package Test2::Tools::Mock; use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw/croak/; use Scalar::Util qw/blessed reftype weaken/; use Test2::Util qw/try/; use Test2::Util::Sub qw/gen_accessor gen_reader gen_writer/; use Test2::Mock(); use base 'Exporter'; our $VERSION = '1.302209'; our @CARP_NOT = (__PACKAGE__, 'Test2::Mock'); our @EXPORT = qw/mock mocked/; our @EXPORT_OK = qw{ mock_obj mock_class mock_do mock_build mock_accessor mock_accessors mock_getter mock_getters mock_setter mock_setters mock_building }; my %HANDLERS; my %MOCKS; my @BUILD; sub add_handler { my $class = shift; my ($for, $code) = @_; croak "Must specify a package for the mock handler" unless $for; croak "Handlers must be code references (got: $code)" unless $code && ref($code) eq 'CODE'; push @{$HANDLERS{$for}} => $code; } sub mock_building { return unless @BUILD; return $BUILD[-1]; } sub mocked { my $proto = shift; my $class = blessed($proto) || $proto; # Check if we have any mocks. my $set = $MOCKS{$class} || return; # Remove dead mocks (undef due to weaken) pop @$set while @$set && !defined($set->[-1]); # Remove the list if it is empty delete $MOCKS{$class} unless @$set; # Return the controls (may be empty list) return @$set; } sub _delegate { my ($args) = @_; my $do = __PACKAGE__->can('mock_do'); my $obj = __PACKAGE__->can('mock_obj'); my $class = __PACKAGE__->can('mock_class'); my $build = __PACKAGE__->can('mock_build'); return $obj unless @$args; my ($proto, $arg1) = @$args; return $obj if ref($proto) && !blessed($proto); if (blessed($proto)) { return $class unless $proto->isa('Test2::Mock'); return $build if $arg1 && ref($arg1) && reftype($arg1) eq 'CODE'; } return $class if $proto =~ m/(?:::|')/; return $class if $proto =~ m/^_*[A-Z]/; return $do if Test2::Mock->can($proto); if (my $sub = __PACKAGE__->can("mock_$proto")) { shift @$args; return $sub; } return undef; } sub mock { croak "undef is not a valid first argument to mock()" if @_ && !defined($_[0]); my $sub = _delegate(\@_); croak "'$_[0]' does not look like a package name, and is not a valid control method" unless $sub; $sub->(@_); } sub mock_build { my ($control, $sub) = @_; croak "mock_build requires a Test2::Mock object as its first argument" unless $control && blessed($control) && $control->isa('Test2::Mock'); croak "mock_build requires a coderef as its second argument" unless $sub && ref($sub) && reftype($sub) eq 'CODE'; push @BUILD => $control; my ($ok, $err) = &try($sub); pop @BUILD; die $err unless $ok; } sub mock_do { my ($meth, @args) = @_; croak "Not currently building a mock" unless @BUILD; my $build = $BUILD[-1]; croak "'$meth' is not a valid action for mock_do()" if $meth =~ m/^_/ || !$build->can($meth); $build->$meth(@args); } sub mock_obj { my ($proto) = @_; if ($proto && ref($proto) && reftype($proto) ne 'CODE') { shift @_; } else { $proto = {}; } my $class = _generate_class(); my $control; if (@_ == 1 && reftype($_[0]) eq 'CODE') { my $orig = shift @_; $control = mock_class( $class, sub { my $c = mock_building; # We want to do these BEFORE anything that the sub may do. $c->block_load(1); $c->purge_on_destroy(1); $c->autoload(1); $orig->(@_); }, ); } else { $control = mock_class( $class, # Do these before anything the user specified. block_load => 1, purge_on_destroy => 1, autoload => 1, @_, ); } my $new = bless($proto, $control->class); # We need to ensure there is a reference to the control object, and we want # it to go away with the object. $new->{'~~MOCK~CONTROL~~'} = $control; return $new; } sub _generate_class { my $prefix = __PACKAGE__; for (1 .. 100) { my $postfix = join '', map { chr(rand(26) + 65) } 1 .. 32; my $class = $prefix . '::__TEMP__::' . $postfix; my $file = $class; $file =~ s{::}{/}g; $file .= '.pm'; next if $INC{$file}; my $stash = do { no strict 'refs'; \%{"${class}\::"} }; next if keys %$stash; return $class; } croak "Could not generate a unique class name after 100 attempts"; } sub mock_class { my $proto = shift; my $class = blessed($proto) || $proto; my @args = @_; my $void = !defined(wantarray); my $callback = sub { my ($parent) = reverse mocked($class); my $control; if (@args == 1 && ref($args[0]) && reftype($args[0]) eq 'CODE') { $control = Test2::Mock->new(class => $class); mock_build($control, @args); } else { $control = Test2::Mock->new(class => $class, @args); } if ($parent) { $control->{parent} = $parent; weaken($parent->{child} = $control); } $MOCKS{$class} ||= []; push @{$MOCKS{$class}} => $control; weaken($MOCKS{$class}->[-1]); return $control; }; return $callback->() unless $void; my $level = 0; my $caller; while (my @call = caller($level++)) { next if $call[0] eq __PACKAGE__; $caller = \@call; last; } my $handled; for my $handler (@{$HANDLERS{$caller->[0]}}) { $handled++ if $handler->( class => $class, caller => $caller, builder => $callback, args => \@args, ); } croak "mock_class should not be called in a void context without a registered handler" unless $handled; } sub mock_accessors { return map {( $_ => gen_accessor($_) )} @_; } sub mock_accessor { my ($field) = @_; return gen_accessor($field); } sub mock_getters { my ($prefix, @list) = @_; return map {( "$prefix$_" => gen_reader($_) )} @list; } sub mock_getter { my ($field) = @_; return gen_reader($field); } sub mock_setters { my ($prefix, @list) = @_; return map {( "$prefix$_" => gen_writer($_) )} @list; } sub mock_setter { my ($field) = @_; return gen_writer($field); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Test2::Tools::Mock - Class/Instance mocking for Test2. =head1 DESCRIPTION Mocking is often an essential part of testing. This library covers some of the most common mocking needs. This plugin is heavily influenced by L<Mock::Quick>, but with an improved API. This plugin is also intended to play well with other plugins in ways L<Mock::Quick> would be unable to. =head1 SYNOPSIS my $mock = mock 'Some::Class' => ( track => $BOOL, # Enable/Disable tracking on subs defined below add => [ new_method => sub { ... }, ], override => [ replace_method => sub { ... }, ], set => [ replace_or_inject => sub { ... }, ], track => $bool, # enable/disable tracking again to affect mocks made after this point ..., # Argument keys may be repeated ); Some::Class->new_method(); # Calls the newly injected method Some::Class->replace_method(); # Calls our replacement method. $mock->override(...) # Override some more $mock = undef; # Undoes all the mocking, restoring all original methods. my $simple_mock = mock {} => ( add => [ is_active => sub { ... } ] ); $simple_mock->is_active(); # Calls our newly mocked method. =head1 EXPORTS =head2 DEFAULT =over 4 =item mock This is a one-stop shop function that delegates to one of the other methods depending on how it is used. If you are not comfortable with a function that has a lot of potential behaviors, you can use one of the other functions directly. =item @mocks = mocked($object) =item @mocks = mocked($class) Check if an object or class is mocked. If it is mocked the C<$mock> object(s) (L<Test2::Mock>) will be returned. =item $mock = mock $class => ( ... ); =item $mock = mock $instance => ( ... ) =item $mock = mock 'class', $class => ( ... ) These forms delegate to C<mock_class()> to mock a package. The third form is to be explicit about what type of mocking you want. =item $obj = mock() =item $obj = mock { ... } =item $obj = mock 'obj', ...; These forms delegate to C<mock_obj()> to create instances of anonymous packages where methods are vivified into existence as needed. =item mock $mock => sub { ... } =item mock $method => ( ... ) These forms go together, the first form will set C<$mock> as the current mock build, then run the sub. Within the sub you can declare mock specifications using the second form. The first form delegates to C<mock_build()>. The second form calls the specified method on the current build. This second form delegates to C<mock_do()>. =back =head2 BY REQUEST =head3 DEFINING MOCKS =over 4 =item $obj = mock_obj( ... ) =item $obj = mock_obj { ... } => ( ... ) =item $obj = mock_obj sub { ... } =item $obj = mock_obj { ... } => sub { ... } This method lets you quickly generate a blessed object. The object will be an instance of a randomly generated package name. Methods will vivify as read/write accessors as needed. Arguments can be any method available to L<Test2::Mock> followed by an argument. If the very first argument is a hashref then it will be blessed as your new object. If you provide a coderef instead of key/value pairs, the coderef will be run to build the mock. (See the L</"BUILDING MOCKS"> section). =item $mock = mock_class $class => ( ... ) =item $mock = mock_class $instance => ( ... ) =item $mock = mock_class ... => sub { ... } This will create a new instance of L<Test2::Mock> to control the package specified. If you give it a blessed reference it will use the class of the instance. Arguments can be any method available to L<Test2::Mock> followed by an argument. If the very first argument is a hashref then it will be blessed as your new object. If you provide a coderef instead of key/value pairs, the coderef will be run to build the mock. (See the L</"BUILDING MOCKS"> section). =back =head3 BUILDING MOCKS =over 4 =item mock_build $mock => sub { ... } Set C<$mock> as the current build, then run the specified code. C<$mock> will no longer be the current build when the sub is complete. =item $mock = mock_building() Get the current building C<$mock> object. =item mock_do $method => $args Run the specified method on the currently building object. =back =head3 METHOD GENERATORS =over 4 =item $sub = mock_accessor $field Generate a read/write accessor for the specified field. This will generate a sub like the following: $sub = sub { my $self = shift; ($self->{$field}) = @_ if @_; return $self->{$field}; }; =item $sub = mock_getter $field Generate a read only accessor for the specified field. This will generate a sub like the following: $sub = sub { my $self = shift; return $self->{$field}; }; =item $sub = mock_setter $field Generate a write accessor for the specified field. This will generate a sub like the following: $sub = sub { my $self = shift; ($self->{$field}) = @_; }; =item %pairs = mock_accessors(qw/name1 name2 name3/) Generates several read/write accessors at once, returns key/value pairs where the key is the field name, and the value is the coderef. =item %pairs = mock_getters(qw/name1 name2 name3/) Generates several read only accessors at once, returns key/value pairs where the key is the field name, and the value is the coderef. =item %pairs = mock_setters(qw/name1 name2 name3/) Generates several write accessors at once, returns key/value pairs where the key is the field name, and the value is the coderef. =back =head1 MOCK CONTROL OBJECTS my $mock = mock(...); Mock objects are instances of L<Test2::Mock>. See it for their methods. =head1 SOURCE The source code repository for Test2-Suite can be found at L<>. =head1 MAINTAINERS =over 4 =item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt> =back =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<> =cut