
X<sysseek> X<lseek>

Sets FILEHANDLE's system position I<in bytes> using L<lseek(2)>.  FILEHANDLE may
be an expression whose value gives the name of the filehandle.  The values
for WHENCE are C<0> to set the new position to POSITION; C<1> to set it
to the current position plus POSITION; and C<2> to set it to EOF plus
POSITION, typically negative.

Note the emphasis on bytes: even if the filehandle has been set to operate
on characters (for example using the C<:encoding(UTF-8)> I/O layer), the
L<C<tell>|/tell FILEHANDLE>, and
family of functions use byte offsets, not character offsets,
because seeking to a character offset would be very slow in a UTF-8 file.

L<C<sysseek>|/sysseek FILEHANDLE,POSITION,WHENCE> bypasses normal
buffered IO, so mixing it with reads other than
L<C<sysread>|/sysread FILEHANDLE,SCALAR,LENGTH,OFFSET> (for example
L<C<readline>|/readline EXPR> or
L<C<print>|/print FILEHANDLE LIST>, L<C<write>|/write FILEHANDLE>,
L<C<tell>|/tell FILEHANDLE>, or L<C<eof>|/eof FILEHANDLE> may cause

For WHENCE, you may also use the constants C<SEEK_SET>, C<SEEK_CUR>,
and C<SEEK_END> (start of the file, current position, end of the file)
from the L<Fcntl> module.  Use of the constants is also more portable
than relying on 0, 1, and 2.  For example to define a "systell" function:

    use Fcntl 'SEEK_CUR';
    sub systell { sysseek($_[0], 0, SEEK_CUR) }

Returns the new position, or the undefined value on failure.  A position
of zero is returned as the string C<"0 but true">; thus
L<C<sysseek>|/sysseek FILEHANDLE,POSITION,WHENCE> returns
true on success and false on failure, yet you can still easily determine
the new position.
