=over =item unshift ARRAY,LIST X<unshift> Add one or more elements to the B<beginning> of an array. This is the opposite of a L<C<shift>|/shift ARRAY>. my @animals = ("cat"); unshift(@animals, "mouse"); # ("mouse", "cat") my @colors = ("red"); unshift(@colors, ("blue", "green")); # ("blue", "green", "red") Returns the new number of elements in the updated array. # Return value is the number of items in the updated array my $color_count = unshift(@colors, ("yellow", "purple")); say "There are $color_count colors in the updated array"; Note the LIST is prepended whole, not one element at a time, so the prepended elements stay in the same order. Use L<C<reverse>|/reverse LIST> to do the reverse. Starting with Perl 5.14, an experimental feature allowed L<C<unshift>|/unshift ARRAY,LIST> to take a scalar expression. This experiment has been deemed unsuccessful, and was removed as of Perl 5.24. =back