package ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap; use 5.006001; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '3.57'; =head1 NAME ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap - Entry in the OUTPUT section of a typemap =head1 SYNOPSIS use ExtUtils::Typemaps; ... my $output = $typemap->get_output_map('T_NV'); my $code = $output->code(); $output->code("..."); =head1 DESCRIPTION Refer to L<ExtUtils::Typemaps> for details. =head1 METHODS =cut =head2 new Requires C<xstype> and C<code> parameters. =cut sub new { my $prot = shift; my $class = ref($prot)||$prot; my %args = @_; if (!ref($prot)) { if (not defined $args{xstype} or not defined $args{code}) { die("Need xstype and code parameters"); } } my $self = bless( (ref($prot) ? {%$prot} : {}) => $class ); $self->{xstype} = $args{xstype} if defined $args{xstype}; $self->{code} = $args{code} if defined $args{code}; $self->{code} =~ s/^(?=\S)/\t/mg; return $self; } =head2 code Returns or sets the OUTPUT mapping code for this entry. =cut sub code { $_[0]->{code} = $_[1] if @_ > 1; return $_[0]->{code}; } =head2 xstype Returns the name of the XS type of the OUTPUT map. =cut sub xstype { return $_[0]->{xstype}; } =head2 cleaned_code Returns a cleaned-up copy of the code to which certain transformations have been applied to make it more ANSI compliant. =cut sub cleaned_code { my $self = shift; my $code = $self->code; # Move C pre-processor instructions to column 1 to be strictly ANSI # conformant. Some pre-processors are fussy about this. $code =~ s/^\s+#/#/mg; $code =~ s/\s*\z/\n/; return $code; } =head2 targetable_legacy Do not use for new code. This is the original version of the targetable() method, whose behaviour has been frozen for backwards compatibility. It is used to determine whether to emit an early C<dXSTARG>, which will be in scope for most of the XSUB. More recent XSUB code generation emits a C<dXSTARG> in a tighter scope if one has not already been emitted. Some XS code assumes that C<TARG> has been declared, so continue to declare it under the same conditions as before. The newer C<targetable> method may be true under additional circumstances. If the optimization can not be applied, this returns undef. If it can be applied, this method returns a hash reference containing the following information: type: Any of the characters i, u, n, p with_size: Bool indicating whether this is the sv_setpvn variant what: The code that actually evaluates to the output scalar what_size: If "with_size", this has the string length (as code, not constant, including leading comma) =cut sub targetable_legacy { my $self = shift; return $self->{targetable_legacy} if exists $self->{targetable_legacy}; our $bal; # ()-balanced $bal = qr[ (?: (?>[^()]+) | \( (??{ $bal }) \) )* ]x; my $bal_no_comma = qr[ (?: (?>[^(),]+) | \( (??{ $bal }) \) )+ ]x; # matches variations on (SV*) my $sv_cast = qr[ (?: \( \s* SV \s* \* \s* \) \s* )? ]x; my $size = qr[ # Third arg (to setpvn) , \s* (??{ $bal }) ]xo; my $code = $self->code; # We can still bootstrap compile 're', because in code is # available to miniperl, and does not attempt to load the XS code. use re 'eval'; my ($type, $with_size, $arg, $sarg) = ($code =~ m[^ \s+ sv_set([iunp])v(n)? # Type, is_setpvn \s* \( \s* $sv_cast \$arg \s* , \s* ( $bal_no_comma ) # Set from ( $size )? # Possible sizeof set-from \s* \) \s* ; \s* $ ]xo ); my $rv = undef; if ($type) { $rv = { type => $type, with_size => $with_size, what => $arg, what_size => $sarg, }; } $self->{targetable_legacy} = $rv; return $rv; } =head2 targetable Class method. Return a boolean indicating whether the supplied code snippet is suitable for using TARG as the destination SV rather than an new mortal. In principle most things are, except expressions which would set the SV to a ref value. That can cause the referred value to never be freed, as targs aren't freed (at least for the lifetime of their CV). So in practice, we restrict it to an approved list of sv_setfoo() forms, and only where there is no extra code following the sv_setfoo() (so we have to match the closing bracket, allowing for nested brackets etc within). =cut my %targetable_cache; sub targetable { my ($class, $code) = @_; return $targetable_cache{$code} if exists $targetable_cache{$code}; # Match a string with zero or more balanced/nested parentheses # within it, e.g. # # "aa,bb(cc,dd)ee(ff,gg(hh,ii)jj,kk)ll" our $bal; $bal = qr[ (?: (?>[^()]+) | " ([^"] | \\")* " | \( (??{ $bal }) \) )* ]x; # Like $bal, but doesn't allow commas at the *top* level; e.g. # # "aabb(cc,dd)ee(ff,gg(hh,ii)jj,kk)ll" # # Something like "aa,bb(cc,dd)" will just match/consume the "aa" # part of the string. my $bal_no_comma = qr[ (?: (?>[^(),]+) | " ([^"] | \\")* " | \( (??{ $bal }) \) )+ ]x; # the SV whose value is to be set (typically arg 1) # Note that currently ParseXS will always call with $arg expanded # to 'RETVALSV', but also match other possibilities too for future # use. my $target = qr[ (?: \( \s* SV \s* \* \s* \) \s* # optional SV* cast )? (?: \$arg | RETVAL | RETVALSV | ST\(\d+\) ) \s* ]x; # We can still bootstrap compile 're', because in code is # available to miniperl, and does not attempt to load the XS code. use re 'eval'; my $match = ($code =~ m[^ \s* (?: # 1-arg functions sv_set_(?:undef|true|false) \s* \( \s* $target # arg 1: SV to set | # 2-arg functions sv_set(?:iv|iv_mg|uv|uv_mg|nv|nv_mg|pv|pv_mg|_bool) \s* \( \s* $target # arg 1: SV to set , \s* $bal_no_comma # arg 2: value to use | # 3-arg functions sv_set(?:pvn|pvn_mg) \s* \( \s* $target # arg 1: SV to set , \s* $bal_no_comma # arg 2: value to use , \s* $bal_no_comma # arg 3: length ) \s* \) \s* ; \s* $ ]xo ); $targetable_cache{$code} = $match; return $match; } =head1 SEE ALSO L<ExtUtils::Typemaps> =head1 AUTHOR Steffen Mueller C<<>> =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Steffen Mueller This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;