require 5; package Pod::Simple::PullParser; $VERSION = '3.28'; use Pod::Simple (); BEGIN {@ISA = ('Pod::Simple')} use strict; use Carp (); use Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken; use Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken; use Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken; BEGIN { *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG unless defined &DEBUG } __PACKAGE__->_accessorize( 'source_fh', # the filehandle we're reading from 'source_scalar_ref', # the scalarref we're reading from 'source_arrayref', # the arrayref we're reading from ); #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # # And here is how we implement a pull-parser on top of a push-parser... sub filter { my($self, $source) = @_; $self = $self->new unless ref $self; $source = *STDIN{IO} unless defined $source; $self->set_source($source); $self->output_fh(*STDOUT{IO}); $self->run; # define run() in a subclass if you want to use filter()! return $self; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub parse_string_document { my $this = shift; $this->set_source(\ $_[0]); $this->run; } sub parse_file { my($this, $filename) = @_; $this->set_source($filename); $this->run; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # In case anyone tries to use them: sub run { use Carp (); if( __PACKAGE__ eq ref($_[0]) || $_[0]) { # I'm not being subclassed! Carp::croak "You can call run() only on subclasses of " . __PACKAGE__; } else { Carp::croak join '', "You can't call run() because ", ref($_[0]) || $_[0], " didn't define a run() method"; } } sub parse_lines { use Carp (); Carp::croak "Use set_source with ", __PACKAGE__, " and subclasses, not parse_lines"; } sub parse_line { use Carp (); Carp::croak "Use set_source with ", __PACKAGE__, " and subclasses, not parse_line"; } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); die "Couldn't construct for $class" unless $self; $self->{'token_buffer'} ||= []; $self->{'start_token_class'} ||= 'Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken'; $self->{'text_token_class'} ||= 'Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken'; $self->{'end_token_class'} ||= 'Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken'; DEBUG > 1 and print "New pullparser object: $self\n"; return $self; } # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sub get_token { my $self = shift; DEBUG > 1 and print "\nget_token starting up on $self.\n"; DEBUG > 2 and print " Items in token-buffer (", scalar( @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} } ) , ") :\n", map( " " . $_->dump . "\n", @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} } ), @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} } ? '' : ' (no tokens)', "\n" ; until( @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} } ) { DEBUG > 3 and print "I need to get something into my empty token buffer...\n"; if($self->{'source_dead'}) { DEBUG and print "$self 's source is dead.\n"; push @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} }, undef; } elsif(exists $self->{'source_fh'}) { my @lines; my $fh = $self->{'source_fh'} || Carp::croak('You have to call set_source before you can call get_token'); DEBUG and print "$self 's source is filehandle $fh.\n"; # Read those many lines at a time for(my $i = Pod::Simple::MANY_LINES; $i--;) { DEBUG > 3 and print " Fetching a line from source filehandle $fh...\n"; local $/ = $Pod::Simple::NL; push @lines, scalar(<$fh>); # readline DEBUG > 3 and print " Line is: ", defined($lines[-1]) ? $lines[-1] : "\n"; unless( defined $lines[-1] ) { DEBUG and print "That's it for that source fh! Killing.\n"; delete $self->{'source_fh'}; # so it can be GC'd last; } # but pass thru the undef, which will set source_dead to true # TODO: look to see if $lines[-1] is =encoding, and if so, # do horribly magic things } if(DEBUG > 8) { print "* I've gotten ", scalar(@lines), " lines:\n"; foreach my $l (@lines) { if(defined $l) { print " line {$l}\n"; } else { print " line undef\n"; } } print "* end of ", scalar(@lines), " lines\n"; } $self->SUPER::parse_lines(@lines); } elsif(exists $self->{'source_arrayref'}) { DEBUG and print "$self 's source is arrayref $self->{'source_arrayref'}, with ", scalar(@{$self->{'source_arrayref'}}), " items left in it.\n"; DEBUG > 3 and print " Fetching ", Pod::Simple::MANY_LINES, " lines.\n"; $self->SUPER::parse_lines( splice @{ $self->{'source_arrayref'} }, 0, Pod::Simple::MANY_LINES ); unless( @{ $self->{'source_arrayref'} } ) { DEBUG and print "That's it for that source arrayref! Killing.\n"; $self->SUPER::parse_lines(undef); delete $self->{'source_arrayref'}; # so it can be GC'd } # to make sure that an undef is always sent to signal end-of-stream } elsif(exists $self->{'source_scalar_ref'}) { DEBUG and print "$self 's source is scalarref $self->{'source_scalar_ref'}, with ", length(${ $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} }) - (pos(${ $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} }) || 0), " characters left to parse.\n"; DEBUG > 3 and print " Fetching a line from source-string...\n"; if( ${ $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} } =~ m/([^\n\r]*)((?:\r?\n)?)/g ) { #print(">> $1\n"), $self->SUPER::parse_lines($1) if length($1) or length($2) or pos( ${ $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} }) != length( ${ $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} }); # I.e., unless it's a zero-length "empty line" at the very # end of "foo\nbar\n" (i.e., between the \n and the EOS). } else { # that's the end. Byebye $self->SUPER::parse_lines(undef); delete $self->{'source_scalar_ref'}; DEBUG and print "That's it for that source scalarref! Killing.\n"; } } else { die "What source??"; } } DEBUG and print "get_token about to return ", Pod::Simple::pretty( @{$self->{'token_buffer'}} ? $self->{'token_buffer'}[-1] : undef ), "\n"; return shift @{$self->{'token_buffer'}}; # that's an undef if empty } sub unget_token { my $self = shift; DEBUG and print "Ungetting ", scalar(@_), " tokens: ", @_ ? "@_\n" : "().\n"; foreach my $t (@_) { Carp::croak "Can't unget that, because it's not a token -- it's undef!" unless defined $t; Carp::croak "Can't unget $t, because it's not a token -- it's a string!" unless ref $t; Carp::croak "Can't unget $t, because it's not a token object!" unless UNIVERSAL::can($t, 'type'); } unshift @{$self->{'token_buffer'}}, @_; DEBUG > 1 and print "Token buffer now has ", scalar(@{$self->{'token_buffer'}}), " items in it.\n"; return; } #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # $self->{'source_filename'} = $source; sub set_source { my $self = shift @_; return $self->{'source_fh'} unless @_; Carp::croak("Cannot assign new source to pull parser; create a new instance, instead") if $self->{'source_fh'} || $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} || $self->{'source_arrayref'}; my $handle; if(!defined $_[0]) { Carp::croak("Can't use empty-string as a source for set_source"); } elsif(ref(\( $_[0] )) eq 'GLOB') { $self->{'source_filename'} = '' . ($handle = $_[0]); DEBUG and print "$self 's source is glob $_[0]\n"; # and fall thru } elsif(ref( $_[0] ) eq 'SCALAR') { $self->{'source_scalar_ref'} = $_[0]; DEBUG and print "$self 's source is scalar ref $_[0]\n"; return; } elsif(ref( $_[0] ) eq 'ARRAY') { $self->{'source_arrayref'} = $_[0]; DEBUG and print "$self 's source is array ref $_[0]\n"; return; } elsif(ref $_[0]) { $self->{'source_filename'} = '' . ($handle = $_[0]); DEBUG and print "$self 's source is fh-obj $_[0]\n"; } elsif(!length $_[0]) { Carp::croak("Can't use empty-string as a source for set_source"); } else { # It's a filename! DEBUG and print "$self 's source is filename $_[0]\n"; { local *PODSOURCE; open(PODSOURCE, "<$_[0]") || Carp::croak "Can't open $_[0]: $!"; $handle = *PODSOURCE{IO}; } $self->{'source_filename'} = $_[0]; DEBUG and print " Its name is $_[0].\n"; # TODO: file-discipline things here! } $self->{'source_fh'} = $handle; DEBUG and print " Its handle is $handle\n"; return 1; } # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sub get_title_short { shift->get_short_title(@_) } # alias sub get_short_title { my $title = shift->get_title(@_); $title = $1 if $title =~ m/^(\S{1,60})\s+--?\s+./s; # turn "Foo::Bar -- bars for your foo" into "Foo::Bar" return $title; } sub get_title { shift->_get_titled_section( 'NAME', max_token => 50, desperate => 1, @_) } sub get_version { shift->_get_titled_section( 'VERSION', max_token => 400, accept_verbatim => 1, max_content_length => 3_000, @_, ); } sub get_description { shift->_get_titled_section( 'DESCRIPTION', max_token => 400, max_content_length => 3_000, @_, ) } sub get_authors { shift->get_author(@_) } # a harmless alias sub get_author { my $this = shift; # Max_token is so high because these are # typically at the end of the document: $this->_get_titled_section('AUTHOR' , max_token => 10_000, @_) || $this->_get_titled_section('AUTHORS', max_token => 10_000, @_); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _get_titled_section { # Based on a get_title originally contributed by Graham Barr my($self, $titlename, %options) = (@_); my $max_token = delete $options{'max_token'}; my $desperate_for_title = delete $options{'desperate'}; my $accept_verbatim = delete $options{'accept_verbatim'}; my $max_content_length = delete $options{'max_content_length'}; my $nocase = delete $options{'nocase'}; $max_content_length = 120 unless defined $max_content_length; Carp::croak( "Unknown " . ((1 == keys %options) ? "option: " : "options: ") . join " ", map "[$_]", sort keys %options ) if keys %options; my %content_containers; $content_containers{'Para'} = 1; if($accept_verbatim) { $content_containers{'Verbatim'} = 1; $content_containers{'VerbatimFormatted'} = 1; } my $token_count = 0; my $title; my @to_unget; my $state = 0; my $depth = 0; Carp::croak "What kind of titlename is \"$titlename\"?!" unless defined $titlename and $titlename =~ m/^[A-Z ]{1,60}$/s; #sanity my $titlename_re = quotemeta($titlename); my $head1_text_content; my $para_text_content; my $skipX; while( ++$token_count <= ($max_token || 1_000_000) and defined(my $token = $self->get_token) ) { push @to_unget, $token; if ($state == 0) { # seeking =head1 if( $token->is_start and $token->tagname eq 'head1' ) { DEBUG and print " Found head1. Seeking content...\n"; ++$state; $head1_text_content = ''; } } elsif($state == 1) { # accumulating text until end of head1 if( $token->is_text ) { unless ($skipX) { DEBUG and print " Adding \"", $token->text, "\" to head1-content.\n"; $head1_text_content .= $token->text; } } elsif( $token->is_tagname('X') ) { # We're going to want to ignore X<> stuff. $skipX = $token->is_start; DEBUG and print +($skipX ? 'Start' : 'End'), 'ing ignoring of X<> tag'; } elsif( $token->is_end and $token->tagname eq 'head1' ) { DEBUG and print " Found end of head1. Considering content...\n"; $head1_text_content = uc $head1_text_content if $nocase; if($head1_text_content eq $titlename or $head1_text_content =~ m/\($titlename_re\)/s # We accept "=head1 Nomen Modularis (NAME)" for sake of i18n ) { DEBUG and print " Yup, it was $titlename. Seeking next para-content...\n"; ++$state; } elsif( $desperate_for_title # if we're so desperate we'll take the first # =head1's content as a title and $head1_text_content =~ m/\S/ and $head1_text_content !~ m/^[ A-Z]+$/s and $head1_text_content !~ m/\((?: NAME | TITLE | VERSION | AUTHORS? | DESCRIPTION | SYNOPSIS | COPYRIGHT | LICENSE | NOTES? | FUNCTIONS? | METHODS? | CAVEATS? | BUGS? | SEE\ ALSO | SWITCHES | ENVIRONMENT )\)/sx # avoid accepting things like =head1 Thingy Thongy (DESCRIPTION) and ($max_content_length ? (length($head1_text_content) <= $max_content_length) # sanity : 1) ) { # Looks good; trim it ($title = $head1_text_content) =~ s/\s+$//; DEBUG and print " It looks titular: \"$title\".\n\n Using that.\n"; last; } else { --$state; DEBUG and print " Didn't look titular ($head1_text_content).\n", "\n Dropping back to seeking-head1-content mode...\n"; } } } elsif($state == 2) { # seeking start of para (which must immediately follow) if($token->is_start and $content_containers{ $token->tagname }) { DEBUG and print " Found start of Para. Accumulating content...\n"; $para_text_content = ''; ++$state; } else { DEBUG and print " Didn't see an immediately subsequent start-Para. Reseeking H1\n"; $state = 0; } } elsif($state == 3) { # accumulating text until end of Para if( $token->is_text ) { DEBUG and print " Adding \"", $token->text, "\" to para-content.\n"; $para_text_content .= $token->text; # and keep looking } elsif( $token->is_end and $content_containers{ $token->tagname } ) { DEBUG and print " Found end of Para. Considering content: ", $para_text_content, "\n"; if( $para_text_content =~ m/\S/ and ($max_content_length ? (length($para_text_content) <= $max_content_length) : 1) ) { # Some minimal sanity constraints, I think. DEBUG and print " It looks contentworthy, I guess. Using it.\n"; $title = $para_text_content; last; } else { DEBUG and print " Doesn't look at all contentworthy!\n Giving up.\n"; undef $title; last; } } } else { die "IMPOSSIBLE STATE $state!\n"; # should never happen } } # Put it all back! $self->unget_token(@to_unget); if(DEBUG) { if(defined $title) { print " Returning title <$title>\n" } else { print "Returning title <>\n" } } return '' unless defined $title; $title =~ s/^\s+//; return $title; } #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # # Methods that actually do work at parse-time: sub _handle_element_start { my $self = shift; # leaving ($element_name, $attr_hash_r) DEBUG > 2 and print "++ $_[0] (", map("<$_> ", %{$_[1]}), ")\n"; push @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} }, $self->{'start_token_class'}->new(@_); return; } sub _handle_text { my $self = shift; # leaving ($text) DEBUG > 2 and print "== $_[0]\n"; push @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} }, $self->{'text_token_class'}->new(@_); return; } sub _handle_element_end { my $self = shift; # leaving ($element_name); DEBUG > 2 and print "-- $_[0]\n"; push @{ $self->{'token_buffer'} }, $self->{'end_token_class'}->new(@_); return; } #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Pod::Simple::PullParser -- a pull-parser interface to parsing Pod =head1 SYNOPSIS my $parser = SomePodProcessor->new; $parser->set_source( "whatever.pod" ); $parser->run; Or: my $parser = SomePodProcessor->new; $parser->set_source( $some_filehandle_object ); $parser->run; Or: my $parser = SomePodProcessor->new; $parser->set_source( \$document_source ); $parser->run; Or: my $parser = SomePodProcessor->new; $parser->set_source( \@document_lines ); $parser->run; And elsewhere: require 5; package SomePodProcessor; use strict; use base qw(Pod::Simple::PullParser); sub run { my $self = shift; Token: while(my $token = $self->get_token) { ...process each token... } } =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is for using Pod::Simple to build a Pod processor -- but one that uses an interface based on a stream of token objects, instead of based on events. This is a subclass of L and inherits all its methods. A subclass of Pod::Simple::PullParser should define a C method that calls C<< $token = $parser->get_token >> to pull tokens. See the source for Pod::Simple::RTF for an example of a formatter that uses Pod::Simple::PullParser. =head1 METHODS =over =item my $token = $parser->get_token This returns the next token object (which will be of a subclass of L), or undef if the parser-stream has hit the end of the document. =item $parser->unget_token( $token ) =item $parser->unget_token( $token1, $token2, ... ) This restores the token object(s) to the front of the parser stream. =back The source has to be set before you can parse anything. The lowest-level way is to call C: =over =item $parser->set_source( $filename ) =item $parser->set_source( $filehandle_object ) =item $parser->set_source( \$document_source ) =item $parser->set_source( \@document_lines ) =back Or you can call these methods, which Pod::Simple::PullParser has defined to work just like Pod::Simple's same-named methods: =over =item $parser->parse_file(...) =item $parser->parse_string_document(...) =item $parser->filter(...) =item $parser->parse_from_file(...) =back For those to work, the Pod-processing subclass of Pod::Simple::PullParser has to have defined a $parser->run method -- so it is advised that all Pod::Simple::PullParser subclasses do so. See the Synopsis above, or the source for Pod::Simple::RTF. Authors of formatter subclasses might find these methods useful to call on a parser object that you haven't started pulling tokens from yet: =over =item my $title_string = $parser->get_title This tries to get the title string out of $parser, by getting some tokens, and scanning them for the title, and then ungetting them so that you can process the token-stream from the beginning. For example, suppose you have a document that starts out: =head1 NAME Hoo::Boy::Wowza -- Stuff B yeah! $parser->get_title on that document will return "Hoo::Boy::Wowza -- Stuff wow yeah!". If the document starts with: =head1 Name Hoo::Boy::W00t -- Stuff B yeah! Then you'll need to pass the C option in order to recognize "Name": $parser->get_title(nocase => 1); In cases where get_title can't find the title, it will return empty-string (""). =item my $title_string = $parser->get_short_title This is just like get_title, except that it returns just the modulename, if the title seems to be of the form "SomeModuleName -- description". For example, suppose you have a document that starts out: =head1 NAME Hoo::Boy::Wowza -- Stuff B yeah! then $parser->get_short_title on that document will return "Hoo::Boy::Wowza". But if the document starts out: =head1 NAME Hooboy, stuff B yeah! then $parser->get_short_title on that document will return "Hooboy, stuff wow yeah!". If the document starts with: =head1 Name Hoo::Boy::W00t -- Stuff B yeah! Then you'll need to pass the C option in order to recognize "Name": $parser->get_short_title(nocase => 1); If the title can't be found, then get_short_title returns empty-string (""). =item $author_name = $parser->get_author This works like get_title except that it returns the contents of the "=head1 AUTHOR\n\nParagraph...\n" section, assuming that that section isn't terribly long. To recognize a "=head1 Author\n\nParagraph\n" section, pass the C otpion: $parser->get_author(nocase => 1); (This method tolerates "AUTHORS" instead of "AUTHOR" too.) =item $description_name = $parser->get_description This works like get_title except that it returns the contents of the "=head1 DESCRIPTION\n\nParagraph...\n" section, assuming that that section isn't terribly long. To recognize a "=head1 Description\n\nParagraph\n" section, pass the C otpion: $parser->get_description(nocase => 1); =item $version_block = $parser->get_version This works like get_title except that it returns the contents of the "=head1 VERSION\n\n[BIG BLOCK]\n" block. Note that this does NOT return the module's C<$VERSION>!! To recognize a "=head1 Version\n\n[BIG BLOCK]\n" section, pass the C otpion: $parser->get_version(nocase => 1); =back =head1 NOTE You don't actually I to define a C method. If you're writing a Pod-formatter class, you should define a C just so that users can call C etc, but you don't I to. And if you're not writing a formatter class, but are instead just writing a program that does something simple with a Pod::PullParser object (and not an object of a subclass), then there's no reason to bother subclassing to add a C method. =head1 SEE ALSO L L -- and its subclasses L, L, and L. L, which inspired this. =head1 SUPPORT Questions or discussion about POD and Pod::Simple should be sent to the mail list. Send an empty email to to subscribe. This module is managed in an open GitHub repository, L. Feel free to fork and contribute, or to clone L and send patches! Patches against Pod::Simple are welcome. Please send bug reports to . =head1 COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMERS Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. =head1 AUTHOR Pod::Simple was created by Sean M. Burke . But don't bother him, he's retired. Pod::Simple is maintained by: =over =item * Allison Randal C =item * Hans Dieter Pearcey C =item * David E. Wheeler C =back =cut JUNK: sub _old_get_title { # some witchery in here my $self = $_[0]; my $title; my @to_unget; while(1) { push @to_unget, $self->get_token; unless(defined $to_unget[-1]) { # whoops, short doc! pop @to_unget; last; } DEBUG and print "-Got token ", $to_unget[-1]->dump, "\n"; (DEBUG and print "Too much in the buffer.\n"), last if @to_unget > 25; # sanity my $pattern = ''; if( #$to_unget[-1]->type eq 'end' #and $to_unget[-1]->tagname eq 'Para' #and ($pattern = join('', map {; ($_->type eq 'start') ? ("<" . $_->tagname .">") : ($_->type eq 'end' ) ? ("tagname .">") : ($_->type eq 'text' ) ? ($_->text =~ m<^([A-Z]+)$>s ? $1 : 'X') : "BLORP" } @to_unget )) =~ m{NAME(X|)+$}s ) { # Whee, it fits the pattern DEBUG and print "Seems to match =head1 NAME pattern.\n"; $title = ''; foreach my $t (reverse @to_unget) { last if $t->type eq 'start' and $t->tagname eq 'Para'; $title = $t->text . $title if $t->type eq 'text'; } undef $title if $title =~ m<^\s*$>; # make sure it's contentful! last; } elsif ($pattern =~ m{(.+)$} and !( $1 eq '1' and $2 eq 'NAME' ) ) { # Well, it fits a fallback pattern DEBUG and print "Seems to match NAMEless pattern.\n"; $title = ''; foreach my $t (reverse @to_unget) { last if $t->type eq 'start' and $t->tagname =~ m/^head\d$/s; $title = $t->text . $title if $t->type eq 'text'; } undef $title if $title =~ m<^\s*$>; # make sure it's contentful! last; } else { DEBUG and $pattern and print "Leading pattern: $pattern\n"; } } # Put it all back: $self->unget_token(@to_unget); if(DEBUG) { if(defined $title) { print " Returning title <$title>\n" } else { print "Returning title <>\n" } } return '' unless defined $title; return $title; }