=over =item rename OLDNAME,NEWNAME X<rename> X<move> X<mv> X<ren> Changes the name of a file; an existing file NEWNAME will be clobbered. Returns true for success; on failure returns false and sets L<C<$!>|perlvar/$!>. Behavior of this function varies wildly depending on your system implementation. For example, it will usually not work across file system boundaries, even though the system I<mv> command sometimes compensates for this. Other restrictions include whether it works on directories, open files, or pre-existing files. Check L<perlport> and either the L<rename(2)> manpage or equivalent system documentation for details. For a platform independent L<C<move>|File::Copy/move> function look at the L<File::Copy> module. Portability issues: L<perlport/rename>. =back