=head2 Pragmatic Modules They work somewhat like compiler directives (pragmata) in that they tend to affect the compilation of your program, and thus will usually work well only when used within a C, or C. Most of these are lexically scoped, so an inner BLOCK may countermand them by saying: no integer; no strict 'refs'; no warnings; which lasts until the end of that BLOCK. Some pragmas are lexically scoped--typically those that affect the C<$^H> hints variable. Others affect the current package instead, like C and C, which allow you to predeclare a variables or subroutines within a particular I rather than just a block. Such declarations are effective for the entire file for which they were declared. You cannot rescind them with C or C. The following pragmas are defined (and have their own documentation). =over 12 =item * B<<< L<< attributes >> >>> - Get/set subroutine or variable attributes =item * B<<< L<< attrs >> >>> - Set/get attributes of a subroutine (deprecated) =item * B<<< L<< autouse >> >>> - Postpone load of modules until a function is used =item * B<<< L<< base >> >>> - Establish IS-A relationship with base class at compile time =item * B<<< L<< blib >> >>> - Use MakeMaker's uninstalled version of a package =item * B<<< L<< caller >> >>> - Inherit pragmatic attributes from caller's context =item * B<<< L<< charnames >> >>> - Define character names for C<\N{named}> string literal escape. =item * B<<< L<< constant >> >>> - Declare constants =item * B<<< L<< diagnostics >> >>> - Force verbose warning diagnostics =item * B<<< L<< fields >> >>> - Declare a class's attribute fields at compile-time =item * B<<< L<< filetest >> >>> - Control the filetest operators like C<-r>, C<-w> for AFS, etc. =item * B<<< L<< integer >> >>> - Compute arithmetic in integer instead of double =item * B<<< L<< less >> >>> - Request less of something from the compiler (unimplemented) =item * B<<< L<< lib >> >>> - Manipulate @INC at compile time =item * B<<< L<< locale >> >>> - Use or avoid POSIX locales for built-in operations =item * B<<< L<< ops >> >>> - Restrict unsafe operations when compiling =item * B<<< L<< overload >> >>> - Overload Perl operations =item * B<<< L<< re >> >>> - Alter regular expression behavior =item * B<<< L<< sigtrap >> >>> - Enable simple signal handling =item * B<<< L<< strict >> >>> - Restrict unsafe constructs =item * B<<< L<< subs >> >>> - Predeclare subroutine names =item * B<<< L<< utf8 >> >>> - Turn on UTF-8 and Unicode support =item * B<<< L<< vars >> >>> - Predeclare global variable names (obsoleted by our()) =item * B<<< L<< warnings >> >>> - Control optional warnings =back =head2 Standard Modules Standard, bundled modules are all expected to behave in a well-defined manner with respect to namespace pollution because they use the Exporter module. See their own documentation for details. =over 12 =item * B<<< L<< AnyDBM_File >> >>> - Provide framework for multiple DBM libraries =item * B<<< L<< AutoLoader >> >>> - Load subroutines only on demand =item * B<<< L<< AutoSplit >> >>> - Split a package for autoloading =item * B<<< L<< B >> >>> - Guts of the Perl code generator (aka compiler) =item * B<<< L<< B::Asmdata >> >>> - Autogenerated data about Perl ops, used to generate bytecode =item * B<<< L<< B::Assembler >> >>> - Assemble Perl bytecode =item * B<<< L<< B::Bblock >> >>> - Walk basic blocks =item * B<<< L<< B::Bytecode >> >>> - Perl compiler's bytecode backend =item * B<<< L<< B::C >> >>> - Perl compiler's C backend =item * B<<< L<< B::CC >> >>> - Perl compiler's optimized C translation backend =item * B<<< L<< B::Debug >> >>> - Walk Perl syntax tree, printing debug info about ops =item * B<<< L<< B::Deparse >> >>> - Perl compiler backend to produce Perl code =item * B<<< L<< B::Disassembler >> >>> - Disassemble Perl bytecode =item * B<<< L<< B::Lint >> >>> - Module to catch dubious constructs =item * B<<< L<< B::Showlex >> >>> - Show lexical variables used in functions or files =item * B<<< L<< B::Stackobj >> >>> - Helper module for CC backend B::Stash -- XXX NFI XXX =item * B<<< L<< B::Terse >> >>> - Walk Perl syntax tree, printing terse info about ops =item * B<<< L<< B::Xref >> >>> - Generates cross reference reports for Perl programs =item * B<<< L<< Benchmark >> >>> - Benchmark running times of code =item * B<<< L<< ByteLoader >> >>> - Load byte-compiled Perl code =item * B<<< L<< CGI >> >>> - Simple Common Gateway Interface class =item * B<<< L<< CGI::Apache >> >>> - Make things work with CGI.pm against Perl-Apache API =item * B<<< L<< CGI::Carp >> >>> - CGI routines for writing to the HTTPD (or other) error log =item * B<<< L<< CGI::Cookie >> >>> - Interface to Netscape Cookies =item * B<<< L<< CGI::Fast >> >>> - CGI Interface for Fast CGI =item * B<<< L<< CGI::Pretty >> >>> - Module to produce nicely formatted HTML code =item * B<<< L<< CGI::Push >> >>> - Simple Interface to Server Push =item * B<<< L<< CGI::Switch >> >>> - Try more than one constructors and return the first object available =item * B<<< L<< CPAN >> >>> - Query, download, and build Perl modules from CPAN sites =item * B<<< L<< CPAN::FirstTime >> >>> - Utility for CPAN::Config file initialization =item * B<<< L<< CPAN::Nox >> >>> - Wrapper around CPAN.pm without using any XS module =item * B<<< L<< Carp >> >>> - Act like warn/die from perspective of caller =item * B<<< L<< Carp::Heavy >> >>> - Carp guts =item * B<<< L<< Class::Struct >> >>> - Declare struct-like datatypes as Perl classes =item * B<<< L<< Config >> >>> - Access Perl configuration information =item * B<<< L<< Cwd >> >>> - Get pathname of current working directory =item * B<<< L<< DB >> >>> - Programmatic interface to the Perl debugging API (experimental) =item * B<<< L<< DB_File >> >>> - Perl5 access to Berkeley DB version 1.x =item * B<<< L<< Data::Dumper >> >>> - Serialize Perl data structures =item * B<<< L<< Devel::DProf >> >>> - A Perl execution profiler =item * B<<< L<< Devel::Peek >> >>> - A data debugging tool for the XS programmer =item * B<<< L<< Devel::SelfStubber >> >>> - Generate stubs for a SelfLoading module =item * B<<< L<< DirHandle >> >>> - Supply object methods for directory handles =item * B<<< L<< Dumpvalue >> >>> - Provide screen dump of Perl data =item * B<<< L<< DynaLoader >> >>> - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code =item * B<<< L<< English >> >>> - Use English (or awk) names for ugly punctuation variables =item * B<<< L<< Env >> >>> - Access environment variables as regular ones =item * B<<< L<< Errno >> >>> - Load the libc errno.h defines =item * B<<< L<< Exporter >> >>> - Implement default import method for modules =item * B<<< L<< Exporter::Heavy >> >>> - Exporter guts =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::Command >> >>> - Utilities to replace common Unix commands in Makefiles etc. =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::Embed >> >>> - Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ programs =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::Install >> >>> - Install files from here to there =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::Installed >> >>> - Inventory management of installed modules =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::Liblist >> >>> - Determine libraries to use and how to use them =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin >> >>> - Methods to override Unix behavior in ExtUtils::MakeMaker =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::MM_OS2 >> >>> - Methods to override Unix behavior in ExtUtils::MakeMaker =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::MM_Unix >> >>> - Methods used by ExtUtils::MakeMaker =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::MM_VMS >> >>> - Methods to override Unix behavior in ExtUtils::MakeMaker =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::MM_Win32 >> >>> - Methods to override Unix behavior in ExtUtils::MakeMaker =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::MakeMaker >> >>> - Create an extension Makefile =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::Manifest >> >>> - Utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file ExtUtils::Miniperl, writemain - Write the C code for perlmain.c =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap >> >>> - Make a bootstrap file for use by DynaLoader =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::Mksymlists >> >>> - Write linker options files for dynamic extension =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::Packlist >> >>> - Manage .packlist files =item * B<<< L<< ExtUtils::testlib >> >>> - Add blib/* directories to @INC =item * B<<< L<< Fatal >> >>> - Replace functions with equivalents which succeed or die =item * B<<< L<< Fcntl >> >>> - Load the libc fcntl.h defines =item * B<<< L<< File::Basename >> >>> - Split a pathname into pieces =item * B<<< L<< File::CheckTree >> >>> - Run many filetest checks on a tree =item * B<<< L<< File::Compare >> >>> - Compare files or filehandles =item * B<<< L<< File::Copy >> >>> - Copy files or filehandles =item * B<<< L<< File::DosGlob >> >>> - DOS-like globbing and then some =item * B<<< L<< File::Find >> >>> - Traverse a file tree =item * B<<< L<< File::Glob >> >>> - Perl extension for BSD filename globbing =item * B<<< L<< File::Path >> >>> - Create or remove a series of directories =item * B<<< L<< File::Spec >> >>> - Portably perform operations on file names =item * B<<< L<< File::Spec::Functions >> >>> - Portably perform operations on file names =item * B<<< L<< File::Spec::Mac >> >>> - File::Spec for MacOS =item * B<<< L<< File::Spec::OS2 >> >>> - Methods for OS/2 file specs =item * B<<< L<< File::Spec::Unix >> >>> - Methods used by File::Spec =item * B<<< L<< File::Spec::VMS >> >>> - Methods for VMS file specs =item * B<<< L<< File::Spec::Win32 >> >>> - Methods for Win32 file specs =item * B<<< L<< File::stat >> >>> - By-name interface to Perl's built-in stat() functions =item * B<<< L<< FileCache >> >>> - Keep more files open than the system permits =item * B<<< L<< FileHandle >> >>> - Supply object methods for filehandles =item * B<<< L<< FindBin >> >>> - Locate installation directory of running Perl program =item * B<<< L<< GDBM_File >> >>> - Access to the gdbm library =item * B<<< L<< Getopt::Long >> >>> - Extended processing of command line options =item * B<<< L<< Getopt::Std >> >>> - Process single-character switches with switch clustering =item * B<<< L<< I18N::Collate >> >>> - Compare 8-bit scalar data according to current locale =item * B<<< L<< IO >> >>> - Front-end to load various IO modules =item * B<<< L<< IO::Dir >> >>> - Supply object methods for directory handles =item * B<<< L<< IO::File >> >>> - Supply object methods for filehandles =item * B<<< L<< IO::Handle >> >>> - Supply object methods for I/O handles =item * B<<< L<< IO::Pipe >> >>> - Supply object methods for pipes =item * B<<< L<< IO::Poll >> >>> - Object interface to system poll call =item * B<<< L<< IO::Seekable >> >>> - Supply seek based methods for I/O objects =item * B<<< L<< IO::Select >> >>> - OO interface to the select system call =item * B<<< L<< IO::Socket >> >>> - Object interface to socket communications =item * B<<< L<< IO::Socket::INET >> >>> - Object interface for AF_INET domain sockets =item * B<<< L<< IO::Socket::UNIX >> >>> - Object interface for AF_UNIX domain sockets =item * B<<< L<< IPC::Msg >> >>> - SysV Msg IPC object class =item * B<<< L<< IPC::Open2 >> >>> - Open a process for both reading and writing =item * B<<< L<< IPC::Open3 >> >>> - Open a process for reading, writing, and error handling =item * B<<< L<< IPC::Semaphore >> >>> - SysV Semaphore IPC object class =item * B<<< L<< IPC::SysV >> >>> - SysV IPC constants =item * B<<< L<< Math::BigFloat >> >>> - Arbitrary length float math package =item * B<<< L<< Math::BigInt >> >>> - Arbitrary size integer math package =item * B<<< L<< Math::Complex >> >>> - Complex numbers and associated mathematical functions =item * B<<< L<< Math::Trig >> >>> - Trigonometric functions =item * B<<< L<< Net::Ping >> >>> - Check a remote host for reachability =item * B<<< L<< Net::hostent >> >>> - By-name interface to Perl's built-in gethost*() functions =item * B<<< L<< Net::netent >> >>> - By-name interface to Perl's built-in getnet*() functions =item * B<<< L<< Net::protoent >> >>> - By-name interface to Perl's built-in getproto*() functions =item * B<<< L<< Net::servent >> >>> - By-name interface to Perl's built-in getserv*() functions =item * B<<< L<< O >> >>> - Generic interface to Perl Compiler backends =item * B<<< L<< Opcode >> >>> - Disable named opcodes when compiling Perl code =item * B<<< L<< POSIX >> >>> - Perl interface to IEEE Std 1003.1 =item * B<<< L<< Pod::Checker >> >>> - Check pod documents for syntax errors =item * B<<< L<< Pod::Html >> >>> - Module to convert pod files to HTML =item * B<<< L<< Pod::InputObjects >> >>> - Manage POD objects =item * B<<< L<< Pod::Man >> >>> - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input =item * B<<< L<< Pod::Parser >> >>> - Base class for creating POD filters and translators =item * B<<< L<< Pod::Select >> >>> - Extract selected sections of POD from input =item * B<<< L<< Pod::Text >> >>> - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text =item * B<<< L<< Pod::Text::Color >> >>> - Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text =item * B<<< L<< Pod::Usage >> >>> - Print a usage message from embedded pod documentation =item * B<<< L<< SDBM_File >> >>> - Tied access to sdbm files =item * B<<< L<< Safe >> >>> - Compile and execute code in restricted compartments =item * B<<< L<< Search::Dict >> >>> - Search for key in dictionary file =item * B<<< L<< SelectSaver >> >>> - Save and restore selected file handle =item * B<<< L<< SelfLoader >> >>> - Load functions only on demand =item * B<<< L<< Shell >> >>> - Run shell commands transparently within Perl =item * B<<< L<< Socket >> >>> - Load the libc socket.h defines and structure manipulators =item * B<<< L<< Symbol >> >>> - Manipulate Perl symbols and their names =item * B<<< L<< Sys::Hostname >> >>> - Try every conceivable way to get hostname =item * B<<< L<< Sys::Syslog >> >>> - Interface to the libc syslog(3) calls =item * B<<< L<< Term::Cap >> >>> - Termcap interface =item * B<<< L<< Term::Complete >> >>> - Word completion module =item * B<<< L<< Term::ReadLine >> >>> - Interface to various `readline' packages. =item * B<<< L<< Test >> >>> - Provides a simple framework for writing test scripts =item * B<<< L<< Test::Harness >> >>> - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics =item * B<<< L<< Text::Abbrev >> >>> - Create an abbreviation table from a list =item * B<<< L<< Text::ParseWords >> >>> - Parse text into a list of tokens or array of arrays =item * B<<< L<< Text::Soundex >> >>> - Implementation of the Soundex Algorithm as described by Knuth Text::Tabs -- expand and unexpand tabs per expand(1) and unexpand(1) =item * B<<< L<< Text::Wrap >> >>> - Line wrapping to form simple paragraphs =item * B<<< L<< Tie::Array >> >>> - Base class for tied arrays =item * B<<< L<< Tie::Handle >> >>> - Base class definitions for tied handles =item * B<<< L<< Tie::Hash >> >>> - Base class definitions for tied hashes =item * B<<< L<< Tie::RefHash >> >>> - Use references as hash keys =item * B<<< L<< Tie::Scalar >> >>> - Base class definitions for tied scalars =item * B<<< L<< Tie::SubstrHash >> >>> - Fixed-table-size, fixed-key-length hashing =item * B<<< L<< Time::Local >> >>> - Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time =item * B<<< L<< Time::gmtime >> >>> - By-name interface to Perl's built-in gmtime() function =item * B<<< L<< Time::localtime >> >>> - By-name interface to Perl's built-in localtime() function =item * B<<< L<< Time::tm >> >>> - Internal object used by Time::gmtime and Time::localtime =item * B<<< L<< UNIVERSAL >> >>> - Base class for ALL classes (blessed references) =item * B<<< L<< User::grent >> >>> - By-name interface to Perl's built-in getgr*() functions =item * B<<< L<< User::pwent >> >>> - By-name interface to Perl's built-in getpw*() functions =back