package TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession; use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use File::Path; use Carp; use base 'TAP::Formatter::Console::Session'; use constant WIDTH => 72; # Because Eric says my %shared; sub _initialize { my ( $self, $arg_for ) = @_; $self->SUPER::_initialize($arg_for); my $formatter = $self->formatter; # Horrid bodge. This creates our shared context per harness. Maybe # TAP::Harness should give us this? my $context = $shared{$formatter} ||= $self->_create_shared_context; push @{ $context->{active} }, $self; return $self; } sub _create_shared_context { my $self = shift; return { active => [], tests => 0, fails => 0, }; } =head1 NAME TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession - Harness output delegate for parallel console output =head1 VERSION Version 3.50 =cut our $VERSION = '3.50'; =head1 DESCRIPTION This provides console orientated output formatting for L when run with multiple L. =head1 SYNOPSIS =cut =head1 METHODS =head2 Class Methods =head3 C
Output test preamble =cut sub header { } sub _clear_ruler { my $self = shift; $self->formatter->_output( "\r" . ( ' ' x WIDTH ) . "\r" ); } my $now = 0; my $start; my $trailer = '... )==='; my $chop_length = WIDTH - length $trailer; sub _output_ruler { my ( $self, $refresh ) = @_; my $new_now = time; return if $new_now == $now and !$refresh; $now = $new_now; $start ||= $now; my $formatter = $self->formatter; return if $formatter->really_quiet; my $context = $shared{$formatter}; my $ruler = sprintf '===( %7d;%d ', $context->{tests}, $now - $start; for my $active ( @{ $context->{active} } ) { my $parser = $active->parser; my $tests = $parser->tests_run; my $planned = $parser->tests_planned || '?'; $ruler .= sprintf '%' . length($planned) . "d/$planned ", $tests; } chop $ruler; # Remove a trailing space $ruler .= ')==='; if ( length $ruler > WIDTH ) { $ruler =~ s/(.{$chop_length}).*/$1$trailer/o; } else { $ruler .= '=' x ( WIDTH - length($ruler) ); } $formatter->_output("\r$ruler"); } =head3 C Called by the harness for each line of TAP it receives . =cut sub result { my ( $self, $result ) = @_; my $formatter = $self->formatter; # my $really_quiet = $formatter->really_quiet; # my $show_count = $self->_should_show_count; if ( $result->is_test ) { my $context = $shared{$formatter}; $context->{tests}++; my $active = $context->{active}; if ( @$active == 1 ) { # There is only one test, so use the serial output format. return $self->SUPER::result($result); } $self->_output_ruler( $self->parser->tests_run == 1 ); } elsif ( $result->is_bailout ) { $formatter->_failure_output( "Bailout called. Further testing stopped: " . $result->explanation . "\n" ); } } =head3 C =cut sub clear_for_close { my $self = shift; my $formatter = $self->formatter; return if $formatter->really_quiet; my $context = $shared{$formatter}; if ( @{ $context->{active} } == 1 ) { $self->SUPER::clear_for_close; } else { $self->_clear_ruler; } } =head3 C =cut sub close_test { my $self = shift; my $name = $self->name; my $parser = $self->parser; my $formatter = $self->formatter; my $context = $shared{$formatter}; $self->SUPER::close_test; my $active = $context->{active}; my @pos = grep { $active->[$_]->name eq $name } 0 .. $#$active; die "Can't find myself" unless @pos; splice @$active, $pos[0], 1; if ( @$active > 1 ) { $self->_output_ruler(1); } elsif ( @$active == 1 ) { # Print out "test/name.t ...." $active->[0]->SUPER::header; } else { # $self->formatter->_output("\n"); delete $shared{$formatter}; } } 1;