.01', #vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => undef, #vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.1', #vms/ext/Stdio/ 'vmsish' => undef, #vms/ext/ }, 5.006 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => undef, #./lib/ 'AutoLoader' => '5.57', #./lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.0305', #./lib/ 'B' => undef, #./ext/B/ 'B::Asmdata' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Assembler' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Bblock' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Bytecode' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::C' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::CC' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Debug' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Deparse' => '0.59', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Disassembler' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Lint' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Showlex' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Stackobj' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Stash' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Terse' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Xref' => undef, #./ext/B/B/ 'Benchmark' => '1', #./lib/ 'ByteLoader' => '0.03', #./ext/ByteLoader/ 'CGI' => '2.56', #./lib/ 'CGI::Apache' => undef, #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.14', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.12', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.02', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.03', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.01', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => undef, #./lib/CGI/ 'CPAN' => '1.52', #./lib/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.38 ', #./lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.00', #./lib/CPAN/ 'Carp' => undef, #./lib/ 'Carp::Heavy' => undef, #./lib/Carp/ 'Class::Struct' => '0.58', #./lib/Class/ 'Config' => undef, 'Cwd' => '2.02', #./lib/ 'DB' => '1.0', #./lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.72', #./ext/DB_File/ 'Data::Dumper' => '2.101', #./ext/Data/Dumper/ 'Devel::DProf' => '20000000.00_00', #./ext/Devel/DProf/ 'Devel::Peek' => '1.00_01', #./ext/Devel/Peek/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.01', #./lib/Devel/ 'DirHandle' => undef, #./lib/ 'Dumpvalue' => undef, #./lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.04', 'English' => undef, #./lib/ 'Env' => undef, #./lib/ 'Exporter' => '5.562', #./lib/ 'Exporter::Heavy' => undef, #./lib/Exporter/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.01', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.2505', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.28 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.02', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.25 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.12603 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '5.45', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.33 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.14 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.17 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.03', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #./vms/ext/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.11 ', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'Fatal' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.03', #./ext/Fcntl/ 'File::Basename' => '2.6', #./lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1002', #./lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.03', #./lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Find' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'File::Glob' => '0.991', #./ext/File/Glob/ 'File::Path' => '1.0403', #./lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '0.8', #./lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Functions' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => undef, #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::stat' => undef, #./lib/File/ 'FileCache' => undef, #./lib/ 'FileHandle' => '2.00', #./lib/ 'FindBin' => '1.42', #./lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.03', #./ext/GDBM_File/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.23', #./lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => '1.02', #./lib/Getopt/ 'I18N::Collate' => undef, #./lib/I18N/ 'IO' => '1.20', #./ext/IO/ 'IO::Dir' => '1.03', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.08', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.21', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.121', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Poll' => '0.01', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.08', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.14', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.26', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.25', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/Socket/ 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.20', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/Socket/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0103', #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Msg' => '1.00', #./ext/IPC/SysV/ 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.00', #./ext/IPC/SysV/ 'IPC::SysV' => '1.03', #./ext/IPC/SysV/ 'JNI' => '0.01', #./jpl/JNI/ 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, #./jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Class' => undef, #./jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Compile' => undef, #./jpl/JPL/ 'Math::BigFloat' => undef, #./lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt' => undef, #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.26', #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1', #./lib/Math/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.03', #./ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.02', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::hostent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => undef, #./lib/Net/ 'O' => undef, #./ext/B/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.02', #./ext/ODBM_File/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.01', #./os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.02', #./os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => '0.2', #./os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => undef, #./os2/OS2/REXX/ 'OS2::DLL' => undef, #./os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/ 'Opcode' => '1.04', #./ext/Opcode/ 'POSIX' => '1.03', #./ext/POSIX/ 'Pod::Checker' => '1.098', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Find' => '0.12', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Functions' => undef, #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.03', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.12', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Man' => '1.02', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '0.2', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Parser' => '1.12', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Select' => '1.12', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '2.03', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text::Color' => '0.05', #./lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '0.04', #./lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Usage' => '1.12', #./lib/Pod/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.02', #./ext/SDBM_File/ 'Safe' => '2.06', #./ext/Opcode/ 'Search::Dict' => undef, #./lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => undef, #./lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.0901', #./lib/ 'Shell' => '0.2', #./lib/ 'Socket' => '1.72', #./ext/Socket/ 'Symbol' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.1', #./ext/Sys/Hostname/ 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.01', #./ext/Sys/Syslog/ 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.01', #./lib/Term/ 'Term::Cap' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => undef, #./lib/Term/ 'Test' => '1.13', #./lib/ 'Test::Harness' => '1.1604', #./lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => undef, #./lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.2', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => '1.0', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '98.112902', #./lib/Text/ 'Thread' => '1.0', #./ext/Thread/ 'Thread::Queue' => undef, #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Semaphore' => undef, #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Signal' => undef, #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Specific' => undef, #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Tie::Array' => '1.01', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Handle' => '1.0', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => undef, #./lib/Tie/ 'Time::Local' => undef, #./lib/Time/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.01', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.01', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => undef, #./lib/Time/ 'UNIVERSAL' => undef, #./lib/ 'User::grent' => undef, #./lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => undef, #./lib/User/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.01', #./vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => undef, #./vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.2', #./vms/ext/Stdio/ 'XSLoader' => '0.01', 'attributes' => '0.03', #./lib/ 'attrs' => '1.0', #./ext/attrs/ 'autouse' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'base' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'blib' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'bytes' => undef, #./lib/ 'charnames' => undef, #./lib/ 'constant' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'diagnostics' => '1.0', #./lib/ 'fields' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'filetest' => undef, #./lib/ 'integer' => undef, #./lib/ 'less' => undef, #./lib/ 'lib' => '0.5564', #./lib/ 'locale' => undef, #./lib/ 'open' => undef, #./lib/ 'ops' => undef, #./ext/Opcode/ 'overload' => undef, #./lib/ 're' => '0.02', #./ext/re/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'strict' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'subs' => undef, #./lib/ 'utf8' => undef, #./lib/ 'vars' => undef, #./lib/ 'vmsish' => undef, #./vms/ext/ 'warnings' => undef, #./lib/ 'warnings::register' => undef, #./lib/warnings/ }, 5.006001 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => undef, 'attributes' => 0.03, 'attrs' => '1.0', 'AutoLoader' => 5.58, 'AutoSplit' => 1.0305, 'autouse' => 1.02, 'B::Asmdata' => undef, 'B::Assembler' => 0.02, 'B::Bblock' => undef, 'B::Bytecode' => undef, 'B::C' => undef, 'B::CC' => undef, 'B::Concise' => 0.51, 'B::Debug' => undef, 'B::Deparse' => 0.6, 'B::Disassembler' => undef, 'B::Lint' => undef, 'B' => undef, 'B::Showlex' => undef, 'B::Stackobj' => undef, 'B::Stash' => undef, 'B::Terse' => undef, 'B::Xref' => undef, 'base' => 1.01, 'Benchmark' => 1, 'blib' => '1.00', 'ByteLoader' => 0.04, 'bytes' => undef, 'Carp' => undef, 'Carp::Heavy' => undef, 'CGI' => 2.752, 'CGI::Apache' => undef, 'CGI::Carp' => '1.20', 'CGI::Cookie' => 1.18, 'CGI::Fast' => 1.02, 'CGI::Pretty' => 1.05, 'CGI::Push' => 1.04, 'CGI::Switch' => undef, 'CGI::Util' => 1.1, 'charnames' => undef, 'Class::Struct' => 0.59, 'Config' => undef, 'constant' => 1.02, 'CPAN::FirstTime' => 1.53 , 'CPAN' => '1.59_54', 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.00', 'Cwd' => 2.04, 'Data::Dumper' => 2.102, 'DB' => '1.0', 'DB_File' => 1.75, 'Devel::DProf' => '20000000.00_00', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.00_01', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => 1.01, 'diagnostics' => '1.0', # really v1.0, but that causes breakage 'DirHandle' => undef, 'Dumpvalue' => undef, 'DynaLoader' => 1.04, 'English' => undef, 'Env' => undef, 'Exporter' => 5.562, 'Exporter::Heavy' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Command' => 1.01, 'ExtUtils::Embed' => 1.2505, 'ExtUtils::Install' => 1.28 , 'ExtUtils::Installed' => 0.02, 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => 1.26 , 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 5.45, 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => 1.33 , 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => 1.14 , 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => 1.17 , 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => undef, 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => undef, 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => 1.12603 , 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => undef, 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => 0.03, 'ExtUtils::testlib' => 1.11 , 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', 'Fatal' => 1.02, 'Fcntl' => 1.03, 'fields' => 1.01, 'File::Basename' => 2.6, 'File::CheckTree' => undef, 'File::Compare' => 1.1002, 'File::Copy' => 2.03, 'File::DosGlob' => undef, 'File::Find' => undef, 'File::Glob' => 0.991, 'File::Path' => 1.0404, 'File::Spec' => 0.82, 'File::Spec::Epoc' => undef, 'File::Spec::Functions' => 1.1, 'File::Spec::Mac' => 1.2, 'File::Spec::OS2' => 1.1, 'File::Spec::Unix' => 1.2, 'File::Spec::VMS' => 1.1, 'File::Spec::Win32' => 1.2, 'File::stat' => undef, 'File::Temp' => 0.12, 'FileCache' => undef, 'FileHandle' => '2.00', 'filetest' => undef, 'FindBin' => 1.42, 'GDBM_File' => 1.05, 'Getopt::Long' => 2.25, 'Getopt::Std' => 1.02, 'I18N::Collate' => undef, 'integer' => undef, 'IO' => '1.20', 'IO::Dir' => 1.03, 'IO::File' => 1.08, 'IO::Handle' => 1.21, 'IO::Pipe' => 1.121, 'IO::Poll' => 0.05, 'IO::Seekable' => 1.08, 'IO::Select' => 1.14, 'IO::Socket' => 1.26, 'IO::Socket::INET' => 1.25, 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.20', 'IPC::Msg' => '1.00', 'IPC::Open2' => 1.01, 'IPC::Open3' => 1.0103, 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.00', 'IPC::SysV' => 1.03, 'JNI' => 0.1, 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, 'JPL::Class' => undef, 'JPL::Compile' => undef, 'less' => undef, 'lib' => 0.5564, 'locale' => undef, 'Math::BigFloat' => 0.02, 'Math::BigInt' => 0.01, 'Math::Complex' => 1.31, 'Math::Trig' => 1, 'NDBM_File' => 1.04, 'Net::hostent' => undef, 'Net::netent' => undef, 'Net::Ping' => 2.02, 'Net::protoent' => undef, 'Net::servent' => undef, 'O' => undef, 'ODBM_File' => 1.03, 'Opcode' => 1.04, 'open' => undef, 'ops' => undef, 'OS2::DLL' => undef, 'OS2::ExtAttr' => 0.01, 'OS2::PrfDB' => 0.02, 'OS2::Process' => 0.2, 'OS2::REXX' => '1.00', 'overload' => undef, 'Pod::Checker' => 1.2, 'Pod::Find' => 0.21, 'Pod::Functions' => undef, 'Pod::Html' => 1.03, 'Pod::LaTeX' => 0.53, 'Pod::Man' => 1.15, 'Pod::InputObjects' => 1.13, 'Pod::Parser' => 1.13, 'Pod::ParseUtils' => 0.22, 'Pod::Plainer' => 0.01, 'Pod::Select' => 1.13, 'Pod::Text' => 2.08, 'Pod::Text::Color' => 0.06, 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => 1.01, 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => 1, 'Pod::Usage' => 1.14, 'POSIX' => 1.03, 're' => 0.02, 'Safe' => 2.06, 'SDBM_File' => 1.03, 'Search::Dict' => undef, 'SelectSaver' => undef, 'SelfLoader' => 1.0902, 'Shell' => 0.3, 'sigtrap' => 1.02, 'Socket' => 1.72, 'strict' => 1.01, 'subs' => undef, 'Symbol' => 1.02, 'Sys::Hostname' => 1.1, 'Sys::Syslog' => 0.01, 'Term::ANSIColor' => 1.03, 'Term::Cap' => undef, 'Term::Complete' => undef, 'Term::ReadLine' => undef, 'Test' => 1.15, 'Test::Harness' => 1.1604, 'Text::Abbrev' => undef, 'Text::ParseWords' => 3.2, 'Text::Soundex' => '1.0', 'Text::Tabs' => 98.112801, 'Text::Wrap' => 2001.0131, 'Thread' => '1.0', 'Thread::Queue' => undef, 'Thread::Semaphore' => undef, 'Thread::Signal' => undef, 'Thread::Specific' => undef, 'Tie::Array' => 1.01, 'Tie::Handle' => '4.0', 'Tie::Hash' => undef, 'Tie::RefHash' => 1.3, 'Tie::Scalar' => undef, 'Tie::SubstrHash' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => 1.01, 'Time::Local' => undef, 'Time::localtime' => 1.01, 'Time::tm' => undef, 'UNIVERSAL' => undef, 'User::grent' => undef, 'User::pwent' => undef, 'utf8' => undef, 'vars' => undef, 'VMS::DCLsym' => 1.01, 'VMS::Filespec' => undef, 'VMS::Stdio' => 2.2, 'vmsish' => undef, 'warnings' => undef, 'warnings::register' => undef, 'XSLoader' => '0.01', }, 5.006002 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => undef, #lib/ 'attributes' => '0.03', #lib/ 'attrs' => '1.0', #lib/ 'AutoLoader' => '5.58', #lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.0305', #lib/ 'autouse' => '1.02', #lib/ 'B' => undef, #lib/ 'B::Asmdata' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Assembler' => '0.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Bblock' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Bytecode' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::C' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::CC' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Concise' => '0.51', #lib/B/ 'B::Debug' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Deparse' => '0.6', #lib/B/ 'B::Disassembler' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Lint' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Showlex' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Stackobj' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Stash' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Terse' => undef, #lib/B/ 'B::Xref' => undef, #lib/B/ 'base' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Benchmark' => '1', #lib/ 'blib' => '1.00', #lib/ 'ByteLoader' => '0.04', #lib/ 'bytes' => undef, #lib/ 'Carp' => undef, #lib/ 'Carp::Heavy' => undef, #lib/Carp/ 'CGI' => '2.752', #lib/ 'CGI::Apache' => undef, #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.20', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.18', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.02', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.05', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => undef, #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Util' => '1.1', #lib/CGI/ 'charnames' => undef, #lib/ 'Class::Struct' => '0.59', #lib/Class/ 'Config' => undef, #lib/ 'constant' => '1.02', #lib/ 'CPAN' => '1.59_54', #lib/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.53 ', #lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.00', #lib/CPAN/ 'Cwd' => '2.04', #lib/ 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121', #lib/Data/ 'DB' => '1.0', #lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.806', #lib/ 'Devel::DProf' => '20000000.00_00', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::Peek' => '1.00_01', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.01', #lib/Devel/ 'diagnostics' => '1.0', #lib/ 'DirHandle' => undef, #lib/ 'Dumpvalue' => undef, #lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.04', #lib/ 'English' => undef, #lib/ 'Env' => undef, #lib/ 'Errno' => '1.111', #lib/ 'Exporter' => '5.562', #lib/ 'Exporter::Heavy' => undef, #lib/Exporter/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.05', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03', #lib/ExtUtils/Command/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.2505', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.32', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.08', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3', #lib/ExtUtils/Liblist/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.17', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.42', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.06', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.06', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.42', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.70', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.09', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.03', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #vms/ext/ 'Fatal' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.03', #lib/ 'fields' => '1.01', #lib/ 'File::Basename' => '2.6', #lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => undef, #lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1002', #lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.03', #lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => undef, #lib/File/ 'File::Find' => undef, #lib/File/ 'File::Glob' => '0.991', #lib/File/ 'File::Path' => '1.0404', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '0.86', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::stat' => undef, #lib/File/ 'File::Temp' => '0.14', #lib/File/ 'FileCache' => undef, #lib/ 'FileHandle' => '2.00', #lib/ 'filetest' => undef, #lib/ 'FindBin' => '1.42', #lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.05', #ext/GDBM_File/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.25', #lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => '1.02', #lib/Getopt/ 'I18N::Collate' => undef, #lib/I18N/ 'if' => '0.03', #lib/ 'integer' => undef, #lib/ 'IO' => '1.20', #lib/ 'IO::Dir' => '1.03', #lib/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.08', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.21', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.121', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Poll' => '0.05', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.08', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.14', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.26', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.25', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.20', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'IPC::Msg' => '1.00', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0103', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.00', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::SysV' => '1.03', #lib/IPC/ 'JNI' => '0.1', #jpl/JNI/ 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Class' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Compile' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'less' => undef, #lib/ 'lib' => '0.5564', #lib/ 'locale' => undef, #lib/ 'Math::BigFloat' => '0.02', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt' => '0.01', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.31', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1', #lib/Math/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.04', #ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::hostent' => undef, #lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => undef, #lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.02', #lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => undef, #lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => undef, #lib/Net/ 'O' => undef, #lib/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.03', #ext/ODBM_File/ 'Opcode' => '1.04', #lib/ 'open' => undef, #lib/ 'ops' => '1.00', #lib/ 'OS2::DLL' => undef, #os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.01', #os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.02', #os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => '0.2', #os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => '1.00', #os2/OS2/REXX/ 'overload' => undef, #lib/ 'Pod::Checker' => '1.2', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Find' => '0.21', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Functions' => undef, #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.03', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.13', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.53', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Man' => '1.15', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Parser' => '1.13', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '0.22', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Select' => '1.13', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '2.08', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text::Color' => '0.06', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.01', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Usage' => '1.14', #lib/Pod/ 'POSIX' => '1.03', #lib/ 're' => '0.02', #lib/ 'Safe' => '2.10', #lib/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.03', #lib/ 'Search::Dict' => undef, #lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => undef, #lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.0902', #lib/ 'Shell' => '0.3', #lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Socket' => '1.72', #lib/ 'strict' => '1.01', #lib/ 'subs' => undef, #lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.1', #lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.01', #lib/Sys/ 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.03', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Cap' => undef, #lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => undef, #lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => undef, #lib/Term/ 'Test' => '1.24', #lib/ 'Test::Builder' => '0.17', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness' => '2.30', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.01', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.01', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.15', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::More' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Simple' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => undef, #lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.2', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => '1.0', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '2001.0131', #lib/Text/ 'Thread' => '1.0', #ext/Thread/ 'Thread::Queue' => undef, #ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Semaphore' => undef, #ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Signal' => undef, #ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Specific' => undef, #ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Tie::Array' => '1.01', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Handle' => '4.0', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => undef, #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.3', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => undef, #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => undef, #lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.01', #lib/Time/ 'Time::Local' => undef, #lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.01', #lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => undef, #lib/Time/ 'Unicode' => '3.0.1', # lib/unicore/version 'UNIVERSAL' => undef, #lib/ 'User::grent' => undef, #lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => undef, #lib/User/ 'utf8' => undef, #lib/ 'vars' => undef, #lib/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.01', #vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => undef, #vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.2', #vms/ext/Stdio/ 'vmsish' => undef, #vms/ext/ 'warnings' => undef, #lib/ 'warnings::register' => undef, #lib/warnings/ 'XSLoader' => '0.01', #lib/ }, 5.007003 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.76', 'attributes' => '0.04_01', 'attrs' => '1.01', 'AutoLoader' => '5.59', 'AutoSplit' => '1.0307', 'autouse' => '1.03', 'B::Asmdata' => '1.00', 'B::Assembler' => '0.04', 'B::Bblock' => '1.00', 'B::Bytecode' => '1.00', 'B::C' => '1.01', 'B::CC' => '1.00', 'B::Concise' => '0.52', 'B::Debug' => '1.00', 'B::Deparse' => '0.63', 'B::Disassembler' => '1.01', 'B::Lint' => '1.00', 'B' => '1.00', 'B::Showlex' => '1.00', 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', 'B::Stash' => '1.00', 'B::Terse' => '1.00', 'B::Xref' => '1.00', 'base' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.04', 'blib' => '1.01', 'ByteLoader' => '0.04', 'bytes' => '1.00', 'Carp' => '1.01', 'Carp::Heavy' => undef, 'CGI' => '2.80', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', 'CGI::Carp' => '1.22', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.20', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.04', 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.05_00', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', 'CGI::Util' => '1.3', 'charnames' => '1.01', 'Class::ISA' => '0.32', 'Class::Struct' => '0.61', 'Config' => undef, 'constant' => '1.04', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.54 ', 'CPAN' => '1.59_56', 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.00_01', 'Cwd' => '2.06', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.12', 'DB' => '1.0', 'DB_File' => '1.804', 'Devel::DProf' => '20000000.00_01', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.00_03', 'Devel::PPPort' => '2.0002', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'diagnostics' => '1.1', 'Digest' => '1.00', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.00', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.10', 'DynaLoader' => 1.04, 'Encode' => '0.40', 'Encode::CN' => '0.02', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => undef, 'Encode::Encoding' => '0.02', 'Encode::Internal' => '0.30', 'Encode::iso10646_1' => '0.30', 'Encode::JP' => '0.02', 'Encode::JP::Constants' => '1.02', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '0.77', 'Encode::JP::ISO_2022_JP' => undef, 'Encode::JP::JIS' => undef, 'Encode::JP::Tr' => '0.77', 'Encode::KR' => '0.02', 'Encode::Tcl' => '1.01', 'Encode::Tcl::Escape' => '1.01', 'Encode::Tcl::Extended' => '1.01', 'Encode::Tcl::HanZi' => '1.01', 'Encode::Tcl::Table' => '1.01', 'Encode::TW' => '0.02', 'Encode::Unicode' => '0.30', 'Encode::usc2_le' => '0.30', 'Encode::utf8' => '0.30', 'Encode::XS' => '0.40', 'encoding' => '1.00', 'English' => '1.00', 'Env' => '1.00', 'Exporter' => '5.566', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.562', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.11', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.250601', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.29', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.2701', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '5.48_03', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.35', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.1401', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.18', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.00', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.00', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.00', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.12607', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.00_02', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.1201', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', 'Fatal' => '1.03', 'Fcntl' => '1.04', 'fields' => '1.02', 'File::Basename' => '2.71', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.1', 'File::Compare' => '1.1003', 'File::Copy' => '2.05', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', 'File::Find' => '1.04', 'File::Glob' => '1.01', 'File::Path' => '1.05', 'File::Spec' => '0.83', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.0', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.00', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.2', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.3', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.1', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.4', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.2', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.3', 'File::stat' => '1.00', 'File::Temp' => '0.13', 'FileCache' => '1.00', 'FileHandle' => '2.01', 'filetest' => '1.00', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.77', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.06', 'FindBin' => '1.43', 'GDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.28', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.03', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.27', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.25', 'if' => '0.01', 'integer' => '1.00', 'IO' => '1.20', 'IO::Dir' => '1.03_00', 'IO::File' => '1.09', 'IO::Handle' => '1.21_00', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.122', 'IO::Poll' => '0.06', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.08_00', 'IO::Select' => '1.15', 'IO::Socket' => '1.27', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.26', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.20_00', 'IPC::Msg' => '1.00_00', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0104', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.00_00', 'IPC::SysV' => '1.03_00', 'JNI' => '0.1', 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, 'JPL::Class' => undef, 'JPL::Compile' => undef, 'less' => '0.01', 'lib' => '0.5564', 'List::Util' => '1.06_00', 'locale' => '1.00', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.01', 'Locale::Country' => '2.01', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.01', 'Locale::Language' => '2.01', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.03', 'Locale::Script' => '2.01', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.30', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.54', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.25', 'Math::Complex' => '1.34', 'Math::Trig' => '1.01', 'Memoize' => '0.66', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '0.66', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '0.65', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'MIME::Base64' => '2.12', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '2.03', 'NDBM_File' => '1.04', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.21', 'Net::Config' => '1.10', 'Net::Domain' => '2.17', 'Net::FTP' => '2.64', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.15', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.10', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::hostent' => '1.00', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.21', 'Net::Ping' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.23', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.00', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.21', 'Net::Time' => '2.09', 'NEXT' => '0.50', 'O' => '1.00', 'ODBM_File' => '1.03', 'Opcode' => '1.05', 'open' => '1.01', 'ops' => '1.00', 'OS2::DLL' => '1.00', 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.01', 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.02', 'OS2::Process' => '1.0', 'OS2::REXX' => '1.01', 'overload' => '1.00', 'PerlIO' => '1.00', 'PerlIO::Scalar' => '0.01', 'PerlIO::Via' => '0.01', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.3', 'Pod::Find' => '0.22', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.01', 'Pod::Html' => '1.04', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.54', 'Pod::Man' => '1.32', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.13', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.05', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.13', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '0.22', 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.13', 'Pod::Text' => '2.18', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.03', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.08', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.09', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.14', 'POSIX' => '1.05', 're' => '0.03', 'Safe' => '2.07', 'Scalar::Util' => undef, 'SDBM_File' => '1.03', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.00', 'SelfLoader' => '1.0903', 'Shell' => '0.4', 'sigtrap' => '1.02', 'Socket' => '1.75', 'sort' => '1.00', 'Storable' => '1.015', 'strict' => '1.02', 'subs' => '1.00', 'Switch' => '2.06', 'Symbol' => '1.04', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.1', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.02', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.04', 'Term::Cap' => '1.07', 'Term::Complete' => '1.4', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.00', 'Test' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder' => '0.11', 'Test::Harness' => '2.01', 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.01', 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.01', 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.08', 'Test::More' => '0.41', 'Test::Simple' => '0.41', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.00', 'Text::Balanced' => '1.89', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.21', 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', 'Text::Wrap' => '2001.0929', 'Thread' => '2.00', 'Thread::Queue' => '1.00', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '1.00', 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', 'threads' => '0.05', 'threads::shared' => '0.90', 'Tie::Array' => '1.02', 'Tie::File' => '0.17', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.00', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.3_00', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.20_00', 'Time::Local' => '1.04', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.10', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.14', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.2', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.00', 'User::grent' => '1.00', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'utf8' => '1.00', 'vars' => '1.01', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.1', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.3', 'vmsish' => '1.00', 'warnings' => '1.00', 'warnings::register' => '1.00', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.01', 'XSLoader' => '0.01', }, 5.008 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.77', #./lib/Attribute/ 'attributes' => '0.05', #./lib/ 'attrs' => '1.01', #./ext/attrs/ 'AutoLoader' => '5.59', #./lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.0307', #./lib/ 'autouse' => '1.03', #./lib/ 'B' => '1.01', #./ext/B/ 'B::Asmdata' => '1.00', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Assembler' => '0.04', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Bblock' => '1.00', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Bytecode' => '1.00', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::C' => '1.01', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::CC' => '1.00', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Concise' => '0.52', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Debug' => '1.00', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Deparse' => '0.63', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Disassembler' => '1.01', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Lint' => '1.01', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Showlex' => '1.00', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Stash' => '1.00', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Terse' => '1.00', #./ext/B/B/ 'B::Xref' => '1.01', #./ext/B/B/ 'base' => '1.03', #./lib/ 'Benchmark' => '1.04', #./lib/ 'bigint' => '0.02', #./lib/ 'bignum' => '0.11', #./lib/ 'bigrat' => '0.04', #./lib/ 'blib' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'ByteLoader' => '0.04', #./ext/ByteLoader/ 'bytes' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Carp' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'Carp::Heavy' => 'undef', #./lib/Carp/ 'CGI' => '2.81', #./lib/ 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.23', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.20', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.04', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.05_00', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Util' => '1.3', #./lib/CGI/ 'charnames' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'Class::ISA' => '0.32', #./lib/Class/ 'Class::Struct' => '0.61', #./lib/Class/ 'constant' => '1.04', #./lib/ 'Config' => undef, 'CPAN' => '1.61', #./lib/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.56 ', #./lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.02', #./lib/CPAN/ 'Cwd' => '2.06', #./lib/ 'Data::Dumper' => '2.12', #./ext/Data/Dumper/ 'DB' => '1.0', #./lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.804', #./ext/DB_File/ 'Devel::DProf' => '20000000.00_01', #./ext/Devel/DProf/ 'Devel::Peek' => '1.00_03', #./ext/Devel/Peek/ 'Devel::PPPort' => '2.0002', #./ext/Devel/PPPort/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', #./lib/Devel/ 'diagnostics' => '1.1', #./lib/ 'Digest' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Digest::MD5' => '2.20', #./ext/Digest/MD5/ 'DirHandle' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Dumpvalue' => '1.11', #./lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.04', 'Encode' => '1.75', #./ext/Encode/ 'Encode::Alias' => '1.32', #./ext/Encode/lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Byte' => '1.22', #./ext/Encode/Byte/ 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '1.00', #./ext/Encode/lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN' => '1.24', #./ext/Encode/CN/ 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '1.04', #./ext/Encode/lib/Encode/CN/ 'Encode::Config' => '1.06', #./ext/Encode/lib/Encode/ 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '1.21', #./ext/Encode/EBCDIC/ 'Encode::Encoder' => '0.05', #./ext/Encode/lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoding' => '1.30', #./ext/Encode/lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Guess' => '1.06', #./ext/Encode/lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '1.02', #./ext/Encode/lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '1.08', #./ext/Encode/lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::JP' => '1.25', #./ext/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::KR' => '1.22', #./ext/Encode/KR/ 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '1.05', #./ext/Encode/lib/Encode/KR/ 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '1.05', #./ext/Encode/lib/Encode/MIME/ 'Encode::Symbol' => '1.22', #./ext/Encode/Symbol/ 'Encode::TW' => '1.26', #./ext/Encode/TW/ 'Encode::Unicode' => '1.37', #./ext/Encode/Unicode/ 'encoding' => '1.35', #./ext/Encode/ 'English' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Env' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Exporter' => '5.566', #./lib/ 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.566', #./lib/Exporter/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.04', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.01', #./lib/ExtUtils/Command/ 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.12', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.250601', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.29', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.06', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.00', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.29', #./lib/ExtUtils/Liblist/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.03', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.38', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.04', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.04', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.03', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.04', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.01', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.03', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.05', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.03', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.33', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.01', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.65', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.05', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.02', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #./vms/ext/ 'Fatal' => '1.03', #./lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.04', #./ext/Fcntl/ 'fields' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'File::Basename' => '2.71', #./lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => '4.2', #./lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1003', #./lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.05', #./lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', #./lib/File/ 'File::Find' => '1.04', #./lib/File/ 'File::Glob' => '1.01', #./ext/File/Glob/ 'File::Path' => '1.05', #./lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '0.83', #./lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.0', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.00', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.2', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.3', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.1', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.4', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.2', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.3', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::stat' => '1.00', #./lib/File/ 'File::Temp' => '0.13', #./lib/File/ 'FileCache' => '1.021', #./lib/ 'FileHandle' => '2.01', #./lib/ 'filetest' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Filter::Simple' => '0.78', #./lib/Filter/ 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.06', #./ext/Filter/Util/Call/ 'FindBin' => '1.43', #./lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.06', #./ext/GDBM_File/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.32', #./lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => '1.03', #./lib/Getopt/ 'Hash::Util' => '0.04', #./lib/Hash/ 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', #./lib/I18N/ 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.01', #./ext/I18N/Langinfo/ 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.27', #./lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.25', #./lib/I18N/LangTags/ 'if' => '0.01', #./lib/ 'integer' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'IO' => '1.20', #./ext/IO/ 'IO::Dir' => '1.03_00', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.09', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.21_00', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.122', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Poll' => '0.06', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.08_00', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.15', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.27', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.26', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/Socket/ 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.20_00', #./ext/IO/lib/IO/Socket/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0104', #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Msg' => '1.00_00', #./ext/IPC/SysV/ 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.00_00', #./ext/IPC/SysV/ 'IPC::SysV' => '1.03_00', #./ext/IPC/SysV/ 'JNI' => '0.1', #./jpl/JNI/ 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, #./jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Class' => undef, #./jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Compile' => undef, #./jpl/JPL/ 'less' => '0.01', #./lib/ 'lib' => '0.5564', 'List::Util' => '1.07_00', #./ext/List/Util/lib/List/ 'locale' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Locale::Constants' => '2.01', #./lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Country' => '2.04', #./lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Currency' => '2.01', #./lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Language' => '2.01', #./lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.03', #./lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Script' => '2.01', #./lib/Locale/ 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.35', #./lib/Math/ 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', #./lib/Math/BigFloat/ 'Math::BigInt' => '1.60', #./lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.30', #./lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', #./lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigRat' => '0.07', #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.34', #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1.01', #./lib/Math/ 'Memoize' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', #./lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', #./lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', #./lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', #./lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', #./lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', #./lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', #./lib/Memoize/ 'MIME::Base64' => '2.12', #./ext/MIME/Base64/ 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '2.03', #./ext/MIME/Base64/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.04', #./ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::Cmd' => '2.21', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Config' => '1.10', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Domain' => '2.17', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP' => '2.65', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.15', #./lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', #./lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', #./lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', #./lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', #./lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::hostent' => '1.00', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => '1.00', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::NNTP' => '2.21', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.19', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::POP3' => '2.23', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => '1.00', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::SMTP' => '2.24', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Time' => '2.09', #./lib/Net/ 'NEXT' => '0.50', #./lib/ 'O' => '1.00', #./ext/B/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.03', #./ext/ODBM_File/ 'Opcode' => '1.05', #./ext/Opcode/ 'open' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'ops' => '1.00', #./ext/Opcode/ 'OS2::DLL' => '1.00', #./os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.01', #./os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.02', #./os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => '1.0', #./os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => '1.01', #./os2/OS2/REXX/ 'overload' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'PerlIO' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.06', #./ext/PerlIO/encoding/ 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.01', #./ext/PerlIO/scalar/ 'PerlIO::via' => '0.01', #./ext/PerlIO/via/ 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.04', #./lib/PerlIO/via/ 'Pod::Checker' => '1.3', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Find' => '0.22', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Functions' => '1.01', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.04', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.13', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.54', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Man' => '1.33', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.05', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Parser' => '1.13', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '0.22', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Select' => '1.13', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '2.19', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.03', #./lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.08', #./lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.09', #./lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Usage' => '1.14', #./lib/Pod/ 'POSIX' => '1.05', #./ext/POSIX/ 're' => '0.03', #./ext/re/ 'Safe' => '2.07', #./ext/Opcode/ 'Scalar::Util' => 'undef', #./ext/List/Util/lib/Scalar/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.03', #./ext/SDBM_File/ 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', #./lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.0903', #./lib/ 'Shell' => '0.4', #./lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Socket' => '1.75', #./ext/Socket/ 'sort' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'Storable' => '2.04', #./ext/Storable/ 'strict' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'subs' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Switch' => '2.09', #./lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.04', #./lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.1', #./ext/Sys/Hostname/ 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.03', #./ext/Sys/Syslog/ 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.04', #./lib/Term/ 'Term::Cap' => '1.07', #./lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => '1.4', #./lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.00', #./lib/Term/ 'Test' => '1.20', #./lib/ 'Test::Builder' => '0.15', #./lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness' => '2.26', #./lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.01', #./lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.01', #./lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.14', #./lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::More' => '0.45', #./lib/Test/ 'Test::Simple' => '0.45', #./lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.00', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Balanced' => '1.89', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.21', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '2001.0929', #./lib/Text/ 'Thread' => '2.00', #./lib/ 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', #./lib/Thread/ 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.00', #./lib/Thread/ 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'threads' => '0.99', #./ext/threads/ 'threads::shared' => '0.90', #./ext/threads/shared/ 'Tie::Array' => '1.02', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::File' => '0.93', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => '1.00', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.30', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', #./lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::HiRes' => '1.20_00', #./ext/Time/HiRes/ 'Time::Local' => '1.04', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => '1.00', #./lib/Time/ 'Unicode' => '3.2.0', # lib/unicore/version 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.12', #./lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.17', #./ext/Unicode/Normalize/ 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.2', #./lib/Unicode/ 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'User::grent' => '1.00', #./lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => '1.00', #./lib/User/ 'utf8' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'vars' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.02', #./vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.1', #./vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.3', #./vms/ext/Stdio/ 'vmsish' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'warnings' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'warnings::register' => '1.00', #./lib/warnings/ 'XS::APItest' => '0.01', #./ext/XS/APItest/ 'XS::Typemap' => '0.01', #./ext/XS/Typemap/ 'XSLoader' => '0.01', }, 5.008001 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78', #./lib/Attribute/ 'attributes' => '0.06', #./lib/ 'attrs' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'AutoLoader' => '5.60', #./lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.04', #./lib/ 'autouse' => '1.03', #./lib/ 'B' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'B::Asmdata' => '1.01', #./lib/B/ 'B::Assembler' => '0.06', #./lib/B/ 'B::Bblock' => '1.02', #./lib/B/ 'B::Bytecode' => '1.01', #./lib/B/ 'B::C' => '1.02', #./lib/B/ 'B::CC' => '1.00', #./lib/B/ 'B::Concise' => '0.56', #./lib/B/ 'B::Debug' => '1.01', #./lib/B/ 'B::Deparse' => '0.64', #./lib/B/ 'B::Disassembler' => '1.03', #./lib/B/ 'B::Lint' => '1.02', #./lib/B/ 'B::Showlex' => '1.00', #./lib/B/ 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', #./lib/B/ 'B::Stash' => '1.00', #./lib/B/ 'B::Terse' => '1.02', #./lib/B/ 'B::Xref' => '1.01', #./lib/B/ 'base' => '2.03', #./lib/ 'Benchmark' => '1.051', #./lib/ 'bigint' => '0.04', #./lib/ 'bignum' => '0.14', #./lib/ 'bigrat' => '0.06', #./lib/ 'blib' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'ByteLoader' => '0.05', #./lib/ 'bytes' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'Carp' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.01', #./lib/Carp/ 'CGI' => '3.00', #./lib/ 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.26', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.24', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.041', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.07_00', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', #./lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Util' => '1.31', #./lib/CGI/ 'charnames' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Class::ISA' => '0.32', #./lib/Class/ 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', #./lib/Class/ 'Config' => undef, #./lib/ 'constant' => '1.04', #./lib/ 'CPAN' => '1.76_01', #./lib/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.60 ', #./lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.03', #./lib/CPAN/ 'Cwd' => '2.08', #./lib/ 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121', #./lib/Data/ 'DB' => '1.0', #./lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.806', #./lib/ 'Devel::DProf' => '20030813.00', #./lib/Devel/ 'Devel::Peek' => '1.01', #./lib/Devel/ 'Devel::PPPort' => '2.007', #./lib/Devel/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', #./lib/Devel/ 'diagnostics' => '1.11', #./lib/ 'Digest' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Digest::MD5' => '2.27', #./lib/Digest/ 'DirHandle' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Dumpvalue' => '1.11', #./lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.04', #./lib/ 'Encode' => '1.9801', #./lib/ 'Encode::Alias' => '1.38', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Byte' => '1.23', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '1.02', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN' => '1.24', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '1.05', #./lib/Encode/CN/ 'Encode::Config' => '1.07', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '1.21', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoder' => '0.07', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoding' => '1.33', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Guess' => '1.09', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP' => '1.25', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '1.02', #./lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '1.12', #./lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::KR' => '1.23', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '1.06', #./lib/Encode/KR/ 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '1.09', #./lib/Encode/MIME/ 'Encode::Symbol' => '1.22', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::TW' => '1.26', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Unicode' => '1.40', #./lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '0.02', #./lib/Encode/Unicode/ 'encoding' => '1.47', #./lib/ 'English' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'Env' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Errno' => '1.09_00', #./lib/ 'Exporter' => '5.567', #./lib/ 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.567', #./lib/Exporter/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.05', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03', #./lib/ExtUtils/Command/ 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.14', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.250601', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.32', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.08', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3', #./lib/ExtUtils/Liblist/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.17', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', #./lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', #./lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.42', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.04', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.07', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.04', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.06', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.07', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.06', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.04', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.42', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.70', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.09', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.03', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', #./lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #./vms/ext/ 'Fatal' => '1.03', #./lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.05', #./lib/ 'fields' => '2.03', #./lib/ 'File::Basename' => '2.72', #./lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => '4.2', #./lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1003', #./lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.06', #./lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', #./lib/File/ 'File::Find' => '1.05', #./lib/File/ 'File::Glob' => '1.02', #./lib/File/ 'File::Path' => '1.06', #./lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '0.86', #./lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.4', #./lib/File/Spec/ 'File::stat' => '1.00', #./lib/File/ 'File::Temp' => '0.14', #./lib/File/ 'FileCache' => '1.03', #./lib/ 'FileHandle' => '2.01', #./lib/ 'filetest' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'Filter::Simple' => '0.78', #./lib/Filter/ 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0601', #./lib/Filter/Util/ 'FindBin' => '1.43', #./lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.07', #./ext/GDBM_File/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.34', #./lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => '1.04', #./lib/Getopt/ 'Hash::Util' => '0.05', #./lib/Hash/ 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', #./lib/I18N/ 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', #./lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.28', #./lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.26', #./lib/I18N/LangTags/ 'if' => '0.03', #./lib/ 'integer' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'IO' => '1.21', #./lib/ 'IO::Dir' => '1.04', #./lib/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.10', #./lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.23', #./lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.122', #./lib/IO/ 'IO::Poll' => '0.06', #./lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.09', #./lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.16', #./lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.28', #./lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.27', #./lib/IO/Socket/ 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.21', #./lib/IO/Socket/ 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0105', #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', #./lib/IPC/ 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', #./lib/IPC/ 'JNI' => '0.2', #./jpl/JNI/ 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, #./jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Class' => undef, #./jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Compile' => undef, #./jpl/JPL/ 'less' => '0.01', #./lib/ 'lib' => '0.5565', #./lib/ 'List::Util' => '1.13', #./lib/List/ 'locale' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Locale::Constants' => '2.01', #./lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Country' => '2.61', #./lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Currency' => '2.21', #./lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Language' => '2.21', #./lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.06', #./lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, #./lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, #./lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Locale::Script' => '2.21', #./lib/Locale/ 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.40', #./lib/Math/ 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', #./lib/Math/BigFloat/ 'Math::BigInt' => '1.66', #./lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.36', #./lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::Scalar' => '0.11', #./lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', #./lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigRat' => '0.10', #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.34', #./lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1.02', #./lib/Math/ 'Memoize' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', #./lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', #./lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', #./lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', #./lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', #./lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', #./lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', #./lib/Memoize/ 'MIME::Base64' => '2.20', #./lib/MIME/ 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '2.20', #./lib/MIME/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.05', #./ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::Cmd' => '2.24', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Config' => '1.10', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Domain' => '2.18', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP' => '2.71', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.16', #./lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', #./lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', #./lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', #./lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', #./lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => '1.00', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::NNTP' => '2.22', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.31', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::POP3' => '2.24', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => '1.01', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::SMTP' => '2.26', #./lib/Net/ 'Net::Time' => '2.09', #./lib/Net/ 'NEXT' => '0.60', #./lib/ 'O' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.04', #./ext/ODBM_File/ 'Opcode' => '1.05', #./lib/ 'open' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'ops' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.02', #./os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.03', #./os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => '1.01', #./os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::DLL' => '1.01', #./os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/ 'OS2::REXX' => '1.02', #./os2/OS2/REXX/ 'overload' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'PerlIO' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.07', #./lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.02', #./lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via' => '0.02', #./lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.05', #./lib/PerlIO/via/ 'Pod::Checker' => '1.41', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Find' => '0.24', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Functions' => '1.02', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.0501', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.14', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.55', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Man' => '1.37', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Parser' => '1.13', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '0.3', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.10', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, #./lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, #./lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, #./lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, #./lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, #./lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, #./lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, #./lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, #./lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => 'undef', #./lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, #./lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.01', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Select' => '1.13', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '2.21', #./lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.04', #./lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.1', #./lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.11', #./lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Usage' => '1.16', #./lib/Pod/ 'POSIX' => '1.06', #./lib/ 're' => '0.04', #./lib/ 'Safe' => '2.10', #./lib/ 'Scalar::Util' => '1.13', #./lib/Scalar/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.04', #./lib/ 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', #./lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.0904', #./lib/ 'Shell' => '0.5', #./lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Socket' => '1.76', #./lib/ 'sort' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'Storable' => '2.08', #./lib/ 'strict' => '1.03', #./lib/ 'subs' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'Switch' => '2.10', #./lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.05', #./lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', #./lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.04', #./lib/Sys/ 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.07', #./lib/Term/ 'Term::Cap' => '1.08', #./lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => '1.401', #./lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.01', #./lib/Term/ 'Test' => '1.24', #./lib/ 'Test::Builder' => '0.17', #./lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness' => '2.30', #./lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.01', #./lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.01', #./lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.15', #./lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::More' => '0.47', #./lib/Test/ 'Test::Simple' => '0.47', #./lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Balanced' => '1.95', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.21', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', #./lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '2001.09291', #./lib/Text/ 'Thread' => '2.00', #./lib/ 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', #./lib/Thread/ 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', #./lib/Thread/ 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'threads' => '1.00', #./lib/ 'threads::shared' => '0.91', #./lib/threads/ 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::File' => '0.97', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => '1.00', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.31', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', #./lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', #./lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::HiRes' => '1.51', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::Local' => '1.07', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', #./lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => '1.00', #./lib/Time/ 'Unicode' => '4.0.0', # lib/unicore/version 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.28', #./lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.23', #./lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.21', #./lib/Unicode/ 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'User::grent' => '1.00', #./lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => '1.00', #./lib/User/ 'utf8' => '1.02', #./lib/ 'vars' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.02', #./vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', #./vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.3', #./vms/ext/Stdio/ 'vmsish' => '1.01', #./lib/ 'warnings' => '1.03', #./lib/ 'warnings::register' => '1.00', #./lib/warnings/ 'XS::APItest' => '0.02', #./lib/XS/ 'XS::Typemap' => '0.01', #./lib/XS/ 'XSLoader' => '0.02', #./lib/ }, 5.008002 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'Attribute::Handlers' => 0.78, #Attribute\ 'attributes' => 0.06, 'attrs' => 1.01, 'AutoLoader' => '5.60', 'AutoSplit' => 1.04, 'autouse' => 1.03, 'B' => 1.02, 'B::Asmdata' => 1.01, #B\ 'B::Assembler' => 0.06, #B\ 'B::Bblock' => 1.02, #B\ 'B::Bytecode' => 1.01, #B\ 'B::C' => 1.02, #B\ 'B::CC' => '1.00', #B\ 'B::Concise' => 0.56, #B\ 'B::Debug' => 1.01, #B\ 'B::Deparse' => 0.64, #B\ 'B::Disassembler' => 1.03, #B\ 'B::Lint' => 1.02, #B\ 'B::Showlex' => '1.00', #B\ 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', #B\ 'B::Stash' => '1.00', #B\ 'B::Terse' => 1.02, #B\ 'B::Xref' => 1.01, #B\ 'base' => 2.03, 'Benchmark' => 1.051, 'bigint' => 0.04, 'bignum' => 0.14, 'bigrat' => 0.06, 'blib' => 1.02, 'ByteLoader' => 0.05, 'bytes' => 1.01, 'Carp' => 1.01, 'Carp::Heavy' => 1.01, #Carp\ 'CGI' => '3.00', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', #CGI\ 'CGI::Carp' => 1.26, #CGI\ 'CGI::Cookie' => 1.24, #CGI\ 'CGI::Fast' => 1.041, #CGI\ 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.07_00', #CGI\ 'CGI::Push' => 1.04, #CGI\ 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', #CGI\ 'CGI::Util' => 1.31, #CGI\ 'charnames' => 1.02, 'Class::ISA' => 0.32, #Class\ 'Class::Struct' => 0.63, #Class\ 'Config' => undef, 'constant' => 1.04, 'CPAN' => '1.76_01', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.60 ', #CPAN\ 'CPAN::Nox' => 1.03, #CPAN\ 'Cwd' => 2.08, 'Data::Dumper' => 2.121, #Data\ 'DB' => '1.0', 'Devel::DProf' => '20030813.00', #Devel\ 'Devel::Peek' => 1.01, #Devel\ 'Devel::PPPort' => 2.009, #Devel\ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => 1.03, #Devel\ 'diagnostics' => 1.11, 'Digest' => 1.02, 'Digest::MD5' => '2.30', #Digest\ 'DirHandle' => '1.00', 'Dumpvalue' => 1.11, 'DynaLoader' => 1.04, 'Encode' => 1.9801, 'Encode::Alias' => 1.38, #Encode\ 'Encode::Byte' => 1.23, #Encode\ 'Encode::CJKConstants' => 1.02, #Encode\ 'Encode::CN' => 1.24, #Encode\ 'Encode::CN::HZ' => 1.05, #Encode\CN\ 'Encode::Config' => 1.07, #Encode\ 'Encode::EBCDIC' => 1.21, #Encode\ 'Encode::Encoder' => 0.07, #Encode\ 'Encode::Encoding' => 1.33, #Encode\ 'Encode::Guess' => 1.09, #Encode\ 'Encode::JP' => 1.25, #Encode\ 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => 1.02, #Encode\JP\ 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => 1.12, #Encode\JP\ 'Encode::KR' => 1.23, #Encode\ 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => 1.06, #Encode\KR\ 'Encode::MIME::Header' => 1.09, #Encode\MIME\ 'Encode::Symbol' => 1.22, #Encode\ 'Encode::TW' => 1.26, #Encode\ 'Encode::Unicode' => '1.40', #Encode\ 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => 0.02, #Encode\Unicode\ 'encoding' => 1.47, 'English' => 1.01, 'Env' => '1.00', 'Errno' => '1.09_00', 'Exporter' => 5.567, 'Exporter::Heavy' => 5.567, #Exporter\ 'ExtUtils::Command' => 1.05, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => 0.03, #ExtUtils\Command\ 'ExtUtils::Constant' => 0.14, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => 1.250601, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::Install' => 1.32, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => 0.08, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => 1.01, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid' => 1.3, #ExtUtils\Liblist\ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.17, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes' => 0.01, #ExtUtils\MakeMaker\ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish' => 0.01, #ExtUtils\MakeMaker\ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => 1.42, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => 1.15, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => 1.19, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM' => 0.04, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => 0.07, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => 1.04, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => 1.06, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => 0.02, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => 1.07, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => 2.06, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => 1.04, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => 1.42, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => 0.02, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.70', #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => 1.09, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => 0.03, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::MY' => 0.01, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => 0.04, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => 1.15, #ExtUtils\ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #vms\ext\ 'Fatal' => 1.03, 'Fcntl' => 1.05, 'fields' => 2.03, 'File::Basename' => 2.72, #File\ 'File::CheckTree' => 4.2, #File\ 'File::Compare' => 1.1003, #File\ 'File::Copy' => 2.06, #File\ 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', #File\ 'File::Find' => 1.05, #File\ 'File::Glob' => 1.02, #File\ 'File::Path' => 1.06, #File\ 'File::Spec' => 0.86, #File\ 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => 1.1, #File\Spec\ 'File::Spec::Epoc' => 1.1, #File\Spec\ 'File::Spec::Functions' => 1.3, #File\Spec\ 'File::Spec::Mac' => 1.4, #File\Spec\ 'File::Spec::OS2' => 1.2, #File\Spec\ 'File::Spec::Unix' => 1.5, #File\Spec\ 'File::Spec::VMS' => 1.4, #File\Spec\ 'File::Spec::Win32' => 1.4, #File\Spec\ 'File::stat' => '1.00', #File\ 'File::Temp' => 0.14, #File\ 'FileCache' => 1.03, 'FileHandle' => 2.01, 'filetest' => 1.01, 'Filter::Simple' => 0.78, #Filter\ 'Filter::Util::Call' => 1.0601, #Filter\Util\ 'FindBin' => 1.43, 'GDBM_File' => '1.07', #ext\GDBM_File\ 'Getopt::Long' => 2.34, #Getopt\ 'Getopt::Std' => 1.04, #Getopt\ 'Hash::Util' => 0.05, #Hash\ 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', #I18N\ 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', #I18N\ 'I18N::LangTags' => 0.29, #I18N\ 'I18N::LangTags::List' => 0.29, #I18N\LangTags\ 'if' => 0.03, 'integer' => '1.00', 'IO' => 1.21, 'IO::Dir' => 1.04, #IO\ 'IO::File' => '1.10', #IO\ 'IO::Handle' => 1.23, #IO\ 'IO::Pipe' => 1.122, #IO\ 'IO::Poll' => 0.06, #IO\ 'IO::Seekable' => 1.09, #IO\ 'IO::Select' => 1.16, #IO\ 'IO::Socket' => 1.28, #IO\ 'IO::Socket::INET' => 1.27, #IO\Socket\ 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => 1.21, #IO\Socket\ 'IPC::Msg' => 1.02, #IPC\ 'IPC::Open2' => 1.01, #IPC\ 'IPC::Open3' => 1.0105, #IPC\ 'IPC::Semaphore' => 1.02, #IPC\ 'IPC::SysV' => 1.04, #IPC\ 'JNI' => '0.2', #jpl\JNI\ 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, #jpl\JPL\ 'JPL::Class' => undef, #jpl\JPL\ 'JPL::Compile' => undef, #jpl\JPL\ 'less' => 0.01, 'lib' => 0.5565, 'List::Util' => 1.13, #List\ 'locale' => '1.00', 'Locale::Constants' => 2.01, #Locale\ 'Locale::Country' => 2.61, #Locale\ 'Locale::Currency' => 2.21, #Locale\ 'Locale::Language' => 2.21, #Locale\ 'Locale::Maketext' => 1.06, #Locale\ 'Locale::Maketext::Guts' => undef, #Locale\Maketext\ 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader' => undef, #Locale\Maketext\ 'Locale::Script' => 2.21, #Locale\ 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.40', #Math\ 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => 0.01, #Math\BigFloat\ 'Math::BigInt' => 1.66, #Math\ 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => 0.36, #Math\BigInt\ 'Math::BigInt::Scalar' => 0.11, #Math\BigInt\ 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => 0.01, #Math\BigInt\ 'Math::BigRat' => '0.10', #Math\ 'Math::Complex' => 1.34, #Math\ 'Math::Trig' => 1.02, #Math\ 'Memoize' => 1.01, 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => 0.65, #Memoize\ 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', #Memoize\ 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => 1.01, #Memoize\ 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => 0.65, #Memoize\ 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => 0.65, #Memoize\ 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => 0.65, #Memoize\ 'Memoize::Storable' => 0.65, #Memoize\ 'MIME::Base64' => 2.21, #MIME\ 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => 2.21, #MIME\ 'NDBM_File' => '1.05', #ext\NDBM_File\ 'Net::Cmd' => 2.24, #Net\ 'Net::Config' => '1.10', #Net\ 'Net::Domain' => 2.19, #Net\ 'Net::FTP' => 2.72, #Net\ 'Net::FTP::A' => 1.16, #Net\FTP\ 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => 0.11, #Net\FTP\ 'Net::FTP::E' => 0.01, #Net\FTP\ 'Net::FTP::I' => 1.12, #Net\FTP\ 'Net::FTP::L' => 0.01, #Net\FTP\ 'Net::hostent' => 1.01, #Net\ 'Net::netent' => '1.00', #Net\ 'Net::Netrc' => 2.12, #Net\ 'Net::NNTP' => 2.22, #Net\ 'Net::Ping' => 2.31, #Net\ 'Net::POP3' => 2.24, #Net\ 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', #Net\ 'Net::servent' => 1.01, #Net\ 'Net::SMTP' => 2.26, #Net\ 'Net::Time' => 2.09, #Net\ 'NEXT' => '0.60', 'O' => '1.00', 'ODBM_File' => '1.04', #ext\ODBM_File\ 'Opcode' => 1.05, 'open' => 1.02, 'ops' => '1.00', 'OS2::DLL' => '1.01', #os2\OS2\REXX\DLL\ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.02', #os2\OS2\ExtAttr\ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.03', #os2\OS2\PrfDB\ 'OS2::Process' => '1.01', #os2\OS2\Process\ 'OS2::REXX' => '1.02', #os2\OS2\REXX\ 'overload' => 1.01, 'PerlIO' => 1.02, 'PerlIO::encoding' => 0.07, #PerlIO\ 'PerlIO::scalar' => 0.02, #PerlIO\ 'PerlIO::via' => 0.02, #PerlIO\ 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint' => 0.05, #PerlIO\via\ 'Pod::Checker' => 1.41, #Pod\ 'Pod::Find' => 0.24, #Pod\ 'Pod::Functions' => 1.02, #Pod\ 'Pod::Html' => 1.0501, #Pod\ 'Pod::InputObjects' => 1.14, #Pod\ 'Pod::LaTeX' => 0.55, #Pod\ 'Pod::Man' => 1.37, #Pod\ 'Pod::ParseLink' => 1.06, #Pod\ 'Pod::Parser' => 1.13, #Pod\ 'Pod::ParseUtils' => 0.3, #Pod\ 'Pod::Perldoc' => 3.11, #Pod\ 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, #Pod\Perldoc\ 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO' => undef, #Pod\Perldoc\ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker' => undef, #Pod\Perldoc\ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, #Pod\Perldoc\ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, #Pod\Perldoc\ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, #Pod\Perldoc\ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, #Pod\Perldoc\ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, #Pod\Perldoc\ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, #Pod\Perldoc\ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, #Pod\Perldoc\ 'Pod::Plainer' => 0.01, #Pod\ 'Pod::PlainText' => 2.01, #Pod\ 'Pod::Select' => 1.13, #Pod\ 'Pod::Text' => 2.21, #Pod\ 'Pod::Text::Color' => 1.04, #Pod\Text\ 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => 1.1, #Pod\Text\ 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => 1.11, #Pod\Text\ 'Pod::Usage' => 1.16, #Pod\ 'POSIX' => 1.06, 're' => 0.04, 'Safe' => '2.10', 'Scalar::Util' => 1.13, #Scalar\ 'SDBM_File' => 1.04, 'Search::Dict' => 1.02, #Search\ 'SelectSaver' => '1.00', 'SelfLoader' => 1.0904, 'Shell' => 0.5, 'sigtrap' => 1.02, 'Socket' => 1.76, 'sort' => 1.02, 'Storable' => 2.08, 'strict' => 1.03, 'subs' => '1.00', 'Switch' => '2.10', 'Symbol' => 1.05, 'Sys::Hostname' => 1.11, #Sys\ 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.04', #ext\Sys\Syslog\ 'Term::ANSIColor' => 1.07, #Term\ 'Term::Cap' => 1.08, #Term\ 'Term::Complete' => 1.401, #Term\ 'Term::ReadLine' => 1.01, #Term\ 'Test' => 1.24, 'Test::Builder' => 0.17, #Test\ 'Test::Harness' => '2.30', #Test\ 'Test::Harness::Assert' => 0.01, #Test\Harness\ 'Test::Harness::Iterator' => 0.01, #Test\Harness\ 'Test::Harness::Straps' => 0.15, #Test\Harness\ 'Test::More' => 0.47, #Test\ 'Test::Simple' => 0.47, #Test\ 'Text::Abbrev' => 1.01, #Text\ 'Text::Balanced' => 1.95, #Text\ 'Text::ParseWords' => 3.21, #Text\ 'Text::Soundex' => 1.01, #Text\ 'Text::Tabs' => 98.112801, #Text\ 'Text::Wrap' => 2001.09291, #Text\ 'Thread' => '2.00', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', #Thread\ 'Thread::Semaphore' => 2.01, #Thread\ 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', #Thread\ 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', #Thread\ 'threads' => '1.00', 'threads::shared' => 0.91, #threads\ 'Tie::Array' => 1.03, #Tie\ 'Tie::File' => 0.97, #Tie\ 'Tie::Handle' => 4.1, #Tie\ 'Tie::Hash' => '1.00', #Tie\ 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', #Tie\ 'Tie::RefHash' => 1.31, #Tie\ 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', #Tie\ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', #Tie\ 'Time::gmtime' => 1.02, #Time\ 'Time::HiRes' => 1.52, #Time\ 'Time::Local' => 1.07, #Time\ 'Time::localtime' => 1.02, #Time\ 'Time::tm' => '1.00', #Time\ 'Unicode' => '4.0.0', # lib/unicore/version 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.30', #Unicode\ 'Unicode::Normalize' => 0.25, #Unicode\ 'Unicode::UCD' => 0.21, #Unicode\ 'UNIVERSAL' => 1.01, 'User::grent' => '1.00', #User\ 'User::pwent' => '1.00', #User\ 'utf8' => 1.02, 'vars' => 1.01, 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.02', #vms\ext\DCLsym\ 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', #vms\ext\ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.3', #vms\ext\Stdio\ 'vmsish' => 1.01, 'warnings' => 1.03, 'warnings::register' => '1.00', #warnings\ 'XS::APItest' => 0.02, #XS\ 'XS::Typemap' => 0.01, #XS\ 'XSLoader' => 0.02, }, 5.008003 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78', #lib/Attribute/ 'attributes' => '0.06', #lib/ 'attrs' => '1.01', #lib/ 'AutoLoader' => '5.60', #lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.04', #lib/ 'autouse' => '1.03', #lib/ 'B' => '1.02', #lib/ 'base' => '2.04', #lib/ 'B::Asmdata' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::Assembler' => '0.06', #lib/B/ 'B::Bblock' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Bytecode' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::C' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::CC' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Concise' => '0.56', #lib/B/ 'B::Debug' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::Deparse' => '0.64', #lib/B/ 'B::Disassembler' => '1.03', #lib/B/ 'Benchmark' => '1.052', #lib/ 'bigint' => '0.04', #lib/ 'bignum' => '0.14', #lib/ 'bigrat' => '0.06', #lib/ 'blib' => '1.02', #lib/ 'B::Lint' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Showlex' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Stash' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Terse' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Xref' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'ByteLoader' => '0.05', #lib/ 'bytes' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Carp' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.01', #lib/Carp/ 'CGI' => '3.01', #lib/ 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.27', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.24', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.05', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Util' => '1.4', #lib/CGI/ 'charnames' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Class::ISA' => '0.32', #lib/Class/ 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', #lib/Class/ 'Config' => undef, #lib/ 'constant' => '1.04', #lib/ 'CPAN' => '1.76_01', #lib/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.60 ', #lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.03', #lib/CPAN/ 'Cwd' => '2.12', #lib/ 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121', #lib/Data/ 'DB' => '1.0', #lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.808', #lib/ 'Devel::DProf' => '20030813.00', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::Peek' => '1.01', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::PPPort' => '2.011', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', #lib/Devel/ 'diagnostics' => '1.12', #lib/ 'Digest' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Digest::base' => '1.00', #lib/Digest/ 'Digest::MD5' => '2.33', #lib/Digest/ 'DirHandle' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Dumpvalue' => '1.11', #lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.04', #lib/ 'Encode' => '1.99', #lib/ 'Encode::Alias' => '1.38', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Byte' => '1.23', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '1.02', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN' => '1.24', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '1.05', #lib/Encode/CN/ 'Encode::Config' => '1.07', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '1.21', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoder' => '0.07', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoding' => '1.33', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Guess' => '1.09', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP' => '1.25', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '1.02', #lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '1.12', #lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::KR' => '1.23', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '1.06', #lib/Encode/KR/ 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '1.09', #lib/Encode/MIME/ 'Encode::Symbol' => '1.22', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::TW' => '1.26', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Unicode' => '1.40', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '0.02', #lib/Encode/Unicode/ 'encoding' => '1.48', #lib/ 'English' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Env' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Errno' => '1.09_00', #lib/ 'Exporter' => '5.57', #lib/ 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.567', #lib/Exporter/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.05', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03', #lib/ExtUtils/Command/ 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.14', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.250601', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.32', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.08', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3', #lib/ExtUtils/Liblist/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.17', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.42', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.06', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.06', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.42', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.70', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.09', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.03', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #vms/ext/ 'Fatal' => '1.03', #lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.05', #lib/ 'fields' => '2.03', #lib/ 'File::Basename' => '2.72', #lib/File/ 'FileCache' => '1.03', #lib/ 'File::CheckTree' => '4.3', #lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1003', #lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.07', #lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', #lib/File/ 'File::Find' => '1.06', #lib/File/ 'File::Glob' => '1.02', #lib/File/ 'FileHandle' => '2.01', #lib/ 'File::Path' => '1.06', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '0.87', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::stat' => '1.00', #lib/File/ 'File::Temp' => '0.14', #lib/File/ 'filetest' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Filter::Simple' => '0.78', #lib/Filter/ 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0601', #lib/Filter/Util/ 'FindBin' => '1.44', #lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.07', #lib/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.34', #lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => '1.05', #lib/Getopt/ 'Hash::Util' => '0.05', #lib/Hash/ 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.29', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.29', #lib/I18N/LangTags/ 'if' => '0.03', #lib/ 'integer' => '1.00', #lib/ 'IO' => '1.21', #lib/ 'IO::Dir' => '1.04', #lib/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.10', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.23', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.122', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Poll' => '0.06', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.09', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.16', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.28', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.27', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.21', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0105', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', #lib/IPC/ 'JNI' => '0.2', #jpl/JNI/ 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Class' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Compile' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'less' => '0.01', #lib/ 'lib' => '0.5565', #lib/ 'List::Util' => '1.13', #lib/List/ 'locale' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Locale::Constants' => '2.01', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Country' => '2.61', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Currency' => '2.21', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Language' => '2.21', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.06', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, #lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, #lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Locale::Script' => '2.21', #lib/Locale/ 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.42', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', #lib/Math/BigFloat/ 'Math::BigInt' => '1.68', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.38', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.02', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigRat' => '0.10', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.34', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1.02', #lib/Math/ 'Memoize' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'MIME::Base64' => '2.21', #lib/MIME/ 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '2.21', #lib/MIME/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Net::Cmd' => '2.24', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Config' => '1.10', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Domain' => '2.19', #lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP' => '2.72', #lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.16', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', #lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => '1.00', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', #lib/Net/ 'Net::NNTP' => '2.22', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.31', #lib/Net/ 'Net::POP3' => '2.24', #lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', #lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => '1.01', #lib/Net/ 'Net::SMTP' => '2.26', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Time' => '2.09', #lib/Net/ 'NEXT' => '0.60', #lib/ 'O' => '1.00', #lib/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.04', #ext/ODBM_File/ 'Opcode' => '1.05', #lib/ 'open' => '1.02', #lib/ 'ops' => '1.00', #lib/ 'OS2::DLL' => '1.02', #os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.02', #os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.03', #os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => '1.01', #os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => '1.02', #os2/OS2/REXX/ 'overload' => '1.01', #lib/ 'PerlIO' => '1.03', #lib/ 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.07', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.02', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via' => '0.02', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', #lib/PerlIO/via/ 'Pod::Checker' => '1.41', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Find' => '0.24', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Functions' => '1.02', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.0502', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.14', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.55', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Man' => '1.37', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Parser' => '1.14', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '0.3', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.12', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => 'undef', #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Select' => '1.13', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '2.21', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.04', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.1', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.11', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Usage' => '1.16', #lib/Pod/ 'POSIX' => '1.07', #lib/ 're' => '0.04', #lib/ 'Safe' => '2.10', #lib/ 'Scalar::Util' => '1.13', #lib/Scalar/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.04', #lib/ 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', #lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => '1.00', #lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.0904', #lib/ 'Shell' => '0.5', #lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Socket' => '1.76', #lib/ 'sort' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Storable' => '2.09', #lib/ 'strict' => '1.03', #lib/ 'subs' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Switch' => '2.10', #lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', #lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.04', #lib/Sys/ 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.07', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Cap' => '1.08', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => '1.401', #lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.01', #lib/Term/ 'Test' => '1.24', #lib/ 'Test::Builder' => '0.17', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness' => '2.40', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.19', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::More' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Simple' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Balanced' => '1.95', #lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.21', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '2001.09291', #lib/Text/ 'Thread' => '2.00', #lib/ 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', #lib/Thread/ 'threads' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', #lib/Thread/ 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'threads::shared' => '0.92', #lib/threads/ 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::File' => '0.97', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => '1.01', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.31', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', #lib/Time/ 'Time::HiRes' => '1.52', #lib/Time/ 'Time::Local' => '1.07', #lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', #lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => '1.00', #lib/Time/ 'Unicode' => '4.0.0', # lib/unicore/version 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.33', #lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.28', #lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.21', #lib/Unicode/ 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.01', #lib/ 'User::grent' => '1.00', #lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => '1.00', #lib/User/ 'utf8' => '1.02', #lib/ 'vars' => '1.01', #lib/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.02', #vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', #vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.3', #vms/ext/Stdio/ 'vmsish' => '1.01', #lib/ 'warnings' => '1.03', #lib/ 'warnings::register' => '1.00', #lib/warnings/ 'XS::APItest' => '0.03', #lib/XS/ 'XSLoader' => '0.02', #lib/ 'XS::Typemap' => '0.01', #lib/XS/ }, 5.009 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', #lib/ 'assertions' => '0.01', #lib/ 'assertions::activate' => '0.01', #lib/assertions/ 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78', #lib/Attribute/ 'attributes' => '0.06', #lib/ 'attrs' => '1.01', #lib/ 'AutoLoader' => '5.60', #lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.04', #lib/ 'autouse' => '1.03', #lib/ 'B' => '1.03', #lib/ 'B::Asmdata' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::Assembler' => '0.06', #lib/B/ 'B::Bblock' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Bytecode' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::C' => '1.03', #lib/B/ 'B::CC' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Concise' => '0.57', #lib/B/ 'B::Debug' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::Deparse' => '0.65', #lib/B/ 'B::Disassembler' => '1.03', #lib/B/ 'B::Lint' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Showlex' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Stash' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Terse' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Xref' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'base' => '2.03', #lib/ 'Benchmark' => '1.051', #lib/ 'bigint' => '0.04', #lib/ 'bignum' => '0.14', #lib/ 'bigrat' => '0.06', #lib/ 'blib' => '1.02', #lib/ 'ByteLoader' => '0.05', #lib/ 'bytes' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Carp' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.01', #lib/Carp/ 'CGI' => '3.00', #lib/ 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.26', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.24', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.041', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.07_00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Util' => '1.31', #lib/CGI/ 'charnames' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Class::ISA' => '0.32', #lib/Class/ 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', #lib/Class/ 'Config' => undef, #lib/ 'constant' => '1.04', #lib/ 'CPAN' => '1.76_01', #lib/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.60 ', #lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.03', #lib/CPAN/ 'Cwd' => '2.08', #lib/ 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121', #lib/Data/ 'DB' => '1.0', #lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.806', #lib/ 'Devel::DProf' => '20030813.00', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::Peek' => '1.01', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::PPPort' => '2.008', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', #lib/Devel/ 'diagnostics' => '1.11', #lib/ 'Digest' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Digest::MD5' => '2.30', #lib/Digest/ 'DirHandle' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Dumpvalue' => '1.11', #lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.04', #lib/ 'Encode' => '1.9801', #lib/ 'Encode::Alias' => '1.38', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Byte' => '1.23', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '1.02', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN' => '1.24', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '1.05', #lib/Encode/CN/ 'Encode::Config' => '1.07', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '1.21', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoder' => '0.07', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoding' => '1.33', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Guess' => '1.09', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP' => '1.25', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '1.02', #lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '1.12', #lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::KR' => '1.23', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '1.06', #lib/Encode/KR/ 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '1.09', #lib/Encode/MIME/ 'Encode::Symbol' => '1.22', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::TW' => '1.26', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Unicode' => '1.40', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '0.02', #lib/Encode/Unicode/ 'encoding' => '1.47', #lib/ 'English' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Env' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Errno' => '1.09_00', #lib/ 'Exporter' => '5.567', #lib/ 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.567', #lib/Exporter/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.05', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03', #lib/ExtUtils/Command/ 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.14', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.250601', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.32', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.08', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3', #lib/ExtUtils/Liblist/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.17', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.42', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.06', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.06', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.42', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.70', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.09', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.03', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #vms/ext/ 'Fatal' => '1.04', #lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.05', #lib/ 'fields' => '2.03', #lib/ 'File::Basename' => '2.72', #lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => '4.2', #lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1003', #lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.06', #lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', #lib/File/ 'File::Find' => '1.05', #lib/File/ 'File::Glob' => '1.02', #lib/File/ 'File::Path' => '1.06', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '0.86', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::stat' => '1.00', #lib/File/ 'File::Temp' => '0.14', #lib/File/ 'FileCache' => '1.03', #lib/ 'FileHandle' => '2.01', #lib/ 'filetest' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Filter::Simple' => '0.78', #lib/Filter/ 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0601', #lib/Filter/Util/ 'FindBin' => '1.43', #lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.07', #ext/GDBM_File/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.34', #lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => '1.04', #lib/Getopt/ 'Hash::Util' => '0.05', #lib/Hash/ 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.29', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.29', #lib/I18N/LangTags/ 'if' => '0.03', #lib/ 'integer' => '1.00', #lib/ 'IO' => '1.21', #lib/ 'IO::Dir' => '1.04', #lib/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.10', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.23', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.122', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Poll' => '0.06', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.09', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.16', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.28', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.27', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.21', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0105', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', #lib/IPC/ 'JNI' => '0.2', #jpl/JNI/ 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Class' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Compile' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'less' => '0.01', #lib/ 'lib' => '0.5565', #lib/ 'List::Util' => '1.13', #lib/List/ 'locale' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Locale::Constants' => '2.01', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Country' => '2.61', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Currency' => '2.21', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Language' => '2.21', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.06', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, #lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, #lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Locale::Script' => '2.21', #lib/Locale/ 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.40', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', #lib/Math/BigFloat/ 'Math::BigInt' => '1.66', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.36', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::Scalar' => '0.11', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigRat' => '0.10', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.34', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1.02', #lib/Math/ 'Memoize' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'MIME::Base64' => '2.21', #lib/MIME/ 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '2.21', #lib/MIME/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.05', #ext/NDBM_File/ 'Net::Cmd' => '2.24', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Config' => '1.10', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Domain' => '2.19', #lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP' => '2.72', #lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.16', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', #lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => '1.00', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', #lib/Net/ 'Net::NNTP' => '2.22', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.31', #lib/Net/ 'Net::POP3' => '2.24', #lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', #lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => '1.01', #lib/Net/ 'Net::SMTP' => '2.26', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Time' => '2.09', #lib/Net/ 'NEXT' => '0.60', #lib/ 'O' => '1.00', #lib/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.04', #ext/ODBM_File/ 'Opcode' => '1.06', #lib/ 'open' => '1.02', #lib/ 'ops' => '1.00', #lib/ 'OS2::DLL' => '1.02', #os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.02', #os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.03', #os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => '1.01', #os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => '1.02', #os2/OS2/REXX/ 'overload' => '1.02', #lib/ 'PerlIO' => '1.02', #lib/ 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.07', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.02', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via' => '0.02', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.05', #lib/PerlIO/via/ 'Pod::Checker' => '1.41', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Find' => '0.24', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Functions' => '1.02', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.0501', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.14', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.55', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Man' => '1.37', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Parser' => '1.13', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '0.3', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.11', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => 'undef', #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.01', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Select' => '1.13', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '2.21', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.04', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.1', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.11', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Usage' => '1.16', #lib/Pod/ 'POSIX' => '1.06', #lib/ 're' => '0.04', #lib/ 'Safe' => '2.10', #lib/ 'Scalar::Util' => '1.13', #lib/Scalar/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.04', #lib/ 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', #lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => '1.00', #lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.0904', #lib/ 'Shell' => '0.5', #lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Socket' => '1.76', #lib/ 'sort' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Storable' => '2.08', #lib/ 'strict' => '1.03', #lib/ 'subs' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Switch' => '2.10', #lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', #lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.04', #lib/Sys/ 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.07', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Cap' => '1.08', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => '1.401', #lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.01', #lib/Term/ 'Test' => '1.24', #lib/ 'Test::Builder' => '0.17', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness' => '2.30', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.01', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.01', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.15', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::More' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Simple' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Balanced' => '1.95', #lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.21', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '2001.09291', #lib/Text/ 'Thread' => '2.00', #lib/ 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', #lib/Thread/ 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', #lib/Thread/ 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'threads' => '1.00', #lib/ 'threads::shared' => '0.91', #lib/threads/ 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::File' => '0.97', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.31', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', #lib/Time/ 'Time::HiRes' => '1.51', #lib/Time/ 'Time::Local' => '1.07', #lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', #lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => '1.00', #lib/Time/ 'Unicode' => '4.0.0', #lib/unicore/version 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.28', #lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.23', #lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.21', #lib/Unicode/ 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.01', #lib/ 'User::grent' => '1.00', #lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => '1.00', #lib/User/ 'utf8' => '1.02', #lib/ 'vars' => '1.01', #lib/ 'version' => '0.29', #lib/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.02', #vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', #vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.3', #vms/ext/Stdio/ 'vmsish' => '1.01', #lib/ 'warnings' => '1.03', #lib/ 'warnings::register' => '1.00', #lib/warnings/ 'XS::APItest' => '0.02', #lib/XS/ 'XS::Typemap' => '0.01', #lib/XS/ 'XSLoader' => '0.03', #lib/ }, 5.009001 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', #lib/ 'assertions' => '0.01', #lib/ 'assertions::activate' => '0.01', #lib/assertions/ 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78_01', #lib/Attribute/ 'attributes' => '0.06', #lib/ 'attrs' => '1.01', #lib/ 'AutoLoader' => '5.60', #lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.04', #lib/ 'autouse' => '1.03', #lib/ 'B' => '1.05', #lib/ 'base' => '2.04', #lib/ 'B::Asmdata' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::Assembler' => '0.06', #lib/B/ 'B::Bblock' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Bytecode' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::C' => '1.04', #lib/B/ 'B::CC' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Concise' => '0.59', #lib/B/ 'B::Debug' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Deparse' => '0.65', #lib/B/ 'B::Disassembler' => '1.03', #lib/B/ 'Benchmark' => '1.06', #lib/ 'bigint' => '0.05', #lib/ 'bignum' => '0.15', #lib/ 'bigrat' => '0.06', #lib/ 'blib' => '1.02', #lib/ 'B::Lint' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Showlex' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Stash' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Terse' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Xref' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'ByteLoader' => '0.05', #lib/ 'bytes' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Carp' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.01', #lib/Carp/ 'CGI' => '3.04', #lib/ 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.27', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.24', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.05', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Util' => '1.4', #lib/CGI/ 'charnames' => '1.03', #lib/ 'Class::ISA' => '0.32', #lib/Class/ 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', #lib/Class/ 'Config' => undef, #lib/ 'constant' => '1.04', #lib/ 'CPAN' => '1.76_01', #lib/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.60 ', #lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.03', #lib/CPAN/ 'Cwd' => '2.17', #lib/ 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121', #lib/Data/ 'DB' => '1.0', #lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.808_01', #lib/ 'DBM_Filter' => '0.01', #lib/ 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'Devel::DProf' => '20030813.00', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::Peek' => '1.01', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::PPPort' => '2.011_01', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', #lib/Devel/ 'diagnostics' => '1.12', #lib/ 'Digest' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Digest::base' => '1.00', #lib/Digest/ 'Digest::MD5' => '2.33', #lib/Digest/ 'DirHandle' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Dumpvalue' => '1.11', #lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.04', #lib/ 'Encode' => '1.99_01', #lib/ 'Encode::Alias' => '1.38', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Byte' => '1.23', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '1.02', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN' => '1.24', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '1.0501', #lib/Encode/CN/ 'Encode::Config' => '1.07', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '1.21', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoder' => '0.07', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoding' => '1.33', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Guess' => '1.09', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP' => '1.25', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '1.02', #lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '1.12', #lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::KR' => '1.23', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '1.06', #lib/Encode/KR/ 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '1.09', #lib/Encode/MIME/ 'Encode::Symbol' => '1.22', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::TW' => '1.26', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Unicode' => '1.40', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '0.02', #lib/Encode/Unicode/ 'encoding' => '1.48', #lib/ 'English' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Env' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Errno' => '1.09_00', #lib/ 'Exporter' => '5.58', #lib/ 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.567', #lib/Exporter/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03', #lib/ExtUtils/Command/ 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.14', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.250601', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.32', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.08', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3', #lib/ExtUtils/Liblist/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.21_02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.43', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.0901', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.07_01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.45_01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.71_01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.10_01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.03', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #vms/ext/ 'Fatal' => '1.04', #lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.05', #lib/ 'fields' => '2.03', #lib/ 'File::Basename' => '2.72', #lib/File/ 'FileCache' => '1.03', #lib/ 'File::CheckTree' => '4.3', #lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1003', #lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.07', #lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', #lib/File/ 'File::Find' => '1.07', #lib/File/ 'File::Glob' => '1.02', #lib/File/ 'FileHandle' => '2.01', #lib/ 'File::Path' => '1.06', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '0.87', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::stat' => '1.00', #lib/File/ 'File::Temp' => '0.14', #lib/File/ 'filetest' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Filter::Simple' => '0.78', #lib/Filter/ 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0601', #lib/Filter/Util/ 'FindBin' => '1.44', #lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.07', #lib/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.3401', #lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => '1.05', #lib/Getopt/ 'Hash::Util' => '0.05', #lib/Hash/ 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.29', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.29', #lib/I18N/LangTags/ 'if' => '0.0401', #lib/ 'integer' => '1.00', #lib/ 'IO' => '1.21', #lib/ 'IO::Dir' => '1.04', #lib/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.10', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.23', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.122', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Poll' => '0.06', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.09', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.16', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.28', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.27', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.21', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0105', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', #lib/IPC/ 'JNI' => '0.2', #jpl/JNI/ 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Class' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Compile' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'less' => '0.01', #lib/ 'lib' => '0.5565', #lib/ 'List::Util' => '1.13', #lib/List/ 'locale' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Locale::Constants' => '2.01', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Country' => '2.61', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Currency' => '2.21', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Language' => '2.21', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.08', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, #lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, #lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Locale::Script' => '2.21', #lib/Locale/ 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.44', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', #lib/Math/BigFloat/ 'Math::BigInt' => '1.70', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.40', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.04', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigRat' => '0.12', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.34', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1.02', #lib/Math/ 'Memoize' => '1.01_01', #lib/ 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'MIME::Base64' => '3.00_01', #lib/MIME/ 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.00', #lib/MIME/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Net::Cmd' => '2.24', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Config' => '1.10', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Domain' => '2.19', #lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP' => '2.72', #lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.16', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', #lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => '1.00', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', #lib/Net/ 'Net::NNTP' => '2.22', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.31', #lib/Net/ 'Net::POP3' => '2.24', #lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', #lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => '1.01', #lib/Net/ 'Net::SMTP' => '2.26', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Time' => '2.09', #lib/Net/ 'NEXT' => '0.60', #lib/ 'O' => '1.00', #lib/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.04', #ext/ODBM_File/ 'Opcode' => '1.06', #lib/ 'open' => '1.02', #lib/ 'ops' => '1.00', #lib/ 'OS2::DLL' => '1.02', #os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.02', #os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.03', #os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => '1.01', #os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => '1.02', #os2/OS2/REXX/ 'overload' => '1.02', #lib/ 'PerlIO' => '1.03', #lib/ 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.07', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.02', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via' => '0.02', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', #lib/PerlIO/via/ 'Pod::Checker' => '1.41', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Find' => '0.24', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Functions' => '1.02', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.0502', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.14', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.55', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Man' => '1.37', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Parser' => '1.14', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '0.3', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.12', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => 'undef', #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Select' => '1.13', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '2.21', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.04', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.1', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.11', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Usage' => '1.16', #lib/Pod/ 'POSIX' => '1.07', #lib/ 're' => '0.04', #lib/ 'Safe' => '2.10', #lib/ 'Scalar::Util' => '1.13', #lib/Scalar/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.04', #lib/ 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', #lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => '1.00', #lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.0904', #lib/ 'Shell' => '0.5.2', #lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Socket' => '1.77', #lib/ 'sort' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Storable' => '2.11', #lib/ 'strict' => '1.03', #lib/ 'subs' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Switch' => '2.10', #lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', #lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.05', #lib/Sys/ 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.08', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Cap' => '1.08', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => '1.401', #lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.01', #lib/Term/ 'Test' => '1.24', #lib/ 'Test::Builder' => '0.17', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness' => '2.40', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.19', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::More' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Simple' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Balanced' => '1.95', #lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.21', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '2001.09291', #lib/Text/ 'Thread' => '2.00', #lib/ 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', #lib/Thread/ 'threads' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', #lib/Thread/ 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'threads::shared' => '0.92', #lib/threads/ 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::File' => '0.97', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => '1.01', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.31', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', #lib/Time/ 'Time::HiRes' => '1.56', #lib/Time/ 'Time::Local' => '1.07_94', #lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', #lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => '1.00', #lib/Time/ 'Unicode' => '4.0.0', #lib/unicore/version 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.33', #lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.28', #lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.21', #lib/Unicode/ 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.02', #lib/ 'User::grent' => '1.00', #lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => '1.00', #lib/User/ 'utf8' => '1.02', #lib/ 'vars' => '1.01', #lib/ 'version' => '0.36', #lib/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.02', #vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', #vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.3', #vms/ext/Stdio/ 'vmsish' => '1.01', #lib/ 'warnings' => '1.03', #lib/ 'warnings::register' => '1.00', #lib/warnings/ 'XS::APItest' => '0.03', #lib/XS/ 'XSLoader' => '0.03', #lib/ 'XS::Typemap' => '0.01', #lib/XS/ }, 5.008004 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', #lib/ 'attributes' => '0.06', #lib/ 'AutoLoader' => '5.60', #lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.04', #lib/ 'autouse' => '1.03', #lib/ 'base' => '2.05', #lib/ 'Benchmark' => '1.06', #lib/ 'bigint' => '0.05', #lib/ 'bignum' => '0.15', #lib/ 'bigrat' => '0.06', #lib/ 'blib' => '1.02', #lib/ 'bytes' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Carp' => '1.02', #lib/ 'CGI' => '3.04', #lib/ 'charnames' => '1.03', #lib/ 'constant' => '1.04', #lib/ 'CPAN' => '1.76_01', #lib/ 'Cwd' => '2.17', #lib/ 'DBM_Filter' => '0.01', #lib/ 'DB' => '1.0', #lib/ 'diagnostics' => '1.12', #lib/ 'Digest' => '1.06', #lib/ 'DirHandle' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Dumpvalue' => '1.11', #lib/ 'English' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Env' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Exporter' => '5.58', #lib/ 'Fatal' => '1.03', #lib/ 'fields' => '2.03', #lib/ 'FileCache' => '1.03', #lib/ 'FileHandle' => '2.01', #lib/ 'filetest' => '1.01', #lib/ 'FindBin' => '1.44', #lib/ 'if' => '0.03', #lib/ 'integer' => '1.00', #lib/ 'less' => '0.01', #lib/ 'locale' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Memoize' => '1.01', #lib/ 'NEXT' => '0.60', #lib/ 'open' => '1.03', #lib/ 'overload' => '1.01', #lib/ 'PerlIO' => '1.03', #lib/ 'SelectSaver' => '1.00', #lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.0904', #lib/ 'Shell' => '0.5.2', #lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #lib/ 'sort' => '1.02', #lib/ 'strict' => '1.03', #lib/ 'subs' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Switch' => '2.10', #lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Test' => '1.24', #lib/ 'Thread' => '2.00', #lib/ 'Unicode' => '4.0.1', # lib/unicore/version 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.01', #lib/ 'utf8' => '1.03', #lib/ 'vars' => '1.01', #lib/ 'vmsish' => '1.01', #lib/ 'warnings' => '1.03', #lib/ 'Config' => undef, #lib/ 'lib' => '0.5565', #lib/ 're' => '0.04', #lib/ 'XSLoader' => '0.02', #lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.05', #lib/ 'attrs' => '1.01', #lib/ 'B' => '1.02', #lib/ 'O' => '1.00', #lib/ 'ByteLoader' => '0.05', #lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.808', #lib/ 'Encode' => '1.99_01', #lib/ 'encoding' => '1.48', #lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.05', #lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.07', #lib/ 'IO' => '1.21', #lib/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Safe' => '2.10', #lib/ 'Opcode' => '1.05', #lib/ 'ops' => '1.00', #lib/ 'POSIX' => '1.08', #lib/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.04', #lib/ 'Socket' => '1.77', #lib/ 'Storable' => '2.12', #lib/ 'threads' => '1.03', #lib/ 'Errno' => '1.09_00', #lib/ 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78_01', #lib/Attribute/ 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.01', #lib/Carp/ 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.27', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.24', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.05', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Util' => '1.4', #lib/CGI/ 'Class::ISA' => '0.32', #lib/Class/ 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', #lib/Class/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.60 ', #lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.03', #lib/CPAN/ 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::DProf' => '20030813.00', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::Peek' => '1.01', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::PPPort' => '2.011', #lib/Devel/ 'Digest::base' => '1.00', #lib/Digest/ 'Digest::MD5' => '2.33', #lib/Digest/ 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.57', #lib/Exporter/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.05', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.14', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.250601', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.08', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.32', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.17', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.42', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.06', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.07_02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.42', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.70', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.09', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.0301', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03', #lib/ExtUtils/Command/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3001', #lib/ExtUtils/Liblist/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'File::Basename' => '2.72', #lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => '4.3', #lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1003', #lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.07', #lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', #lib/File/ 'File::Find' => '1.07', #lib/File/ 'File::Path' => '1.06', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '0.87', #lib/File/ 'File::stat' => '1.00', #lib/File/ 'File::Temp' => '0.14', #lib/File/ 'File::Glob' => '1.02', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'Filter::Simple' => '0.78', #lib/Filter/ 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0601', #lib/Filter/Util/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.34', #lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => '1.05', #lib/Getopt/ 'Hash::Util' => '0.05', #lib/Hash/ 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.29', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.29', #lib/I18N/LangTags/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0106', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', #lib/IPC/ 'Locale::Constants' => '2.01', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Country' => '2.61', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Currency' => '2.21', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Language' => '2.21', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.08', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Script' => '2.21', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, #lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, #lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.44', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt' => '1.70', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigRat' => '0.12', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.34', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1.02', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', #lib/Math/BigFloat/ 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.04', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.40', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Net::Cmd' => '2.24', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Config' => '1.10', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Domain' => '2.19', #lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP' => '2.72', #lib/Net/ 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', #lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => '1.00', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', #lib/Net/ 'Net::NNTP' => '2.22', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.31', #lib/Net/ 'Net::POP3' => '2.24', #lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', #lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => '1.01', #lib/Net/ 'Net::SMTP' => '2.26', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Time' => '2.09', #lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.16', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.07', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.02', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via' => '0.02', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', #lib/PerlIO/via/ 'Pod::Checker' => '1.41', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Find' => '0.24', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Functions' => '1.02', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.0502', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.14', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.55', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Man' => '1.37', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Parser' => '1.14', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '0.3', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.12', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Select' => '1.13', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '2.21', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Usage' => '1.16', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => 'undef', #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.04', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.1', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.11', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', #lib/Search/ 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.08', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Cap' => '1.08', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => '1.401', #lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.01', #lib/Term/ 'Test::Builder' => '0.17', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness' => '2.40', #lib/Test/ 'Test::More' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Simple' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.19', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Balanced' => '1.95', #lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.21', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '2001.09291', #lib/Text/ 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', #lib/Thread/ 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', #lib/Thread/ 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::File' => '0.97', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => '1.01', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.31', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', #lib/Time/ 'Time::Local' => '1.07', #lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', #lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => '1.00', #lib/Time/ 'Time::HiRes' => '1.59', #lib/Time/ 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.33', #lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.22', #lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.28', #lib/Unicode/ 'User::grent' => '1.00', #lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => '1.00', #lib/User/ 'warnings::register' => '1.00', #lib/warnings/ 'B::Stash' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Asmdata' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::C' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Deparse' => '0.66', #lib/B/ 'B::Debug' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::Bblock' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Assembler' => '0.07', #lib/B/ 'B::Terse' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::CC' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Concise' => '0.60', #lib/B/ 'B::Lint' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Showlex' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Bytecode' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::Disassembler' => '1.03', #lib/B/ 'B::Xref' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121', #lib/Data/ 'Encode::Alias' => '1.38', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoding' => '1.33', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Guess' => '1.09', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Config' => '1.07', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoder' => '0.07', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '1.02', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Byte' => '1.23', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN' => '1.24', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '1.21', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP' => '1.25', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::KR' => '1.23', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Symbol' => '1.22', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::TW' => '1.26', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Unicode' => '1.40', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '1.02', #lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '1.12', #lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '0.02', #lib/Encode/Unicode/ 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '1.06', #lib/Encode/KR/ 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '1.09', #lib/Encode/MIME/ 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '1.0501', #lib/Encode/CN/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.123', #lib/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.10', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.16', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.28', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Poll' => '0.06', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Dir' => '1.04', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.24', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.09', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.27', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.21', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'List::Util' => '1.13', #lib/List/ 'Scalar::Util' => '1.13', #lib/Scalar/ 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.01', #lib/MIME/ 'MIME::Base64' => '3.01', #lib/MIME/ 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', #lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.05', #lib/Sys/ 'XS::APItest' => '0.03', #lib/XS/ 'XS::Typemap' => '0.01', #lib/XS/ 'threads::shared' => '0.92', #lib/threads/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #vms/ext/ 'JNI' => '0.2', #jpl/JNI/ 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Class' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Compile' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.05', #ext/ODBM_File/ 'OS2::DLL' => '1.02', #os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.02', #os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.03', #os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => '1.01', #os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => '1.02', #os2/OS2/REXX/ 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.02', #vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', #vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.3', #vms/ext/Stdio/ }, 5.008005 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', #lib/ 'attributes' => '0.06', #lib/ 'AutoLoader' => '5.60', #lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.04', #lib/ 'autouse' => '1.04', #lib/ 'base' => '2.06', #lib/ 'Benchmark' => '1.06', #lib/ 'bigint' => '0.05', #lib/ 'bignum' => '0.15', #lib/ 'bigrat' => '0.06', #lib/ 'blib' => '1.02', #lib/ 'bytes' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Carp' => '1.03', #lib/ 'CGI' => '3.05', #lib/ 'charnames' => '1.04', #lib/ 'constant' => '1.04', #lib/ 'CPAN' => '1.76_01', #lib/ 'Cwd' => '2.19', #lib/ 'DBM_Filter' => '0.01', #lib/ 'DB' => '1.0', #lib/ 'diagnostics' => '1.13', #lib/ 'Digest' => '1.08', #lib/ 'DirHandle' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Dumpvalue' => '1.11', #lib/ 'English' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Env' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Exporter' => '5.58', #lib/ 'Fatal' => '1.03', #lib/ 'fields' => '2.03', #lib/ 'FileCache' => '1.04_01', #lib/ 'FileHandle' => '2.01', #lib/ 'filetest' => '1.01', #lib/ 'FindBin' => '1.44', #lib/ 'if' => '0.03', #lib/ 'integer' => '1.00', #lib/ 'less' => '0.01', #lib/ 'locale' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Memoize' => '1.01', #lib/ 'NEXT' => '0.60', #lib/ 'open' => '1.03', #lib/ 'overload' => '1.01', #lib/ 'PerlIO' => '1.03', #lib/ 'SelectSaver' => '1.00', #lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.0904', #lib/ 'Shell' => '0.6', #lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #lib/ 'sort' => '1.02', #lib/ 'strict' => '1.03', #lib/ 'subs' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Switch' => '2.10', #lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Test' => '1.25', #lib/ 'Thread' => '2.00', #lib/ 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.01', #lib/ 'utf8' => '1.04', #lib/ 'vars' => '1.01', #lib/ 'vmsish' => '1.01', #lib/ 'warnings' => '1.03', #lib/ 'Config' => undef, #lib/ 'lib' => '0.5565', #lib/ 're' => '0.04', #lib/ 'XSLoader' => '0.02', #lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.05', #lib/ 'attrs' => '1.01', #lib/ 'B' => '1.02', #lib/ 'O' => '1.00', #lib/ 'ByteLoader' => '0.05', #lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.809', #lib/ 'Encode' => '2.01', #lib/ 'encoding' => '2.00', #lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.05', #lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.07', #lib/ 'IO' => '1.21', #lib/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Safe' => '2.11', #lib/ 'Opcode' => '1.05', #lib/ 'ops' => '1.00', #lib/ 'POSIX' => '1.08', #lib/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.04', #lib/ 'Socket' => '1.77', #lib/ 'Storable' => '2.13', #lib/ 'threads' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Errno' => '1.09_00', #lib/ 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78_01', #lib/Attribute/ 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.01', #lib/Carp/ 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.28', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.24', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.05', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Util' => '1.5', #lib/CGI/ 'Class::ISA' => '0.32', #lib/Class/ 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', #lib/Class/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.60 ', #lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.03', #lib/CPAN/ 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::DProf' => '20030813.00', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::Peek' => '1.01', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::PPPort' => '2.011', #lib/Devel/ 'Digest::base' => '1.00', #lib/Digest/ 'Digest::MD5' => '2.33', #lib/Digest/ 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.57', #lib/Exporter/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.05', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.14', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.250601', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.08', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.32', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.17', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.42', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.06', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.07_02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.42', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.70', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.09', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.0301', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03', #lib/ExtUtils/Command/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3001', #lib/ExtUtils/Liblist/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'File::Basename' => '2.73', #lib/File/ 'File::CheckTree' => '4.3', #lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1003', #lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.08', #lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', #lib/File/ 'File::Find' => '1.07', #lib/File/ 'File::Path' => '1.06', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '0.87', #lib/File/ 'File::stat' => '1.00', #lib/File/ 'File::Temp' => '0.14', #lib/File/ 'File::Glob' => '1.03', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'Filter::Simple' => '0.78', #lib/Filter/ 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0601', #lib/Filter/Util/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.34', #lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => '1.05', #lib/Getopt/ 'Hash::Util' => '0.05', #lib/Hash/ 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.33', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', #lib/I18N/LangTags/ 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.29', #lib/I18N/LangTags/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0106', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', #lib/IPC/ 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.09', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, #lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, #lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.44', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt' => '1.70', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigRat' => '0.12', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.34', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1.02', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', #lib/Math/BigFloat/ 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.04', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.40', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Net::Cmd' => '2.26', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Config' => '1.10', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Domain' => '2.19', #lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP' => '2.75', #lib/Net/ 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', #lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => '1.00', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', #lib/Net/ 'Net::NNTP' => '2.23', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.31', #lib/Net/ 'Net::POP3' => '2.28', #lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', #lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => '1.01', #lib/Net/ 'Net::SMTP' => '2.29', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Time' => '2.10', #lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.16', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.07', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.02', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via' => '0.02', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', #lib/PerlIO/via/ 'Pod::Checker' => '1.42', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Find' => '0.2401', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Functions' => '1.02', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.0502', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.14', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.56', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Man' => '1.37', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Parser' => '1.14', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.2', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.13', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Select' => '1.13', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '2.21', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Usage' => '1.16', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => 'undef', #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.04', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.1', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.11', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', #lib/Search/ 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.08', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Cap' => '1.09', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => '1.401', #lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.01', #lib/Term/ 'Test::Builder' => '0.17', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness' => '2.42', #lib/Test/ 'Test::More' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Simple' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.19', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Balanced' => '1.95', #lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.22', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '2001.09292', #lib/Text/ 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', #lib/Thread/ 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', #lib/Thread/ 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::File' => '0.97', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => '1.01', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.31', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', #lib/Time/ 'Time::Local' => '1.10', #lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', #lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => '1.00', #lib/Time/ 'Time::HiRes' => '1.59', #lib/Time/ 'Unicode' => '4.0.1', # lib/unicore/version 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.40', #lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.22', #lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.30', #lib/Unicode/ 'User::grent' => '1.00', #lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => '1.00', #lib/User/ 'warnings::register' => '1.00', #lib/warnings/ 'B::Stash' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Asmdata' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::C' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Deparse' => '0.67', #lib/B/ 'B::Debug' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::Bblock' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Assembler' => '0.07', #lib/B/ 'B::Terse' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::CC' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Concise' => '0.61', #lib/B/ 'B::Lint' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Showlex' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Bytecode' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::Disassembler' => '1.03', #lib/B/ 'B::Xref' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121', #lib/Data/ 'Encode::Alias' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Guess' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Config' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Byte' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::KR' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::TW' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.01', #lib/Encode/Unicode/ 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/KR/ 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/MIME/ 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.01', #lib/Encode/CN/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.123', #lib/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.10', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.16', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.28', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Poll' => '0.06', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Dir' => '1.04', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.24', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.09', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.27', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.21', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'List::Util' => '1.14', #lib/List/ 'Scalar::Util' => '1.14', #lib/Scalar/ 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.01', #lib/MIME/ 'MIME::Base64' => '3.01', #lib/MIME/ 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', #lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.05', #lib/Sys/ 'XS::APItest' => '0.04', #lib/XS/ 'XS::Typemap' => '0.01', #lib/XS/ 'threads::shared' => '0.92', #lib/threads/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #vms/ext/ 'JNI' => '0.2', #jpl/JNI/ 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Class' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Compile' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.05', #ext/ODBM_File/ 'OS2::DLL' => '1.02', #os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.02', #os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.03', #os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => '1.01', #os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => '1.02', #os2/OS2/REXX/ 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', #./ext/Thread/Thread/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.02', #vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', #vms/ext/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.3', #vms/ext/Stdio/ }, 5.008006 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78_01', #lib/Attribute/ 'attributes' => '0.06', #lib/ 'attrs' => '1.01', #lib/ 'AutoLoader' => '5.60', #lib/ 'AutoSplit' => '1.04', #lib/ 'autouse' => '1.04', #lib/ 'B' => '1.07', #lib/ 'base' => '2.06', #lib/ 'B::Asmdata' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::Assembler' => '0.07', #lib/B/ 'B::Bblock' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Bytecode' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'B::C' => '1.04', #lib/B/ 'B::CC' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Concise' => '0.64', #lib/B/ 'B::Debug' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Deparse' => '0.69', #lib/B/ 'B::Disassembler' => '1.03', #lib/B/ 'Benchmark' => '1.06', #lib/ 'bigint' => '0.05', #lib/ 'bignum' => '0.15', #lib/ 'bigrat' => '0.06', #lib/ 'blib' => '1.02', #lib/ 'B::Lint' => '1.03', #lib/B/ 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Stash' => '1.00', #lib/B/ 'B::Terse' => '1.02', #lib/B/ 'B::Xref' => '1.01', #lib/B/ 'ByteLoader' => '0.05', #lib/ 'bytes' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Carp' => '1.03', #lib/ 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.03', #lib/Carp/ 'CGI' => '3.05', #lib/ 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Carp' => '1.28', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.24', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Fast' => '1.05', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', #lib/CGI/ 'CGI::Util' => '1.5', #lib/CGI/ 'charnames' => '1.04', #lib/ 'Class::ISA' => '0.32', #lib/Class/ 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', #lib/Class/ 'Config' => undef, #lib/ 'constant' => '1.04', #lib/ 'CPAN' => '1.76_01', #lib/ 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.60 ', #lib/CPAN/ 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.03', #lib/CPAN/ 'Cwd' => '3.01', #lib/ 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121_02', #lib/Data/ 'DB' => '1.0', #lib/ 'DB_File' => '1.810', #lib/ 'DBM_Filter' => '0.01', #lib/ 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.01', #lib/DBM_Filter/ 'Devel::DProf' => '20030813.00', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::Peek' => '1.02', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.03', #lib/Devel/ 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', #lib/Devel/ 'diagnostics' => '1.14', #lib/ 'Digest' => '1.08', #lib/ 'Digest::base' => '1.00', #lib/Digest/ 'Digest::MD5' => '2.33', #lib/Digest/ 'DirHandle' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Dumpvalue' => '1.11', #lib/ 'DynaLoader' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Encode' => '2.08', #lib/ 'Encode::Alias' => '2.02', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Byte' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.01', #lib/Encode/CN/ 'Encode::Config' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.02', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Guess' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP' => '2.01', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/JP/ 'Encode::KR' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/KR/ 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/MIME/ 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::TW' => '2.00', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.02', #lib/Encode/ 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.01', #lib/Encode/Unicode/ 'encoding' => '2.01', #lib/ 'English' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Env' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Errno' => '1.09_00', #lib/ 'Exporter' => '5.58', #lib/ 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.58', #lib/Exporter/ 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.05', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03', #lib/ExtUtils/Command/ 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.1401', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.250601', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.32', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.08', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3001', #lib/ExtUtils/Liblist/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.17', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/ 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.42', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.06', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.07', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.07_02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.42', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.70', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.09', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.0301', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', #lib/ExtUtils/ 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.0', #vms/ext/ 'Fatal' => '1.03', #lib/ 'Fcntl' => '1.05', #lib/ 'fields' => '2.03', #lib/ 'File::Basename' => '2.73', #lib/File/ 'FileCache' => '1.04_01', #lib/ 'File::CheckTree' => '4.3', #lib/File/ 'File::Compare' => '1.1003', #lib/File/ 'File::Copy' => '2.08', #lib/File/ 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', #lib/File/ 'File::Find' => '1.07', #lib/File/ 'File::Glob' => '1.03', #lib/File/ 'FileHandle' => '2.01', #lib/ 'File::Path' => '1.06', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec' => '3.01', #lib/File/ 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.5', #lib/File/Spec/ 'File::stat' => '1.00', #lib/File/ 'File::Temp' => '0.14', #lib/File/ 'filetest' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Filter::Simple' => '0.78', #lib/Filter/ 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0601', #lib/Filter/Util/ 'FindBin' => '1.44', #lib/ 'GDBM_File' => '1.07', #lib/ 'Getopt::Long' => '2.34', #lib/Getopt/ 'Getopt::Std' => '1.05', #lib/Getopt/ 'Hash::Util' => '0.05', #lib/Hash/ 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', #lib/I18N/ 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', #lib/I18N/LangTags/ 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', #lib/I18N/LangTags/ 'if' => '0.03', #lib/ 'integer' => '1.00', #lib/ 'IO' => '1.21', #lib/ 'IO::Dir' => '1.04', #lib/IO/ 'IO::File' => '1.10', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Handle' => '1.24', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Pipe' => '1.123', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Poll' => '0.06', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Seekable' => '1.09', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Select' => '1.16', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket' => '1.28', #lib/IO/ 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.27', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.21', #lib/IO/Socket/ 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0106', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', #lib/IPC/ 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', #lib/IPC/ 'JNI' => '0.2', #jpl/JNI/ 'JPL::AutoLoader' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Class' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'JPL::Compile' => undef, #jpl/JPL/ 'less' => '0.01', #lib/ 'lib' => '0.5565', #lib/ 'List::Util' => '1.14', #lib/List/ 'locale' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.09', #lib/Locale/ 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, #lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, #lib/Locale/Maketext/ 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', #lib/Locale/ 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.47', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', #lib/Math/BigFloat/ 'Math::BigInt' => '1.73', #lib/Math/ 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.43', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.04', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', #lib/Math/BigInt/ 'Math::BigRat' => '0.13', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Complex' => '1.34', #lib/Math/ 'Math::Trig' => '1.02', #lib/Math/ 'Memoize' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', #lib/Memoize/ 'MIME::Base64' => '3.05', #lib/MIME/ 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.03', #lib/MIME/ 'NDBM_File' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Net::Cmd' => '2.26', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Config' => '1.10', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Domain' => '2.19', #lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP' => '2.75', #lib/Net/ 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.16', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', #lib/Net/FTP/ 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', #lib/Net/ 'Net::netent' => '1.00', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', #lib/Net/ 'Net::NNTP' => '2.23', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Ping' => '2.31', #lib/Net/ 'Net::POP3' => '2.28', #lib/Net/ 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', #lib/Net/ 'Net::servent' => '1.01', #lib/Net/ 'Net::SMTP' => '2.29', #lib/Net/ 'Net::Time' => '2.10', #lib/Net/ 'NEXT' => '0.60', #lib/ 'O' => '1.00', #lib/ 'ODBM_File' => '1.05', #ext/ODBM_File/ 'Opcode' => '1.05', #lib/ 'open' => '1.04', #lib/ 'ops' => '1.00', #lib/ 'OS2::DLL' => '1.02', #os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/ 'OS2::ExtAttr' => '0.02', #os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ 'OS2::PrfDB' => '0.03', #os2/OS2/PrfDB/ 'OS2::Process' => '1.01', #os2/OS2/Process/ 'OS2::REXX' => '1.02', #os2/OS2/REXX/ 'overload' => '1.02', #lib/ 'PerlIO' => '1.03', #lib/ 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.07', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.02', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via' => '0.02', #lib/PerlIO/ 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', #lib/PerlIO/via/ 'Pod::Checker' => '1.42', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Find' => '0.2401', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Functions' => '1.02', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Html' => '1.0502', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.14', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.56', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Man' => '1.37', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Parser' => '1.14', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.2', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.13', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => 'undef', #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, #lib/Pod/Perldoc/ 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Select' => '1.13', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text' => '2.21', #lib/Pod/ 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.04', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.1', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.11', #lib/Pod/Text/ 'Pod::Usage' => '1.16', #lib/Pod/ 'POSIX' => '1.08', #lib/ 're' => '0.04', #lib/ 'Safe' => '2.11', #lib/ 'Scalar::Util' => '1.14', #lib/Scalar/ 'SDBM_File' => '1.04', #lib/ 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', #lib/Search/ 'SelectSaver' => '1.00', #lib/ 'SelfLoader' => '1.0904', #lib/ 'Shell' => '0.6', #lib/ 'sigtrap' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Socket' => '1.77', #lib/ 'sort' => '1.02', #lib/ 'Storable' => '2.13', #lib/ 'strict' => '1.03', #lib/ 'subs' => '1.00', #lib/ 'Switch' => '2.10', #lib/ 'Symbol' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', #lib/Sys/ 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.05', #lib/Sys/ 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.08', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Cap' => '1.09', #lib/Term/ 'Term::Complete' => '1.401', #lib/Term/ 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.01', #lib/Term/ 'Test' => '1.25', #lib/ 'Test::Builder' => '0.17', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness' => '2.42', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.19', #lib/Test/Harness/ 'Test::More' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Test::Simple' => '0.47', #lib/Test/ 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Balanced' => '1.95', #lib/Text/ 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.23', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', #lib/Text/ 'Text::Wrap' => '2001.09292', #lib/Text/ 'Thread' => '2.00', #lib/ 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', #lib/Thread/ 'threads' => '1.05', #lib/ 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', #lib/Thread/ 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', #ext/Thread/Thread/ 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', #ext/Thread/Thread/ 'threads::shared' => '0.92', #lib/threads/ 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::File' => '0.97', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Hash' => '1.01', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.31', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', #lib/Tie/ 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', #lib/Time/ 'Time::HiRes' => '1.65', #lib/Time/ 'Time::Local' => '1.10', #lib/Time/ 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', #lib/Time/ 'Time::tm' => '1.00', #lib/Time/ 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.40', #lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.30', #lib/Unicode/ 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.22', #lib/Unicode/ 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.01', #lib/ 'Unicode' => '4.0.1', # lib/unicore/version 'User::grent' => '1.00', #lib/User/ 'User::pwent' => '1.00', #lib/User/ 'utf8' => '1.04', #lib/ 'vars' => '1.01', #lib/ 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.02', #vms/ext/DCLsym/ 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', #vms/ext/ 'vmsish' => '1.01', #lib/ 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.3', #vms/ext/Stdio/ 'warnings' => '1.03', #lib/ 'warnings::register' => '1.00', #lib/warnings/ 'XS::APItest' => '0.05', #lib/XS/ 'XSLoader' => '0.02', #lib/ 'XS::Typemap' => '0.01', #lib/XS/ }, 5.009002 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78_01', 'AutoLoader' => '5.60', 'AutoSplit' => '1.04', 'B' => '1.07', 'B::Asmdata' => '1.01', 'B::Assembler' => '0.07', 'B::Bblock' => '1.02', 'B::Bytecode' => '1.01', 'B::C' => '1.04', 'B::CC' => '1.00', 'B::Concise' => '0.64', 'B::Debug' => '1.02', 'B::Deparse' => '0.69', 'B::Disassembler' => '1.03', 'B::Lint' => '1.03', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', 'B::Stash' => '1.00', 'B::Terse' => '1.02', 'B::Xref' => '1.01', 'Benchmark' => '1.07', 'ByteLoader' => '0.05', 'CGI' => '3.07', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', 'CGI::Carp' => '1.29', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.25', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.05', 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', 'CGI::Util' => '1.5', 'CPAN' => '1.76_01', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.60 ', 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.03', 'Carp' => '1.04', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.04', 'Class::ISA' => '0.33', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.05', 'DB' => '1.0', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.01', 'DB_File' => '1.811', 'DCLsym' => '1.02', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121_04', 'Devel::DProf' => '20030813.00', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.06', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.02', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.10', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.33', 'Digest::base' => '1.00', 'Digest::file' => '0.01', 'DirHandle' => '1.00', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.11', 'DynaLoader' => '1.07', 'Encode' => '2.09', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.02', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.00', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.00', 'Encode::CN' => '2.00', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.01', 'Encode::Config' => '2.00', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.00', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.00', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.02', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.00', 'Encode::JP' => '2.01', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.00', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.00', 'Encode::KR' => '2.00', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.00', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.00', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.00', 'Encode::TW' => '2.00', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.02', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.01', 'English' => '1.03', 'Env' => '1.00', 'Errno' => '1.09_01', 'Exporter' => '5.59', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.59', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.07', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03_01', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.16', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.26', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.32', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.08', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.10', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.04', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.07', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.08', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.07', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.04', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.46_01', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.71', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.10', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.03', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.25', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', 'Fatal' => '1.04', 'Fcntl' => '1.05', 'File::Basename' => '2.73', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.3', 'File::Compare' => '1.1003', 'File::Copy' => '2.08', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', 'File::Find' => '1.09', 'File::Glob' => '1.04', 'File::Path' => '1.06', 'File::Spec' => '3.05', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.5', 'File::Temp' => '0.16', 'File::stat' => '1.00', 'FileCache' => '1.04_01', 'FileHandle' => '2.01', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.78', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0601', 'FindBin' => '1.44', 'GDBM_File' => '1.07', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.3401', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.05', 'Hash::Util' => '0.05', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', 'IO' => '1.21', 'IO::Dir' => '1.04', 'IO::File' => '1.10', 'IO::Handle' => '1.24', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.123', 'IO::Poll' => '0.06', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.09', 'IO::Select' => '1.16', 'IO::Socket' => '1.28', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.27', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.21', 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0106', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', 'List::Util' => '1.14', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.09', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.05', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.03', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.49', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.75', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.45', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.14', 'Math::Complex' => '1.34', 'Math::Trig' => '1.02', 'Memoize' => '1.01_01', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::CoreList' => '1.99', 'NDBM_File' => '1.05', 'NEXT' => '0.60_01', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.26', 'Net::Config' => '1.10', 'Net::Domain' => '2.19', 'Net::FTP' => '2.75', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.16', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.23', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.28', 'Net::Ping' => '2.31', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.29', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.00', 'ODBM_File' => '1.05', 'Opcode' => '1.06', 'POSIX' => '1.08', 'PerlIO' => '1.03', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.02', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.02', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.42', 'Pod::Find' => '1.3', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.02', 'Pod::Html' => '1.0502', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.3', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '1.37', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.3', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.3', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.14', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.3', 'Pod::Text' => '2.21', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.04', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.1', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.11', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.3', 'SDBM_File' => '1.04', 'Safe' => '2.11', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.14_1', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.01', 'SelfLoader' => '1.0904', 'Shell' => '0.6', 'Socket' => '1.77', 'Stdio' => '2.3', 'Storable' => '2.14', 'Switch' => '2.10', 'Symbol' => '1.05', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.06', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.09', 'Term::Cap' => '1.09', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.01', 'Test' => '1.25', 'Test::Builder' => '0.22', 'Test::Harness' => '2.46', 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.20_01', 'Test::More' => '0.54', 'Test::Simple' => '0.54', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '1.95_01', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.24', 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', 'Text::Wrap' => '2001.09292', 'Thread' => '2.00', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.01', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.32', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.66', 'Time::Local' => '1.11', 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.02', 'Unicode' => '4.0.1', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.40', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.30', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.22', 'User::grent' => '1.00', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'Win32' => '0.23', 'XS::APItest' => '0.05', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.01', 'XSLoader' => '0.03', 'XSSymSet' => '1.0', 'assertions' => '0.01', 'assertions::activate' => '0.01', 'attributes' => '0.06', 'attrs' => '1.01', 'autouse' => '1.04', 'base' => '2.06', 'bigint' => '0.06', 'bignum' => '0.16', 'bigrat' => '0.07', 'blib' => '1.02', 'bytes' => '1.01', 'charnames' => '1.04', 'constant' => '1.05', 'diagnostics' => '1.14', 'encoding' => '2.01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.05', 'fields' => '2.03', 'filetest' => '1.01', 'if' => '0.0401', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.01', 'lib' => '0.5565', 'locale' => '1.00', 'open' => '1.04', 'ops' => '1.00', 'overload' => '1.03', 're' => '0.05', 'sigtrap' => '1.02', 'sort' => '1.02', 'strict' => '1.03', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.05', 'threads::shared' => '0.92', 'utf8' => '1.04', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.42', 'vmsish' => '1.01', 'warnings' => '1.04', 'warnings::register' => '1.00', }, 5.008007 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78_01', 'AutoLoader' => '5.60', 'AutoSplit' => '1.04', 'B' => '1.09', 'B::Asmdata' => '1.01', 'B::Assembler' => '0.07', 'B::Bblock' => '1.02', 'B::Bytecode' => '1.01', 'B::C' => '1.04', 'B::CC' => '1.00', 'B::Concise' => '0.65', 'B::Debug' => '1.02', 'B::Deparse' => '0.7', 'B::Disassembler' => '1.04', 'B::Lint' => '1.03', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', 'B::Stash' => '1.00', 'B::Terse' => '1.03', 'B::Xref' => '1.01', 'Benchmark' => '1.07', 'ByteLoader' => '0.05', 'CGI' => '3.10', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', 'CGI::Carp' => '1.29', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.25', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.05', 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', 'CGI::Util' => '1.5', 'CPAN' => '1.76_01', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.60 ', 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.03', 'Carp' => '1.04', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.04', 'Class::ISA' => '0.33', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Config' => undef, 'Cwd' => '3.05', 'DB' => '1.0', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.01', 'DB_File' => '1.811', 'DCLsym' => '1.02', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121_04', 'Devel::DProf' => '20050310.00', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.06', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.02', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.10', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.33', 'Digest::base' => '1.00', 'Digest::file' => '0.01', 'DirHandle' => '1.00', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.11', 'DynaLoader' => '1.05', 'Encode' => '2.10', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.03', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.00', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.00', 'Encode::CN' => '2.00', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.01', 'Encode::Config' => '2.00', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.00', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.00', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.02', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.00', 'Encode::JP' => '2.01', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.00', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.00', 'Encode::KR' => '2.00', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.00', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.00', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.00', 'Encode::TW' => '2.00', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.02', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.01', 'English' => '1.01', 'Env' => '1.00', 'Errno' => '1.09_01', 'Exporter' => '5.58', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.58', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.05', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.16', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.250601', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.32', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.08', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3001', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.07', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.04', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.06', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.07', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.07_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.04', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.70', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.09', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.0301', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.17', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.42', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', 'Fatal' => '1.03', 'Fcntl' => '1.05', 'File::Basename' => '2.73', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.3', 'File::Compare' => '1.1003', 'File::Copy' => '2.08', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', 'File::Find' => '1.09', 'File::Glob' => '1.04', 'File::Path' => '1.07', 'File::Spec' => '3.05', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.5', 'File::Temp' => '0.16', 'File::stat' => '1.00', 'FileCache' => '1.05', 'FileHandle' => '2.01', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.78', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0601', 'FindBin' => '1.44', 'GDBM_File' => '1.07', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.34', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.05', 'Hash::Util' => '0.05', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', 'IO' => '1.21', 'IO::Dir' => '1.04', 'IO::File' => '1.11', 'IO::Handle' => '1.24', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.123', 'IO::Poll' => '0.06', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.09', 'IO::Select' => '1.16', 'IO::Socket' => '1.28', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.28', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.21', 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.01', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.0106', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', 'List::Util' => '1.14', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.09', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.05', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.03', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.51', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.77', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.47', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.15', 'Math::Complex' => '1.34', 'Math::Trig' => '1.02', 'Memoize' => '1.01', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'NDBM_File' => '1.05', 'NEXT' => '0.60', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.26', 'Net::Config' => '1.10', 'Net::Domain' => '2.19', 'Net::FTP' => '2.75', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.16', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.23', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.28', 'Net::Ping' => '2.31', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.29', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.00', 'ODBM_File' => '1.05', 'Opcode' => '1.05', 'POSIX' => '1.08', 'PerlIO' => '1.03', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.02', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.02', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.42', 'Pod::Find' => '1.3', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.02', 'Pod::Html' => '1.0503', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.3', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '1.37', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.3', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.3', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.14', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.3', 'Pod::Text' => '2.21', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.04', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.1', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.11', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.3', 'SDBM_File' => '1.04', 'Safe' => '2.11', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.14', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.01', 'SelfLoader' => '1.0904', 'Shell' => '0.6', 'Socket' => '1.77', 'Stdio' => '2.3', 'Storable' => '2.13', 'Switch' => '2.10', 'Symbol' => '1.06', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.06', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.09', 'Term::Cap' => '1.09', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.01', 'Test' => '1.25', 'Test::Builder' => '0.22', 'Test::Harness' => '2.48', 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Point' => '0.01', 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.23', 'Test::More' => '0.54', 'Test::Simple' => '0.54', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '1.95', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.24', 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', 'Text::Tabs' => '98.112801', 'Text::Wrap' => '2001.09293', 'Thread' => '2.00', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.01', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.32', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.66', 'Time::Local' => '1.11', 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.01', 'Unicode' => '4.1.0', # lib/unicore/version 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.40', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.32', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.23', 'User::grent' => '1.00', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'Win32' => '0.24', 'XS::APItest' => '0.06', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.01', 'XSLoader' => '0.02', 'XSSymSet' => '1.0', 'attributes' => '0.06', 'attrs' => '1.01', 'autouse' => '1.04', 'base' => '2.07', 'bigint' => '0.07', 'bignum' => '0.17', 'bigrat' => '0.08', 'blib' => '1.02', 'bytes' => '1.02', 'charnames' => '1.04', 'constant' => '1.05', 'diagnostics' => '1.14', 'encoding' => '2.01', 'fields' => '2.03', 'filetest' => '1.01', 'if' => '0.03', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.01', 'lib' => '0.5565', 'locale' => '1.00', 'open' => '1.04', 'ops' => '1.00', 'overload' => '1.03', 're' => '0.04', 'sigtrap' => '1.02', 'sort' => '1.02', 'strict' => '1.03', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.05', 'threads::shared' => '0.93', 'utf8' => '1.05', 'vars' => '1.01', 'vmsish' => '1.01', 'warnings' => '1.03', 'warnings::register' => '1.00', }, 5.009003 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.26_01', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78_02', 'AutoLoader' => '5.60', 'AutoSplit' => '1.04_01', 'B' => '1.10', 'B::Asmdata' => '1.01', 'B::Assembler' => '0.07', 'B::Bblock' => '1.02', 'B::Bytecode' => '1.01', 'B::C' => '1.04', 'B::CC' => '1.00', 'B::Concise' => '0.67', 'B::Debug' => '1.02', 'B::Deparse' => '0.73', 'B::Disassembler' => '1.05', 'B::Lint' => '1.04', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', 'B::Stash' => '1.00', 'B::Terse' => '1.03', 'B::Xref' => '1.01', 'Benchmark' => '1.07', 'ByteLoader' => '0.06', 'CGI' => '3.15_01', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', 'CGI::Carp' => '1.29', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.26', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.05', 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', 'CGI::Util' => '1.5', 'CPAN' => '1.83_58', 'CPAN::Debug' => '4.44', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '4.50', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '4.31', 'CPAN::Nox' => '2.31', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '3.36', 'CPAN::Version' => '2.55', 'Carp' => '1.05', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.05', 'Class::ISA' => '0.33', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.000_07', 'Compress::Zlib::Common'=> '2.000_07', 'Compress::Zlib::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.000_07', 'Compress::Zlib::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '1.00', 'Compress::Zlib::CompressPlugin::Deflate'=> '2.000_05', 'Compress::Zlib::CompressPlugin::Identity'=> '2.000_05', 'Compress::Zlib::File::GlobMapper'=> '0.000_02', 'Compress::Zlib::FileConstants'=> '2.000_07', 'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::Base'=> '2.000_05', 'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::Deflate'=> '2.000_07', 'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::Gzip'=> '2.000_07', 'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.000_07', 'Compress::Zlib::IO::Compress::Zip'=> '2.000_04', 'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.000_07', 'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.000_05', 'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::Base'=> '2.000_05', 'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.000_07', 'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.000_07', 'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.000_07', 'Compress::Zlib::IO::Uncompress::Unzip'=> '2.000_05', 'Compress::Zlib::ParseParameters'=> '2.000_07', 'Compress::Zlib::UncompressPlugin::Identity'=> '2.000_05', 'Compress::Zlib::UncompressPlugin::Inflate'=> '2.000_05', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.15', 'DB' => '1.01', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.01', 'DB_File' => '1.814', 'DCLsym' => '1.02', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121_08', 'Devel::DProf' => '20050603.00', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.08', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.03', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.14', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.36', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.32', 'Digest::base' => '1.00', 'Digest::file' => '1.00', 'DirHandle' => '1.01', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.12', 'DynaLoader' => '1.07', 'Encode' => '2.14', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.04', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.00', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.00', 'Encode::CN' => '2.00', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.02', 'Encode::Config' => '2.01', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.00', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.00', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.02', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.00', 'Encode::JP' => '2.01', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.00', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.00', 'Encode::KR' => '2.00', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.00', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.00', 'Encode::TW' => '2.00', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.02', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.01', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.00', 'Errno' => '1.09_01', 'Exporter' => '5.59', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.59', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.15', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.13', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.09', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.05_01', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.2', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.26', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.33', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.08', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.05', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '0.03', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.13_01', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.08', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.08', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.08', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.05', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.50_01', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.73', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.12', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.30_01', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.46', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.15_02', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', 'Fatal' => '1.04', 'Fcntl' => '1.05', 'File::Basename' => '2.74', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.3', 'File::Compare' => '1.1005', 'File::Copy' => '2.09', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', 'File::Find' => '1.10', 'File::Glob' => '1.05', 'File::Path' => '1.08', 'File::Spec' => '3.15', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.6', 'File::Temp' => '0.16_01', 'File::stat' => '1.00', 'FileCache' => '1.06', 'FileHandle' => '2.01', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.82', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0601', 'FindBin' => '1.47', 'GDBM_File' => '1.08', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.35', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.05', 'Hash::Util' => '0.05', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', 'IO' => '1.22', 'IO::Dir' => '1.05', 'IO::File' => '1.13_01', 'IO::Handle' => '1.26', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.29_01', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.29_02', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.22_01', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.04_02', 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.02', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.02', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', 'List::Util' => '1.18', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.10_01', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.07', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.07', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.51', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.77', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.47', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.10', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.15', 'Math::Complex' => '1.35', 'Math::Trig' => '1.03', 'Memoize' => '1.01_01', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.02', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.06', 'NEXT' => '0.60_01', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.26_01', 'Net::Config' => '1.10', 'Net::Domain' => '2.19_01', 'Net::FTP' => '2.75', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.16', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.23', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.28', 'Net::Ping' => '2.31_04', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.29', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.00', 'ODBM_File' => '1.06', 'Opcode' => '1.08', 'POSIX' => '1.10', 'PerlIO' => '1.04', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.04', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.03', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.43', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.34', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.0504', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.3', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.04', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.33', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.32', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.14_01', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.3', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.03', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '1.01', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Text' => '3.01', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.01', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.01', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.33_01', 'SDBM_File' => '1.05', 'Safe' => '2.12', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.18', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.01', 'SelfLoader' => '1.0905', 'Shell' => '0.6', 'Socket' => '1.78', 'Stdio' => '2.3', 'Storable' => '2.15_02', 'Switch' => '2.10_01', 'Symbol' => '1.06', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.13', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.10', 'Term::Cap' => '1.09', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.02', 'Test' => '1.25', 'Test::Builder' => '0.32', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.03', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.02', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> undef, 'Test::Harness' => '2.56', 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Point' => '0.01', 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.26', 'Test::More' => '0.62', 'Test::Simple' => '0.62', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '1.95_01', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.24', 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2005.0824', 'Text::Wrap' => '2005.082401', 'Thread' => '2.00', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_01', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.02', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.32', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.86', 'Time::Local' => '1.11', 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.03', 'Unicode' => '4.1.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.32', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.24', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'Win32' => '0.2601', 'XS::APItest' => '0.09', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.02', 'XSLoader' => '0.06', 'XSSymSet' => '1.0', 'assertions' => '0.02', 'assertions::activate' => '0.02', 'assertions::compat' => undef, 'attributes' => '0.06', 'attrs' => '1.02', 'autouse' => '1.05', 'base' => '2.07', 'bigint' => '0.07', 'bignum' => '0.17', 'bigrat' => '0.08', 'blib' => '1.03', 'bytes' => '1.02', 'charnames' => '1.05', 'constant' => '1.07', 'diagnostics' => '1.15', 'encoding' => '2.02', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.05', 'feature' => '1.00', 'fields' => '2.03', 'filetest' => '1.01', 'if' => '0.05', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.01', 'lib' => '0.5565', 'locale' => '1.00', 'open' => '1.05', 'ops' => '1.01', 'overload' => '1.04', 're' => '0.06', 'sigtrap' => '1.02', 'sort' => '2.00', 'strict' => '1.03', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.07', 'threads::shared' => '0.94', 'utf8' => '1.06', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.53', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.05', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.008008 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78_02', 'AutoLoader' => '5.60', 'AutoSplit' => '1.04', 'B' => '1.09_01', 'B::Asmdata' => '1.01', 'B::Assembler' => '0.07', 'B::Bblock' => '1.02_01', 'B::Bytecode' => '1.01_01', 'B::C' => '1.04_01', 'B::CC' => '1.00_01', 'B::Concise' => '0.66', 'B::Debug' => '1.02_01', 'B::Deparse' => '0.71', 'B::Disassembler' => '1.05', 'B::Lint' => '1.03', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', 'B::Stash' => '1.00', 'B::Terse' => '1.03_01', 'B::Xref' => '1.01', 'Benchmark' => '1.07', 'ByteLoader' => '0.06', 'CGI' => '3.15', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', 'CGI::Carp' => '1.29', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.26', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.05', 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', 'CGI::Util' => '1.5', 'CPAN' => '1.76_02', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '1.60 ', 'CPAN::Nox' => '1.03', 'Carp' => '1.04', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.04', 'Class::ISA' => '0.33', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Config' => undef, 'Cwd' => '3.12', 'DB' => '1.01', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.01', 'DB_File' => '1.814', 'DCLsym' => '1.02', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121_08', 'Devel::DProf' => '20050603.00', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.06_01', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.03', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.14', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.36', 'Digest::base' => '1.00', 'Digest::file' => '1.00', 'DirHandle' => '1.00', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.12', 'DynaLoader' => '1.05', 'Encode' => '2.12', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.04', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.00', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.00', 'Encode::CN' => '2.00', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.01', 'Encode::Config' => '2.01', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.00', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.00', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.02', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.00', 'Encode::JP' => '2.01', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.00', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.00', 'Encode::KR' => '2.00', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.00', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.01', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.00', 'Encode::TW' => '2.00', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.02', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.01', 'English' => '1.02', 'Env' => '1.00', 'Errno' => '1.09_01', 'Exporter' => '5.58', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.58', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.09', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.05', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.17', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.26', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.33', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '0.08', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.05', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '0.03', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.13', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.08', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.08', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.08', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.05', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.50', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.73', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.12', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.30', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.46', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', 'Fatal' => '1.03', 'Fcntl' => '1.05', 'File::Basename' => '2.74', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.3', 'File::Compare' => '1.1003', 'File::Copy' => '2.09', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', 'File::Find' => '1.10', 'File::Glob' => '1.05', 'File::Path' => '1.08', 'File::Spec' => '3.12', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.6', 'File::Temp' => '0.16', 'File::stat' => '1.00', 'FileCache' => '1.06', 'FileHandle' => '2.01', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.82', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0601', 'FindBin' => '1.47', 'GDBM_File' => '1.08', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.35', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.05', 'Hash::Util' => '0.05', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', 'IO' => '1.22', 'IO::Dir' => '1.05', 'IO::File' => '1.13', 'IO::Handle' => '1.25', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.29', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.29', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.22', 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.02', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.02', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', 'List::Util' => '1.18', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.09', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.07', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.07', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.51', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.77', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.47', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.15', 'Math::Complex' => '1.35', 'Math::Trig' => '1.03', 'Memoize' => '1.01', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'NDBM_File' => '1.06', 'NEXT' => '0.60', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.26', 'Net::Config' => '1.10', 'Net::Domain' => '2.19', 'Net::FTP' => '2.75', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.16', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.23', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.28', 'Net::Ping' => '2.31', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.29', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.00', 'ODBM_File' => '1.06', 'Opcode' => '1.06', 'POSIX' => '1.09', 'PerlIO' => '1.04', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.04', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.03', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.43', 'Pod::Find' => '1.34', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.0504', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.3', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '1.37', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.33', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.32', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.14', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.3', 'Pod::Text' => '2.21', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.04', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.1', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.11', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.33', 'SDBM_File' => '1.05', 'Safe' => '2.12', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.18', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.01', 'SelfLoader' => '1.0904', 'Shell' => '0.6', 'Socket' => '1.78', 'Stdio' => '2.3', 'Storable' => '2.15', 'Switch' => '2.10_01', 'Symbol' => '1.06', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.13', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.10', 'Term::Cap' => '1.09', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.02', 'Test' => '1.25', 'Test::Builder' => '0.32', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.02', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.02', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> undef, 'Test::Harness' => '2.56', 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Point' => '0.01', 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.26', 'Test::More' => '0.62', 'Test::Simple' => '0.62', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '1.95', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.24', 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2005.0824', 'Text::Wrap' => '2005.082401', 'Thread' => '2.00', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.02', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.32', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.86', 'Time::Local' => '1.11', 'Time::gmtime' => '1.02', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.01', 'Unicode' => '4.1.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0.32', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.24', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'Win32' => '0.2601', 'XS::APItest' => '0.08', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.02', 'XSLoader' => '0.06', 'XSSymSet' => '1.0', 'attributes' => '0.06', 'attrs' => '1.02', 'autouse' => '1.05', 'base' => '2.07', 'bigint' => '0.07', 'bignum' => '0.17', 'bigrat' => '0.08', 'blib' => '1.03', 'bytes' => '1.02', 'charnames' => '1.05', 'constant' => '1.05', 'diagnostics' => '1.15', 'encoding' => '2.02', 'fields' => '2.03', 'filetest' => '1.01', 'if' => '0.05', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.01', 'lib' => '0.5565', 'locale' => '1.00', 'open' => '1.05', 'ops' => '1.01', 'overload' => '1.04', 're' => '0.05', 'sigtrap' => '1.02', 'sort' => '1.02', 'strict' => '1.03', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.07', 'threads::shared' => '0.94', 'utf8' => '1.06', 'vars' => '1.01', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.05', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.009004 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.30_01', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78_02', 'AutoLoader' => '5.61', 'AutoSplit' => '1.04_01', 'B' => '1.11', 'B::Asmdata' => '1.01', 'B::Assembler' => '0.07', 'B::Bblock' => '1.02', 'B::Bytecode' => '1.02', 'B::C' => '1.05', 'B::CC' => '1.00', 'B::Concise' => '0.69', 'B::Debug' => '1.02', 'B::Deparse' => '0.76', 'B::Disassembler' => '1.05', 'B::Lint' => '1.08', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', 'B::Stash' => '1.00', 'B::Terse' => '1.03', 'B::Xref' => '1.01', 'Benchmark' => '1.08', 'ByteLoader' => '0.06', 'CGI' => '3.20', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', 'CGI::Carp' => '1.29', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.27', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.07', 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', 'CGI::Util' => '1.5', 'CPAN' => '1.87_55', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.400561', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.400742', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.400740', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.400561', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.400714', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.400561', 'Carp' => '1.05', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.05', 'Class::ISA' => '0.33', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.000_13', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.000_13', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.19', 'DB' => '1.01', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.01', 'DB_File' => '1.814', 'DCLsym' => '1.02', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121_08', 'Devel::DProf' => '20050603.00', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.10', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.03', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.15', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.36', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.43', 'Digest::base' => '1.00', 'Digest::file' => '1.00', 'DirHandle' => '1.01', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.12', 'DynaLoader' => '1.07', 'Encode' => '2.18_01', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.06', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.02', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.04', 'Encode::Config' => '2.03', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.04', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.02', 'Encode::KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.04', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.02', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.00', 'Errno' => '1.09_01', 'Exporter' => '5.59', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.59', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.18', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.12_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.13', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.09', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.05_01', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.2', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.26', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.41', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.41', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.01', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.3', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.05', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '0.03', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.13_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.08', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.08', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.08_01', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.05', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.5003', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.73_03', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.12_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.04_01', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.01', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.30_02', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.46_01', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.15_01', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.19_01', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.41', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.15_02', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.15', 'Fatal' => '1.04', 'Fcntl' => '1.05', 'File::Basename' => '2.75', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.3', 'File::Compare' => '1.1005', 'File::Copy' => '2.09', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', 'File::Find' => '1.11', 'File::Glob' => '1.05', 'File::GlobMapper' => '0.000_02', 'File::Path' => '1.08', 'File::Spec' => '3.19', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.6', 'File::Temp' => '0.16_01', 'File::stat' => '1.00', 'FileCache' => '1.07', 'FileHandle' => '2.01', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.82', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0601', 'FindBin' => '1.47', 'GDBM_File' => '1.08', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.3501', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.05', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '0.01', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', 'IO' => '1.23_01', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.000_13', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.000_13', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.000_13', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.000_13', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Dir' => '1.06', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.27', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.30_01', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.000_13', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.000_13', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.000_13', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.04_02', 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.02', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.02', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', 'List::Util' => '1.18', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.10_01', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.07_01', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.07', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.51', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.77', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.47', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.10', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.15', 'Math::Complex' => '1.36', 'Math::Trig' => '1.04', 'Memoize' => '1.01_01', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.2805', 'Module::Build::Base' => undef, 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.03', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> undef, 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Notes' => undef, 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> undef, 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '0.50', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.08', 'Module::Load' => '0.10', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.01', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.06', 'NEXT' => '0.60_01', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.26_01', 'Net::Config' => '1.10', 'Net::Domain' => '2.19_01', 'Net::FTP' => '2.75', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.16', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.23', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.28', 'Net::Ping' => '2.31_04', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.29', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.00', 'ODBM_File' => '1.06', 'Opcode' => '1.08', 'POSIX' => '1.10', 'Package::Constants' => '0.01', 'PerlIO' => '1.04', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.04', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.03', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.43', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.34', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.07', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.3', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.09', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.33', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.32', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.14_01', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.3', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.03', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '1.01', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Text' => '3.07', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.03', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.03', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.33_01', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.12', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.18', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.01', 'SelfLoader' => '1.0905', 'Shell' => '0.7', 'Socket' => '1.78', 'Stdio' => '2.3', 'Storable' => '2.15_02', 'Switch' => '2.10_01', 'Symbol' => '1.06', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.11', 'Term::Cap' => '1.09', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.02', 'Test' => '1.25', 'Test::Builder' => '0.33', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.03', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.04', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> undef, 'Test::Harness' => '2.62', 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Point' => '0.01', 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.26', 'Test::Harness::Util' => '0.01', 'Test::More' => '0.64', 'Test::Simple' => '0.64', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '1.98_01', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.25', 'Text::Soundex' => '1.01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2007.071101', 'Text::Wrap' => '2006.0711', 'Thread' => '2.00', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_01', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.02', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.0', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.34_01', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.87', 'Time::Local' => '1.13', 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.04', 'Unicode' => '4.1.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.01', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.24', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'Win32' => '0.2601', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1001', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'XS::APItest' => '0.09', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.02', 'XSLoader' => '0.06', 'XSSymSet' => '1.0', 'assertions' => '0.03', 'assertions::activate' => '0.02', 'assertions::compat' => '0.02', 'attributes' => '0.06', 'attrs' => '1.02', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.07', 'bigint' => '0.07', 'bignum' => '0.17', 'bigrat' => '0.08', 'blib' => '1.03', 'bytes' => '1.02', 'charnames' => '1.05', 'constant' => '1.07', 'diagnostics' => '1.16', 'encoding' => '2.04', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.10', 'feature' => '1.01', 'fields' => '2.03', 'filetest' => '1.01', 'if' => '0.05', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.01', 'lib' => '0.5565', 'locale' => '1.00', 'open' => '1.05', 'ops' => '1.01', 'overload' => '1.04', 're' => '0.0601', 'sigtrap' => '1.02', 'sort' => '2.00', 'strict' => '1.03', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.38', 'threads::shared' => '0.94_01', 'utf8' => '1.06', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.67', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.05', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.009005 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.22_01', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.32', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78_06', 'AutoLoader' => '5.63', 'AutoSplit' => '1.05', 'B' => '1.16', 'B::Concise' => '0.72', 'B::Debug' => '1.05', 'B::Deparse' => '0.82', 'B::Lint' => '1.09', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.01', 'Benchmark' => '1.1', 'CGI' => '3.29', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', 'CGI::Carp' => '1.29', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.28', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.07', 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', 'CGI::Util' => '1.5_01', 'CPAN' => '1.9102', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.400955', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.401669', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.401744', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.401418', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.400844', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.401704', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.401717', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.401387', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.81_01', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => '0.01', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.06_01', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.01', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.81_01', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> '0.01', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> '0.01', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.81_01', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::inc' => undef, 'Carp' => '1.07', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.07', 'Class::ISA' => '0.33', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.005', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.005', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.25', 'DB' => '1.01', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.01', 'DB_File' => '1.815', 'DCLsym' => '1.03', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121_13', 'Devel::DProf' => '20050603.00', 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.11_01', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.03', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.15', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.36_01', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.44', 'Digest::base' => '1.00', 'Digest::file' => '1.00', 'DirHandle' => '1.01', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.12', 'DynaLoader' => '1.08', 'Encode' => '2.23', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.07', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.03', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.04', 'Encode::Config' => '2.04', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.00', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.05', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.02', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.05', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.00', 'Errno' => '1.10', 'Exporter' => '5.60', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.60', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.19', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.13', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.12', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.13', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.13', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '0.07', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.2', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.26', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.41_01', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.41', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '1.03', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '1.33', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '0.07', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '0.05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '0.15', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '1.07', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '2.1', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '1.07', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '1.54_01', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '5.76', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '0.04', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '1.15', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '0.06', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '0.03', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.36', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.51_01', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '1.17', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '1.21', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.41', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.18', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '1.17', 'Fatal' => '1.05', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.76', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.3', 'File::Compare' => '1.1005', 'File::Copy' => '2.10', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', 'File::Fetch' => '0.10', 'File::Find' => '1.11', 'File::Glob' => '1.06', 'File::GlobMapper' => '0.000_02', 'File::Path' => '2.01', 'File::Spec' => '3.25', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '1.1_01', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '1.1', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '1.3', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '1.4', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '1.2', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '1.5', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '1.4_01', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '1.6', 'File::Temp' => '0.18', 'File::stat' => '1.00', 'FileCache' => '1.07', 'FileHandle' => '2.01', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.82', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.0602', 'FindBin' => '1.49', 'GDBM_File' => '1.08', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.36', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.05', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.01', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', 'IO' => '1.23_01', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.005', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.005', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.005', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.005', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.005', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.005', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.005', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.005', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.005', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.005', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.005', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.005', 'IO::Dir' => '1.06', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.27', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.30_01', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.005', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.005', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.005', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.005', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.005', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.005', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.005', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.005', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.005', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.05_01', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.36_01', 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.02', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.02', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', 'IPC::SysV' => '1.04', 'List::Util' => '1.19', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.10_01', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.18', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.0201', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.07_01', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.07', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.58', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.87', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.51', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.15_01', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.19', 'Math::Complex' => '1.37', 'Math::Trig' => '1.04', 'Memoize' => '1.01_02', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.2808', 'Module::Build::Base' => undef, 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.03', 'Module::Build::Config' => undef, 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> undef, 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Notes' => undef, 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> undef, 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.7203', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '0.50', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.12', 'Module::Load' => '0.10', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.16', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.01', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.6', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.6', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.07', 'NEXT' => '0.60_01', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.28', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.31_04', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.00', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.32', 'Opcode' => '1.09', 'POSIX' => '1.13', 'Package::Constants' => '0.01', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'PerlIO' => '1.04', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.10', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.05', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.04', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.43', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.34', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.08', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.3', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.12', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.35', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.35', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.14_01', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.35', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.05', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.03', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '1.01', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Text' => '3.08', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.03', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.03', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.35', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.12', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.19', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.01', 'SelfLoader' => '1.11', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.79', 'Stdio' => '2.3', 'Storable' => '2.16', 'Switch' => '2.13', 'Symbol' => '1.06', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.18_01', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.12', 'Term::Cap' => '1.09', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.02', 'Term::UI' => '0.14_01', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25', 'Test::Builder' => '0.70', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.68', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.07', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> undef, 'Test::Harness' => '2.64', 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Point' => '0.01', 'Test::Harness::Results'=> '0.01', 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.26', 'Test::Harness::Util' => '0.01', 'Test::More' => '0.70', 'Test::Simple' => '0.70', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.0.0', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.25', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.02', 'Text::Tabs' => '2007.1117', 'Text::Wrap' => '2006.1117', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.02', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.37', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9707', 'Time::Local' => '1.17', 'Time::Piece' => '1.11_02', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.04', 'Unicode' => '5.0.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.02', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.25', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'Win32' => '0.30', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1001_01', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.12', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.02', 'XSLoader' => '0.08', 'XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'attributes' => '0.08', 'attrs' => '1.02', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.12', 'bigint' => '0.22', 'bignum' => '0.22', 'bigrat' => '0.22', 'blib' => '1.03', 'bytes' => '1.03', 'charnames' => '1.06', 'constant' => '1.10', 'diagnostics' => '1.17', 'encoding' => '2.06', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.10', 'fields' => '2.12', 'filetest' => '1.01', 'if' => '0.05', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.02', 'lib' => '0.5565', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.00', 'open' => '1.05', 'ops' => '1.01', 'overload' => '1.06', 're' => '0.08', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.63', 'threads::shared' => '1.12', 'utf8' => '1.07', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.7203', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.06', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.010000 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.24', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.38', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.79', 'AutoLoader' => '5.63', 'AutoSplit' => '1.05', 'B' => '1.17', 'B::Concise' => '0.74', 'B::Debug' => '1.05', 'B::Deparse' => '0.83', 'B::Lint' => '1.09', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.01', 'Benchmark' => '1.1', 'CGI' => '3.29', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', 'CGI::Carp' => '1.29', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.28', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.07', 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', 'CGI::Util' => '1.5_01', 'CPAN' => '1.9205', 'CPAN::API::HOWTO' => undef, 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.402212', 'CPAN::DeferedCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.402229', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.402212', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.401418', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.402411', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.402212', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.402213', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.84', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => '0.01', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.06_02', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.01', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.84', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> '0.01', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> '0.01', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.84', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::inc' => undef, 'Carp' => '1.08', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.08', 'Class::ISA' => '0.33', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.008', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.008', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.2501', 'DB' => '1.01', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.01', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.01', 'DB_File' => '1.816_1', 'DCLsym' => '1.03', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121_14', 'Devel::DProf' => '20050603.00', 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.13', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.03', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.15', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.36_01', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.45', 'Digest::base' => '1.00', 'Digest::file' => '1.00', 'DirHandle' => '1.01', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.12', 'DynaLoader' => '1.08', 'Encode' => '2.23', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.07', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.03', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.04', 'Encode::Config' => '2.04', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.00', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.05', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.02', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.05', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.00', 'Errno' => '1.10', 'Exporter' => '5.62', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.62', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.21', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.21', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.21', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.22', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.21', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.21', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.21', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.21', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.21', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.21', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.13', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.2', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.05', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.01', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.27', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.43', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '6.42', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '6.42', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.51_01', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.42', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.43', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.18_02', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.42', 'Fatal' => '1.05', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.76', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.3', 'File::Compare' => '1.1005', 'File::Copy' => '2.11', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.00', 'File::Fetch' => '0.14', 'File::Find' => '1.12', 'File::Glob' => '1.06', 'File::GlobMapper' => '0.000_02', 'File::Path' => '2.04', 'File::Spec' => '3.2501', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.2501', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.2501', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.2501', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.2501', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.2501', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.2501', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.2501', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.2501', 'File::Temp' => '0.18', 'File::stat' => '1.00', 'FileCache' => '1.07', 'FileHandle' => '2.01', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.82', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.07', 'FindBin' => '1.49', 'GDBM_File' => '1.08', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.37', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.05', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.03', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', 'IO' => '1.23_01', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.008', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.008', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.008', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.008', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.008', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.008', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.008', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.008', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.008', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.008', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.008', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.008', 'IO::Dir' => '1.06', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.27', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.30_01', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.008', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.008', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.008', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.008', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.008', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.008', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.008', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.008', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.008', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.07', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.40_1', 'IPC::Msg' => '1.02', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.02', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.02', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '1.02', 'IPC::SysV' => '1.05', 'List::Util' => '1.19', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.12', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.18', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.04', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.07_01', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.07', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.59', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.88', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.16', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.21', 'Math::Complex' => '1.37', 'Math::Trig' => '1.04', 'Memoize' => '1.01_02', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Dumper' => undef, 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.2808_01', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.7203', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '0.50', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.12', 'Module::Load' => '0.12', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.22', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.01', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.6', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.6', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.07', 'NEXT' => '0.60_01', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.33', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.00', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.32', 'Opcode' => '1.11', 'POSIX' => '1.13', 'Package::Constants' => '0.01', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'PerlIO' => '1.04', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.10', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.05', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.04', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.43_01', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.34', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.08', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.3', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.16', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.35', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.35', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.14_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.35', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.05', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.03', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '1.01', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Text' => '3.08', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.03', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.03', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.35', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.12', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.19', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.01', 'SelfLoader' => '1.11', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.80', 'Stdio' => '2.3', 'Storable' => '2.18', 'Switch' => '2.13', 'Symbol' => '1.06', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.22', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.12', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.03', 'Term::UI' => '0.18', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25', 'Test::Builder' => '0.72', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.72', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.09', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> undef, 'Test::Harness' => '2.64', 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Point' => '0.01', 'Test::Harness::Results'=> '0.01', 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.26_01', 'Test::Harness::Util' => '0.01', 'Test::More' => '0.72', 'Test::Simple' => '0.72', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.0.0', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.26', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03', 'Text::Tabs' => '2007.1117', 'Text::Wrap' => '2006.1117', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.00', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.1', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.02', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.37', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.00', 'Tie::StdHandle' => undef, 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9711', 'Time::Local' => '1.18', 'Time::Piece' => '1.12', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.04', 'Unicode' => '5.0.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.02', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.25', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'Win32' => '0.34', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1001_01', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.12', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.02', 'XSLoader' => '0.08', 'XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'attributes' => '0.08', 'attrs' => '1.02', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.13', 'bigint' => '0.22', 'bignum' => '0.22', 'bigrat' => '0.22', 'blib' => '1.03', 'bytes' => '1.03', 'charnames' => '1.06', 'constant' => '1.13', 'diagnostics' => '1.17', 'encoding' => '2.06', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.11', 'fields' => '2.13', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.02', 'lib' => '0.5565', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.00', 'open' => '1.06', 'ops' => '1.01', 'overload' => '1.06', 're' => '0.08', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.67', 'threads::shared' => '1.14', 'utf8' => '1.07', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.74', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.06', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.008009 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.78_03', 'AutoLoader' => '5.67', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.19', 'B::Asmdata' => '1.02', 'B::Assembler' => '0.08', 'B::Bblock' => '1.02_01', 'B::Bytecode' => '1.01_01', 'B::C' => '1.05', 'B::CC' => '1.00_01', 'B::Concise' => '0.76', 'B::Debug' => '1.05', 'B::Deparse' => '0.87', 'B::Disassembler' => '1.05', 'B::Lint' => '1.11', 'B::Lint::Debug' => undef, 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Stackobj' => '1.00', 'B::Stash' => '1.00', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.01', 'Benchmark' => '1.1', 'ByteLoader' => '0.06', 'CGI' => '3.42', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', 'CGI::Carp' => '1.30_01', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.07', 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', 'CGI::Util' => '1.5_01', 'CPAN' => '1.9301', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5', 'CPAN::DeferedCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5_01', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'Carp' => '1.10', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.10', 'Class::ISA' => '0.33', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Config' => undef, 'Cwd' => '3.29', 'DB' => '1.01', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.817', 'DCLsym' => '1.03', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.121_17', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.14', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.15', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.37', 'Digest::base' => '1.00', 'Digest::file' => '1.00', 'DirHandle' => '1.02', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.12', 'DynaLoader' => '1.09', 'Encode' => '2.26', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.10', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.03', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.05', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.02', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.05', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.03', 'Env' => '1.00', 'Errno' => '1.10', 'Exporter' => '5.63', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.63', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.15', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.21', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.50_01', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.43', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes'=> '6.48', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish'=> '6.48', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.48', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.43', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.19', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.48', 'Fatal' => '1.06', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.77', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1005', 'File::Copy' => '2.13', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Find' => '1.13', 'File::Glob' => '1.06', 'File::Path' => '2.07_02', 'File::Spec' => '3.29', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.29', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.29', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.29', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.29', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.29', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.29', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.29', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.29', 'File::Temp' => '0.20', 'File::stat' => '1.01', 'FileCache' => '1.07', 'FileHandle' => '2.01', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.11', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.83', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.07', 'FindBin' => '1.49', 'GDBM_File' => '1.09', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.37', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.06', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.00', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', 'IO' => '1.23', 'IO::Dir' => '1.06', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.27', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.30', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.00', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.03', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.00', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.00', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.00', 'IPC::lib::IPC::Msg' => '2.00', 'IPC::lib::IPC::Semaphore'=> '2.00', 'IPC::lib::IPC::SharedMem'=> '2.00', 'List::Util' => '1.19', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.07', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.07', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.22', 'Math::Complex' => '1.54', 'Math::Trig' => '1.18', 'Memoize' => '1.01', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.17', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.8', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.6', 'Module::Pluggable::lib::Devel::InnerPackage'=> '0.3', 'NDBM_File' => '1.07', 'NEXT' => '0.61', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.35', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Opcode' => '1.0601', 'POSIX' => '1.15', 'PerlIO' => '1.05', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.06', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.05', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.43', 'Pod::Find' => '1.34', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.3', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '1.37', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.06', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.35', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.35', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.14', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.02', 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.35', 'Pod::Text' => '2.21', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '1.04', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '1.1', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '1.11', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.35', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.16', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.19', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.01', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72', 'Socket' => '1.81', 'Stdio' => '2.4', 'Storable' => '2.19', 'Switch' => '2.13', 'Symbol' => '1.06', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'Term::ANSIColor' => '1.12', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.03', 'Test' => '1.25', 'Test::Builder' => '0.80', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.80', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.13', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> undef, 'Test::Harness' => '2.64', 'Test::Harness::Assert' => '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Iterator'=> '0.02', 'Test::Harness::Point' => '0.01', 'Test::Harness::Results'=> '0.01_01', 'Test::Harness::Straps' => '0.26_01', 'Test::Harness::Util' => '0.01', 'Test::More' => '0.80', 'Test::Simple' => '0.80', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '1.98', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03', 'Text::Tabs' => '2007.1117', 'Text::Wrap' => '2006.1117', 'Thread' => '2.01', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Thread::Signal' => '1.00', 'Thread::Specific' => '1.00', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.01', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9715', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901', 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.01', 'Unicode' => '5.1.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.02', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.25', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'Win32' => '0.38', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1001_01', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.15', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'attributes' => '0.09', 'attrs' => '1.02', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.13', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.02', 'charnames' => '1.06', 'constant' => '1.17', 'diagnostics' => '1.16', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'fields' => '2.12', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.01', 'lib' => '0.61', 'locale' => '1.00', 'open' => '1.06', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.06', 're' => '0.0601', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '1.02', 'strict' => '1.03', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.71', 'threads::shared' => '1.27', 'utf8' => '1.07', 'vars' => '1.01', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.05_01', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.010001 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.34', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.52', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.85', 'AutoLoader' => '5.68', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.22', 'B::Concise' => '0.76', 'B::Debug' => '1.11', 'B::Deparse' => '0.89', 'B::Lint' => '1.11', 'B::Lint::Debug' => undef, 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.43', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.00', 'CGI::Carp' => '1.30_01', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.07', 'CGI::Pretty' => '1.08', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.00', 'CGI::Util' => '1.5_01', 'CPAN' => '1.9402', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.93', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.53', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.93', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.00', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.501', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.88', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.36', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.36', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.88', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.88', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.11', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.11', 'Class::ISA' => '0.33', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.020', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.020', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.020', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.30', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'DCLsym' => '1.03', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.124', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.13', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.35', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.03', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.02', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.06', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.00', 'Errno' => '1.11', 'Exporter' => '5.63', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.63', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.54', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.56', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.43', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2002', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.5502', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.77', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.14', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.20', 'File::Find' => '1.14', 'File::Glob' => '1.06', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.07_03', 'File::Spec' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.01', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.09', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', 'IO' => '1.25', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.020', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.020', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.020', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.020', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.020', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.020', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.020', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.020', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.020', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.020', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.020', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.020', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.020', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.020', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.020', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.020', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.020', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.020', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.020', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.020', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.020', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.020', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.020', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.020', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.020', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.09', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.46', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.04', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.21', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.21', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.21', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.18', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.04', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.08', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.08', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.22', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.340201', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.340201', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.340201', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.340201', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '0.50', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.18', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.30', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.02', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.34', 'Opcode' => '1.11', 'POSIX' => '1.17', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.39', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.22', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.09', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.14_04', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Plainer' => '0.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.07', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.03', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '1.01', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Text' => '3.13', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.05', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.03', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.05', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.18', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.21', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.21', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.82', 'Stdio' => '2.4', 'Storable' => '2.20', 'Switch' => '2.14', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.00', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.04', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.92', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.92', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.92', 'Test::Simple' => '0.92', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.0.0', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.01', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.05', 'Unicode' => '5.1.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.27', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.15', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.09', 'attrs' => '1.03', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.14', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.03', 'charnames' => '1.07', 'constant' => '1.17', 'diagnostics' => '1.17', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.13', 'fields' => '2.14', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.02', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.01', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.07', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.221', 're' => '0.09', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.72', 'threads::shared' => '1.29', 'utf8' => '1.07', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.77', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.06', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.011000 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.34', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.22', 'B::Concise' => '0.76', 'B::Debug' => '1.11', 'B::Deparse' => '0.91', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.45', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.07', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.44', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.45', 'CPAN' => '1.94_51', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5002', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.53', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.501', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.88', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.40', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.40', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.88', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.88', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.12', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.12', 'Class::ISA' => '0.36', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.021', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.021', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.021', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.3002', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.125', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.13', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.37', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.03', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.02', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.06', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.00', 'Errno' => '1.11', 'Exporter' => '5.64', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.2602', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.54', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.56', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.43', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.200403', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.5502', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.16', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.20', 'File::Find' => '1.14', 'File::Glob' => '1.06', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.07_03', 'File::Spec' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.09', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', 'IO' => '1.25_01', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.021', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.021', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.50', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.05', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.21', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.21', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.21', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.08', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.08', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.35', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.35', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.35', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.35', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.35', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.35', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '0.50', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.19', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.30', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.34', 'Opcode' => '1.13', 'POSIX' => '1.17', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.39', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.08', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.22', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.09', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_01', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.07', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.03', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '1.01', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Text' => '3.13', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.05', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.03', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.05', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.19', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.21', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.21', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.84', 'Storable' => '2.20', 'Switch' => '2.14_01', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.05', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.92', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.92', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.92', 'Test::Simple' => '0.92', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.01', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.05', 'Unicode' => '5.1.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.27', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.03', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.15', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.14', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.03', 'charnames' => '1.07', 'constant' => '1.19', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.17', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.13', 'fields' => '2.14', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.02', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.01', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.08', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.10', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.74', 'threads::shared' => '1.31', 'utf8' => '1.07', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.77', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.07', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.011001 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.34', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.77', 'B::Debug' => '1.11', 'B::Deparse' => '0.92', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.48', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.07', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_51', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5002', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.53', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.501', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.89_03', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.40', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.40', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.89_03', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.89_03', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.13', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.13', 'Class::ISA' => '0.36', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.021', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.021', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.021', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.3002', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.125', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.13', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.37', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.03', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.02', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.06', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.00', 'Errno' => '1.11', 'Exporter' => '5.64', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.260301', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.260301', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.260301', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.260301', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.260301', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.260301', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.260301', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.260301', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.260301', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.260301', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.57', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.21', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.5502', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.16', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.20', 'File::Find' => '1.14', 'File::Glob' => '1.07', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08', 'File::Spec' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.09', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.03', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.02', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.021', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.021', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.021', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.021', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.50', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.05', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.21', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.21', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.21', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.08', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.08', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.35', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.35', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.35', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.35', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.35', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.35', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.35', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '0.50', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.21', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.30', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.18', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.22', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.09', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_01', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.08', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.03', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '1.01', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Text' => '3.13', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.05', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.03', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.05', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.19', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.21', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.21', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.85', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Switch' => '2.15', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.05', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.01', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.05', 'Unicode' => '5.1.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.27', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.03', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.16', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.14', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.03', 'charnames' => '1.07', 'constant' => '1.19', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.17', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.13', 'fields' => '2.14', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.02', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.02', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.09', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.10', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.74', 'threads::shared' => '1.32', 'utf8' => '1.07', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.77', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.07', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.011002 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.34', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.78', 'B::Debug' => '1.11', 'B::Deparse' => '0.93', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.48', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.07', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_51', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5002', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.53', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.501', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.89_09', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.44', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.44', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.89_09', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.89_09', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.14', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.14', 'Class::ISA' => '0.36', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.021', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.021', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.022', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.3002', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.125', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.13', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.38', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.11', 'Exporter' => '5.64_01', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.5502', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.57', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.55_02', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.21', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.5502', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.16', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.22', 'File::Find' => '1.14', 'File::Glob' => '1.07', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08', 'File::Spec' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.09', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.03', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.022', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.022', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.54', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.05', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.22', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.22', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.14', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.08', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.08', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.35_09', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.23', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.34', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.18', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.22', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.09', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_01', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.10', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => undef, 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.03', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.02', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '1.01', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.04', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> undef, 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.10', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '2.02', 'Pod::Text' => '3.13', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.05', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.03', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.05', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.19', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.22', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Simple' => '0.01', 'Socket' => '1.85', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Switch' => '2.16', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.05', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.01', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.05', 'Unicode' => '5.1.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.27', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.03', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.17', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.003', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.03', 'charnames' => '1.07', 'constant' => '1.19', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.18', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.13', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.35_09', 'integer' => '1.00', 'legacy' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.02', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.02', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.10', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.74', 'threads::shared' => '1.32', 'utf8' => '1.07', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.77', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.07', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.011003 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.570001', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.36', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.78', 'B::Debug' => '1.11', 'B::Deparse' => '0.93', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.48', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.07', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_5301', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.530001', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.770001', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.501', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.44', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.44', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.14', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.14', 'Class::ISA' => '0.36', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.021', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.021', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.022', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.125', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::V' => undef, 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.13', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.39', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.11', 'Exporter' => '5.64_01', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.57', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.21', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.56', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.16', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.22', 'File::Find' => '1.15', 'File::Glob' => '1.07', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.09', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.03', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.022', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.022', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.022', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.022', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.54', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.05', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.22', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.22', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.14', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.08', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.08', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.36', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.36', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.36', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.36', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.36', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.36', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.36', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.24', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.34', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.19', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.22', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.09', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_01', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Text' => '3.13', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.05', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.03', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.05', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.20', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.22', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.85', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Switch' => '2.16', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.05', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.01', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.05', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.27', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.03', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.17', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.003', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.03', 'charnames' => '1.07', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.19', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.14', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.36', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.02', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.02', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.10', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.75', 'threads::shared' => '1.32', 'utf8' => '1.07', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.77', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.08', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.011004 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.38', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.78', 'B::Debug' => '1.11', 'B::Deparse' => '0.94', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.48', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.07', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_54', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.53', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.501', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.44', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.44', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.15', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.15', 'Class::ISA' => '0.36', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.125', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.13', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.39', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.11', 'Exporter' => '5.64_01', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.57', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.21', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.56', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.17', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.15', 'File::Glob' => '1.07', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.10', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.03', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.024', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.54', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.05', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.22', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.22', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.14', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.08', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.08', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.25', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.34', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.19', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.12', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.22', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.09', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_01', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1.01', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Text' => '3.13', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.05', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.03', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.05', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.21', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.22', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.85', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Switch' => '2.16', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.05', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.01', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.06', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.27', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.03', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.17', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.003', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.03', 'charnames' => '1.07', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.19', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.15', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.3603', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.02', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.11', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.75', 'threads::shared' => '1.32', 'utf8' => '1.07', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.81', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.09', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.011005 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.38', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.78', 'B::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Deparse' => '0.94', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.48', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.07', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_56', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9456', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.15', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.15', 'Class::ISA' => '0.36', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.125', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::V' => undef, 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.13', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.39', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.11', 'Exporter' => '5.64_01', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.57', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.21', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.56', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.17', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.15', 'File::Glob' => '1.07', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.10', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.03', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.024', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.54', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.05', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.22', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.22', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.14', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.08', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.08', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.26', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.34', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.19', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.12', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.23', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1.02', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.22', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.22', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.86', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Switch' => '2.16', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.05', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.01', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.06', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.27', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.03', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.17', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.003', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.03', 'charnames' => '1.07', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.19', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.15', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.3603', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.02', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.11', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.75', 'threads::shared' => '1.32', 'utf8' => '1.07', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.09', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.012000 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.38', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.78', 'B::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Deparse' => '0.96', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.48', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.07', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_56', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9456_01', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.15', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.15', 'Class::ISA' => '0.36', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.125', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.13', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.39', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.11', 'Exporter' => '5.64_01', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.57', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.21', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.56', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.17', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.15', 'File::Glob' => '1.07', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.10', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.03', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.024', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.54', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.05', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.22', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.22', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.14', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.08', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.08', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.29', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.34', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.19', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.12', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.03', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.23', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1.02', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.25', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.22', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.87', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Switch' => '2.16', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.05', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.06', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.27', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.03', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.17', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.003', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.07', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.19', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.16', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.3603', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.02', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.11', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.75', 'threads::shared' => '1.32', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.09', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.013000 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.38', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.78', 'B::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Deparse' => '0.96', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.49', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_56', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9456_01', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.15', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.15', 'Class::ISA' => '0.36', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.126', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.13', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.39', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.11', 'Exporter' => '5.64_01', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.5601', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.5601', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.57', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.21', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.56', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.18', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.15', 'File::Glob' => '1.07', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.10', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.03', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.024', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.54', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.06', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.22', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.22', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.14', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.09', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.09', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.31', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.34', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.19', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.12', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.23', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1.02', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.13', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.13', 'Pod::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.25', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.22', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.87', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Switch' => '2.16', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.05', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.06', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.27', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.03', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.18', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.004', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.07', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.19', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.17', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.3603', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.02', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.11', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.77_01', 'threads::shared' => '1.33', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.09', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.012001 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.38', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.78', 'B::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Deparse' => '0.97', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.49', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_56', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9456_01', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.16', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.16', 'Class::ISA' => '0.36', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.125', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.13', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.39', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.11', 'Exporter' => '5.64_01', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.57', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.21', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.56', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.18', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.15', 'File::Glob' => '1.07', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.10', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.03', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.024', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.54', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.05', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.22', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.22', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.14', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.08', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.08', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.32', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.34', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.19', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.12', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.07', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.23', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1.02', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.27', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.22', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.87', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Switch' => '2.16', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.05', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.06', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.27', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.03', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.17', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.003', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.07', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.19', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.16', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.3603', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.02', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.11', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.75', 'threads::shared' => '1.32', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.09', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.013001 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.38', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.78', 'B::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Deparse' => '0.97', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.49', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_56', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9456_01', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.16', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.16', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.126', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.14', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.39', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.12', 'Exporter' => '5.64_01', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.5601', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.5601', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.57', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2205', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.56', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.18', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.16', 'File::Glob' => '1.07', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.10', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.03', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.024', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.58', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.06', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.23', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.23', 'Locale::Codes' => '3.12', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.12', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.12', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.12', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.12', 'Locale::Constants' => '3.12', 'Locale::Country' => '3.12', 'Locale::Currency' => '3.12', 'Locale::Language' => '3.12', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.14', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '3.12', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.09', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.09', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.360301', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.34', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.38', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.19', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.12', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.08', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.23', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.27', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.23', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.88', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.06', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.06', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.28', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.03', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.19', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.004', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.08', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.19', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.17', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.3603', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.02', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.11', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.77_01', 'threads::shared' => '1.33', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.09', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.013002 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.38', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.79', 'B::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Deparse' => '0.98', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.49', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_57', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.16', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.16', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.126', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.14', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.39', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.12', 'Exporter' => '5.64_02', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_02', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.5601', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.5601', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.57', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2205', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.56', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.19', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.16', 'File::Glob' => '1.07', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.10', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.08', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.03', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.024', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.32', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.58', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.06', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.23', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.23', 'Locale::Codes' => '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.13', 'Locale::Constants' => '3.13', 'Locale::Country' => '3.13', 'Locale::Currency' => '3.13', 'Locale::Language' => '3.13', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.14', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '3.13', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.09', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.09', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.360301', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.34', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.38', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.19', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.12', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.08', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.23', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.27', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.23', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'Search::Dict' => '1.03', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.89', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.06', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.11', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.07', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.28', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.04', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.19', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.004', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.08', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.19', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.17', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.3603', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.03', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.11', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.77_02', 'threads::shared' => '1.33_01', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.09', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.013003 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.21', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.21', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.21', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.21', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.42', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.64', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.64', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '1.64', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.88', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.79', 'B::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Deparse' => '0.98', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.49', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_57', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.9007', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.9007', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9007', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.16', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.16', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.027', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.027_01', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.027', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.03', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.126', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.40', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.48', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.14', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.39', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.12', 'Exporter' => '5.64_03', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_03', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.2703_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.5601', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.5601', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.58', 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2206', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.56', 'Fatal' => '2.10', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.79', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.20', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.02', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.17', 'File::Glob' => '1.08', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.03', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.10', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.08', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.03', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.027', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.027', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.027', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.027', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.027', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.027', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.027', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.027', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.027', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.027', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.027', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.027', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.027', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.027', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.32', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.027', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.027', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.027', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.027', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.027', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.027', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.027', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.027', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.027', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.027', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.027', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.60', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.03', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.06', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.03', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.03', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.03', 'List::Util' => '1.23', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.23', 'Locale::Codes' => '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.13', 'Locale::Constants' => '3.13', 'Locale::Country' => '3.13', 'Locale::Currency' => '3.13', 'Locale::Language' => '3.13', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.15', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '3.13', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.09', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.09', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.36', 'Module::Load' => '0.18', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.38', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.19', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.12', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.08', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.23', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.27', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.23', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'Search::Dict' => '1.03', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.89', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.21', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.21', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.21', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.21', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.21', 'TAP::Object' => '3.21', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.21', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.21', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '3.00', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.07', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.21', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.11', 'Tie::Array' => '1.04', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9721', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.20_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.07', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.53', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.06', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.29', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.04', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.19', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.004', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.10', 'autodie::exception' => '2.10', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.10', 'autodie::hints' => '2.10', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.05', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.11', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.20', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.17', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.3607', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.63', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.03', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.12', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.77_03', 'threads::shared' => '1.33_02', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.02', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.10', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.013004 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.42', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.68', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.68', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '1.68', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.88', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.79', 'B::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Deparse' => '0.98', 'B::Lint' => '1.12', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.49', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_57', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.9007', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.9007', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9007', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.18', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.18', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.030', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.030', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.030', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.03', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.126', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.40', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.48', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.14', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.39', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.12', 'Exporter' => '5.64_03', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_03', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.2703_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.5601', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.5601', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.58', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2207', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.56', 'Fatal' => '2.10', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.79', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.20', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.02', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.17', 'File::Glob' => '1.08', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31_01', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.03', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.10', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.08', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.04', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.030', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.32', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.030', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.60', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.03', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.06', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.03', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.03', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.03', 'List::Util' => '1.23', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.23', 'Locale::Codes' => '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.13', 'Locale::Constants' => '3.13', 'Locale::Country' => '3.13', 'Locale::Currency' => '3.13', 'Locale::Language' => '3.13', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.15', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '3.13', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.09', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.09', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.37', 'Module::Load' => '0.18', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.38', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.19', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.12', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.08', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.23', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.27', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.23', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'Search::Dict' => '1.03', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.89', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.22', 'TAP::Object' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.22', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '3.00', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.07', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.96', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.96', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.20', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.20', 'Test::Harness' => '3.22', 'Test::More' => '0.96', 'Test::Simple' => '0.96', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.11', 'Tie::Array' => '1.04', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9721', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.20_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.07', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.56', 'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.56', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.06', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.29', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.04', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.20', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.004', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.10', 'autodie::exception' => '2.10', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.10', 'autodie::hints' => '2.10', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.05', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.15', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.20', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.18', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.3607', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.63', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.03', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.12', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.77_03', 'threads::shared' => '1.33_02', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.02', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.10', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.012002 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.38', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.78', 'B::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Deparse' => '0.97', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.49', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_56', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9456_01', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.17', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.17', 'Class::ISA' => '0.36', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.125', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.13', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.39', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.11', 'Exporter' => '5.64_01', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.57', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.21', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.56', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.18', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.15', 'File::Glob' => '1.07', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31_01', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.10', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.03', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.024', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.54', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.05', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.22', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.22', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.14', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.08', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.08', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.38', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.38', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.19', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.12', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.08', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.23', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1.02', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.27', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.22', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.87', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Switch' => '2.16', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.05', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.06', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.27', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.03', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.17', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.003', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.07', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.19', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.16', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.3603', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.02', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.11', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.75', 'threads::shared' => '1.32', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.09', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.013005 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.42', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.68', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.68', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '1.68', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.88', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.79', 'B::Debug' => '1.16', 'B::Deparse' => '0.98', 'B::Lint' => '1.12', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.49', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_57', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.9007', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.48', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.48', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.9007', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9007', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.18', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.18', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.030', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.030', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.030', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.03', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.128', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::V' => undef, 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.40', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.48', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.14', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.40', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.12', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.05', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.13', 'Exporter' => '5.64_03', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_03', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.2703_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::YAML'=> '1.44', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.58', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2207', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.5705', 'Fatal' => '2.10', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.79', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.20', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.02', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.17', 'File::Glob' => '1.08', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31_01', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.03', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.85', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.10', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.09', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.04', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.030', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.32', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.030', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.60', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.03', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.06', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.03', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.03', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.03', 'List::Util' => '1.23', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.23', 'Locale::Codes' => '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.13', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.13', 'Locale::Constants' => '3.13', 'Locale::Country' => '3.13', 'Locale::Currency' => '3.13', 'Locale::Language' => '3.13', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.15', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '3.13', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.09', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.09', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.62', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.95', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.54', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.06', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.22', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.26', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.39', 'Module::Load' => '0.18', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.38', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.20', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.12', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.23', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.28', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.23', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'Search::Dict' => '1.03', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.89', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.22', 'TAP::Object' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.22', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '3.00', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.07', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.21_01', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.21_01', 'Test::Harness' => '3.22', 'Test::More' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Simple' => '0.97_01', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.11', 'Tie::Array' => '1.04', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.04', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9721', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.20_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.07', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.59', 'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.59', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.06', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.29', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.04', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.21', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.005', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.11', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.11', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.10', 'autodie::exception' => '2.10', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.10', 'autodie::hints' => '2.10', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.25', 'bignum' => '0.25', 'bigrat' => '0.25', 'blib' => '1.06', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.15', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.20', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.18', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.3607', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.63', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.03', 'open' => '1.08', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.12', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.77_03', 'threads::shared' => '1.33_03', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.02', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.11', 'warnings::register' => '1.02', }, 5.013006 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.44', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.68', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.68', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '1.68', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.88', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.24', 'B::Concise' => '0.79', 'B::Debug' => '1.16', 'B::Deparse' => '0.99', 'B::Lint' => '1.12', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.49', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_61', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5005', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5001', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.9007', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.48', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.48', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.9007', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9007', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.19', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.19', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.031', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.030', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.030', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.34', 'DB' => '1.03', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.129', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::V' => undef, 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.05', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.51', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.48', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.14', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.40', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.12', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.05', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.13', 'Exporter' => '5.64_03', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_03', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.2703_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.05', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.07', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.29', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::YAML'=> '1.44', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.58', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2207', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.2', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.5705', 'Fatal' => '2.10', 'Fcntl' => '1.09', 'File::Basename' => '2.79', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.20', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.03', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.18', 'File::Glob' => '1.09', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.33', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.03', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.85', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.11', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.09', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.05', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.06', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.030', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.32', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.030', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.64', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.03', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.07', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.03', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.03', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.03', 'List::Util' => '1.23', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.23', 'Locale::Codes' => '3.14', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.14', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.14', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.14', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.14', 'Locale::Constants' => '3.14', 'Locale::Country' => '3.14', 'Locale::Currency' => '3.14', 'Locale::Language' => '3.14', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.16', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> undef, 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '3.14', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.09', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.09', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.63', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.97', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.55', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.07', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.22', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.26', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.40', 'Module::Load' => '0.18', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.38', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.09', 'NEXT' => '0.65', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.08', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.16', 'POSIX' => '1.21', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.13', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.10', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.10', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.25', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Text' => '3.15', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.07', 'Safe' => '2.28', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.23', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'Search::Dict' => '1.03', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.90', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.13', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.22', 'TAP::Object' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.22', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '3.00', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.07', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.21_01', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.21_01', 'Test::Harness' => '3.22', 'Test::More' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Simple' => '0.97_01', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.11', 'Tie::Array' => '1.04', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.04', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.07', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9721', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.20_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.07', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.63', 'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.63', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.07', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.29', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.04', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.23', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.13', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.13', 'attributes' => '0.13', 'autodie' => '2.10', 'autodie::exception' => '2.10', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.10', 'autodie::hints' => '2.10', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.25', 'bignum' => '0.25', 'bigrat' => '0.25', 'blib' => '1.06', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.16', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.20', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.18', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.06', 'inc::latest' => '0.3607', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.63', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.04', 'open' => '1.08', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.11', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.13', 'sigtrap' => '1.05', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.81_01', 'threads::shared' => '1.34', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.02', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.11', 'warnings::register' => '1.02', }, 5.013007 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.46', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.72', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.72', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '1.72', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.88', 'AutoLoader' => '5.71', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.26', 'B::Concise' => '0.81', 'B::Debug' => '1.16', 'B::Deparse' => '1.01', 'B::Lint' => '1.12', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.50', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_62', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5005', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5001', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.9010', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.50', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.50', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.9010', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9010', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.19', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.19', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.031', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.030', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.030', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.34', 'DB' => '1.03', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.130_01', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.05', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.51', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.48', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.14', 'DynaLoader' => '1.11', 'Encode' => '2.40', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.12', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.05', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.13', 'Exporter' => '5.64_03', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_03', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.2703_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.2703', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.23', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.05', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.08', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.29', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::YAML'=> '1.44', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.58', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2207', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.2', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.5705', 'Fatal' => '2.10', 'Fcntl' => '1.10', 'File::Basename' => '2.79', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.20', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.03', 'File::Fetch' => '0.28', 'File::Find' => '1.18', 'File::Glob' => '1.10', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.33', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.04', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.85', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.12', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.10', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.06', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.07', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.030', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.32', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.030', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.64', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.03', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.07', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.03', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.03', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.03', 'List::Util' => '1.23', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.23', 'Locale::Codes' => '3.14', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.14', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.14', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.14', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.14', 'Locale::Constants' => '3.14', 'Locale::Country' => '3.14', 'Locale::Currency' => '3.14', 'Locale::Language' => '3.14', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '3.14', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.10', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.10', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.99_01', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.99_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '1.99_01', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.99_01', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.24_01', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.26_01', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.41', 'Module::Load' => '0.18', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.38', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.10', 'NEXT' => '0.65', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.09', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.17', 'POSIX' => '1.22', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.13', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.10', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.10', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.25', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Text' => '3.15', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.08', 'Safe' => '2.29', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.23', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'Search::Dict' => '1.03', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.18', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.91', 'Storable' => '2.24', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.14', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.22', 'TAP::Object' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.22', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '3.00', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.07', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.21_01', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.21_01', 'Test::Harness' => '3.22', 'Test::More' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Simple' => '0.97_01', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.11', 'Tie::Array' => '1.04', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.04', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.07', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9721', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.20_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.07', 'Unicode' => '6.0.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.67', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> '0.64', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '0.66', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.67', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.07', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.29', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.04', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.26', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.04', 'XSLoader' => '0.13', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.13', 'attributes' => '0.13', 'autodie' => '2.10', 'autodie::exception' => '2.10', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.10', 'autodie::hints' => '2.10', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.25', 'bignum' => '0.25', 'bigrat' => '0.25', 'blib' => '1.06', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.17', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.20', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.18', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.06', 'inc::latest' => '0.3607', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.63', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.05', 'open' => '1.08', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.11', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.224', 're' => '0.14', 'sigtrap' => '1.05', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.81_02', 'threads::shared' => '1.34', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.02', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.11', 'warnings::register' => '1.02', }, 5.013008 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.46', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.74', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.74', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '1.74', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.88', 'AutoLoader' => '5.71', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.27', 'B::Concise' => '0.82', 'B::Debug' => '1.16', 'B::Deparse' => '1.02', 'B::Lint' => '1.12', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.50', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_62', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5005', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5001', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.9010', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.50', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.50', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.9010', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9010', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.19', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.17', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.031', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.030', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.030', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.35', 'DB' => '1.03', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.130_02', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.06', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.05', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.51', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.50', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.15', 'DynaLoader' => '1.12', 'Encode' => '2.40', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.12', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.05', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.02', 'Errno' => '1.13', 'Exporter' => '5.64_03', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.23', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.05', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.08', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.30', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::YAML'=> '1.44', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.58', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2208', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.2', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.5705', 'Fatal' => '2.1001', 'Fcntl' => '1.11', 'File::Basename' => '2.79', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.41', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.20', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.03', 'File::Fetch' => '0.28', 'File::Find' => '1.18', 'File::Glob' => '1.11', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.33', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.04', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.85', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.13', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.10', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.07', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.02', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.07', 'IO' => '1.25_03', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.030', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.030', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.32', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.030', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.030', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.66', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.03', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.08', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.03', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.03', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.03', 'List::Util' => '1.23', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.23', 'Locale::Codes' => '3.15', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.15', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.15', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.15', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.15', 'Locale::Constants' => '3.15', 'Locale::Country' => '3.15', 'Locale::Currency' => '3.15', 'Locale::Language' => '3.15', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '3.15', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.13', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.13', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.99_02', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.99_02', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '1.99_02', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.99_02', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.24_01', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.26_01', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.02', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.02', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.02', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '1.02', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::Storable' => '1.02', 'Module::Build' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.43', 'Module::Load' => '0.18', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.38', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.11', 'NEXT' => '0.65', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.37', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.10', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.18', 'POSIX' => '1.23', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.14', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.25', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Text' => '3.15', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.09', 'Safe' => '2.29', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.23', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'Search::Dict' => '1.03', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.18', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.92', 'Storable' => '2.25', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.14', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.22', 'TAP::Object' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.22', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '3.00', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.07', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.21_01', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.21_01', 'Test::Harness' => '3.22', 'Test::More' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Simple' => '0.97_01', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.11', 'Tie::Array' => '1.04', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.04', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.07', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9721_01', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.20_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.07', 'Unicode' => '6.0.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.6801', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> '0.64', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '0.66', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.68', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.08', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.30', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.04', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.41', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.27', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.04', 'XSLoader' => '0.13', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.13', 'attributes' => '0.13', 'autodie' => '2.1001', 'autodie::exception' => '2.1001', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.1001', 'autodie::hints' => '2.1001', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.25', 'bignum' => '0.25', 'bigrat' => '0.25', 'blib' => '1.06', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.17', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.20', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.19', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.0601', 'inc::latest' => '0.3607', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.63', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.06', 'open' => '1.08', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.12', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.224', 're' => '0.15', 'sigtrap' => '1.05', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.81_03', 'threads::shared' => '1.35', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.02', 'version' => '0.86', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.11', 'warnings::register' => '1.02', }, 5.012003 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.17', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.38', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.54', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '0.02', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '0.02', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.87', 'AutoLoader' => '5.70', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.23', 'B::Concise' => '0.78', 'B::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Deparse' => '0.9701', 'B::Lint' => '1.11_01', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '0.01', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.11', 'CGI' => '3.49', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.45', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.29', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.04', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.48', 'CPAN' => '1.94_56', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9456_01', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5004', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.46', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.90', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.17', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.17', 'Class::ISA' => '0.36', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.024', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.31', 'DB' => '1.02', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.03', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.820', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.125', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::V' => undef, 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.04', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.03', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.39', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.47', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.03', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.13', 'DynaLoader' => '1.10', 'Encode' => '2.39', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.12', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.03', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.11', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.04', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.01', 'Errno' => '1.11', 'Exporter' => '5.64_01', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_01', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.27', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.22', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.04', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.06', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.02', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.28', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.55', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.57', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.56', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.21', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.1', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.56', 'Fatal' => '2.06_01', 'Fcntl' => '1.06', 'File::Basename' => '2.78', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.4', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.18', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.01', 'File::Fetch' => '0.24', 'File::Find' => '1.15', 'File::Glob' => '1.07', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.31_01', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.30', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.30', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.02', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.84', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.10', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'Hash::Util' => '0.07', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.04', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.01', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.03', 'IO' => '1.25_02', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.024', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.024', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.28', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.024', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.024', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.54', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.01', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.05', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.01', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.01', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.01', 'List::Util' => '1.22', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.22', 'Locale::Constants' => '2.07', 'Locale::Country' => '2.07', 'Locale::Currency' => '2.07', 'Locale::Language' => '2.07', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.14', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.13', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '2.07', 'Log::Message' => '0.02', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.01', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> undef, 'Log::Message::Item' => undef, 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.06', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.08', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.08', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.60', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.89_01', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '0.52', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '0.05', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.19', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.24', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.01_03', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.00', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.01', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '0.65', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '0.65', 'Memoize::Storable' => '0.65', 'Module::Build' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.360301', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3603', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.43', 'Module::Load' => '0.16', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.38', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.08', 'NEXT' => '0.64', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.36', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.07', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.36', 'Opcode' => '1.15', 'POSIX' => '1.19', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.26', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.12', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.08', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.09', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.58', 'Pod::Man' => '2.23', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_02', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1.02', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.14', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.14', 'Pod::Text' => '3.14', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.06', 'Safe' => '2.27', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.22', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.22', 'Search::Dict' => '1.02', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.17', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.87_01', 'Storable' => '2.22', 'Switch' => '2.16', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.11', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.17', 'TAP::Object' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Source::Perl'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.17', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.17', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '2.02', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.05', 'Term::UI' => '0.20', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.94', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.18', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.18', 'Test::Harness' => '3.17', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Simple' => '0.94', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.11', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.09', 'Tie::Array' => '1.03', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.03', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.06', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9719', 'Time::Local' => '1.1901_01', 'Time::Piece' => '1.15_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.06', 'Unicode' => '5.2.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.52_01', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.03', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.27', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.03', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.39', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.17', 'XS::APItest::KeywordRPN'=> '0.003', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.03', 'XSLoader' => '0.10', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.10', 'attributes' => '0.12', 'autodie' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception' => '2.06_01', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.06_01', 'autodie::hints' => '2.06_01', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.23', 'bignum' => '0.23', 'bigrat' => '0.23', 'blib' => '1.04', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.07', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.19', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.16', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.05', 'inc::latest' => '0.3603', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.62', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.02', 'open' => '1.07', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.10', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.223', 're' => '0.11', 'sigtrap' => '1.04', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.75', 'threads::shared' => '1.32', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.01', 'version' => '0.82', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.09', 'warnings::register' => '1.01', }, 5.013009 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.48', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.76', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.76', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '1.76', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.88', 'AutoLoader' => '5.71', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.27', 'B::Concise' => '0.83', 'B::Debug' => '1.16', 'B::Deparse' => '1.03', 'B::Lint' => '1.13', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Showlex' => '1.02', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.12', 'CGI' => '3.51', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.51', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.30', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.05', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.51', 'CPAN' => '1.94_63', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5005', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.00', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5301', 'CPAN::HTTP::Client' => '1.94', 'CPAN::HTTP::Credentials'=> '1.94', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Meta::YAML' => '0.003', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5001', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.9011', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.52', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.52', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.9011', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9011', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.19', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.19', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.033', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.033', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.033', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.36', 'DB' => '1.03', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.04', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.821', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.130_02', 'Devel::DProf' => '20080331.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.07', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.05', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.51', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.50', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.04', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.16', 'DynaLoader' => '1.12', 'Encode' => '2.42', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.13', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.13', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.05', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.02', 'Errno' => '1.13', 'Exporter' => '5.64_03', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_03', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280201', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.23', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.05', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.08', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.30', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.56', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::YAML'=> '1.44', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.58', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2209', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.2', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.5705', 'Fatal' => '2.1001', 'Fcntl' => '1.11', 'File::Basename' => '2.80', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.41', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.21', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.04', 'File::Fetch' => '0.32', 'File::Find' => '1.19', 'File::Glob' => '1.11', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.34', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.34', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.33', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.05', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.85', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.13', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'HTTP::Tiny' => '0.009', 'Hash::Util' => '0.10', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.08', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.02', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.04', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.07', 'IO' => '1.25_03', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.033', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.29', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.17', 'IO::Socket' => '1.32', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.033', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.68', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.03', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.09', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.03', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.03', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.03', 'JSON::PP' => '2.27103', 'JSON::PP::Boolean' => undef, 'List::Util' => '1.23', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.23', 'Locale::Codes' => '3.15', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.15', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.15', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.15', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.15', 'Locale::Constants' => '3.15', 'Locale::Country' => '3.15', 'Locale::Currency' => '3.15', 'Locale::Language' => '3.15', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.18', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '3.15', 'Log::Message' => '0.04', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.04', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> '0.04', 'Log::Message::Item' => '0.04', 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.08', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.13', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.13', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.99_03', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.99_03', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '1.99_03', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.99_02', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.24_02', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.26_02', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.02', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.02', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.02', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '1.02', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::Storable' => '1.02', 'Module::Build' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3607', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.77', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.40', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.42_01', 'Module::Load' => '0.18', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.40', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Metadata' => '1.000003', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.11', 'NEXT' => '0.65', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.38', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.10', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.38', 'Opcode' => '1.18', 'POSIX' => '1.24', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.28', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.40', 'Perl::OSType' => '1.002', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.14', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.09', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.59', 'Pod::Man' => '2.25', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_03', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Text' => '3.15', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.09', 'Safe' => '2.29', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.23', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'Search::Dict' => '1.03', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.18', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.93', 'Storable' => '2.26', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.15', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.22', 'TAP::Object' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.22', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '3.00', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.07', 'Term::UI' => '0.24', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.21_01', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.21_01', 'Test::Harness' => '3.22', 'Test::More' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Simple' => '0.97_01', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.12', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.12', 'Tie::Array' => '1.04', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.04', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.07', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9721_01', 'Time::Local' => '1.2000', 'Time::Piece' => '1.20_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.08', 'Unicode' => '6.0.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.6801', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> '0.64', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '0.66', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.68', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.10', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.30', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.04', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Win32' => '0.44', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.27', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.04', 'XSLoader' => '0.13', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.13', 'attributes' => '0.13', 'autodie' => '2.1001', 'autodie::exception' => '2.1001', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.1001', 'autodie::hints' => '2.1001', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.26', 'bignum' => '0.26', 'bigrat' => '0.26', 'blib' => '1.06', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.18', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.01', 'diagnostics' => '1.21', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.19', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.0601', 'inc::latest' => '0.3607', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.63', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.06', 'open' => '1.08', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.12', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.224', 're' => '0.16', 'sigtrap' => '1.05', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.83', 'threads::shared' => '1.36', 'utf8' => '1.08', 'vars' => '1.02', 'version' => '0.88', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.11', 'warnings::register' => '1.02', }, 5.013010 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.22', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.48', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.76', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.76', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '1.76', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.89', 'AutoLoader' => '5.71', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.28', 'B::Concise' => '0.83', 'B::Debug' => '1.16', 'B::Deparse' => '1.03', 'B::Lint' => '1.13', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Showlex' => '1.03', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.12', 'CGI' => '3.52', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.51', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.30', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.05', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.51', 'CPAN' => '1.94_65', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9601', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.0', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5005', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.01', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5303', 'CPAN::HTTP::Client' => '1.94', 'CPAN::HTTP::Credentials'=> '1.94', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5003', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.94', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.94', 'CPAN::Meta' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Feature' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::History' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Spec' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::YAML' => '0.003', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.77', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5002', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5001', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.9101', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.52', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.52', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.9101', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9101', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.20', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.20', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.033', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.033', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.033', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.37', 'DB' => '1.03', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.04', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.821', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.130_02', 'Devel::DProf' => '20110217.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.07', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.05', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.51', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.50', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.04', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.16', 'DynaLoader' => '1.13', 'Encode' => '2.42', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.13', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.13', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.05', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.02', 'Errno' => '1.13', 'Exporter' => '5.64_03', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_03', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.16', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.23', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.05', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.08', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.30', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.56', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::YAML'=> '1.44', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.58', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2209', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.2', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.5705', 'Fatal' => '2.1001', 'Fcntl' => '1.11', 'File::Basename' => '2.80', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.41', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.22', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.04', 'File::Fetch' => '0.32', 'File::Find' => '1.19', 'File::Glob' => '1.11', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.34', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.34', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.33', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.05', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.86', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.13', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'HTTP::Tiny' => '0.010', 'Hash::Util' => '0.10', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.08', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.02', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.05', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.07', 'IO' => '1.25_03', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.033', 'IO::Dir' => '1.07', 'IO::File' => '1.14', 'IO::Handle' => '1.29', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.13', 'IO::Poll' => '0.07', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.18', 'IO::Socket' => '1.32', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.033', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.70', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.03', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.09', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.03', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.03', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.03', 'JSON::PP' => '2.27103', 'JSON::PP::Boolean' => undef, 'List::Util' => '1.23', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.23', 'Locale::Codes' => '3.15', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.15', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.15', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.15', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.15', 'Locale::Constants' => '3.15', 'Locale::Country' => '3.15', 'Locale::Currency' => '3.15', 'Locale::Language' => '3.15', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.19', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '3.15', 'Log::Message' => '0.04', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.04', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> '0.04', 'Log::Message::Item' => '0.04', 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.08', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.13', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.13', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.992', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.992', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '1.992', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.992', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.24_02', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.26_02', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.02', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.02', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.02', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '1.02', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::Storable' => '1.02', 'Module::Build' => '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.37_05', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.87', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.41', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.45', 'Module::Load' => '0.18', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.44', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Metadata' => '1.000004', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.11', 'NEXT' => '0.65', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.38', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.10', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.38', 'Opcode' => '1.18', 'POSIX' => '1.24', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.28', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.4401', 'Perl::OSType' => '1.002', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.14', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.1', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.59', 'Pod::Man' => '2.25', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_03', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.15', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.15', 'Pod::Text' => '3.15', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.09', 'Safe' => '2.29', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.23', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'Search::Dict' => '1.03', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.18', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.94', 'Storable' => '2.26', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.15', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.22', 'TAP::Object' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.22', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.22', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '3.00', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.07', 'Term::UI' => '0.26', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.21_01', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.21_01', 'Test::Harness' => '3.22', 'Test::More' => '0.97_01', 'Test::Simple' => '0.97_01', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.12', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.12', 'Tie::Array' => '1.04', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.04', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.07', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.38', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9721_01', 'Time::Local' => '1.2000', 'Time::Piece' => '1.20_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.08', 'Unicode' => '6.0.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.72', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> '0.64', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '0.66', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.71', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.10', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.31', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.05', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Version::Requirements' => '0.101020', 'Win32' => '0.44', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.27', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.04', 'XSLoader' => '0.13', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.13', 'attributes' => '0.13', 'autodie' => '2.1001', 'autodie::exception' => '2.1001', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.1001', 'autodie::hints' => '2.1001', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.15', 'bigint' => '0.26', 'bignum' => '0.26', 'bigrat' => '0.27', 'blib' => '1.06', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.18', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.02', 'diagnostics' => '1.22', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.19', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.0601', 'inc::latest' => '0.37_05', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.63', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.06', 'open' => '1.08', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.13', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.224', 're' => '0.17', 'sigtrap' => '1.05', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.83', 'threads::shared' => '1.36', 'utf8' => '1.09', 'vars' => '1.02', 'version' => '0.88', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.12', 'warnings::register' => '1.02', }, 5.013011 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.23', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.23', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.23', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.23', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.48', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.76', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.76', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '1.76', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.89', 'AutoLoader' => '5.71', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.29', 'B::Concise' => '0.83', 'B::Debug' => '1.16', 'B::Deparse' => '1.03', 'B::Lint' => '1.13', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Showlex' => '1.03', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.12', 'CGI' => '3.52', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.51', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.30', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.05', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.51', 'CPAN' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9602', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.001', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5005', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.01', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5303', 'CPAN::HTTP::Client' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::HTTP::Credentials'=> '1.9600', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5003', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Meta' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Feature' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::History' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Spec' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::YAML' => '0.003', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5002', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5001', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.9103', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.54', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.54', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.9103', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9103', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.20', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.20', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.033', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.033', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.033', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.36', 'DB' => '1.03', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.04', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.821', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.130_02', 'Devel::DProf' => '20110228.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.07', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.05', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.51', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.61', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.04', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.16', 'DynaLoader' => '1.13', 'Encode' => '2.42', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.13', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.13', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.05', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.02', 'Errno' => '1.13', 'Exporter' => '5.64_03', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_03', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280202', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.17', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.23', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.05', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.08', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.30', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.56', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::YAML'=> '1.44', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.58', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2209', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.2', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.5705', 'Fatal' => '2.1001', 'Fcntl' => '1.11', 'File::Basename' => '2.81', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.41', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.21', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.04', 'File::Fetch' => '0.32', 'File::Find' => '1.19', 'File::Glob' => '1.12', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.34', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.34', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.33', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.05', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.86', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.14', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'HTTP::Tiny' => '0.011', 'Hash::Util' => '0.11', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.09', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.02', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.05', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.08', 'IO' => '1.25_04', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.033', 'IO::Dir' => '1.08', 'IO::File' => '1.15', 'IO::Handle' => '1.30', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.14', 'IO::Poll' => '0.08', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.20', 'IO::Socket' => '1.32', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.033', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.70', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.03', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.09', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.03', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.03', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.03', 'JSON::PP' => '2.27105', 'JSON::PP::Boolean' => undef, 'List::Util' => '1.23', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.23', 'Locale::Codes' => '3.16', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.16', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.16', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.16', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.16', 'Locale::Constants' => '3.16', 'Locale::Country' => '3.16', 'Locale::Currency' => '3.16', 'Locale::Language' => '3.16', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.19', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '3.16', 'Log::Message' => '0.04', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.04', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> '0.04', 'Log::Message::Item' => '0.04', 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.08', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.13', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.13', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.993', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.994', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '1.993', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.993', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.28', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.26_02', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.02', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.02', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.02', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '1.02', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::Storable' => '1.02', 'Module::Build' => '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3800', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3800', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3800', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.87', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.41', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.46', 'Module::Load' => '0.18', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.44', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Metadata' => '1.000004', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.12', 'NEXT' => '0.65', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.38', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.10', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.38', 'Opcode' => '1.18', 'POSIX' => '1.24', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.28', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.4401', 'Perl::OSType' => '1.002', 'PerlIO' => '1.06', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.14', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.1', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.59', 'Pod::Man' => '2.25', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_03', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Text' => '3.15', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.09', 'Safe' => '2.29', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.23', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'Search::Dict' => '1.03', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.18', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.94', 'Storable' => '2.27', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.16', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.23', 'TAP::Object' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.23', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '3.00', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.07', 'Term::UI' => '0.26', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.98', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.98', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.22', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.22', 'Test::Harness' => '3.23', 'Test::More' => '0.98', 'Test::Simple' => '0.98', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.12', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.12', 'Tie::Array' => '1.04', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.04', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.08', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.39', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9721_01', 'Time::Local' => '1.2000', 'Time::Piece' => '1.20_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.08', 'Unicode' => '6.0.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.73', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> '0.64', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '0.66', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.73', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.10', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.32', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.05', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Version::Requirements' => '0.101020', 'Win32' => '0.44', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.27', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.05', 'XSLoader' => '0.13', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.13', 'attributes' => '0.14', 'autodie' => '2.1001', 'autodie::exception' => '2.1001', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.1001', 'autodie::hints' => '2.1001', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.16', 'bigint' => '0.26', 'bignum' => '0.26', 'bigrat' => '0.27', 'blib' => '1.06', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.18', 'constant' => '1.20', 'deprecate' => '0.02', 'diagnostics' => '1.22', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.19', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.0601', 'inc::latest' => '0.3800', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.63', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.07', 'open' => '1.08', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.13', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.225', 're' => '0.17', 'sigtrap' => '1.05', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.83', 'threads::shared' => '1.36', 'utf8' => '1.09', 'vars' => '1.02', 'version' => '0.88', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.12', 'warnings::register' => '1.02', }, 5.014000 => { 'AnyDBM_File' => '1.00', 'App::Cpan' => '1.5701', 'App::Prove' => '3.23', 'App::Prove::State' => '3.23', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> '3.23', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> '3.23', 'Archive::Extract' => '0.48', 'Archive::Tar' => '1.76', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> '1.76', 'Archive::Tar::File' => '1.76', 'Attribute::Handlers' => '0.89', 'AutoLoader' => '5.71', 'AutoSplit' => '1.06', 'B' => '1.29', 'B::Concise' => '0.83', 'B::Debug' => '1.16', 'B::Deparse' => '1.03', 'B::Lint' => '1.13', 'B::Lint::Debug' => '1.12', 'B::Showlex' => '1.03', 'B::Terse' => '1.05', 'B::Xref' => '1.02', 'Benchmark' => '1.12', 'CGI' => '3.52', 'CGI::Apache' => '1.01', 'CGI::Carp' => '3.51', 'CGI::Cookie' => '1.30', 'CGI::Fast' => '1.08', 'CGI::Pretty' => '3.46', 'CGI::Push' => '1.05', 'CGI::Switch' => '1.01', 'CGI::Util' => '3.51', 'CPAN' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Author' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Bundle' => '5.5', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Complete' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Debug' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Distribution' => '1.9602', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => '6', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> '1.001', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> '5.5', 'CPAN::FTP' => '5.5005', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => '1.01', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => '5.5303', 'CPAN::HTTP::Client' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::HTTP::Credentials'=> '1.9600', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => '5.5003', 'CPAN::Index' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => '5.50', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Meta' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Feature' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::History' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Spec' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => '2.110440', 'CPAN::Meta::YAML' => '0.003', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => '1.9600', 'CPAN::Module' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Nox' => '5.50', 'CPAN::Prompt' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Queue' => '5.5001', 'CPAN::Shell' => '5.5002', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => '5.5011', 'CPAN::URL' => '5.5', 'CPAN::Version' => '5.5001', 'CPANPLUS' => '0.9103', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Config' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.54', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> '0.54', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Error' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => '0.9103', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> '0.0562', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> '0.9103', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> undef, 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> undef, 'Carp' => '1.20', 'Carp::Heavy' => '1.20', 'Class::Struct' => '0.63', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => '2.033', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.033', 'Compress::Zlib' => '2.033', 'Config' => undef, 'Config::Extensions' => '0.01', 'Cwd' => '3.36', 'DB' => '1.03', 'DBM_Filter' => '0.04', 'DBM_Filter::compress' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::encode' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::int32' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::null' => '0.02', 'DBM_Filter::utf8' => '0.02', 'DB_File' => '1.821', 'Data::Dumper' => '2.130_02', 'Devel::DProf' => '20110228.00', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> undef, 'Devel::InnerPackage' => '0.3', 'Devel::PPPort' => '3.19', 'Devel::Peek' => '1.07', 'Devel::SelfStubber' => '1.05', 'Digest' => '1.16', 'Digest::MD5' => '2.51', 'Digest::SHA' => '5.61', 'Digest::base' => '1.16', 'Digest::file' => '1.16', 'DirHandle' => '1.04', 'Dumpvalue' => '1.16', 'DynaLoader' => '1.13', 'Encode' => '2.42', 'Encode::Alias' => '2.13', 'Encode::Byte' => '2.04', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => '2.02', 'Encode::CN' => '2.03', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => '2.05', 'Encode::Config' => '2.05', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => '2.02', 'Encode::Encoder' => '2.01', 'Encode::Encoding' => '2.05', 'Encode::GSM0338' => '2.01', 'Encode::Guess' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP' => '2.04', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => '2.02', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => '2.04', 'Encode::KR' => '2.03', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => '2.02', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => '2.13', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> '1.03', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => '1.01', 'Encode::Symbol' => '2.02', 'Encode::TW' => '2.03', 'Encode::Unicode' => '2.07', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => '2.05', 'English' => '1.04', 'Env' => '1.02', 'Errno' => '1.13', 'Exporter' => '5.64_03', 'Exporter::Heavy' => '5.64_03', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> '0.280203', 'ExtUtils::Command' => '1.17', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => '0.23', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> '0.05', 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> '0.08', 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> '0.03', 'ExtUtils::Embed' => '1.30', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '1.56', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => '1.999_001', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MY' => '6.5705', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::YAML'=> '1.44', 'ExtUtils::Manifest' => '1.58', 'ExtUtils::Miniperl' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => '6.57_05', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => '1.44', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.2210', 'ExtUtils::XSSymSet' => '1.2', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => '6.5705', 'Fatal' => '2.1001', 'Fcntl' => '1.11', 'File::Basename' => '2.82', 'File::CheckTree' => '4.41', 'File::Compare' => '1.1006', 'File::Copy' => '2.21', 'File::DosGlob' => '1.04', 'File::Fetch' => '0.32', 'File::Find' => '1.19', 'File::Glob' => '1.12', 'File::GlobMapper' => '1.000', 'File::Path' => '2.08_01', 'File::Spec' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Mac' => '3.34', 'File::Spec::OS2' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::Unix' => '3.33', 'File::Spec::VMS' => '3.34', 'File::Spec::Win32' => '3.33', 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'File::stat' => '1.05', 'FileCache' => '1.08', 'FileHandle' => '2.02', 'Filter::Simple' => '0.86', 'Filter::Util::Call' => '1.08', 'FindBin' => '1.50', 'GDBM_File' => '1.14', 'Getopt::Long' => '2.38', 'Getopt::Std' => '1.06', 'HTTP::Tiny' => '0.012', 'Hash::Util' => '0.11', 'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => '1.09', 'I18N::Collate' => '1.02', 'I18N::LangTags' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::LangTags::Detect'=> '1.05', 'I18N::LangTags::List' => '0.35_01', 'I18N::Langinfo' => '0.08', 'IO' => '1.25_04', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Base' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> '2.033', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> '2.033', 'IO::Dir' => '1.08', 'IO::File' => '1.15', 'IO::Handle' => '1.31', 'IO::Pipe' => '1.14', 'IO::Poll' => '0.08', 'IO::Seekable' => '1.10', 'IO::Select' => '1.20', 'IO::Socket' => '1.32', 'IO::Socket::INET' => '1.31', 'IO::Socket::UNIX' => '1.23', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> '2.033', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => '2.033', 'IO::Zlib' => '1.10', 'IPC::Cmd' => '0.70', 'IPC::Msg' => '2.03', 'IPC::Open2' => '1.03', 'IPC::Open3' => '1.09', 'IPC::Semaphore' => '2.03', 'IPC::SharedMem' => '2.03', 'IPC::SysV' => '2.03', 'JSON::PP' => '2.27105', 'JSON::PP::Boolean' => undef, 'List::Util' => '1.23', 'List::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'List::Util::XS' => '1.23', 'Locale::Codes' => '3.16', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> '3.16', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> '3.16', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> '3.16', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => '3.16', 'Locale::Constants' => '3.16', 'Locale::Country' => '3.16', 'Locale::Currency' => '3.16', 'Locale::Language' => '3.16', 'Locale::Maketext' => '1.19', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> '1.17', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> '0.21', 'Locale::Script' => '3.16', 'Log::Message' => '0.04', 'Log::Message::Config' => '0.04', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> '0.04', 'Log::Message::Item' => '0.04', 'Log::Message::Simple' => '0.08', 'MIME::Base64' => '3.13', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => '3.13', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.993', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigInt' => '1.994', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => '1.993', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => '1.993', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> '0.28', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => '0.01', 'Math::BigRat' => '0.26_02', 'Math::Complex' => '1.56', 'Math::Trig' => '1.2', 'Memoize' => '1.02', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::Expire' => '1.02', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => '1.02', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => '1.02', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => '1.02', 'Memoize::Storable' => '1.02', 'Module::Build' => '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Base' => '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Compat' => '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Config' => '0.3800', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> undef, 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => '0.3800', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Notes' => '0.3800', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> '0.3800', 'Module::Build::Version'=> '0.87', 'Module::Build::YAML' => '1.41', 'Module::CoreList' => '2.49', 'Module::Load' => '0.18', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> '0.44', 'Module::Loaded' => '0.06', 'Module::Metadata' => '1.000004', 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> '3.9', 'Moped::Msg' => '0.01', 'NDBM_File' => '1.12', 'NEXT' => '0.65', 'Net::Cmd' => '2.29', 'Net::Config' => '1.11', 'Net::Domain' => '2.20', 'Net::FTP' => '2.77', 'Net::FTP::A' => '1.18', 'Net::FTP::E' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::I' => '1.12', 'Net::FTP::L' => '0.01', 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => '0.11', 'Net::NNTP' => '2.24', 'Net::Netrc' => '2.12', 'Net::POP3' => '2.29', 'Net::Ping' => '2.38', 'Net::SMTP' => '2.31', 'Net::Time' => '2.10', 'Net::hostent' => '1.01', 'Net::netent' => '1.00', 'Net::protoent' => '1.00', 'Net::servent' => '1.01', 'O' => '1.01', 'ODBM_File' => '1.10', 'Object::Accessor' => '0.38', 'Opcode' => '1.18', 'POSIX' => '1.24', 'Package::Constants' => '0.02', 'Params::Check' => '0.28', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.4401', 'Perl::OSType' => '1.002', 'PerlIO' => '1.07', 'PerlIO::encoding' => '0.14', 'PerlIO::scalar' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::via' => '0.11', 'PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint'=> '0.06', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Pod::Escapes' => '1.04', 'Pod::Find' => '1.35', 'Pod::Functions' => '1.04', 'Pod::Html' => '1.11', 'Pod::InputObjects' => '1.31', 'Pod::LaTeX' => '0.59', 'Pod::Man' => '2.25', 'Pod::ParseLink' => '1.10', 'Pod::ParseUtils' => '1.36', 'Pod::Parser' => '1.37', 'Pod::Perldoc' => '3.15_03', 'Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker'=> undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToMan' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToPod' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToText' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToTk' => undef, 'Pod::Perldoc::ToXml' => undef, 'Pod::PlainText' => '2.04', 'Pod::Select' => '1.36', 'Pod::Simple' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::BlackBox' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Checker' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Debug' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::HTML' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy'=> '5.01', 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Methody' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Progress' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::PullParser'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::PullParserToken'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::RTF' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Search' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::SimpleTree'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Text' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::TextContent'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::Transcode'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::XHTML' => '3.16', 'Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream'=> '3.16', 'Pod::Text' => '3.15', 'Pod::Text::Color' => '2.06', 'Pod::Text::Overstrike' => '2.04', 'Pod::Text::Termcap' => '2.06', 'Pod::Usage' => '1.36', 'SDBM_File' => '1.09', 'Safe' => '2.29', 'Scalar::Util' => '1.23', 'Scalar::Util::PP' => '1.23', 'Search::Dict' => '1.03', 'SelectSaver' => '1.02', 'SelfLoader' => '1.18', 'Shell' => '0.72_01', 'Socket' => '1.94', 'Storable' => '2.27', 'Symbol' => '1.07', 'Sys::Hostname' => '1.16', 'Sys::Syslog' => '0.27', 'Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32'=> undef, 'TAP::Base' => '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::Base' => '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::Color' => '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::Console'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::File' => '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::File::Session'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Formatter::Session'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Harness' => '3.23', 'TAP::Object' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Grammar' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Multiplexer'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Comment'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Plan'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Test'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::Version'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Result::YAML'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::ResultFactory'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Source' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::Utils' => '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader'=> '3.23', 'TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer'=> '3.23', 'Term::ANSIColor' => '3.00', 'Term::Cap' => '1.12', 'Term::Complete' => '1.402', 'Term::ReadLine' => '1.07', 'Term::UI' => '0.26', 'Term::UI::History' => undef, 'Test' => '1.25_02', 'Test::Builder' => '0.98', 'Test::Builder::Module' => '0.98', 'Test::Builder::Tester' => '1.22', 'Test::Builder::Tester::Color'=> '1.22', 'Test::Harness' => '3.23', 'Test::More' => '0.98', 'Test::Simple' => '0.98', 'Text::Abbrev' => '1.01', 'Text::Balanced' => '2.02', 'Text::ParseWords' => '3.27', 'Text::Soundex' => '3.03_01', 'Text::Tabs' => '2009.0305', 'Text::Wrap' => '2009.0305', 'Thread' => '3.02', 'Thread::Queue' => '2.12', 'Thread::Semaphore' => '2.12', 'Tie::Array' => '1.04', 'Tie::File' => '0.97_02', 'Tie::Handle' => '4.2', 'Tie::Hash' => '1.04', 'Tie::Hash::NamedCapture'=> '0.08', 'Tie::Memoize' => '1.1', 'Tie::RefHash' => '1.39', 'Tie::Scalar' => '1.02', 'Tie::StdHandle' => '4.2', 'Tie::SubstrHash' => '1.00', 'Time::HiRes' => '1.9721_01', 'Time::Local' => '1.2000', 'Time::Piece' => '1.20_01', 'Time::Piece::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::Seconds' => undef, 'Time::gmtime' => '1.03', 'Time::localtime' => '1.02', 'Time::tm' => '1.00', 'UNIVERSAL' => '1.08', 'Unicode' => '6.0.0', 'Unicode::Collate' => '0.73', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208'=> '0.64', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean'=> '0.66', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke'=> '0.65', 'Unicode::Collate::Locale'=> '0.73', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '1.10', 'Unicode::UCD' => '0.32', 'User::grent' => '1.01', 'User::pwent' => '1.00', 'VMS::DCLsym' => '1.05', 'VMS::Filespec' => '1.12', 'VMS::Stdio' => '2.4', 'Version::Requirements' => '0.101020', 'Win32' => '0.44', 'Win32API::File' => '0.1101', 'Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl'=> '1', 'Win32CORE' => '0.02', 'XS::APItest' => '0.28', 'XS::Typemap' => '0.05', 'XSLoader' => '0.13', 'XSLoader::XSLoader' => '0.13', 'attributes' => '0.14', 'autodie' => '2.1001', 'autodie::exception' => '2.1001', 'autodie::exception::system'=> '2.1001', 'autodie::hints' => '2.1001', 'autouse' => '1.06', 'base' => '2.16', 'bigint' => '0.27', 'bignum' => '0.27', 'bigrat' => '0.28', 'blib' => '1.06', 'bytes' => '1.04', 'charnames' => '1.18', 'constant' => '1.21', 'deprecate' => '0.02', 'diagnostics' => '1.22', 'encoding' => '2.6_01', 'encoding::warnings' => '0.11', 'feature' => '1.20', 'fields' => '2.15', 'filetest' => '1.02', 'if' => '0.0601', 'inc::latest' => '0.3800', 'integer' => '1.00', 'less' => '0.03', 'lib' => '0.63', 'locale' => '1.00', 'mro' => '1.07', 'open' => '1.08', 'ops' => '1.02', 'overload' => '1.13', 'overload::numbers' => undef, 'overloading' => '0.01', 'parent' => '0.225', 're' => '0.18', 'sigtrap' => '1.05', 'sort' => '2.01', 'strict' => '1.04', 'subs' => '1.00', 'threads' => '1.83', 'threads::shared' => '1.37', 'utf8' => '1.09', 'vars' => '1.02', 'version' => '0.88', 'vmsish' => '1.02', 'warnings' => '1.12', 'warnings::register' => '1.02', }, ); %deprecated = ( 5.011 => { 'Class::ISA' => '1', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1', 'Shell' => '1', 'Switch' => '1', }, 5.011001 => { 'Class::ISA' => '1', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1', 'Shell' => '1', 'Switch' => '1', }, 5.011002 => { 'Class::ISA' => '1', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1', 'Shell' => '1', 'Switch' => '1', }, 5.011003 => { 'Class::ISA' => '1', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1', 'Shell' => '1', 'Switch' => '1', }, 5.011004 => { 'Class::ISA' => '1', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1', 'Shell' => '1', 'Switch' => '1', }, 5.011005 => { 'Class::ISA' => '1', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1', 'Shell' => '1', 'Switch' => '1', }, 5.012000 => { 'Class::ISA' => '1', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1', 'Shell' => '1', 'Switch' => '1', }, 5.013000 => { 'Class::ISA' => '1', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1', 'Shell' => '1', 'Switch' => '1', }, 5.012001 => { 'Class::ISA' => '1', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1', 'Shell' => '1', 'Switch' => '1', }, 5.013001 => { 'Shell' => '1', }, 5.013002 => { 'Shell' => '1', }, 5.013003 => { 'Shell' => '1', }, 5.013004 => { 'Shell' => '1', }, 5.012002 => { 'Class::ISA' => '1', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1', 'Shell' => '1', 'Switch' => '1', }, 5.013005 => { 'Shell' => '1', }, 5.013006 => { 'Shell' => '1', }, 5.013007 => { 'Shell' => '1', }, 5.013008 => { 'Shell' => '1', }, 5.012003 => { 'Class::ISA' => '1', 'Pod::Plainer' => '1', 'Shell' => '1', 'Switch' => '1', }, 5.013009 => { 'Shell' => '1', }, 5.013010 => { 'Shell' => '1', }, 5.013011 => { 'Shell' => '1', }, 5.014000 => { 'Shell' => '1', }, ); %upstream = ( 'AnyDBM_File' => 'blead', 'App::Cpan' => 'cpan', 'App::Prove' => 'cpan', 'App::Prove::State' => 'cpan', 'App::Prove::State::Result'=> 'cpan', 'App::Prove::State::Result::Test'=> 'cpan', 'Archive::Extract' => 'cpan', 'Archive::Tar' => 'cpan', 'Archive::Tar::Constant'=> 'cpan', 'Archive::Tar::File' => 'cpan', 'Attribute::Handlers' => 'blead', 'AutoLoader' => 'cpan', 'AutoSplit' => 'cpan', 'B::Concise' => undef, 'B::Debug' => 'cpan', 'B::Deparse' => 'blead', 'B::Lint' => 'blead', 'B::Lint::Debug' => 'blead', 'CGI' => 'cpan', 'CGI::Apache' => 'cpan', 'CGI::Carp' => 'cpan', 'CGI::Cookie' => 'cpan', 'CGI::Fast' => 'cpan', 'CGI::Pretty' => 'cpan', 'CGI::Push' => 'cpan', 'CGI::Switch' => 'cpan', 'CGI::Util' => 'cpan', 'CPAN' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Author' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Bundle' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::CacheMgr' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Complete' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Debug' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::DeferredCode' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Distribution' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Distroprefs' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Distrostatus' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency'=> 'cpan', 'CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist'=> 'cpan', 'CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed'=> 'cpan', 'CPAN::FTP' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::FTP::netrc' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::FirstTime' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::HTTP::Client' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::HTTP::Credentials'=> 'cpan', 'CPAN::HandleConfig' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Index' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::InfoObj' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Kwalify' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::LWP::UserAgent' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Meta' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Meta::Converter' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Meta::Feature' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Meta::History' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Meta::Spec' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Meta::Validator' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Meta::YAML' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Mirrors' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Module' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Nox' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Prompt' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Queue' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Shell' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Tarzip' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::URL' => 'cpan', 'CPAN::Version' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Backend' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Config' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Configure' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Configure::Setup'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Dist' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Error' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants::Report'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Report'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Search'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite::Tie'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Module' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Module::Checksums'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Module::Signature'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Selfupdate' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Shell' => 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::CustomSource'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Remote'=> 'cpan', 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Source'=> 'cpan', 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' => 'cpan', 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => 'cpan', 'Compress::Zlib' => 'cpan', 'Cwd' => 'blead', 'DB_File' => undef, 'Devel::DProf' => 'cpan', 'Devel::DProf::dprof::V'=> 'cpan', 'Devel::InnerPackage' => 'cpan', 'Devel::PPPort' => 'cpan', 'Digest' => 'cpan', 'Digest::MD5' => 'cpan', 'Digest::SHA' => 'cpan', 'Digest::base' => 'cpan', 'Digest::file' => 'cpan', 'Encode' => 'cpan', 'Encode::Alias' => 'cpan', 'Encode::Byte' => 'cpan', 'Encode::CJKConstants' => 'cpan', 'Encode::CN' => 'cpan', 'Encode::CN::HZ' => 'cpan', 'Encode::Config' => 'cpan', 'Encode::EBCDIC' => 'cpan', 'Encode::Encoder' => 'cpan', 'Encode::Encoding' => 'cpan', 'Encode::GSM0338' => 'cpan', 'Encode::Guess' => 'cpan', 'Encode::JP' => 'cpan', 'Encode::JP::H2Z' => 'cpan', 'Encode::JP::JIS7' => 'cpan', 'Encode::KR' => 'cpan', 'Encode::KR::2022_KR' => 'cpan', 'Encode::MIME::Header' => 'cpan', 'Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP'=> 'cpan', 'Encode::MIME::Name' => 'cpan', 'Encode::Symbol' => 'cpan', 'Encode::TW' => 'cpan', 'Encode::Unicode' => 'cpan', 'Encode::Unicode::UTF7' => 'cpan', 'Exporter' => 'blead', 'Exporter::Heavy' => 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base'=> 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix'=> 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS'=> 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows'=> 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC'=> 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC'=> 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC'=> 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix'=> 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin'=> 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin'=> 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf'=> 'blead', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2'=> 'blead', 'ExtUtils::Command::MM' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::Constant' => undef, 'ExtUtils::Constant::Base'=> undef, 'ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs'=> undef, 'ExtUtils::Constant::Utils'=> undef, 'ExtUtils::Constant::XS'=> undef, 'ExtUtils::Install' => 'blead', 'ExtUtils::Installed' => 'blead', 'ExtUtils::Liblist' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid'=> 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_AIX' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_Any' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_BeOS' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_DOS' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_Darwin' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_MacOS' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_NW5' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_QNX' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_UWIN' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_VOS' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MM_Win95' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MY' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config'=> 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker::YAML'=> 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::Mksymlists' => 'first-come', 'ExtUtils::Packlist' => 'blead', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => 'blead', 'ExtUtils::testlib' => 'first-come', 'Fatal' => 'cpan', 'File::Fetch' => 'cpan', 'File::GlobMapper' => 'cpan', 'File::Path' => undef, 'File::Spec' => 'blead', 'File::Spec::Cygwin' => 'blead', 'File::Spec::Epoc' => 'blead', 'File::Spec::Functions' => 'blead', 'File::Spec::Mac' => 'blead', 'File::Spec::OS2' => 'blead', 'File::Spec::Unix' => 'blead', 'File::Spec::VMS' => 'blead', 'File::Spec::Win32' => 'blead', 'File::Temp' => undef, 'Filter::Simple' => 'blead', 'Filter::Util::Call' => undef, 'Getopt::Long' => 'cpan', 'HTTP::Tiny' => 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Base' => 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Base::Common'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' => 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Deflate' => 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::RawDeflate'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Zip' => 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Zip::Constants'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Uncompress::Base' => 'cpan', 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Uncompress::Inflate'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Uncompress::RawInflate'=> 'cpan', 'IO::Uncompress::Unzip' => 'cpan', 'IO::Zlib' => undef, 'IPC::Cmd' => 'cpan', 'IPC::Msg' => 'cpan', 'IPC::Semaphore' => 'cpan', 'IPC::SharedMem' => 'cpan', 'IPC::SysV' => 'cpan', 'JSON::PP' => 'cpan', 'JSON::PP::Boolean' => 'cpan', 'List::Util' => 'cpan', 'List::Util::PP' => 'cpan', 'List::Util::XS' => 'cpan', 'Locale::Codes' => 'cpan', 'Locale::Codes::Country'=> 'cpan', 'Locale::Codes::Currency'=> 'cpan', 'Locale::Codes::Language'=> 'cpan', 'Locale::Codes::Script' => 'cpan', 'Locale::Constants' => 'cpan', 'Locale::Country' => 'cpan', 'Locale::Currency' => 'cpan', 'Locale::Language' => 'cpan', 'Locale::Maketext' => 'blead', 'Locale::Maketext::Guts'=> 'blead', 'Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader'=> 'blead', 'Locale::Maketext::Simple'=> 'cpan', 'Locale::Script' => 'cpan', 'Log::Message' => 'cpan', 'Log::Message::Config' => 'cpan', 'Log::Message::Handlers'=> 'cpan', 'Log::Message::Item' => 'cpan', 'Log::Message::Simple' => 'cpan', 'MIME::Base64' => 'cpan', 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => 'cpan', 'Math::BigFloat' => 'blead', 'Math::BigFloat::Trace' => 'blead', 'Math::BigInt' => 'blead', 'Math::BigInt::Calc' => 'blead', 'Math::BigInt::CalcEmu' => 'blead', 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc'=> 'blead', 'Math::BigInt::Trace' => 'blead', 'Math::BigRat' => 'blead', 'Math::Complex' => 'cpan', 'Math::Trig' => 'cpan', 'Memoize' => 'cpan', 'Memoize::AnyDBM_File' => 'cpan', 'Memoize::Expire' => 'cpan', 'Memoize::ExpireFile' => 'cpan', 'Memoize::ExpireTest' => 'cpan', 'Memoize::NDBM_File' => 'cpan', 'Memoize::SDBM_File' => 'cpan', 'Memoize::Storable' => 'cpan', 'Module::Build' => 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Base' => 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Compat' => 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Config' => 'cpan', 'Module::Build::ConfigData'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Cookbook'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Dumper' => 'cpan', 'Module::Build::ModuleInfo'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Notes' => 'cpan', 'Module::Build::PPMMaker'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::Amiga'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::Default'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::MacOS'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::Unix'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::VMS'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::VOS'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::Windows'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::aix'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::cygwin'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::darwin'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Platform::os2'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::PodParser'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::Version'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Build::YAML' => 'cpan', 'Module::CoreList' => 'blead', 'Module::Load' => 'cpan', 'Module::Load::Conditional'=> 'cpan', 'Module::Loaded' => 'cpan', 'Module::Metadata' => 'cpan', 'Module::Pluggable' => 'cpan', 'Module::Pluggable::Object'=> 'cpan', 'NEXT' => 'cpan', 'Net::Cmd' => undef, 'Net::Config' => undef, 'Net::Domain' => undef, 'Net::FTP' => undef, 'Net::FTP::A' => undef, 'Net::FTP::E' => undef, 'Net::FTP::I' => undef, 'Net::FTP::L' => undef, 'Net::FTP::dataconn' => undef, 'Net::NNTP' => undef, 'Net::Netrc' => undef, 'Net::POP3' => undef, 'Net::Ping' => 'blead', 'Net::SMTP' => undef, 'Net::Time' => undef, 'Object::Accessor' => 'cpan', 'Package::Constants' => 'cpan', 'Params::Check' => 'cpan', 'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => 'cpan', 'Perl::OS