package Math::BigInt; use 5.005; use strict; # use warnings; # dont use warnings for older Perls use vars qw/$VERSION/; $VERSION = '0.02'; # See SYNOPSIS below. my $CALC_EMU; BEGIN { $CALC_EMU = Math::BigInt->config()->{'lib'}; } sub __emu_blog { my ($self,$x,$base,@r) = @_; return $x->bnan() if $x->is_zero() || $base->is_zero() || $base->is_one(); my $acmp = $x->bacmp($base); return $x->bone('+',@r) if $acmp == 0; return $x->bzero(@r) if $acmp < 0 || $x->is_one(); # blog($x,$base) ** $base + $y = $x # this trial multiplication is very fast, even for large counts (like for # 2 ** 1024, since this still requires only 1024 very fast steps # (multiplication of a large number by a very small number is very fast)) # See Calc for an even faster algorightmn my $x_org = $x->copy(); # preserve orgx $x->bzero(); # keep ref to $x my $trial = $base->copy(); while ($trial->bacmp($x_org) <= 0) { $trial->bmul($base); $x->binc(); } $x->round(@r); } sub __emu_bmodinv { my ($self,$x,$y,@r) = @_; my ($u, $u1) = ($self->bzero(), $self->bone()); my ($a, $b) = ($y->copy(), $x->copy()); # first step need always be done since $num (and thus $b) is never 0 # Note that the loop is aligned so that the check occurs between #2 and #1 # thus saving us one step #2 at the loop end. Typical loop count is 1. Even # a case with 28 loops still gains about 3% with this layout. my $q; ($a, $q, $b) = ($b, $a->bdiv($b)); # step #1 # Euclid's Algorithm (calculate GCD of ($a,$b) in $a and also calculate # two values in $u and $u1, we use only $u1 afterwards) my $sign = 1; # flip-flop while (!$b->is_zero()) # found GCD if $b == 0 { # the original algorithm had: # ($u, $u1) = ($u1, $u->bsub($u1->copy()->bmul($q))); # step #2 # The following creates exact the same sequence of numbers in $u1, # except for the sign ($u1 is now always positive). Since formerly # the sign of $u1 was alternating between '-' and '+', the $sign # flip-flop will take care of that, so that at the end of the loop # we have the real sign of $u1. Keeping numbers positive gains us # speed since badd() is faster than bsub() and makes it possible # to have the algorithmn in Calc for even more speed. ($u, $u1) = ($u1, $u->badd($u1->copy()->bmul($q))); # step #2 $sign = - $sign; # flip sign ($a, $q, $b) = ($b, $a->bdiv($b)); # step #1 again } # If the gcd is not 1, then return NaN! It would be pointless to have # called bgcd to check this first, because we would then be performing # the same Euclidean Algorithm *twice* in case the gcd is 1. return $x->bnan() unless $a->is_one(); $u1->bneg() if $sign != 1; # need to flip? $u1->bmod($y); # calc result $x->{value} = $u1->{value}; # and copy over to $x $x->{sign} = $u1->{sign}; # to modify in place $x->round(@r); } sub __emu_bmodpow { my ($self,$num,$exp,$mod,@r) = @_; # in the trivial case, return $num->bzero(@r) if $mod->is_one(); return $num->bone('+',@r) if $num->is_zero() or $num->is_one(); # $num->bmod($mod); # if $x is large, make it smaller first my $acc = $num->copy(); # but this is not really faster... $num->bone(); # keep ref to $num my $expbin = $exp->as_bin(); $expbin =~ s/^[-]?0b//; # ignore sign and prefix my $len = CORE::length($expbin); while (--$len >= 0) { $num->bmul($acc)->bmod($mod) if substr($expbin,$len,1) eq '1'; $acc->bmul($acc)->bmod($mod); } $num->round(@r); } sub __emu_bfac { my ($self,$x,@r) = @_; return $x->bone('+',@r) if $x->is_zero() || $x->is_one(); # 0 or 1 => 1 my $n = $x->copy(); $x->bone(); # seems we need not to temp. clear A/P of $x since the result is the same my $f = $self->new(2); while ($f->bacmp($n) < 0) { $x->bmul($f); $f->binc(); } $x->bmul($f,@r); # last step and also round result } sub __emu_bpow { my ($self,$x,$y,@r) = @_; return $x->bone('+',@r) if $y->is_zero(); return $x->round(@r) if $x->is_one() || $y->is_one(); return $x->round(@r) if $x->is_zero(); # 0**y => 0 (if not y <= 0) my $pow2 = $self->bone(); my $y_bin = $y->as_bin(); $y_bin =~ s/^0b//; my $len = CORE::length($y_bin); while (--$len > 0) { $pow2->bmul($x) if substr($y_bin,$len,1) eq '1'; # is odd? $x->bmul($x); } $x->bmul($pow2); $x->round(@r) if !exists $x->{_f} || $x->{_f} & MB_NEVER_ROUND == 0; $x; } sub __emu_band { my ($self,$x,$y,$sx,$sy,@r) = @_; return $x->bzero(@r) if $y->is_zero() || $x->is_zero(); my $sign = 0; # sign of result $sign = 1 if $sx == -1 && $sy == -1; my ($bx,$by); if ($sx == -1) # if x is negative { # two's complement: inc and flip all "bits" in $bx $bx = $x->binc()->as_hex(); # -1 => 0, -2 => 1, -3 => 2 etc $bx =~ s/-?0x//; $bx =~ tr/0123456789abcdef/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/; } else { $bx = $x->as_hex(); # get binary representation $bx =~ s/-?0x//; $bx =~ tr/fedcba9876543210/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/; } if ($sy == -1) # if y is negative { # two's complement: inc and flip all "bits" in $by $by = $y->copy()->binc()->as_hex(); # -1 => 0, -2 => 1, -3 => 2 etc $by =~ s/-?0x//; $by =~ tr/0123456789abcdef/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/; } else { $by = $y->as_hex(); # get binary representation $by =~ s/-?0x//; $by =~ tr/fedcba9876543210/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/; } # now we have bit-strings from X and Y, reverse them for padding $bx = reverse $bx; $by = reverse $by; # cut the longer string to the length of the shorter one (the result would # be 0 due to AND anyway) my $diff = CORE::length($bx) - CORE::length($by); if ($diff > 0) { $bx = substr($bx,0,CORE::length($by)); } elsif ($diff < 0) { $by = substr($by,0,CORE::length($bx)); } # and the strings together my $r = $bx & $by; # and reverse the result again $bx = reverse $r; # one of $x or $y was negative, so need to flip bits in the result # in both cases (one or two of them negative, or both positive) we need # to get the characters back. if ($sign == 1) { $bx =~ tr/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/0123456789abcdef/; } else { $bx =~ tr/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/fedcba9876543210/; } $bx = '0x' . $bx; if ($CALC_EMU->can('_from_hex')) { $x->{value} = $CALC_EMU->_from_hex( \$bx ); } else { $r = $self->new($bx); $x->{value} = $r->{value}; } # calculate sign of result $x->{sign} = '+'; #$x->{sign} = '-' if $sx == $sy && $sx == -1 && !$x->is_zero(); $x->{sign} = '-' if $sign == 1 && !$x->is_zero(); $x->bdec() if $sign == 1; $x->round(@r); } sub __emu_bior { my ($self,$x,$y,$sx,$sy,@r) = @_; return $x->round(@r) if $y->is_zero(); my $sign = 0; # sign of result $sign = 1 if ($sx == -1) || ($sy == -1); my ($bx,$by); if ($sx == -1) # if x is negative { # two's complement: inc and flip all "bits" in $bx $bx = $x->binc()->as_hex(); # -1 => 0, -2 => 1, -3 => 2 etc $bx =~ s/-?0x//; $bx =~ tr/0123456789abcdef/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/; } else { $bx = $x->as_hex(); # get binary representation $bx =~ s/-?0x//; $bx =~ tr/fedcba9876543210/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/; } if ($sy == -1) # if y is negative { # two's complement: inc and flip all "bits" in $by $by = $y->copy()->binc()->as_hex(); # -1 => 0, -2 => 1, -3 => 2 etc $by =~ s/-?0x//; $by =~ tr/0123456789abcdef/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/; } else { $by = $y->as_hex(); # get binary representation $by =~ s/-?0x//; $by =~ tr/fedcba9876543210/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/; } # now we have bit-strings from X and Y, reverse them for padding $bx = reverse $bx; $by = reverse $by; # padd the shorter string my $xx = "\x00"; $xx = "\x0f" if $sx == -1; my $yy = "\x00"; $yy = "\x0f" if $sy == -1; my $diff = CORE::length($bx) - CORE::length($by); if ($diff > 0) { $by .= $yy x $diff; } elsif ($diff < 0) { $bx .= $xx x abs($diff); } # or the strings together my $r = $bx | $by; # and reverse the result again $bx = reverse $r; # one of $x or $y was negative, so need to flip bits in the result # in both cases (one or two of them negative, or both positive) we need # to get the characters back. if ($sign == 1) { $bx =~ tr/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/0123456789abcdef/; } else { $bx =~ tr/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/fedcba9876543210/; } $bx = '0x' . $bx; if ($CALC_EMU->can('_from_hex')) { $x->{value} = $CALC_EMU->_from_hex( \$bx ); } else { $r = $self->new($bx); $x->{value} = $r->{value}; } # if one of X or Y was negative, we need to decrement result $x->bdec() if $sign == 1; $x->round(@r); } sub __emu_bxor { my ($self,$x,$y,$sx,$sy,@r) = @_; return $x->round(@r) if $y->is_zero(); my $sign = 0; # sign of result $sign = 1 if $x->{sign} ne $y->{sign}; my ($bx,$by); if ($sx == -1) # if x is negative { # two's complement: inc and flip all "bits" in $bx $bx = $x->binc()->as_hex(); # -1 => 0, -2 => 1, -3 => 2 etc $bx =~ s/-?0x//; $bx =~ tr/0123456789abcdef/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/; } else { $bx = $x->as_hex(); # get binary representation $bx =~ s/-?0x//; $bx =~ tr/fedcba9876543210/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/; } if ($sy == -1) # if y is negative { # two's complement: inc and flip all "bits" in $by $by = $y->copy()->binc()->as_hex(); # -1 => 0, -2 => 1, -3 => 2 etc $by =~ s/-?0x//; $by =~ tr/0123456789abcdef/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/; } else { $by = $y->as_hex(); # get binary representation $by =~ s/-?0x//; $by =~ tr/fedcba9876543210/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/; } # now we have bit-strings from X and Y, reverse them for padding $bx = reverse $bx; $by = reverse $by; # padd the shorter string my $xx = "\x00"; $xx = "\x0f" if $sx == -1; my $yy = "\x00"; $yy = "\x0f" if $sy == -1; my $diff = CORE::length($bx) - CORE::length($by); if ($diff > 0) { $by .= $yy x $diff; } elsif ($diff < 0) { $bx .= $xx x abs($diff); } # xor the strings together my $r = $bx ^ $by; # and reverse the result again $bx = reverse $r; # one of $x or $y was negative, so need to flip bits in the result # in both cases (one or two of them negative, or both positive) we need # to get the characters back. if ($sign == 1) { $bx =~ tr/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/0123456789abcdef/; } else { $bx =~ tr/\x0f\x0e\x0d\x0c\x0b\x0a\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00/fedcba9876543210/; } $bx = '0x' . $bx; if ($CALC_EMU->can('_from_hex')) { $x->{value} = $CALC_EMU->_from_hex( \$bx ); } else { $r = $self->new($bx); $x->{value} = $r->{value}; } # calculate sign of result $x->{sign} = '+'; $x->{sign} = '-' if $sx != $sy && !$x->is_zero(); $x->bdec() if $sign == 1; $x->round(@r); } sub __emu_bsqrt { my ($self,$x,@r) = @_; # this is slow: return $x->round(@r) if $x->is_zero(); # 0,1 => 0,1 return $x->bone('+',@r) if $x < 4; # 1,2,3 => 1 my $y = $x->copy(); my $l = int($x->length()/2); $x->bone(); # keep ref($x), but modify it $x->blsft($l,10) if $l != 0; # first guess: 1.('0' x (l/2)) my $last = $self->bzero(); my $two = $self->new(2); my $lastlast = $self->bzero(); #my $lastlast = $x+$two; while ($last != $x && $lastlast != $x) { $lastlast = $last; $last = $x->copy(); $x->badd($y / $x); $x->bdiv($two); } $x->bdec() if $x * $x > $y; # overshot? $x->round(@r); } sub __emu_broot { my ($self,$x,$y,@r) = @_; return $x->bsqrt() if $y->bacmp(2) == 0; # 2 => square root # since we take at least a cubic root, and only 8 ** 1/3 >= 2 (==2): return $x->bone('+',@r) if $x < 8; # $x=2..7 => 1 my $num = $x->numify(); if ($num <= 1000000) { $x = $self->new( int ( sprintf ("%.8f", $num ** (1 / $y->numify() )))); return $x->round(@r); } # if $n is a power of two, we can repeatedly take sqrt($X) and find the # proper result, because sqrt(sqrt($x)) == root($x,4) # See for more details my $b = $y->as_bin(); if ($b =~ /0b1(0+)$/) { my $count = CORE::length($1); # 0b100 => len('00') => 2 my $cnt = $count; # counter for loop my $shift = $self->new(6); $x->blsft($shift); # add some zeros (even amount) while ($cnt-- > 0) { # 'inflate' $X by adding more zeros $x->blsft($shift); # calculate sqrt($x), $x is now a bit too big, again. In the next # round we make even bigger, again. $x->bsqrt($x); } # $x is still to big, so truncate result $x->brsft($shift); } else { # trial computation by starting with 2,4,6,8,10 etc until we overstep my $step; my $trial = $self->new(2); my $two = $self->new(2); my $s_128 = $self->new(128); local undef $Math::BigInt::accuracy; local undef $Math::BigInt::precision; # while still to do more than X steps do { $step = $self->new(2); while ( $trial->copy->bpow($y)->bacmp($x) < 0) { $step->bmul($two); $trial->badd($step); } # hit exactly? if ( $trial->copy->bpow($y)->bacmp($x) == 0) { $x->{value} = $trial->{value}; # make copy while preserving ref to $x return $x->round(@r); } # overstepped, so go back on step $trial->bsub($step); } while ($step > $s_128); $step = $two->copy(); while ( $trial->copy->bpow($y)->bacmp($x) < 0) { $trial->badd($step); } # not hit exactly? if ( $x->bacmp( $trial->copy()->bpow($y) ) < 0) { $trial->bdec(); } # copy result into $x (preserve ref) $x->{value} = $trial->{value}; } $x->round(@r); } sub __emu_as_hex { my ($self,$x,$s) = @_; return '0x0' if $x->is_zero(); my $x1 = $x->copy()->babs(); my ($xr,$x10000,$h,$es); if ($] >= 5.006) { $x10000 = $self->new (0x10000); $h = 'h4'; } else { $x10000 = $self->new (0x1000); $h = 'h3'; } while (!$x1->is_zero()) { ($x1, $xr) = bdiv($x1,$x10000); $es .= unpack($h,pack('v',$xr->numify())); } $es = reverse $es; $es =~ s/^[0]+//; # strip leading zeros $s . '0x' . $es; } sub __emu_as_bin { my ($self,$x,$s) = @_; return '0b0' if $x->is_zero(); my $x1 = $x->copy()->babs(); my ($xr,$x10000,$b,$es); if ($] >= 5.006) { $x10000 = $self->new (0x10000); $b = 'b16'; } else { $x10000 = $self->new (0x1000); $b = 'b12'; } while (!$x1->is_zero()) { ($x1, $xr) = bdiv($x1,$x10000); $es .= unpack($b,pack('v',$xr->numify())); } $es = reverse $es; $es =~ s/^[0]+//; # strip leading zeros $s . '0b' . $es; } ############################################################################## ############################################################################## 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Math::BigInt::CalcEmu - Emulate low-level math with BigInt code =head1 SYNOPSIS Contains routines that emulate low-level math functions in BigInt, e.g. optional routines the low-level math package does not provide on it's own. Will be loaded on demand and automatically by BigInt. Stuff here is really low-priority to optimize, since it is far better to implement the operation in the low-level math libary directly, possible even using a call to the native lib. =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 METHODS =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHORS (c) Tels 2003 - based on BigInt code by Tels from 2001-2003. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L and L. =cut