package Test2::Bundle::More; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.302209'; use Test2::Plugin::ExitSummary; use Test2::Tools::Basic qw{ ok pass fail skip todo diag note plan skip_all done_testing bail_out }; use Test2::Tools::ClassicCompare qw{ is is_deeply isnt like unlike cmp_ok }; use Test2::Tools::Class qw/can_ok isa_ok/; use Test2::Tools::Subtest qw/subtest_streamed/; BEGIN { *BAIL_OUT = \&bail_out; *subtest = \&subtest_streamed; } our @EXPORT = qw{ ok pass fail skip todo diag note plan skip_all done_testing BAIL_OUT is isnt like unlike is_deeply cmp_ok isa_ok can_ok subtest }; use base 'Exporter'; 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Test2::Bundle::More - ALMOST a drop-in replacement for Test::More. =head1 DESCRIPTION This bundle is intended to be a (mostly) drop-in replacement for L<Test::More>. See L<"KEY DIFFERENCES FROM Test::More"> for details. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Test2::Bundle::More; ok(1, "pass"); ... done_testing; =head1 PLUGINS This loads L<Test2::Plugin::ExitSummary>. =head1 TOOLS These are from L<Test2::Tools::Basic>. See L<Test2::Tools::Basic> for details. =over 4 =item ok($bool, $name) =item pass($name) =item fail($name) =item skip($why, $count) =item $todo = todo($why) =item diag($message) =item note($message) =item plan($count) =item skip_all($why) =item done_testing() =item BAIL_OUT($why) =back These are from L<Test2::Tools::ClassicCompare>. See L<Test2::Tools::ClassicCompare> for details. =over 4 =item is($got, $want, $name) =item isnt($got, $donotwant, $name) =item like($got, qr/match/, $name) =item unlike($got, qr/mismatch/, $name) =item is_deeply($got, $want, "Deep compare") =item cmp_ok($got, $op, $want, $name) =back These are from L<Test2::Tools::Class>. See L<Test2::Tools::Class> for details. =over 4 =item isa_ok($thing, @classes) =item can_ok($thing, @subs) =back This is from L<Test2::Tools::Subtest>. It is called C<subtest_streamed()> in that package. =over 4 =item subtest $name => sub { ... } =back =head1 KEY DIFFERENCES FROM Test::More =over 4 =item You cannot plan at import. THIS WILL B<NOT> WORK: use Test2::Bundle::More tests => 5; Instead you must plan in a separate statement: use Test2::Bundle::More; plan 5; =item You have three subs imported for use in planning Use C<plan($count)>, C<skip_all($reason)>, or C<done_testing()> for your planning. =item isa_ok accepts different arguments C<isa_ok> in Test::More was: isa_ok($thing, $isa, $alt_thing_name); This was very inconsistent with tools like C<can_ok($thing, @subs)>. In Test2::Bundle::More, C<isa_ok()> takes a C<$thing> and a list of C<@isa>. isa_ok($thing, $class1, $class2, ...); =back =head2 THESE FUNCTIONS AND VARIABLES HAVE BEEN REMOVED =over 4 =item $TODO See C<todo()>. =item use_ok() =item require_ok() These are not necessary. Use C<use> and C<require> directly. If there is an error loading the module the test will catch the error and fail. =item todo_skip() Not necessary. =item eq_array() =item eq_hash() =item eq_set() Discouraged in Test::More. =item explain() This started a fight between Test developers, who may now each write their own implementations in L<Test2>. (See explain in L<Test::Most> vs L<Test::More>. Hint: Test::Most wrote it first, then Test::More added it, but broke compatibility). =item new_ok() Not necessary. =back =head1 SOURCE The source code repository for Test2-Suite can be found at F<>. =head1 MAINTAINERS =over 4 =item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt> =back =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See F<> =cut