=over =item each HASH X<each> X<hash, iterator> =item each ARRAY X<array, iterator> When called on a hash in list context, returns a 2-element list consisting of the key and value for the next element of a hash. In Perl 5.12 and later only, it will also return the index and value for the next element of an array so that you can iterate over it; older Perls consider this a syntax error. When called in scalar context, returns only the key (not the value) in a hash, or the index in an array. Hash entries are returned in an apparently random order. The actual random order is specific to a given hash; the exact same series of operations on two hashes may result in a different order for each hash. Any insertion into the hash may change the order, as will any deletion, with the exception that the most recent key returned by L<C<each>|/each HASH> or L<C<keys>|/keys HASH> may be deleted without changing the order. So long as a given hash is unmodified you may rely on L<C<keys>|/keys HASH>, L<C<values>|/values HASH> and L<C<each>|/each HASH> to repeatedly return the same order as each other. See L<perlsec/"Algorithmic Complexity Attacks"> for details on why hash order is randomized. Aside from the guarantees provided here, the exact details of Perl's hash algorithm and the hash traversal order are subject to change in any release of Perl. After L<C<each>|/each HASH> has returned all entries from the hash or array, the next call to L<C<each>|/each HASH> returns the empty list in list context and L<C<undef>|/undef EXPR> in scalar context; the next call following I<that> one restarts iteration. Each hash or array has its own internal iterator, accessed by L<C<each>|/each HASH>, L<C<keys>|/keys HASH>, and L<C<values>|/values HASH>. The iterator is implicitly reset when L<C<each>|/each HASH> has reached the end as just described; it can be explicitly reset by calling L<C<keys>|/keys HASH> or L<C<values>|/values HASH> on the hash or array, or by referencing the hash (but not array) in list context. If you add or delete a hash's elements while iterating over it, the effect on the iterator is unspecified; for example, entries may be skipped or duplicated--so don't do that. Exception: It is always safe to delete the item most recently returned by L<C<each>|/each HASH>, so the following code works properly: while (my ($key, $value) = each %hash) { print $key, "\n"; delete $hash{$key}; # This is safe } Tied hashes may have a different ordering behaviour to perl's hash implementation. The iterator used by C<each> is attached to the hash or array, and is shared between all iteration operations applied to the same hash or array. Thus all uses of C<each> on a single hash or array advance the same iterator location. All uses of C<each> are also subject to having the iterator reset by any use of C<keys> or C<values> on the same hash or array, or by the hash (but not array) being referenced in list context. This makes C<each>-based loops quite fragile: it is easy to arrive at such a loop with the iterator already part way through the object, or to accidentally clobber the iterator state during execution of the loop body. It's easy enough to explicitly reset the iterator before starting a loop, but there is no way to insulate the iterator state used by a loop from the iterator state used by anything else that might execute during the loop body. This extends to using C<each> on the result of an anonymous hash or array constructor. A new underlying array or hash is created each time so each will always start iterating from scratch, eg: # loops forever while (my ($key, $value) = each %{ +{ a => 1 } }) { print "$key=$value\n"; } To avoid these problems resulting from the hash-embedded iterator, use a L<C<foreach>|perlsyn/"Foreach Loops"> loop rather than C<while>-C<each>. As of Perl 5.36, you can iterate over both keys and values directly with a multiple-value C<foreach> loop. # retrieves the keys one time for iteration # iteration is unaffected by any operations on %hash within foreach my $key (keys %hash) { my $value = $hash{$key}; $hash{$key} = {keys => scalar keys %hash, outer => [%hash]}; some_function_that_may_mess_with(\%hash, $key, $value); $hash{"new$key"} = delete $hash{$key}; } # Perl 5.36+ foreach my ($key, $value) (%{ +{ a => 1 } }) { print "$key=$value\n"; } This prints out your environment like the L<printenv(1)> program, but in a different order: while (my ($key,$value) = each %ENV) { print "$key=$value\n"; } Starting with Perl 5.14, an experimental feature allowed L<C<each>|/each HASH> to take a scalar expression. This experiment has been deemed unsuccessful, and was removed as of Perl 5.24. As of Perl 5.18 you can use a bare L<C<each>|/each HASH> in a C<while> loop, which will set L<C<$_>|perlvar/$_> on every iteration. If either an C<each> expression or an explicit assignment of an C<each> expression to a scalar is used as a C<while>/C<for> condition, then the condition actually tests for definedness of the expression's value, not for its regular truth value. while (each %ENV) { print "$_=$ENV{$_}\n"; } To avoid confusing would-be users of your code who are running earlier versions of Perl with mysterious syntax errors, put this sort of thing at the top of your file to signal that your code will work I<only> on Perls of a recent vintage: use v5.12; # so keys/values/each work on arrays use v5.18; # so each assigns to $_ in a lone while test See also L<C<keys>|/keys HASH>, L<C<values>|/values HASH>, and L<C<sort>|/sort SUBNAME LIST>. =back