package Encode::MIME::Header; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = do { my @r = ( q$Revision: 2.24 $ =~ /\d+/g ); sprintf "%d." . "%02d" x $#r, @r }; use Carp (); use Encode (); use MIME::Base64 (); my %seed = ( decode_b => 1, # decodes 'B' encoding ? decode_q => 1, # decodes 'Q' encoding ? encode => 'B', # encode with 'B' or 'Q' ? charset => 'UTF-8', # encode charset bpl => 75, # bytes per line ); $Encode::Encoding{'MIME-Header'} = bless { %seed, Name => 'MIME-Header', } => __PACKAGE__; $Encode::Encoding{'MIME-B'} = bless { %seed, decode_q => 0, Name => 'MIME-B', } => __PACKAGE__; $Encode::Encoding{'MIME-Q'} = bless { %seed, decode_b => 0, encode => 'Q', Name => 'MIME-Q', } => __PACKAGE__; use parent qw(Encode::Encoding); sub needs_lines { 1 } sub perlio_ok { 0 } # RFC 2047 and RFC 2231 grammar my $re_charset = qr/[!"#\$%&'+\-0-9A-Z\\\^_`a-z\{\|\}~]+/; my $re_language = qr/[A-Za-z]{1,8}(?:-[0-9A-Za-z]{1,8})*/; my $re_encoding = qr/[QqBb]/; my $re_encoded_text = qr/[^\?]*/; my $re_encoded_word = qr/=\?$re_charset(?:\*$re_language)?\?$re_encoding\?$re_encoded_text\?=/; my $re_capture_encoded_word = qr/=\?($re_charset)((?:\*$re_language)?)\?($re_encoding\?$re_encoded_text)\?=/; my $re_capture_encoded_word_split = qr/=\?($re_charset)((?:\*$re_language)?)\?($re_encoding)\?($re_encoded_text)\?=/; # in strict mode check also for valid base64 characters and also for valid quoted printable codes my $re_encoding_strict_b = qr/[Bb]/; my $re_encoding_strict_q = qr/[Qq]/; my $re_encoded_text_strict_b = qr/[0-9A-Za-z\+\/]*={0,2}/; my $re_encoded_text_strict_q = qr/(?:[^\?\s=]|=[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})*/; my $re_encoded_word_strict = qr/=\?$re_charset(?:\*$re_language)?\?(?:$re_encoding_strict_b\?$re_encoded_text_strict_b|$re_encoding_strict_q\?$re_encoded_text_strict_q)\?=/; my $re_capture_encoded_word_strict = qr/=\?($re_charset)((?:\*$re_language)?)\?($re_encoding_strict_b\?$re_encoded_text_strict_b|$re_encoding_strict_q\?$re_encoded_text_strict_q)\?=/; my $re_newline = qr/(?:\r\n|[\r\n])/; # in strict mode encoded words must be always separated by spaces or tabs (or folded newline) # except in comments when separator between words and comment round brackets can be omitted my $re_word_begin_strict = qr/(?:(?:[ \t]|\A)\(?|(?:[^\\]|\A)\)\()/; my $re_word_sep_strict = qr/(?:$re_newline?[ \t])+/; my $re_word_end_strict = qr/(?:\)\(|\)?(?:$re_newline?[ \t]|\z))/; my $re_match = qr/()((?:$re_encoded_word\s*)*$re_encoded_word)()/; my $re_match_strict = qr/($re_word_begin_strict)((?:$re_encoded_word_strict$re_word_sep_strict)*$re_encoded_word_strict)(?=$re_word_end_strict)/; my $re_capture = qr/$re_capture_encoded_word(?:\s*)?/; my $re_capture_strict = qr/$re_capture_encoded_word_strict$re_word_sep_strict?/; our $STRICT_DECODE = 0; sub decode($$;$) { my ($obj, $str, $chk) = @_; my $re_match_decode = $STRICT_DECODE ? $re_match_strict : $re_match; my $re_capture_decode = $STRICT_DECODE ? $re_capture_strict : $re_capture; my $stop = 0; my $output = substr($str, 0, 0); # to propagate taintedness # decode each line separately, match whole continuous folded line at one call 1 while not $stop and $str =~ s{^((?:[^\r\n]*(?:$re_newline[ \t])?)*)($re_newline)?}{ my $line = $1; my $sep = defined $2 ? $2 : ''; $stop = 1 unless length($line) or length($sep); # NOTE: this code partially could break $chk support # in non strict mode concat consecutive encoded mime words with same charset, language and encoding # fixes breaking inside multi-byte characters 1 while not $STRICT_DECODE and $line =~ s/$re_capture_encoded_word_split\s*=\?\1\2\?\3\?($re_encoded_text)\?=/=\?$1$2\?$3\?$4$5\?=/so; # process sequence of encoded MIME words at once 1 while not $stop and $line =~ s{^(.*?)$re_match_decode}{ my $begin = $1 . $2; my $words = $3; $begin =~ tr/\r\n//d; $output .= $begin; # decode one MIME word 1 while not $stop and $words =~ s{^(.*?)($re_capture_decode)}{ $output .= $1; my $orig = $2; my $charset = $3; my ($mime_enc, $text) = split /\?/, $5; $text =~ tr/\r\n//d; my $enc = Encode::find_mime_encoding($charset); # in non strict mode allow also perl encoding aliases if ( not defined $enc and not $STRICT_DECODE ) { # make sure that decoded string will be always strict UTF-8 $charset = 'UTF-8' if lc($charset) eq 'utf8'; $enc = Encode::find_encoding($charset); } if ( not defined $enc ) { Carp::croak qq(Unknown charset "$charset") if not ref $chk and $chk & Encode::DIE_ON_ERR; Carp::carp qq(Unknown charset "$charset") if not ref $chk and $chk & Encode::WARN_ON_ERR; $stop = 1 if not ref $chk and $chk & Encode::RETURN_ON_ERR; $output .= ($output =~ /(?:\A|[ \t])$/ ? '' : ' ') . $orig unless $stop; # $orig mime word is separated by whitespace $stop ? $orig : ''; } else { if ( uc($mime_enc) eq 'B' and $obj->{decode_b} ) { my $decoded = _decode_b($enc, $text, $chk); $stop = 1 if not defined $decoded and not ref $chk and $chk & Encode::RETURN_ON_ERR; $output .= (defined $decoded ? $decoded : $text) unless $stop; $stop ? $orig : ''; } elsif ( uc($mime_enc) eq 'Q' and $obj->{decode_q} ) { my $decoded = _decode_q($enc, $text, $chk); $stop = 1 if not defined $decoded and not ref $chk and $chk & Encode::RETURN_ON_ERR; $output .= (defined $decoded ? $decoded : $text) unless $stop; $stop ? $orig : ''; } else { Carp::croak qq(MIME "$mime_enc" unsupported) if not ref $chk and $chk & Encode::DIE_ON_ERR; Carp::carp qq(MIME "$mime_enc" unsupported) if not ref $chk and $chk & Encode::WARN_ON_ERR; $stop = 1 if not ref $chk and $chk & Encode::RETURN_ON_ERR; $output .= ($output =~ /(?:\A|[ \t])$/ ? '' : ' ') . $orig unless $stop; # $orig mime word is separated by whitespace $stop ? $orig : ''; } } }se; if ( not $stop ) { $output .= $words; $words = ''; } $words; }se; if ( not $stop ) { $line =~ tr/\r\n//d; $output .= $line . $sep; $line = ''; $sep = ''; } $line . $sep; }se; $_[1] = $str if not ref $chk and $chk and !($chk & Encode::LEAVE_SRC); return $output; } sub _decode_b { my ($enc, $text, $chk) = @_; # MIME::Base64::decode ignores everything after a '=' padding character # in non strict mode split string after each sequence of padding characters and decode each substring my $octets = $STRICT_DECODE ? MIME::Base64::decode($text) : join('', map { MIME::Base64::decode($_) } split /(?<==)(?=[^=])/, $text); return _decode_octets($enc, $octets, $chk); } sub _decode_q { my ($enc, $text, $chk) = @_; $text =~ s/_/ /go; $text =~ s/=([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/pack('C', hex($1))/ego; return _decode_octets($enc, $text, $chk); } sub _decode_octets { my ($enc, $octets, $chk) = @_; $chk &= ~Encode::LEAVE_SRC if not ref $chk and $chk; local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1; # propagate Carp messages back to caller my $output = $enc->decode($octets, $chk); return undef if not ref $chk and $chk and $octets ne ''; return $output; } sub encode($$;$) { my ($obj, $str, $chk) = @_; my $output = $obj->_fold_line($obj->_encode_string($str, $chk)); $_[1] = $str if not ref $chk and $chk and !($chk & Encode::LEAVE_SRC); return $output . substr($str, 0, 0); # to propagate taintedness } sub _fold_line { my ($obj, $line) = @_; my $bpl = $obj->{bpl}; my $output = ''; while ( length($line) ) { if ( $line =~ s/^(.{0,$bpl})(\s|\z)// ) { $output .= $1; $output .= "\r\n" . $2 if length($line); } elsif ( $line =~ s/(\s)(.*)$// ) { $output .= $line; $line = $2; $output .= "\r\n" . $1 if length($line); } else { $output .= $line; last; } } return $output; } sub _encode_string { my ($obj, $str, $chk) = @_; my $wordlen = $obj->{bpl} > 76 ? 76 : $obj->{bpl}; my $enc = Encode::find_mime_encoding($obj->{charset}); my $enc_chk = (not ref $chk and $chk) ? ($chk | Encode::LEAVE_SRC) : $chk; my @result = (); my $octets = ''; while ( length( my $chr = substr($str, 0, 1, '') ) ) { my $seq; { local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1; # propagate Carp messages back to caller $seq = $enc->encode($chr, $enc_chk); } if ( not length($seq) ) { substr($str, 0, 0, $chr); last; } if ( $obj->_encoded_word_len($octets . $seq) > $wordlen ) { push @result, $obj->_encode_word($octets); $octets = ''; } $octets .= $seq; } length($octets) and push @result, $obj->_encode_word($octets); $_[1] = $str if not ref $chk and $chk and !($chk & Encode::LEAVE_SRC); return join(' ', @result); } sub _encode_word { my ($obj, $octets) = @_; my $charset = $obj->{charset}; my $encode = $obj->{encode}; my $text = $encode eq 'B' ? _encode_b($octets) : _encode_q($octets); return "=?$charset?$encode?$text?="; } sub _encoded_word_len { my ($obj, $octets) = @_; my $charset = $obj->{charset}; my $encode = $obj->{encode}; my $text_len = $encode eq 'B' ? _encoded_b_len($octets) : _encoded_q_len($octets); return length("=?$charset?$encode??=") + $text_len; } sub _encode_b { my ($octets) = @_; return MIME::Base64::encode($octets, ''); } sub _encoded_b_len { my ($octets) = @_; return ( length($octets) + 2 ) / 3 * 4; } my $re_invalid_q_char = qr/[^0-9A-Za-z !*+\-\/]/; sub _encode_q { my ($octets) = @_; $octets =~ s{($re_invalid_q_char)}{ join('', map { sprintf('=%02X', $_) } unpack('C*', $1)) }egox; $octets =~ s/ /_/go; return $octets; } sub _encoded_q_len { my ($octets) = @_; my $invalid_count = () = $octets =~ /$re_invalid_q_char/sgo; return ( $invalid_count * 3 ) + ( length($octets) - $invalid_count ); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Encode::MIME::Header -- MIME encoding for an unstructured email header =head1 SYNOPSIS use Encode qw(encode decode); my $mime_str = encode("MIME-Header", "Sample:Text \N{U+263A}"); # $mime_str is "=?UTF-8?B?U2FtcGxlOlRleHQg4pi6?=" my $mime_q_str = encode("MIME-Q", "Sample:Text \N{U+263A}"); # $mime_q_str is "=?UTF-8?Q?Sample=3AText_=E2=98=BA?=" my $str = decode("MIME-Header", "=?ISO-8859-1?B?SWYgeW91IGNhbiByZWFkIHRoaXMgeW8=?=\r\n " . "=?ISO-8859-2?B?dSB1bmRlcnN0YW5kIHRoZSBleGFtcGxlLg==?=" ); # $str is "If you can read this you understand the example." use Encode qw(decode :fallbacks); use Encode::MIME::Header; local $Encode::MIME::Header::STRICT_DECODE = 1; my $strict_string = decode("MIME-Header", $mime_string, FB_CROAK); # use strict decoding and croak on errors =head1 ABSTRACT This module implements L MIME encoding for an unstructured field body of the email header. It can also be used for L 'text' token. However, it cannot be used directly for the whole header with the field name or for the structured header fields like From, To, Cc, Message-Id, etc... There are 3 encoding names supported by this module: C, C and C. =head1 DESCRIPTION Decode method takes an unstructured field body of the email header (or L 'text' token) as its input and decodes each MIME encoded-word from input string to a sequence of bytes according to L and L. Subsequently, each sequence of bytes with the corresponding MIME charset is decoded with L and finally, one output string is returned. Text parts of the input string which do not contain MIME encoded-word stay unmodified in the output string. Folded newlines between two consecutive MIME encoded-words are discarded, others are preserved in the output string. C can decode Base64 variant, C can decode Quoted-Printable variant and C can decode both of them. If L does not support particular MIME charset or chosen variant then an action based on L is performed (by default, the MIME encoded-word is not decoded). Encode method takes a scalar string as its input and uses L encoder for encoding it to UTF-8 bytes. Then a sequence of UTF-8 bytes is encoded into MIME encoded-words (C and C use a Base64 variant while C uses a Quoted-Printable variant) where each MIME encoded-word is limited to 75 characters. MIME encoded-words are separated by C and joined to one output string. Output string is suitable for unstructured field body of the email header. Both encode and decode methods propagate L when encoding and decoding the MIME charset. =head1 BUGS Versions prior to 2.22 (part of Encode 2.83) have a malfunctioning decoder and encoder. The MIME encoder infamously inserted additional spaces or discarded white spaces between consecutive MIME encoded-words, which led to invalid MIME headers produced by this module. The MIME decoder had a tendency to discard white spaces, incorrectly interpret data or attempt to decode Base64 MIME encoded-words as Quoted-Printable. These problems were fixed in version 2.22. It is highly recommended not to use any version prior 2.22! Versions prior to 2.24 (part of Encode 2.87) ignored L. The MIME encoder used L encoder for input Unicode strings which could lead to invalid UTF-8 sequences. MIME decoder used also L decoder and additionally called the decode method with a C flag (thus user-specified L were ignored). Moreover, it automatically croaked when a MIME encoded-word contained unknown encoding. Since version 2.24, this module uses L encoder and decoder. And L are correctly propagated. Since version 2.22 (part of Encode 2.83), the MIME encoder should be fully compliant to L and L. Due to the aforementioned bugs in previous versions of the MIME encoder, there is a I compatible mode for the MIME decoder which is used by default. It should be able to decode MIME encoded-words encoded by pre 2.22 versions of this module. However, note that this is not correct according to L. In default I mode the MIME decoder attempts to decode every substring which looks like a MIME encoded-word. Therefore, the MIME encoded-words do not need to be separated by white space. To enforce a correct I mode, set variable C<$Encode::MIME::Header::STRICT_DECODE> to 1 e.g. by localizing: use Encode::MIME::Header; local $Encode::MIME::Header::STRICT_DECODE = 1; =head1 AUTHORS Pali Epali@cpan.orgE =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L =cut