use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; package CPAN::Meta::Converter; our $VERSION = '2.140640'; # VERSION # =head1 SYNOPSIS # # my $struct = decode_json_file('META.json'); # # my $cmc = CPAN::Meta::Converter->new( $struct ); # # my $new_struct = $cmc->convert( version => "2" ); # # =head1 DESCRIPTION # # This module converts CPAN Meta structures from one form to another. The # primary use is to convert older structures to the most modern version of # the specification, but other transformations may be implemented in the # future as needed. (E.g. stripping all custom fields or stripping all # optional fields.) # # =cut use CPAN::Meta::Validator; use CPAN::Meta::Requirements; use version 0.88 (); use Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4400 (); use List::Util 1.33 qw/all/; sub _dclone { my $ref = shift; # if an object is in the data structure and doesn't specify how to # turn itself into JSON, we just stringify the object. That does the # right thing for typical things that might be there, like version objects, # Path::Class objects, etc. no warnings 'once'; local *UNIVERSAL::TO_JSON = sub { return "$_[0]" }; my $backend = Parse::CPAN::Meta->json_backend(); return $backend->new->utf8->decode( $backend->new->utf8->allow_blessed->convert_blessed->encode($ref) ); } my %known_specs = ( '2' => '', '1.4' => '', '1.3' => '', '1.2' => '', '1.1' => '', '1.0' => '' ); my @spec_list = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %known_specs; my ($LOWEST, $HIGHEST) = @spec_list[0,-1]; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # converters # # called as $converter->($element, $field_name, $full_meta, $to_version) # # defined return value used for field # undef return value means field is skipped #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub _keep { $_[0] } sub _keep_or_one { defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : 1 } sub _keep_or_zero { defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : 0 } sub _keep_or_unknown { defined($_[0]) && length($_[0]) ? $_[0] : "unknown" } sub _generated_by { my $gen = shift; my $sig = __PACKAGE__ . " version " . (__PACKAGE__->VERSION || ""); return $sig unless defined $gen and length $gen; return $gen if $gen =~ /\Q$sig/; return "$gen, $sig"; } sub _listify { ! defined $_[0] ? undef : ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] : [$_[0]] } sub _prefix_custom { my $key = shift; $key =~ s/^(?!x_) # Unless it already starts with x_ (?:x-?)? # Remove leading x- or x (if present) /x_/ix; # and prepend x_ return $key; } sub _ucfirst_custom { my $key = shift; $key = ucfirst $key unless $key =~ /[A-Z]/; return $key; } sub _no_prefix_ucfirst_custom { my $key = shift; $key =~ s/^x_//; return _ucfirst_custom($key); } sub _change_meta_spec { my ($element, undef, undef, $version) = @_; return { version => $version, url => $known_specs{$version}, }; } my @open_source = ( 'perl', 'gpl', 'apache', 'artistic', 'artistic_2', 'lgpl', 'bsd', 'gpl', 'mit', 'mozilla', 'open_source', ); my %is_open_source = map {; $_ => 1 } @open_source; my @valid_licenses_1 = ( @open_source, 'unrestricted', 'restrictive', 'unknown', ); my %license_map_1 = ( ( map { $_ => $_ } @valid_licenses_1 ), artistic2 => 'artistic_2', ); sub _license_1 { my ($element) = @_; return 'unknown' unless defined $element; if ( $license_map_1{lc $element} ) { return $license_map_1{lc $element}; } else { return 'unknown'; } } my @valid_licenses_2 = qw( agpl_3 apache_1_1 apache_2_0 artistic_1 artistic_2 bsd freebsd gfdl_1_2 gfdl_1_3 gpl_1 gpl_2 gpl_3 lgpl_2_1 lgpl_3_0 mit mozilla_1_0 mozilla_1_1 openssl perl_5 qpl_1_0 ssleay sun zlib open_source restricted unrestricted unknown ); # The "old" values were defined by Module::Build, and were often vague. I have # made the decisions below based on reading Module::Build::API and how clearly # it specifies the version of the license. my %license_map_2 = ( (map { $_ => $_ } @valid_licenses_2), apache => 'apache_2_0', # clearly stated as 2.0 artistic => 'artistic_1', # clearly stated as 1 artistic2 => 'artistic_2', # clearly stated as 2 gpl => 'open_source', # we don't know which GPL; punt lgpl => 'open_source', # we don't know which LGPL; punt mozilla => 'open_source', # we don't know which MPL; punt perl => 'perl_5', # clearly Perl 5 restrictive => 'restricted', ); sub _license_2 { my ($element) = @_; return [ 'unknown' ] unless defined $element; $element = [ $element ] unless ref $element eq 'ARRAY'; my @new_list; for my $lic ( @$element ) { next unless defined $lic; if ( my $new = $license_map_2{lc $lic} ) { push @new_list, $new; } } return @new_list ? \@new_list : [ 'unknown' ]; } my %license_downgrade_map = qw( agpl_3 open_source apache_1_1 apache apache_2_0 apache artistic_1 artistic artistic_2 artistic_2 bsd bsd freebsd open_source gfdl_1_2 open_source gfdl_1_3 open_source gpl_1 gpl gpl_2 gpl gpl_3 gpl lgpl_2_1 lgpl lgpl_3_0 lgpl mit mit mozilla_1_0 mozilla mozilla_1_1 mozilla openssl open_source perl_5 perl qpl_1_0 open_source ssleay open_source sun open_source zlib open_source open_source open_source restricted restrictive unrestricted unrestricted unknown unknown ); sub _downgrade_license { my ($element) = @_; if ( ! defined $element ) { return "unknown"; } elsif( ref $element eq 'ARRAY' ) { if ( @$element > 1) { if ( all { $is_open_source{ $license_downgrade_map{lc $_} || 'unknown' } } @$element ) { return 'open_source'; } else { return 'unknown'; } } elsif ( @$element == 1 ) { return $license_downgrade_map{lc $element->[0]} || "unknown"; } } elsif ( ! ref $element ) { return $license_downgrade_map{lc $element} || "unknown"; } return "unknown"; } my $no_index_spec_1_2 = { 'file' => \&_listify, 'dir' => \&_listify, 'package' => \&_listify, 'namespace' => \&_listify, }; my $no_index_spec_1_3 = { 'file' => \&_listify, 'directory' => \&_listify, 'package' => \&_listify, 'namespace' => \&_listify, }; my $no_index_spec_2 = { 'file' => \&_listify, 'directory' => \&_listify, 'package' => \&_listify, 'namespace' => \&_listify, ':custom' => \&_prefix_custom, }; sub _no_index_1_2 { my (undef, undef, $meta) = @_; my $no_index = $meta->{no_index} || $meta->{private}; return unless $no_index; # cleanup wrong format if ( ! ref $no_index ) { my $item = $no_index; $no_index = { dir => [ $item ], file => [ $item ] }; } elsif ( ref $no_index eq 'ARRAY' ) { my $list = $no_index; $no_index = { dir => [ @$list ], file => [ @$list ] }; } # common mistake: files -> file if ( exists $no_index->{files} ) { $no_index->{file} = delete $no_index->{file}; } # common mistake: modules -> module if ( exists $no_index->{modules} ) { $no_index->{module} = delete $no_index->{module}; } return _convert($no_index, $no_index_spec_1_2); } sub _no_index_directory { my ($element, $key, $meta, $version) = @_; return unless $element; # cleanup wrong format if ( ! ref $element ) { my $item = $element; $element = { directory => [ $item ], file => [ $item ] }; } elsif ( ref $element eq 'ARRAY' ) { my $list = $element; $element = { directory => [ @$list ], file => [ @$list ] }; } if ( exists $element->{dir} ) { $element->{directory} = delete $element->{dir}; } # common mistake: files -> file if ( exists $element->{files} ) { $element->{file} = delete $element->{file}; } # common mistake: modules -> module if ( exists $element->{modules} ) { $element->{module} = delete $element->{module}; } my $spec = $version == 2 ? $no_index_spec_2 : $no_index_spec_1_3; return _convert($element, $spec); } sub _is_module_name { my $mod = shift; return unless defined $mod && length $mod; return $mod =~ m{^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*(?:::[A-Za-z0-9_]+)*$}; } sub _clean_version { my ($element) = @_; return 0 if ! defined $element; $element =~ s{^\s*}{}; $element =~ s{\s*$}{}; $element =~ s{^\.}{0.}; return 0 if ! length $element; return 0 if ( $element eq 'undef' || $element eq '' ); my $v = eval { version->new($element) }; # XXX check defined $v and not just $v because version objects leak memory # in boolean context -- dagolden, 2012-02-03 if ( defined $v ) { return $v->is_qv ? $v->normal : $element; } else { return 0; } } sub _bad_version_hook { my ($v) = @_; $v =~ s{[a-z]+$}{}; # strip trailing alphabetics my $vobj = eval { version->parse($v) }; return defined($vobj) ? $vobj : version->parse(0); # or give up } sub _version_map { my ($element) = @_; return unless defined $element; if ( ref $element eq 'HASH' ) { # XXX turn this into CPAN::Meta::Requirements with bad version hook # and then turn it back into a hash my $new_map = CPAN::Meta::Requirements->new( { bad_version_hook => \&_bad_version_hook } # punt ); while ( my ($k,$v) = each %$element ) { next unless _is_module_name($k); if ( !defined($v) || !length($v) || $v eq 'undef' || $v eq '' ) { $v = 0; } # some weird, old META have bad yml with module => module # so check if value is like a module name and not like a version if ( _is_module_name($v) && ! version::is_lax($v) ) { $new_map->add_minimum($k => 0); $new_map->add_minimum($v => 0); } $new_map->add_string_requirement($k => $v); } return $new_map->as_string_hash; } elsif ( ref $element eq 'ARRAY' ) { my $hashref = { map { $_ => 0 } @$element }; return _version_map($hashref); # cleanup any weird stuff } elsif ( ref $element eq '' && length $element ) { return { $element => 0 } } return; } sub _prereqs_from_1 { my (undef, undef, $meta) = @_; my $prereqs = {}; for my $phase ( qw/build configure/ ) { my $key = "${phase}_requires"; $prereqs->{$phase}{requires} = _version_map($meta->{$key}) if $meta->{$key}; } for my $rel ( qw/requires recommends conflicts/ ) { $prereqs->{runtime}{$rel} = _version_map($meta->{$rel}) if $meta->{$rel}; } return $prereqs; } my $prereqs_spec = { configure => \&_prereqs_rel, build => \&_prereqs_rel, test => \&_prereqs_rel, runtime => \&_prereqs_rel, develop => \&_prereqs_rel, ':custom' => \&_prefix_custom, }; my $relation_spec = { requires => \&_version_map, recommends => \&_version_map, suggests => \&_version_map, conflicts => \&_version_map, ':custom' => \&_prefix_custom, }; sub _cleanup_prereqs { my ($prereqs, $key, $meta, $to_version) = @_; return unless $prereqs && ref $prereqs eq 'HASH'; return _convert( $prereqs, $prereqs_spec, $to_version ); } sub _prereqs_rel { my ($relation, $key, $meta, $to_version) = @_; return unless $relation && ref $relation eq 'HASH'; return _convert( $relation, $relation_spec, $to_version ); } BEGIN { my @old_prereqs = qw( requires configure_requires recommends conflicts ); for ( @old_prereqs ) { my $sub = "_get_$_"; my ($phase,$type) = split qr/_/, $_; if ( ! defined $type ) { $type = $phase; $phase = 'runtime'; } no strict 'refs'; *{$sub} = sub { _extract_prereqs($_[2]->{prereqs},$phase,$type) }; } } sub _get_build_requires { my ($data, $key, $meta) = @_; my $test_h = _extract_prereqs($_[2]->{prereqs}, qw(test requires)) || {}; my $build_h = _extract_prereqs($_[2]->{prereqs}, qw(build requires)) || {}; my $test_req = CPAN::Meta::Requirements->from_string_hash($test_h); my $build_req = CPAN::Meta::Requirements->from_string_hash($build_h); $test_req->add_requirements($build_req)->as_string_hash; } sub _extract_prereqs { my ($prereqs, $phase, $type) = @_; return unless ref $prereqs eq 'HASH'; return scalar _version_map($prereqs->{$phase}{$type}); } sub _downgrade_optional_features { my (undef, undef, $meta) = @_; return unless exists $meta->{optional_features}; my $origin = $meta->{optional_features}; my $features = {}; for my $name ( keys %$origin ) { $features->{$name} = { description => $origin->{$name}{description}, requires => _extract_prereqs($origin->{$name}{prereqs},'runtime','requires'), configure_requires => _extract_prereqs($origin->{$name}{prereqs},'runtime','configure_requires'), build_requires => _extract_prereqs($origin->{$name}{prereqs},'runtime','build_requires'), recommends => _extract_prereqs($origin->{$name}{prereqs},'runtime','recommends'), conflicts => _extract_prereqs($origin->{$name}{prereqs},'runtime','conflicts'), }; for my $k (keys %{$features->{$name}} ) { delete $features->{$name}{$k} unless defined $features->{$name}{$k}; } } return $features; } sub _upgrade_optional_features { my (undef, undef, $meta) = @_; return unless exists $meta->{optional_features}; my $origin = $meta->{optional_features}; my $features = {}; for my $name ( keys %$origin ) { $features->{$name} = { description => $origin->{$name}{description}, prereqs => _prereqs_from_1(undef, undef, $origin->{$name}), }; delete $features->{$name}{prereqs}{configure}; } return $features; } my $optional_features_2_spec = { description => \&_keep, prereqs => \&_cleanup_prereqs, ':custom' => \&_prefix_custom, }; sub _feature_2 { my ($element, $key, $meta, $to_version) = @_; return unless $element && ref $element eq 'HASH'; _convert( $element, $optional_features_2_spec, $to_version ); } sub _cleanup_optional_features_2 { my ($element, $key, $meta, $to_version) = @_; return unless $element && ref $element eq 'HASH'; my $new_data = {}; for my $k ( keys %$element ) { $new_data->{$k} = _feature_2( $element->{$k}, $k, $meta, $to_version ); } return unless keys %$new_data; return $new_data; } sub _optional_features_1_4 { my ($element) = @_; return unless $element; $element = _optional_features_as_map($element); for my $name ( keys %$element ) { for my $drop ( qw/requires_packages requires_os excluded_os/ ) { delete $element->{$name}{$drop}; } } return $element; } sub _optional_features_as_map { my ($element) = @_; return unless $element; if ( ref $element eq 'ARRAY' ) { my %map; for my $feature ( @$element ) { my (@parts) = %$feature; $map{$parts[0]} = $parts[1]; } $element = \%map; } return $element; } sub _is_urlish { defined $_[0] && $_[0] =~ m{\A[-+.a-z0-9]+:.+}i } sub _url_or_drop { my ($element) = @_; return $element if _is_urlish($element); return; } sub _url_list { my ($element) = @_; return unless $element; $element = _listify( $element ); $element = [ grep { _is_urlish($_) } @$element ]; return unless @$element; return $element; } sub _author_list { my ($element) = @_; return [ 'unknown' ] unless $element; $element = _listify( $element ); $element = [ map { defined $_ && length $_ ? $_ : 'unknown' } @$element ]; return [ 'unknown' ] unless @$element; return $element; } my $resource2_upgrade = { license => sub { return _is_urlish($_[0]) ? _listify( $_[0] ) : undef }, homepage => \&_url_or_drop, bugtracker => sub { my ($item) = @_; return unless $item; if ( $item =~ m{^mailto:(.*)$} ) { return { mailto => $1 } } elsif( _is_urlish($item) ) { return { web => $item } } else { return } }, repository => sub { return _is_urlish($_[0]) ? { url => $_[0] } : undef }, ':custom' => \&_prefix_custom, }; sub _upgrade_resources_2 { my (undef, undef, $meta, $version) = @_; return unless exists $meta->{resources}; return _convert($meta->{resources}, $resource2_upgrade); } my $bugtracker2_spec = { web => \&_url_or_drop, mailto => \&_keep, ':custom' => \&_prefix_custom, }; sub _repo_type { my ($element, $key, $meta, $to_version) = @_; return $element if defined $element; return unless exists $meta->{url}; my $repo_url = $meta->{url}; for my $type ( qw/git svn/ ) { return $type if $repo_url =~ m{\A$type}; } return; } my $repository2_spec = { web => \&_url_or_drop, url => \&_url_or_drop, type => \&_repo_type, ':custom' => \&_prefix_custom, }; my $resources2_cleanup = { license => \&_url_list, homepage => \&_url_or_drop, bugtracker => sub { ref $_[0] ? _convert( $_[0], $bugtracker2_spec ) : undef }, repository => sub { my $data = shift; ref $data ? _convert( $data, $repository2_spec ) : undef }, ':custom' => \&_prefix_custom, }; sub _cleanup_resources_2 { my ($resources, $key, $meta, $to_version) = @_; return unless $resources && ref $resources eq 'HASH'; return _convert($resources, $resources2_cleanup, $to_version); } my $resource1_spec = { license => \&_url_or_drop, homepage => \&_url_or_drop, bugtracker => \&_url_or_drop, repository => \&_url_or_drop, ':custom' => \&_keep, }; sub _resources_1_3 { my (undef, undef, $meta, $version) = @_; return unless exists $meta->{resources}; return _convert($meta->{resources}, $resource1_spec); } *_resources_1_4 = *_resources_1_3; sub _resources_1_2 { my (undef, undef, $meta) = @_; my $resources = $meta->{resources} || {}; if ( $meta->{license_url} && ! $resources->{license} ) { $resources->{license} = $meta->license_url if _is_urlish($meta->{license_url}); } return unless keys %$resources; return _convert($resources, $resource1_spec); } my $resource_downgrade_spec = { license => sub { return ref $_[0] ? $_[0]->[0] : $_[0] }, homepage => \&_url_or_drop, bugtracker => sub { return $_[0]->{web} }, repository => sub { return $_[0]->{url} || $_[0]->{web} }, ':custom' => \&_no_prefix_ucfirst_custom, }; sub _downgrade_resources { my (undef, undef, $meta, $version) = @_; return unless exists $meta->{resources}; return _convert($meta->{resources}, $resource_downgrade_spec); } sub _release_status { my ($element, undef, $meta) = @_; return $element if $element && $element =~ m{\A(?:stable|testing|unstable)\z}; return _release_status_from_version(undef, undef, $meta); } sub _release_status_from_version { my (undef, undef, $meta) = @_; my $version = $meta->{version} || ''; return ( $version =~ /_/ ) ? 'testing' : 'stable'; } my $provides_spec = { file => \&_keep, version => \&_keep, }; my $provides_spec_2 = { file => \&_keep, version => \&_keep, ':custom' => \&_prefix_custom, }; sub _provides { my ($element, $key, $meta, $to_version) = @_; return unless defined $element && ref $element eq 'HASH'; my $spec = $to_version == 2 ? $provides_spec_2 : $provides_spec; my $new_data = {}; for my $k ( keys %$element ) { $new_data->{$k} = _convert($element->{$k}, $spec, $to_version); $new_data->{$k}{version} = _clean_version($element->{$k}{version}) if exists $element->{$k}{version}; } return $new_data; } sub _convert { my ($data, $spec, $to_version) = @_; my $new_data = {}; for my $key ( keys %$spec ) { next if $key eq ':custom' || $key eq ':drop'; next unless my $fcn = $spec->{$key}; die "spec for '$key' is not a coderef" unless ref $fcn && ref $fcn eq 'CODE'; my $new_value = $fcn->($data->{$key}, $key, $data, $to_version); $new_data->{$key} = $new_value if defined $new_value; } my $drop_list = $spec->{':drop'}; my $customizer = $spec->{':custom'} || \&_keep; for my $key ( keys %$data ) { next if $drop_list && grep { $key eq $_ } @$drop_list; next if exists $spec->{$key}; # we handled it $new_data->{ $customizer->($key) } = $data->{$key}; } return $new_data; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # define converters for each conversion #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # each converts from prior version # special ":custom" field is used for keys not recognized in spec my %up_convert = ( '2-from-1.4' => { # PRIOR MANDATORY 'abstract' => \&_keep_or_unknown, 'author' => \&_author_list, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_2, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, 'name' => \&_keep, 'version' => \&_keep, # CHANGED TO MANDATORY 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, # ADDED MANDATORY 'release_status' => \&_release_status_from_version, # PRIOR OPTIONAL 'keywords' => \&_keep, 'no_index' => \&_no_index_directory, 'optional_features' => \&_upgrade_optional_features, 'provides' => \&_provides, 'resources' => \&_upgrade_resources_2, # ADDED OPTIONAL 'description' => \&_keep, 'prereqs' => \&_prereqs_from_1, # drop these deprecated fields, but only after we convert ':drop' => [ qw( build_requires configure_requires conflicts distribution_type license_url private recommends requires ) ], # other random keys need x_ prefixing ':custom' => \&_prefix_custom, }, '1.4-from-1.3' => { # PRIOR MANDATORY 'abstract' => \&_keep_or_unknown, 'author' => \&_author_list, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_1, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, 'name' => \&_keep, 'version' => \&_keep, # PRIOR OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'keywords' => \&_keep, 'no_index' => \&_no_index_directory, 'optional_features' => \&_optional_features_1_4, 'provides' => \&_provides, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, 'resources' => \&_resources_1_4, # ADDED OPTIONAL 'configure_requires' => \&_keep, # drop these deprecated fields, but only after we convert ':drop' => [ qw( license_url private )], # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep }, '1.3-from-1.2' => { # PRIOR MANDATORY 'abstract' => \&_keep_or_unknown, 'author' => \&_author_list, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_1, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, 'name' => \&_keep, 'version' => \&_keep, # PRIOR OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'keywords' => \&_keep, 'no_index' => \&_no_index_directory, 'optional_features' => \&_optional_features_as_map, 'provides' => \&_provides, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, 'resources' => \&_resources_1_3, # drop these deprecated fields, but only after we convert ':drop' => [ qw( license_url private )], # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep }, '1.2-from-1.1' => { # PRIOR MANDATORY 'version' => \&_keep, # CHANGED TO MANDATORY 'license' => \&_license_1, 'name' => \&_keep, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, # ADDED MANDATORY 'abstract' => \&_keep_or_unknown, 'author' => \&_author_list, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, # PRIOR OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, # ADDED OPTIONAL 'keywords' => \&_keep, 'no_index' => \&_no_index_1_2, 'optional_features' => \&_optional_features_as_map, 'provides' => \&_provides, 'resources' => \&_resources_1_2, # drop these deprecated fields, but only after we convert ':drop' => [ qw( license_url private )], # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep }, '1.1-from-1.0' => { # CHANGED TO MANDATORY 'version' => \&_keep, # IMPLIED MANDATORY 'name' => \&_keep, # PRIOR OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_1, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, # ADDED OPTIONAL 'license_url' => \&_url_or_drop, 'private' => \&_keep, # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep }, ); my %down_convert = ( '1.4-from-2' => { # MANDATORY 'abstract' => \&_keep_or_unknown, 'author' => \&_author_list, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_downgrade_license, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, 'name' => \&_keep, 'version' => \&_keep, # OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_get_build_requires, 'configure_requires' => \&_get_configure_requires, 'conflicts' => \&_get_conflicts, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'keywords' => \&_keep, 'no_index' => \&_no_index_directory, 'optional_features' => \&_downgrade_optional_features, 'provides' => \&_provides, 'recommends' => \&_get_recommends, 'requires' => \&_get_requires, 'resources' => \&_downgrade_resources, # drop these unsupported fields (after conversion) ':drop' => [ qw( description prereqs release_status )], # custom keys will be left unchanged ':custom' => \&_keep }, '1.3-from-1.4' => { # MANDATORY 'abstract' => \&_keep_or_unknown, 'author' => \&_author_list, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_1, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, 'name' => \&_keep, 'version' => \&_keep, # OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'keywords' => \&_keep, 'no_index' => \&_no_index_directory, 'optional_features' => \&_optional_features_as_map, 'provides' => \&_provides, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, 'resources' => \&_resources_1_3, # drop these unsupported fields, but only after we convert ':drop' => [ qw( configure_requires )], # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep, }, '1.2-from-1.3' => { # MANDATORY 'abstract' => \&_keep_or_unknown, 'author' => \&_author_list, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_1, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, 'name' => \&_keep, 'version' => \&_keep, # OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'keywords' => \&_keep, 'no_index' => \&_no_index_1_2, 'optional_features' => \&_optional_features_as_map, 'provides' => \&_provides, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, 'resources' => \&_resources_1_3, # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep, }, '1.1-from-1.2' => { # MANDATORY 'version' => \&_keep, # IMPLIED MANDATORY 'name' => \&_keep, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, # OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_1, 'private' => \&_keep, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, # drop unsupported fields ':drop' => [ qw( abstract author provides no_index keywords resources )], # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep, }, '1.0-from-1.1' => { # IMPLIED MANDATORY 'name' => \&_keep, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, 'version' => \&_keep, # PRIOR OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_1, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep, }, ); my %cleanup = ( '2' => { # PRIOR MANDATORY 'abstract' => \&_keep_or_unknown, 'author' => \&_author_list, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_2, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, 'name' => \&_keep, 'version' => \&_keep, # CHANGED TO MANDATORY 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, # ADDED MANDATORY 'release_status' => \&_release_status, # PRIOR OPTIONAL 'keywords' => \&_keep, 'no_index' => \&_no_index_directory, 'optional_features' => \&_cleanup_optional_features_2, 'provides' => \&_provides, 'resources' => \&_cleanup_resources_2, # ADDED OPTIONAL 'description' => \&_keep, 'prereqs' => \&_cleanup_prereqs, # drop these deprecated fields, but only after we convert ':drop' => [ qw( build_requires configure_requires conflicts distribution_type license_url private recommends requires ) ], # other random keys need x_ prefixing ':custom' => \&_prefix_custom, }, '1.4' => { # PRIOR MANDATORY 'abstract' => \&_keep_or_unknown, 'author' => \&_author_list, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_1, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, 'name' => \&_keep, 'version' => \&_keep, # PRIOR OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'keywords' => \&_keep, 'no_index' => \&_no_index_directory, 'optional_features' => \&_optional_features_1_4, 'provides' => \&_provides, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, 'resources' => \&_resources_1_4, # ADDED OPTIONAL 'configure_requires' => \&_keep, # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep }, '1.3' => { # PRIOR MANDATORY 'abstract' => \&_keep_or_unknown, 'author' => \&_author_list, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_1, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, 'name' => \&_keep, 'version' => \&_keep, # PRIOR OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'keywords' => \&_keep, 'no_index' => \&_no_index_directory, 'optional_features' => \&_optional_features_as_map, 'provides' => \&_provides, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, 'resources' => \&_resources_1_3, # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep }, '1.2' => { # PRIOR MANDATORY 'version' => \&_keep, # CHANGED TO MANDATORY 'license' => \&_license_1, 'name' => \&_keep, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, # ADDED MANDATORY 'abstract' => \&_keep_or_unknown, 'author' => \&_author_list, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, # PRIOR OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, # ADDED OPTIONAL 'keywords' => \&_keep, 'no_index' => \&_no_index_1_2, 'optional_features' => \&_optional_features_as_map, 'provides' => \&_provides, 'resources' => \&_resources_1_2, # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep }, '1.1' => { # CHANGED TO MANDATORY 'version' => \&_keep, # IMPLIED MANDATORY 'name' => \&_keep, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, # PRIOR OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_1, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, # ADDED OPTIONAL 'license_url' => \&_url_or_drop, 'private' => \&_keep, # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep }, '1.0' => { # IMPLIED MANDATORY 'name' => \&_keep, 'meta-spec' => \&_change_meta_spec, 'version' => \&_keep, # IMPLIED OPTIONAL 'build_requires' => \&_version_map, 'conflicts' => \&_version_map, 'distribution_type' => \&_keep, 'dynamic_config' => \&_keep_or_one, 'generated_by' => \&_generated_by, 'license' => \&_license_1, 'recommends' => \&_version_map, 'requires' => \&_version_map, # other random keys are OK if already valid ':custom' => \&_keep, }, ); #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Code #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # =method new # # my $cmc = CPAN::Meta::Converter->new( $struct ); # # The constructor should be passed a valid metadata structure but invalid # structures are accepted. If no meta-spec version is provided, version 1.0 will # be assumed. # # =cut sub new { my ($class,$data) = @_; # create an attributes hash my $self = { 'data' => $data, 'spec' => _extract_spec_version($data), }; # create the object return bless $self, $class; } sub _extract_spec_version { my ($data) = @_; my $spec = $data->{'meta-spec'}; # is meta-spec there and valid? return "1.0" unless defined $spec && ref $spec eq 'HASH'; # before meta-spec? # does the version key look like a valid version? my $v = $spec->{version}; if ( defined $v && $v =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ ) { return $v if defined $v && grep { $v eq $_ } keys %known_specs; # known spec return $v+0 if defined $v && grep { $v == $_ } keys %known_specs; # 2.0 => 2 } # otherwise, use heuristics: look for 1.x vs 2.0 fields return "2" if exists $data->{prereqs}; return "1.4" if exists $data->{configure_requires}; return "1.2"; # when meta-spec was first defined } # =method convert # # my $new_struct = $cmc->convert( version => "2" ); # # Returns a new hash reference with the metadata converted to a different form. # C will die if any conversion/standardization still results in an # invalid structure. # # Valid parameters include: # # =over # # =item * # # C -- Indicates the desired specification version (e.g. "1.0", "1.1" ... "1.4", "2"). # Defaults to the latest version of the CPAN Meta Spec. # # =back # # Conversion proceeds through each version in turn. For example, a version 1.2 # structure might be converted to 1.3 then 1.4 then finally to version 2. The # conversion process attempts to clean-up simple errors and standardize data. # For example, if C is given as a scalar, it will converted to an array # reference containing the item. (Converting a structure to its own version will # also clean-up and standardize.) # # When data are cleaned and standardized, missing or invalid fields will be # replaced with sensible defaults when possible. This may be lossy or imprecise. # For example, some badly structured META.yml files on CPAN have prerequisite # modules listed as both keys and values: # # requires => { 'Foo::Bar' => 'Bam::Baz' } # # These would be split and each converted to a prerequisite with a minimum # version of zero. # # When some mandatory fields are missing or invalid, the conversion will attempt # to provide a sensible default or will fill them with a value of 'unknown'. For # example a missing or unrecognized C field will result in a C # field of 'unknown'. Fields that may get an 'unknown' include: # # =for :list # * abstract # * author # * license # # =cut sub convert { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $args = { %args }; my $new_version = $args->{version} || $HIGHEST; my ($old_version) = $self->{spec}; my $converted = _dclone($self->{data}); if ( $old_version == $new_version ) { $converted = _convert( $converted, $cleanup{$old_version}, $old_version ); my $cmv = CPAN::Meta::Validator->new( $converted ); unless ( $cmv->is_valid ) { my $errs = join("\n", $cmv->errors); die "Failed to clean-up $old_version metadata. Errors:\n$errs\n"; } return $converted; } elsif ( $old_version > $new_version ) { my @vers = sort { $b <=> $a } keys %known_specs; for my $i ( 0 .. $#vers-1 ) { next if $vers[$i] > $old_version; last if $vers[$i+1] < $new_version; my $spec_string = "$vers[$i+1]-from-$vers[$i]"; $converted = _convert( $converted, $down_convert{$spec_string}, $vers[$i+1] ); my $cmv = CPAN::Meta::Validator->new( $converted ); unless ( $cmv->is_valid ) { my $errs = join("\n", $cmv->errors); die "Failed to downconvert metadata to $vers[$i+1]. Errors:\n$errs\n"; } } return $converted; } else { my @vers = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %known_specs; for my $i ( 0 .. $#vers-1 ) { next if $vers[$i] < $old_version; last if $vers[$i+1] > $new_version; my $spec_string = "$vers[$i+1]-from-$vers[$i]"; $converted = _convert( $converted, $up_convert{$spec_string}, $vers[$i+1] ); my $cmv = CPAN::Meta::Validator->new( $converted ); unless ( $cmv->is_valid ) { my $errs = join("\n", $cmv->errors); die "Failed to upconvert metadata to $vers[$i+1]. Errors:\n$errs\n"; } } return $converted; } } 1; # ABSTRACT: Convert CPAN distribution metadata structures __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME CPAN::Meta::Converter - Convert CPAN distribution metadata structures =head1 VERSION version 2.140640 =head1 SYNOPSIS my $struct = decode_json_file('META.json'); my $cmc = CPAN::Meta::Converter->new( $struct ); my $new_struct = $cmc->convert( version => "2" ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module converts CPAN Meta structures from one form to another. The primary use is to convert older structures to the most modern version of the specification, but other transformations may be implemented in the future as needed. (E.g. stripping all custom fields or stripping all optional fields.) =head1 METHODS =head2 new my $cmc = CPAN::Meta::Converter->new( $struct ); The constructor should be passed a valid metadata structure but invalid structures are accepted. If no meta-spec version is provided, version 1.0 will be assumed. =head2 convert my $new_struct = $cmc->convert( version => "2" ); Returns a new hash reference with the metadata converted to a different form. C will die if any conversion/standardization still results in an invalid structure. Valid parameters include: =over =item * C -- Indicates the desired specification version (e.g. "1.0", "1.1" ... "1.4", "2"). Defaults to the latest version of the CPAN Meta Spec. =back Conversion proceeds through each version in turn. For example, a version 1.2 structure might be converted to 1.3 then 1.4 then finally to version 2. The conversion process attempts to clean-up simple errors and standardize data. For example, if C is given as a scalar, it will converted to an array reference containing the item. (Converting a structure to its own version will also clean-up and standardize.) When data are cleaned and standardized, missing or invalid fields will be replaced with sensible defaults when possible. This may be lossy or imprecise. For example, some badly structured META.yml files on CPAN have prerequisite modules listed as both keys and values: requires => { 'Foo::Bar' => 'Bam::Baz' } These would be split and each converted to a prerequisite with a minimum version of zero. When some mandatory fields are missing or invalid, the conversion will attempt to provide a sensible default or will fill them with a value of 'unknown'. For example a missing or unrecognized C field will result in a C field of 'unknown'. Fields that may get an 'unknown' include: =over 4 =item * abstract =item * author =item * license =back =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature using the CPAN Request Tracker. Bugs can be submitted through the web interface at L When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * David Golden =item * Ricardo Signes =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden and Ricardo Signes. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut