
=item warn LIST
X<warn> X<warning> X<STDERR>

Emits a warning, usually by printing it to C<STDERR>.  C<warn> interprets
its operand LIST in the same way as C<die>, but is slightly different
in what it defaults to when LIST is empty or makes an empty string.
If it is empty and L<C<$@>|perlvar/$@> already contains an exception
value then that value is used after appending C<"\t...caught">.  If it
is empty and C<$@> is also empty then the string C<"Warning: Something's
wrong"> is used.

By default, the exception derived from the operand LIST is stringified
and printed to C<STDERR>.  This behaviour can be altered by installing
a L<C<$SIG{__WARN__}>|perlvar/%SIG> handler.  If there is such a
handler then no message is automatically printed; it is the handler's
responsibility to deal with the exception
as it sees fit (like, for instance, converting it into a
L<C<die>|/die LIST>).  Most
handlers must therefore arrange to actually display the
warnings that they are not prepared to deal with, by calling
L<C<warn>|/warn LIST>
again in the handler.  Note that this is quite safe and will not
produce an endless loop, since C<__WARN__> hooks are not called from
inside one.

You will find this behavior is slightly different from that of
L<C<$SIG{__DIE__}>|perlvar/%SIG> handlers (which don't suppress the
error text, but can instead call L<C<die>|/die LIST> again to change

Using a C<__WARN__> handler provides a powerful way to silence all
warnings (even the so-called mandatory ones).  An example:

    # wipe out *all* compile-time warnings
    BEGIN { $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { warn $_[0] if $DOWARN } }
    my $foo = 10;
    my $foo = 20;          # no warning about duplicate my $foo,
                           # but hey, you asked for it!
    # no compile-time or run-time warnings before here
    $DOWARN = 1;

    # run-time warnings enabled after here
    warn "\$foo is alive and $foo!";     # does show up

See L<perlvar> for details on setting L<C<%SIG>|perlvar/%SIG> entries
and for more
examples.  See the L<Carp> module for other kinds of warnings using its
C<carp> and C<cluck> functions.
