
=item $OS_ERROR

=item $ERRNO

=item $!

When referenced, C<$!> retrieves the current value
of the C C<errno> integer variable.
If C<$!> is assigned a numerical value, that value is stored in C<errno>.
When referenced as a string, C<$!> yields the system error string
corresponding to C<errno>.

Many system or library calls set C<errno> if they fail,
to indicate the cause of failure.  They usually do B<not>
set C<errno> to zero if they succeed and may set C<errno> to a
non-zero value on success.  This means C<errno>, hence C<$!>, is
meaningful only I<immediately> after a B<failure>:

    if (open my $fh, "<", $filename) {
        # Here $! is meaningless.
    else {
        # ONLY here is $! meaningful.
        # Already here $! might be meaningless.
    # Since here we might have either success or failure,
    # $! is meaningless.

Here, I<meaningless> means that C<$!> may be unrelated to the outcome
of the C<open()> operator.  Assignment to C<$!> is similarly ephemeral.
It can be used immediately before invoking the C<die()> operator,
to set the exit value, or to inspect the system error string
corresponding to error I<n>, or to restore C<$!> to a meaningful state.

Perl itself may set C<errno> to a non-zero on failure even if no
system call is performed.

Mnemonic: What just went bang?
