=over =item uc EXPR X<uc> X<uppercase> X<toupper> =item uc Returns an uppercased version of EXPR. If EXPR is omitted, uses L<C<$_>|perlvar/$_>. my $str = uc("Perl is GREAT"); # "PERL IS GREAT" This function behaves the same way under various pragmas, such as in a locale, as L<C<lc>|/lc EXPR> does. If you want titlecase mapping on initial letters see L<C<ucfirst>|/ucfirst EXPR> instead. B<Note:> This is the internal function implementing the L<C<\U>|perlop/"Quote and Quote-like Operators"> escape in double-quoted strings. my $str = "Perl is \Ugreat\E"; # "Perl is GREAT" =back