package Encode::MIME::Header; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = do { my @r = ( q$Revision: 2.29 $ =~ /\d+/g ); sprintf "%d." . "%02d" x $#r, @r }; use Carp (); use Encode (); use MIME::Base64 (); my %seed = ( decode_b => 1, # decodes 'B' encoding ? decode_q => 1, # decodes 'Q' encoding ? encode => 'B', # encode with 'B' or 'Q' ? charset => 'UTF-8', # encode charset bpl => 75, # bytes per line ); my @objs; push @objs, bless { %seed, Name => 'MIME-Header', } => __PACKAGE__; push @objs, bless { %seed, decode_q => 0, Name => 'MIME-B', } => __PACKAGE__; push @objs, bless { %seed, decode_b => 0, encode => 'Q', Name => 'MIME-Q', } => __PACKAGE__; Encode::define_encoding($_, $_->{Name}) foreach @objs; use parent qw(Encode::Encoding); sub needs_lines { 1 } sub perlio_ok { 0 } # RFC 2047 and RFC 2231 grammar my $re_charset = qr/[!"#\$%&'+\-0-9A-Z\\\^_`a-z\{\|\}~]+/; my $re_language = qr/[A-Za-z]{1,8}(?:-[0-9A-Za-z]{1,8})*/; my $re_encoding = qr/[QqBb]/; my $re_encoded_text = qr/[^\?]*/; my $re_encoded_word = qr/=\?$re_charset(?:\*$re_language)?\?$re_encoding\?$re_encoded_text\?=/; my $re_capture_encoded_word = qr/=\?($re_charset)((?:\*$re_language)?)\?($re_encoding\?$re_encoded_text)\?=/; my $re_capture_encoded_word_split = qr/=\?($re_charset)((?:\*$re_language)?)\?($re_encoding)\?($re_encoded_text)\?=/; # in strict mode check also for valid base64 characters and also for valid quoted printable codes my $re_encoding_strict_b = qr/[Bb]/; my $re_encoding_strict_q = qr/[Qq]/; my $re_encoded_text_strict_b = qr/(?:[0-9A-Za-z\+\/]{4})*(?:[0-9A-Za-z\+\/]{2}==|[0-9A-Za-z\+\/]{3}=|)/; my $re_encoded_text_strict_q = qr/(?:[\x21-\x3C\x3E\x40-\x7E]|=[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})*/; # NOTE: first part are printable US-ASCII except ?, =, SPACE and TAB my $re_encoded_word_strict = qr/=\?$re_charset(?:\*$re_language)?\?(?:$re_encoding_strict_b\?$re_encoded_text_strict_b|$re_encoding_strict_q\?$re_encoded_text_strict_q)\?=/; my $re_capture_encoded_word_strict = qr/=\?($re_charset)((?:\*$re_language)?)\?($re_encoding_strict_b\?$re_encoded_text_strict_b|$re_encoding_strict_q\?$re_encoded_text_strict_q)\?=/; my $re_newline = qr/(?:\r\n|[\r\n])/; # in strict mode encoded words must be always separated by spaces or tabs (or folded newline) # except in comments when separator between words and comment round brackets can be omitted my $re_word_begin_strict = qr/(?:(?:[ \t]|\A)\(?|(?:[^\\]|\A)\)\()/; my $re_word_sep_strict = qr/(?:$re_newline?[ \t])+/; my $re_word_end_strict = qr/(?:\)\(|\)?(?:$re_newline?[ \t]|\z))/; my $re_match = qr/()((?:$re_encoded_word\s*)*$re_encoded_word)()/; my $re_match_strict = qr/($re_word_begin_strict)((?:$re_encoded_word_strict$re_word_sep_strict)*$re_encoded_word_strict)(?=$re_word_end_strict)/; my $re_capture = qr/$re_capture_encoded_word(?:\s*)?/; my $re_capture_strict = qr/$re_capture_encoded_word_strict$re_word_sep_strict?/; our $STRICT_DECODE = 0; sub decode($$;$) { my ($obj, $str, $chk) = @_; return undef unless defined $str; my $re_match_decode = $STRICT_DECODE ? $re_match_strict : $re_match; my $re_capture_decode = $STRICT_DECODE ? $re_capture_strict : $re_capture; my $stop = 0; my $output = substr($str, 0, 0); # to propagate taintedness # decode each line separately, match whole continuous folded line at one call 1 while not $stop and $str =~ s{^((?:[^\r\n]*(?:$re_newline[ \t])?)*)($re_newline)?}{ my $line = $1; my $sep = defined $2 ? $2 : ''; $stop = 1 unless length($line) or length($sep); # in non strict mode append missing '=' padding characters for b words # fixes below concatenation of consecutive encoded mime words 1 while not $STRICT_DECODE and $line =~ s/(=\?$re_charset(?:\*$re_language)?\?[Bb]\?)((?:[^\?]{4})*[^\?]{1,3})(\?=)/$1.$2.('='x(4-length($2)%4)).$3/se; # NOTE: this code partially could break $chk support # in non strict mode concat consecutive encoded mime words with same charset, language and encoding # fixes breaking inside multi-byte characters 1 while not $STRICT_DECODE and $line =~ s/$re_capture_encoded_word_split\s*=\?\1\2\?\3\?($re_encoded_text)\?=/=\?$1$2\?$3\?$4$5\?=/so; # process sequence of encoded MIME words at once 1 while not $stop and $line =~ s{^(.*?)$re_match_decode}{ my $begin = $1 . $2; my $words = $3; $begin =~ tr/\r\n//d; $output .= $begin; # decode one MIME word 1 while not $stop and $words =~ s{^(.*?)($re_capture_decode)}{ $output .= $1; my $orig = $2; my $charset = $3; my ($mime_enc, $text) = split /\?/, $5; $text =~ tr/\r\n//d; my $enc = Encode::find_mime_encoding($charset); # in non strict mode allow also perl encoding aliases if ( not defined $enc and not $STRICT_DECODE ) { # make sure that decoded string will be always strict UTF-8 $charset = 'UTF-8' if lc($charset) eq 'utf8'; $enc = Encode::find_encoding($charset); } if ( not defined $enc ) { Carp::croak qq(Unknown charset "$charset") if not ref $chk and $chk and $chk & Encode::DIE_ON_ERR; Carp::carp qq(Unknown charset "$charset") if not ref $chk and $chk and $chk & Encode::WARN_ON_ERR; $stop = 1 if not ref $chk and $chk and $chk & Encode::RETURN_ON_ERR; $output .= ($output =~ /(?:\A|[ \t])$/ ? '' : ' ') . $orig unless $stop; # $orig mime word is separated by whitespace $stop ? $orig : ''; } else { if ( uc($mime_enc) eq 'B' and $obj->{decode_b} ) { my $decoded = _decode_b($enc, $text, $chk); $stop = 1 if not defined $decoded and not ref $chk and $chk and $chk & Encode::RETURN_ON_ERR; $output .= (defined $decoded ? $decoded : $text) unless $stop; $stop ? $orig : ''; } elsif ( uc($mime_enc) eq 'Q' and $obj->{decode_q} ) { my $decoded = _decode_q($enc, $text, $chk); $stop = 1 if not defined $decoded and not ref $chk and $chk and $chk & Encode::RETURN_ON_ERR; $output .= (defined $decoded ? $decoded : $text) unless $stop; $stop ? $orig : ''; } else { Carp::croak qq(MIME "$mime_enc" unsupported) if not ref $chk and $chk and $chk & Encode::DIE_ON_ERR; Carp::carp qq(MIME "$mime_enc" unsupported) if not ref $chk and $chk and $chk & Encode::WARN_ON_ERR; $stop = 1 if not ref $chk and $chk and $chk & Encode::RETURN_ON_ERR; $output .= ($output =~ /(?:\A|[ \t])$/ ? '' : ' ') . $orig unless $stop; # $orig mime word is separated by whitespace $stop ? $orig : ''; } } }se; if ( not $stop ) { $output .= $words; $words = ''; } $words; }se; if ( not $stop ) { $line =~ tr/\r\n//d; $output .= $line . $sep; $line = ''; $sep = ''; } $line . $sep; }se; $_[1] = $str if not ref $chk and $chk and !($chk & Encode::LEAVE_SRC); return $output; } sub _decode_b { my ($enc, $text, $chk) = @_; # MIME::Base64::decode ignores everything after a '=' padding character # in non strict mode split string after each sequence of padding characters and decode each substring my $octets = $STRICT_DECODE ? MIME::Base64::decode($text) : join('', map { MIME::Base64::decode($_) } split /(?<==)(?=[^=])/, $text); return _decode_octets($enc, $octets, $chk); } sub _decode_q { my ($enc, $text, $chk) = @_; $text =~ s/_/ /go; $text =~ s/=([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/pack('C', hex($1))/ego; return _decode_octets($enc, $text, $chk); } sub _decode_octets { my ($enc, $octets, $chk) = @_; $chk = 0 unless defined $chk; $chk &= ~Encode::LEAVE_SRC if not ref $chk and $chk; my $output = $enc->decode($octets, $chk); return undef if not ref $chk and $chk and $octets ne ''; return $output; } sub encode($$;$) { my ($obj, $str, $chk) = @_; return undef unless defined $str; my $output = $obj->_fold_line($obj->_encode_string($str, $chk)); $_[1] = $str if not ref $chk and $chk and !($chk & Encode::LEAVE_SRC); return $output . substr($str, 0, 0); # to propagate taintedness } sub _fold_line { my ($obj, $line) = @_; my $bpl = $obj->{bpl}; my $output = ''; while ( length($line) ) { if ( $line =~ s/^(.{0,$bpl})(\s|\z)// ) { $output .= $1; $output .= "\r\n" . $2 if length($line); } elsif ( $line =~ s/(\s)(.*)$// ) { $output .= $line; $line = $2; $output .= "\r\n" . $1 if length($line); } else { $output .= $line; last; } } return $output; } sub _encode_string { my ($obj, $str, $chk) = @_; my $wordlen = $obj->{bpl} > 76 ? 76 : $obj->{bpl}; my $enc = Encode::find_mime_encoding($obj->{charset}); my $enc_chk = $chk; $enc_chk = 0 unless defined $enc_chk; $enc_chk |= Encode::LEAVE_SRC if not ref $enc_chk and $enc_chk; my @result = (); my $octets = ''; while ( length( my $chr = substr($str, 0, 1, '') ) ) { my $seq = $enc->encode($chr, $enc_chk); if ( not length($seq) ) { substr($str, 0, 0, $chr); last; } if ( $obj->_encoded_word_len($octets . $seq) > $wordlen ) { push @result, $obj->_encode_word($octets); $octets = ''; } $octets .= $seq; } length($octets) and push @result, $obj->_encode_word($octets); $_[1] = $str if not ref $chk and $chk and !($chk & Encode::LEAVE_SRC); return join(' ', @result); } sub _encode_word { my ($obj, $octets) = @_; my $charset = $obj->{charset}; my $encode = $obj->{encode}; my $text = $encode eq 'B' ? _encode_b($octets) : _encode_q($octets); return "=?$charset?$encode?$text?="; } sub _encoded_word_len { my ($obj, $octets) = @_; my $charset = $obj->{charset}; my $encode = $obj->{encode}; my $text_len = $encode eq 'B' ? _encoded_b_len($octets) : _encoded_q_len($octets); return length("=?$charset?$encode??=") + $text_len; } sub _encode_b { my ($octets) = @_; return MIME::Base64::encode($octets, ''); } sub _encoded_b_len { my ($octets) = @_; return ( length($octets) + 2 ) / 3 * 4; } my $re_invalid_q_char = qr/[^0-9A-Za-z !*+\-\/]/; sub _encode_q { my ($octets) = @_; $octets =~ s{($re_invalid_q_char)}{ join('', map { sprintf('=%02X', $_) } unpack('C*', $1)) }egox; $octets =~ s/ /_/go; return $octets; } sub _encoded_q_len { my ($octets) = @_; my $invalid_count = () = $octets =~ /$re_invalid_q_char/sgo; return ( $invalid_count * 3 ) + ( length($octets) - $invalid_count ); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Encode::MIME::Header -- MIME encoding for an unstructured email header =head1 SYNOPSIS use Encode qw(encode decode); my $mime_str = encode("MIME-Header", "Sample:Text \N{U+263A}"); # $mime_str is "=?UTF-8?B?U2FtcGxlOlRleHQg4pi6?=" my $mime_q_str = encode("MIME-Q", "Sample:Text \N{U+263A}"); # $mime_q_str is "=?UTF-8?Q?Sample=3AText_=E2=98=BA?=" my $str = decode("MIME-Header", "=?ISO-8859-1?B?SWYgeW91IGNhbiByZWFkIHRoaXMgeW8=?=\r\n " . "=?ISO-8859-2?B?dSB1bmRlcnN0YW5kIHRoZSBleGFtcGxlLg==?=" ); # $str is "If you can read this you understand the example." use Encode qw(decode :fallbacks); use Encode::MIME::Header; local $Encode::MIME::Header::STRICT_DECODE = 1; my $strict_string = decode("MIME-Header", $mime_string, FB_CROAK); # use strict decoding and croak on errors =head1 ABSTRACT This module implements L<RFC 2047|> MIME encoding for an unstructured field body of the email header. It can also be used for L<RFC 822|> 'text' token. However, it cannot be used directly for the whole header with the field name or for the structured header fields like From, To, Cc, Message-Id, etc... There are 3 encoding names supported by this module: C<MIME-Header>, C<MIME-B> and C<MIME-Q>. =head1 DESCRIPTION Decode method takes an unstructured field body of the email header (or L<RFC 822|> 'text' token) as its input and decodes each MIME encoded-word from input string to a sequence of bytes according to L<RFC 2047|> and L<RFC 2231|>. Subsequently, each sequence of bytes with the corresponding MIME charset is decoded with L<the Encode module|Encode> and finally, one output string is returned. Text parts of the input string which do not contain MIME encoded-word stay unmodified in the output string. Folded newlines between two consecutive MIME encoded-words are discarded, others are preserved in the output string. C<MIME-B> can decode Base64 variant, C<MIME-Q> can decode Quoted-Printable variant and C<MIME-Header> can decode both of them. If L<Encode module|Encode> does not support particular MIME charset or chosen variant then an action based on L<CHECK flags|Encode/Handling Malformed Data> is performed (by default, the MIME encoded-word is not decoded). Encode method takes a scalar string as its input and uses L<strict UTF-8|Encode/UTF-8 vs. utf8 vs. UTF8> encoder for encoding it to UTF-8 bytes. Then a sequence of UTF-8 bytes is encoded into MIME encoded-words (C<MIME-Header> and C<MIME-B> use a Base64 variant while C<MIME-Q> uses a Quoted-Printable variant) where each MIME encoded-word is limited to 75 characters. MIME encoded-words are separated by C<CRLF SPACE> and joined to one output string. Output string is suitable for unstructured field body of the email header. Both encode and decode methods propagate L<CHECK flags|Encode/Handling Malformed Data> when encoding and decoding the MIME charset. =head1 BUGS Versions prior to 2.22 (part of Encode 2.83) have a malfunctioning decoder and encoder. The MIME encoder infamously inserted additional spaces or discarded white spaces between consecutive MIME encoded-words, which led to invalid MIME headers produced by this module. The MIME decoder had a tendency to discard white spaces, incorrectly interpret data or attempt to decode Base64 MIME encoded-words as Quoted-Printable. These problems were fixed in version 2.22. It is highly recommended not to use any version prior 2.22! Versions prior to 2.24 (part of Encode 2.87) ignored L<CHECK flags|Encode/Handling Malformed Data>. The MIME encoder used L<not strict utf8|Encode/UTF-8 vs. utf8 vs. UTF8> encoder for input Unicode strings which could lead to invalid UTF-8 sequences. MIME decoder used also L<not strict utf8|Encode/UTF-8 vs. utf8 vs. UTF8> decoder and additionally called the decode method with a C<Encode::FB_PERLQQ> flag (thus user-specified L<CHECK flags|Encode/Handling Malformed Data> were ignored). Moreover, it automatically croaked when a MIME encoded-word contained unknown encoding. Since version 2.24, this module uses L<strict UTF-8|Encode/UTF-8 vs. utf8 vs. UTF8> encoder and decoder. And L<CHECK flags|Encode/Handling Malformed Data> are correctly propagated. Since version 2.22 (part of Encode 2.83), the MIME encoder should be fully compliant to L<RFC 2047|> and L<RFC 2231|>. Due to the aforementioned bugs in previous versions of the MIME encoder, there is a I<less strict> compatible mode for the MIME decoder which is used by default. It should be able to decode MIME encoded-words encoded by pre 2.22 versions of this module. However, note that this is not correct according to L<RFC 2047|>. In default I<not strict> mode the MIME decoder attempts to decode every substring which looks like a MIME encoded-word. Therefore, the MIME encoded-words do not need to be separated by white space. To enforce a correct I<strict> mode, set variable C<$Encode::MIME::Header::STRICT_DECODE> to 1 e.g. by localizing: use Encode::MIME::Header; local $Encode::MIME::Header::STRICT_DECODE = 1; =head1 AUTHORS Pali E<lt>pali@cpan.orgE<gt> =head1 SEE ALSO L<Encode>, L<RFC 822|>, L<RFC 2047|>, L<RFC 2231|> =cut