=over =item continue BLOCK X<continue> =item continue When followed by a BLOCK, L<C<continue>|/continue BLOCK> is actually a flow control statement rather than a function. If there is a L<C<continue>|/continue BLOCK> BLOCK attached to a BLOCK (typically in a C<while> or C<foreach>), it is always executed just before the conditional is about to be evaluated again, just like the third part of a C<for> loop in C. Thus it can be used to increment a loop variable, even when the loop has been continued via the L<C<next>|/next LABEL> statement (which is similar to the C L<C<continue>|/continue BLOCK> statement). L<C<last>|/last LABEL>, L<C<next>|/next LABEL>, or L<C<redo>|/redo LABEL> may appear within a L<C<continue>|/continue BLOCK> block; L<C<last>|/last LABEL> and L<C<redo>|/redo LABEL> behave as if they had been executed within the main block. So will L<C<next>|/next LABEL>, but since it will execute a L<C<continue>|/continue BLOCK> block, it may be more entertaining. while (EXPR) { ### redo always comes here do_something; } continue { ### next always comes here do_something_else; # then back to the top to re-check EXPR } ### last always comes here Omitting the L<C<continue>|/continue BLOCK> section is equivalent to using an empty one, logically enough, so L<C<next>|/next LABEL> goes directly back to check the condition at the top of the loop. When there is no BLOCK, L<C<continue>|/continue BLOCK> is a function that falls through the current C<when> or C<default> block instead of iterating a dynamically enclosing C<foreach> or exiting a lexically enclosing C<given>. In Perl 5.14 and earlier, this form of L<C<continue>|/continue BLOCK> was only available when the L<C<"switch"> feature|feature/The 'switch' feature> was enabled. See L<feature> and L<perlsyn/"Switch Statements"> for more information. =back