package ExtUtils::Manifest; # git description: 1.74-10-g1bddbb0 require Exporter; use Config; use File::Basename; use File::Copy 'copy'; use File::Find; use File::Spec 0.8; use Carp; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.75'; our @ISA = ('Exporter'); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(mkmanifest manicheck filecheck fullcheck skipcheck manifind maniread manicopy maniadd maniskip ); our $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS'; our $Is_VMS_mode = 0; our $Is_VMS_lc = 0; our $Is_VMS_nodot = 0; # No dots in dir names or double dots in files if ($Is_VMS) { require VMS::Filespec if $Is_VMS; my $vms_unix_rpt; my $vms_efs; my $vms_case; $Is_VMS_mode = 1; $Is_VMS_lc = 1; $Is_VMS_nodot = 1; if (eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require VMS::Feature; }) { $vms_unix_rpt = VMS::Feature::current("filename_unix_report"); $vms_efs = VMS::Feature::current("efs_charset"); $vms_case = VMS::Feature::current("efs_case_preserve"); } else { my $unix_rpt = $ENV{'DECC$FILENAME_UNIX_REPORT'} || ''; my $efs_charset = $ENV{'DECC$EFS_CHARSET'} || ''; my $efs_case = $ENV{'DECC$EFS_CASE_PRESERVE'} || ''; $vms_unix_rpt = $unix_rpt =~ /^[ET1]/i; $vms_efs = $efs_charset =~ /^[ET1]/i; $vms_case = $efs_case =~ /^[ET1]/i; } $Is_VMS_lc = 0 if ($vms_case); $Is_VMS_mode = 0 if ($vms_unix_rpt); $Is_VMS_nodot = 0 if ($vms_efs); } our $Debug = $ENV{PERL_MM_MANIFEST_DEBUG} || 0; our $Verbose = defined $ENV{PERL_MM_MANIFEST_VERBOSE} ? $ENV{PERL_MM_MANIFEST_VERBOSE} : 1; our $Quiet = 0; our $MANIFEST = 'MANIFEST'; our $DEFAULT_MSKIP = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile( dirname(__FILE__), "$MANIFEST.SKIP" )); =head1 NAME ExtUtils::Manifest - Utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file =head1 VERSION version 1.75 =head1 SYNOPSIS use ExtUtils::Manifest qw(...funcs to import...); mkmanifest(); my @missing_files = manicheck; my @skipped = skipcheck; my @extra_files = filecheck; my($missing, $extra) = fullcheck; my $found = manifind(); my $manifest = maniread(); manicopy($read,$target); maniadd({$file => $comment, ...}); =head1 DESCRIPTION ... =head1 FUNCTIONS ExtUtils::Manifest exports no functions by default. The following are exported on request: =head2 mkmanifest mkmanifest(); Writes all files in and below the current directory to your F<MANIFEST>. It works similar to the result of the Unix command find . > MANIFEST All files that match any regular expression in a file F<MANIFEST.SKIP> (if it exists) are ignored. Any existing F<MANIFEST> file will be saved as F<MANIFEST.bak>. =cut sub _sort { return sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @_; } sub mkmanifest { my $manimiss = 0; my $read = (-r 'MANIFEST' && maniread()) or $manimiss++; $read = {} if $manimiss; my $bakbase = $MANIFEST; $bakbase =~ s/\./_/g if $Is_VMS_nodot; # avoid double dots rename $MANIFEST, "$bakbase.bak" unless $manimiss; open my $fh, '>', $MANIFEST or die "Could not open $MANIFEST: $!"; binmode $fh, ':raw'; my $skip = maniskip(); my $found = manifind(); my($key,$val,$file,%all); %all = (%$found, %$read); $all{$MANIFEST} = ($Is_VMS_mode ? "$MANIFEST\t\t" : '') . 'This list of files' if $manimiss; # add new MANIFEST to known file list foreach $file (_sort keys %all) { if ($skip->($file)) { # Policy: only remove files if they're listed in MANIFEST.SKIP. # Don't remove files just because they don't exist. warn "Removed from $MANIFEST: $file\n" if $Verbose and exists $read->{$file}; next; } if ($Verbose){ warn "Added to $MANIFEST: $file\n" unless exists $read->{$file}; } my $text = $all{$file}; my $tabs = (5 - (length($file)+1)/8); $tabs = 1 if $tabs < 1; $tabs = 0 unless $text; if ($file =~ /\s/) { $file =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g; $file = "'$file'"; } print $fh $file, "\t" x $tabs, $text, "\n"; } } # Geez, shouldn't this use File::Spec or File::Basename or something? # Why so careful about dependencies? sub clean_up_filename { my $filename = shift; $filename =~ s|^\./||; if ( $Is_VMS ) { $filename =~ s/\.$//; # trim trailing dot $filename = VMS::Filespec::unixify($filename); # unescape spaces, etc. if( $Is_VMS_lc ) { $filename = lc($filename); $filename = uc($filename) if $filename =~ /^MANIFEST(\.SKIP)?$/i; } } return $filename; } =head2 manifind my $found = manifind(); returns a hash reference. The keys of the hash are the files found below the current directory. =cut sub manifind { my $p = shift || {}; my $found = {}; my $wanted = sub { my $name = clean_up_filename($File::Find::name); warn "Debug: diskfile $name\n" if $Debug; return if -d $_; $found->{$name} = ""; }; # We have to use "$File::Find::dir/$_" in preprocess, because # $File::Find::name is unavailable. # Also, it's okay to use / here, because MANIFEST files use Unix-style # paths. find({wanted => $wanted, follow_fast => 1}, "."); return $found; } =head2 manicheck my @missing_files = manicheck(); checks if all the files within a C<MANIFEST> in the current directory really do exist. If C<MANIFEST> and the tree below the current directory are in sync it silently returns an empty list. Otherwise it returns a list of files which are listed in the C<MANIFEST> but missing from the directory, and by default also outputs these names to STDERR. =cut sub manicheck { return _check_files(); } =head2 filecheck my @extra_files = filecheck(); finds files below the current directory that are not mentioned in the C<MANIFEST> file. An optional file C<MANIFEST.SKIP> will be consulted. Any file matching a regular expression in such a file will not be reported as missing in the C<MANIFEST> file. The list of any extraneous files found is returned, and by default also reported to STDERR. =cut sub filecheck { return _check_manifest(); } =head2 fullcheck my($missing, $extra) = fullcheck(); does both a manicheck() and a filecheck(), returning then as two array refs. =cut sub fullcheck { return [_check_files()], [_check_manifest()]; } =head2 skipcheck my @skipped = skipcheck(); lists all the files that are skipped due to your C<MANIFEST.SKIP> file. =cut sub skipcheck { my($p) = @_; my $found = manifind(); my $matches = maniskip(); my @skipped = (); foreach my $file (_sort keys %$found){ if (&$matches($file)){ warn "Skipping $file\n" unless $Quiet; push @skipped, $file; next; } } return @skipped; } sub _check_files { my $p = shift; my $dosnames=(defined(&Dos::UseLFN) && Dos::UseLFN()==0); my $read = maniread() || {}; my $found = manifind($p); my(@missfile) = (); foreach my $file (_sort keys %$read){ warn "Debug: manicheck checking from $MANIFEST $file\n" if $Debug; if ($dosnames){ $file = lc $file; $file =~ s=(\.(\w|-)+)=substr ($1,0,4)=ge; $file =~ s=((\w|-)+)=substr ($1,0,8)=ge; } unless ( exists $found->{$file} ) { warn "No such file: $file\n" unless $Quiet; push @missfile, $file; } } return @missfile; } sub _check_manifest { my($p) = @_; my $read = maniread() || {}; my $found = manifind($p); my $skip = maniskip(); my @missentry = (); foreach my $file (_sort keys %$found){ next if $skip->($file); warn "Debug: manicheck checking from disk $file\n" if $Debug; unless ( exists $read->{$file} ) { warn "Not in $MANIFEST: $file\n" unless $Quiet; push @missentry, $file; } } return @missentry; } =head2 maniread my $manifest = maniread(); my $manifest = maniread($manifest_file); reads a named C<MANIFEST> file (defaults to C<MANIFEST> in the current directory) and returns a HASH reference with files being the keys and comments being the values of the HASH. Blank lines and lines which start with C<#> in the C<MANIFEST> file are discarded. =cut sub maniread { my ($mfile) = @_; $mfile ||= $MANIFEST; my $read = {}; my $fh; unless (open $fh, '<', $mfile){ warn "Problem opening $mfile: $!"; return $read; } local $_; while (<$fh>){ chomp; next if /^\s*#/; my($file, $comment); # filename may contain spaces if enclosed in '' # (in which case, \\ and \' are escapes) if (($file, $comment) = /^'((?:\\[\\']|.+)+)'\s*(.*)/) { $file =~ s/\\([\\'])/$1/g; } else { ($file, $comment) = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)/; } next unless $file; if ($Is_VMS_mode) { require File::Basename; my($base,$dir) = File::Basename::fileparse($file); # Resolve illegal file specifications in the same way as tar if ($Is_VMS_nodot) { $dir =~ tr/./_/; my(@pieces) = split(/\./,$base); if (@pieces > 2) { $base = shift(@pieces) . '.' . join('_',@pieces); } my $okfile = "$dir$base"; warn "Debug: Illegal name $file changed to $okfile\n" if $Debug; $file = $okfile; } if( $Is_VMS_lc ) { $file = lc($file); $file = uc($file) if $file =~ /^MANIFEST(\.SKIP)?$/i; } } $read->{$file} = $comment; } $read; } =head2 maniskip my $skipchk = maniskip(); my $skipchk = maniskip($manifest_skip_file); if ($skipchk->($file)) { .. } reads a named C<MANIFEST.SKIP> file (defaults to C<MANIFEST.SKIP> in the current directory) and returns a CODE reference that tests whether a given filename should be skipped. =cut sub _process_skipline { local $_ = shift; chomp; s/\r//; $_ =~ qr{^\s*(?:(?:'([^\\']*(?:\\.[^\\']*)*)')|([^#\s]\S*))?(?:(?:\s*)|(?:\s+(.*?)\s*))$}; #my $comment = $3; my $filename = $2; if ( defined($1) ) { $filename = $1; $filename =~ s/\\(['\\])/$1/g; } $filename; } # returns an anonymous sub that decides if an argument matches sub maniskip { my @skip ; my $mfile = shift || "$MANIFEST.SKIP"; _check_mskip_directives($mfile) if -f $mfile; local $_; my $fh; open $fh, '<', $mfile or open $fh, '<', $DEFAULT_MSKIP or return sub {0}; while (<$fh>){ if (/^#!include_default\s*$/) { if (my @default = _include_mskip_file()) { warn "Debug: Including default MANIFEST.SKIP\n" if $Debug; push @skip, grep $_, map _process_skipline($_), @default; } next; } next unless my $filename = _process_skipline($_); push @skip, $filename; } return sub {0} unless (scalar @skip > 0); my $opts = $Is_VMS_mode ? '(?i)' : ''; # Make sure each entry is isolated in its own parentheses, in case # any of them contain alternations my $regex = join '|', map "(?:$_)", @skip; return sub { $_[0] =~ qr{$opts$regex} }; } sub _get_homedir { $^O eq 'MSWin32' && "$]" < 5.016 ? $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{USERPROFILE} : (glob('~'))[0]; } # checks for the special directives # #!include_default # #!include /path/to/some/manifest.skip # in a custom MANIFEST.SKIP for, for including # the content of, respectively, the default MANIFEST.SKIP # and an external manifest.skip file sub _check_mskip_directives { my $mfile = shift; local $_; my $fh; my @lines = (); my $flag = 0; unless (open $fh, '<', $mfile) { warn "Problem opening $mfile: $!"; return; } while (<$fh>) { if (/^#!include\s+(.*)\s*$/) { my $external_file = $1; $external_file =~ s{^~/}{_get_homedir().'/'}e; if (my @external = _include_mskip_file($external_file)) { push @lines, @external; warn "Debug: Including external $external_file\n" if $Debug; $flag++; } next; } push @lines, $_; } close $fh; return unless $flag; my $bakbase = $mfile; $bakbase =~ s/\./_/g if $Is_VMS_nodot; # avoid double dots rename $mfile, "$bakbase.bak"; warn "Debug: Saving original $mfile as $bakbase.bak\n" if $Debug; unless (open $fh, '>', $mfile) { warn "Problem opening $mfile: $!"; return; } binmode $fh, ':raw'; print $fh $_ for (@lines); return; } # returns an array containing the lines of an external # manifest.skip file, if given, or $DEFAULT_MSKIP sub _include_mskip_file { my $mskip = shift || $DEFAULT_MSKIP; unless (-f $mskip) { warn qq{Included file "$mskip" not found - skipping}; return; } local $_; my $fh; unless (open $fh, '<', $mskip) { warn "Problem opening $mskip: $!"; return; } my @lines = (); push @lines, "\n#!start included $mskip\n"; push @lines, $_ while <$fh>; push @lines, "#!end included $mskip\n\n"; return @lines; } =head2 manicopy manicopy(\%src, $dest_dir); manicopy(\%src, $dest_dir, $how); Copies the files that are the keys in %src to the $dest_dir. %src is typically returned by the maniread() function. manicopy( maniread(), $dest_dir ); This function is useful for producing a directory tree identical to the intended distribution tree. $how can be used to specify a different methods of "copying". Valid values are C<cp>, which actually copies the files, C<ln> which creates hard links, and C<best> which mostly links the files but copies any symbolic link to make a tree without any symbolic link. C<cp> is the default. =cut sub manicopy { my($read,$target,$how)=@_; croak "manicopy() called without target argument" unless defined $target; $how ||= 'cp'; require File::Path; require File::Basename; $target = VMS::Filespec::unixify($target) if $Is_VMS_mode; File::Path::mkpath([ $target ],! $Quiet,$Is_VMS ? undef : 0755); foreach my $file (keys %$read){ $file = VMS::Filespec::unixify($file) if $Is_VMS_mode; if ($file =~ m!/!) { # Ilya, that hurts, I fear, or maybe not? my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($file); $dir = VMS::Filespec::unixify($dir) if $Is_VMS_mode; File::Path::mkpath(["$target/$dir"],! $Quiet,$Is_VMS ? undef : 0755); } cp_if_diff($file, "$target/$file", $how); } } sub cp_if_diff { my($from, $to, $how)=@_; if (! -f $from) { carp "$from not found"; return; } my($diff) = 0; my ($fromfh, $tofh); open($fromfh, '<', $from) or die "Can't read $from: $!\n"; if (open($tofh, '<', $to)) { local $_; while (<$fromfh>) { $diff++,last if $_ ne <$tofh>; } $diff++ unless eof($tofh); close $tofh; } else { $diff++; } close $fromfh; if ($diff) { if (-e $to) { unlink($to) or confess "unlink $to: $!"; } STRICT_SWITCH: { best($from,$to), last STRICT_SWITCH if $how eq 'best'; cp($from,$to), last STRICT_SWITCH if $how eq 'cp'; ln($from,$to), last STRICT_SWITCH if $how eq 'ln'; croak("ExtUtils::Manifest::cp_if_diff " . "called with illegal how argument [$how]. " . "Legal values are 'best', 'cp', and 'ln'."); } } } sub cp { my ($srcFile, $dstFile) = @_; my ($access,$mod) = (stat $srcFile)[8,9]; copy($srcFile,$dstFile); utime $access, $mod + ($Is_VMS ? 1 : 0), $dstFile; _manicopy_chmod($srcFile, $dstFile); } sub ln { my ($srcFile, $dstFile) = @_; # Fix-me - VMS can support links. return &cp if $Is_VMS or ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and Win32::IsWin95()); link($srcFile, $dstFile); unless( _manicopy_chmod($srcFile, $dstFile) ) { unlink $dstFile; return; } 1; } # 1) Strip off all group and world permissions. # 2) Let everyone read it. # 3) If the owner can execute it, everyone can. sub _manicopy_chmod { my($srcFile, $dstFile) = @_; my $perm = 0444 | (stat $srcFile)[2] & 0700; chmod( $perm | ( $perm & 0100 ? 0111 : 0 ), $dstFile ); } # Files that are often modified in the distdir. Don't hard link them. my @Exceptions = qw(MANIFEST META.yml SIGNATURE); sub best { my ($srcFile, $dstFile) = @_; my $is_exception = grep $srcFile =~ /$_/, @Exceptions; if ($is_exception or !$Config{d_link} or -l $srcFile) { cp($srcFile, $dstFile); } else { ln($srcFile, $dstFile) or cp($srcFile, $dstFile); } } =head2 maniadd maniadd({ $file => $comment, ...}); Adds an entry to an existing F<MANIFEST> unless its already there. $file will be normalized (ie. Unixified). B<UNIMPLEMENTED> =cut sub maniadd { my($additions) = shift; _normalize($additions); _fix_manifest($MANIFEST); my $manifest = maniread(); my @needed = grep !exists $manifest->{$_}, keys %$additions; return 1 unless @needed; open(my $fh, '>>', $MANIFEST) or die "maniadd() could not open $MANIFEST: $!"; binmode $fh, ':raw'; foreach my $file (_sort @needed) { my $comment = $additions->{$file} || ''; if ($file =~ /\s/) { $file =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g; $file = "'$file'"; } printf $fh "%-40s %s\n", $file, $comment; } close $fh or die "Error closing $MANIFEST: $!"; return 1; } # Make sure this MANIFEST is consistently written with native # newlines and has a terminal newline. sub _fix_manifest { my $manifest_file = shift; open my $fh, '<', $MANIFEST or die "Could not open $MANIFEST: $!"; local $/; my @manifest = split /(\015\012|\012|\015)/, <$fh>, -1; close $fh; my $must_rewrite = ""; if ($manifest[-1] eq ""){ # sane case: last line had a terminal newline pop @manifest; for (my $i=1; $i<=$#manifest; $i+=2) { unless ($manifest[$i] eq "\n") { $must_rewrite = "not a newline at pos $i"; last; } } } else { $must_rewrite = "last line without newline"; } if ( $must_rewrite ) { 1 while unlink $MANIFEST; # avoid multiple versions on VMS open $fh, ">", $MANIFEST or die "(must_rewrite=$must_rewrite) Could not open >$MANIFEST: $!"; binmode $fh, ':raw'; for (my $i=0; $i<=$#manifest; $i+=2) { print $fh "$manifest[$i]\n"; } close $fh or die "could not write $MANIFEST: $!"; } } # UNIMPLEMENTED sub _normalize { return; } =head2 MANIFEST A list of files in the distribution, one file per line. The MANIFEST always uses Unix filepath conventions even if you're not on Unix. This means F<foo/bar> style not F<foo\bar>. Anything between white space and an end of line within a C<MANIFEST> file is considered to be a comment. Any line beginning with # is also a comment. Beginning with ExtUtils::Manifest 1.52, a filename may contain whitespace characters if it is enclosed in single quotes; single quotes or backslashes in that filename must be backslash-escaped. # this a comment some/file some/other/file comment about some/file 'some/third file' comment =head2 MANIFEST.SKIP The file MANIFEST.SKIP may contain regular expressions of files that should be ignored by mkmanifest() and filecheck(). The regular expressions should appear one on each line. Blank lines and lines which start with C<#> are skipped. Use C<\#> if you need a regular expression to start with a C<#>. For example: # Version control files and dirs. \bRCS\b \bCVS\b ,v$ \B\.svn\b # Makemaker generated files and dirs. ^MANIFEST\. ^Makefile$ ^blib/ ^MakeMaker-\d # Temp, old and emacs backup files. ~$ \.old$ ^#.*#$ ^\.# If no MANIFEST.SKIP file is found, a default set of skips will be used, similar to the example above. If you want nothing skipped, simply make an empty MANIFEST.SKIP file. In one's own MANIFEST.SKIP file, certain directives can be used to include the contents of other MANIFEST.SKIP files. At present two such directives are recognized. =over 4 =item #!include_default This tells ExtUtils::Manifest to read the default F<MANIFEST.SKIP> file and skip files accordingly, but I<not> to include it in the local F<MANIFEST.SKIP>. This is intended to skip files according to a system default, which can change over time without requiring further changes to the distribution's F<MANIFEST.SKIP>. =item #!include /Path/to/another/manifest.skip This inserts the contents of the specified external file in the local F<MANIFEST.SKIP>. This is intended for authors to have a central F<MANIFEST.SKIP> file, and to include it with their various distributions. =back The included contents will be inserted into the MANIFEST.SKIP file in between I<#!start included /path/to/manifest.skip> and I<#!end included /path/to/manifest.skip> markers. The original MANIFEST.SKIP is saved as MANIFEST.SKIP.bak. =head2 EXPORT_OK C<&mkmanifest>, C<&manicheck>, C<&filecheck>, C<&fullcheck>, C<&maniread>, and C<&manicopy> are exportable. =head2 GLOBAL VARIABLES C<$ExtUtils::Manifest::MANIFEST> defaults to C<MANIFEST>. Changing it results in both a different C<MANIFEST> and a different C<MANIFEST.SKIP> file. This is useful if you want to maintain different distributions for different audiences (say a user version and a developer version including RCS). C<$ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet> defaults to 0. If set to a true value, all functions act silently. C<$ExtUtils::Manifest::Debug> defaults to 0. If set to a true value, or if PERL_MM_MANIFEST_DEBUG is true, debugging output will be produced. =head1 DIAGNOSTICS All diagnostic output is sent to C<STDERR>. =over 4 =item C<Not in MANIFEST:> I<file> is reported if a file is found which is not in C<MANIFEST>. =item C<Skipping> I<file> is reported if a file is skipped due to an entry in C<MANIFEST.SKIP>. =item C<No such file:> I<file> is reported if a file mentioned in a C<MANIFEST> file does not exist. =item C<MANIFEST:> I<$!> is reported if C<MANIFEST> could not be opened. =item C<Added to MANIFEST:> I<file> is reported by mkmanifest() if $Verbose is set and a file is added to MANIFEST. $Verbose is set to 1 by default. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT =over 4 =item B<PERL_MM_MANIFEST_DEBUG> Turns on debugging =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> which has handy targets for most of the functionality. =head1 AUTHOR Andreas Koenig C<> Currently maintained by the Perl Toolchain Gang. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 1996- by Andreas Koenig. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut 1;